a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence antifeminism creepy evil sexy ladies evil women grandiosity kitties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patronizing as heck PUA reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh

Pickup artist: "If God ever created a better replacement for women, we'd exterminate them overnight."

The problem — well, one of the many problems — with a lot of so-called pickup artists is that they think with their dicks, and then use their relatively underpowered brains to rationalize their dickular preferences as The Way The World Should Be.

By contrast, the problems with Lance Christopher, a so-called pickup artist who hangs out in the comments section on Roosh V’s Return of Kings blog, really start when he stops thinking with his dick.

 Lance Christopher • 7 days ago  I've always come back to this stark reality about women after I cum, and think is my dick my friend or enemy? Literally I'd go through tedious hours of the most boring conversations about bullshit. The moment I'd tried to bring up something substantial, it would be the same vapid look of cluelessness. So as an insurance policy to get the pussy, you just play along. But my God, how we (intelligent men) debase ourselves for these people. I've even tried to talk with some women about their respective fields of work and for the life of me, I don't understand how these bitches get jobs. I tried to go into a detailed discussion with this blonde the other day about why the Ukraine and Crimea are Russian due to the history of the Kievan Rus' and the Tsardom etc etc... (because her field is "international relations"), she said with a serious so-called academic look that, "I really focus on gender studies in the Mideast, mostly in Pakistan." So I said, "let me guess, the right of women to go to school in Islamic societies, right?" And bingo!!! She has a "Master's Degree" for this. Needless to say I got her business card despite her having a boyfriend (sorry man lol). If God ever created a better replacement for women, we'd exterminate them overnight.  3 • Reply • Share ›

Some dudes roll over and fall asleep the moment after they come; Mr. Christopher contemplates genocide because women don’t want to hear him pontificate about Ukrainian history.

In case you’re wondering, no one else in the discussion suggests that Mr. Christopher’s opinion here might be a teensy bit extreme.

No, the commenters happily share terrible opinion after terrible opinion about the inferior creatures known as women.

 SpaghettiBoy • 7 days ago  Pretty much what this boils down to is that women do not and cannot rationalize, visualize, believe in, conceptualize and realize the following ideas:  1) Philosophy 2) Science 3) God 4) Higher existence  They are, however, exceptionally gifted at direction their total existence with unwavering dedication towards:  1) Me, me, me, me, me, me, memememememmeme 2) Dick  And men are dogs? Nigga, please.  11 • Reply • Share ›

Oh, it gets worse.

 Brigadon • 7 days ago  And that's why you cannot treat women as having agency. The biggest mistake the catholic church ever made was in deciding that women were actually human. Humans are intelligent creatures capable of influencing their environment, responding cognitively to change, communicating meaningfully, and making informed decisions. Women are capable of a stilted form of communication that cannot convey real meaning, only emotional states. They have no agency, cannot meaningfully influence their environment, and cannot react cognitively to change or override their instincts to make informed decisions.  The only way to 'fix' things is to understand they they are at best animals capable of performing some simple tasks, and understand simple directions. Stop treating them like they should have some say in their own destiny or our shared culture, since their very nature precludes this possibility.  Hell, the very structure and exercise of 'Game' only works by acknowledging the complete inability of women to exercise control over their animal nature. If they were thinking creatures, game would never work. It indisputably does, which is undeniable proof of female lack of sapience.  You can love them, but love doesn't work if it exists in denial of reality... you are only hurting them and yourself by assuming that your love can be returned.  5 • Reply • Share ›

Cleanup in the pompous misogyny aisle!

You’ll notice that all of these comments have upvotes, by the way.

There may be some even more terrible comments in that thread, but I gave up reading them after a few screens full of this sort of garbage.

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10 years ago

Please, guys, stop thinking with your dicks and leave us alone. We beg of you. Our feeble female brains can’t handle your magnificence, so why do you keep inflicting it upon us?

10 years ago


10 years ago

This is iconic in its stupidity.

10 years ago

I really hope that baby in Brigadon’s avatar is himself as a baby. It’s really best for humanity if that POS doesn’t breed.

10 years ago

Consider my ghast flabbered. Not just treating women like they have no agency, but literally arguing that they have none to begin with. bwugh.

10 years ago

The worst mistake the catholic church ever made was in deciding that women were actually human … they are at best animals capable of performing simple tasks

For someone who mentioned women’s lack of comprehension of science earlier in his post, he doesn’t have a very sound grip on biology.

I almost want to look through his eyes, just to see what the world looks like. I imagine it as hilarious, but I’m sure it would actually just be terrifying and depressing.

10 years ago

Fail. Post conflation.

10 years ago

It’s amazing the things those guys tell themselves. What I want to know is if “game” works so well, why does the MGTOW admit that it doesn’t, and why are all the guys that are patting themselves on the back about their innate brilliance sitting on the computer complaining about getting no action?

10 years ago

I love manboobz. Because reading this anywhere else would have pissed me off, but here, it’s comedy gold.

I don’t know if it’s little brains or little dicks that are responsible for these primitive ideas. I suspect little dicks.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
10 years ago

I want to say something clever, but all I have is ‘ewww’.

10 years ago

Funny, isn’t it. The minute a woman suggests this is how some men – not all men, just some – think of us, we’re told what man-haters we are, and that Men Aren’t Like That. We’re told how insulting it is to suggest they think with their dicks.

Well, here it is. These losers are saying it themselves, right there for anyone to see. More proof of how difficult it is to Poe any of these self-infatuated idiots.

10 years ago

The comment section of ROK is pure gold when you are looking for ridiculous, illogical examples of misogyny to pass the time. Lance Christopher in particular specializes in multi-paragraph diatribes that somehow or other always relate back to how Islam in particular has done a fantastic job of keeping women “in line” and how women should be forced to wear burkas, etc etc.
It’s also funny to me that they claim women cannot conceptualize philosophy most of all. I’m a philosophy major and the most disapproving, judgmental people of that tend to be men working in business fields. I haven’t gotten the “What did the philosophy major say? Do you want fries with that” joke from any women, but I have gotten it from a few different men. Obviously, his list is idiotic, but that struck a particular note with me.

10 years ago

@tealily Stop Creepshaming! How dare you suggest that men who treat women as a means to a sexual but unsexy end spend lots of time bitter and alone!

10 years ago

Also, on Roosh’s ridiculous post “The Female Hierarchy of Needs” last week, which posited that women, if reduced to a third-world kind of situation, would react completely differently and stop being so focused on gender equality. I posted something (under a male pseudonym since female commentators are not allowed) saying that the entire article was ridiculous since ALL humans, male or female, would react differently if placed in a situation in which their most basic needs were not necessarily going to be filled. And that men in that situation would probably spend less time thinking about pick-up game and complaining about women. Somehow the comment got up voted and was the highest ranked for a while, which I found funny. But of course I was promptly banned and the first comment in response was the lovely “drop dead, faggot.” Just shows you the absolute brilliance and intelligence displayed by the ROK/Roosh commentators.

10 years ago

Women being manipulated by men doing Game = evidence of women being irrational programmable animals.

Women manipulating men using her feminine wiles to gold dig = evidence of men being irrational programmable animals. I’m kidding of course! It’s misandry!

10 years ago

The comments section of ROK is an absolute goldmine of illogical, laughable misogyny if you are looking for a way to pass the time. This Lance Christopher is an especially prolific commentator who often leaves multi-paragraph diatribes that inevitably relate to the gender relations of Islam and often insults Jews. He loves to posit that Christianity and other “permissive” religions (but ESPECIALLY Judaism) have led to the downfall of society, and that women should be forced to wear burkas, should not be allowed to be educated, blah blah blah. It’s a real indictment of the ROK commentators that THIS MAN is routinely up voted and considered to be one of the more intelligent voices.

10 years ago

Any other GoT fans here? Stannis and Davos would like to express their disgust with these dumbasses.

10 years ago

I’m trying to imagine the woman with the masters in international relations telling the story from her view point:

This idiot tried to pick me up and would not leave me alone. Found out I was in International Relations so mansplained to me about the Crimea. Could not get him to shut up. Finally got a word in edgeways & told him I had a Masters in gender studies in the Mideast, hoping to put him off or at least change the subject. Nope, he even mansplained my thesis to me. I told him I had a boyfriend – still couldn’t get rid of the parasite. In the end I gave him my “business card” – you know the one with the fake name and phone number on it. There’s an hour of my life I’ll never get back.

10 years ago
10 years ago

aw man, the link tag messed up,

10 years ago

Ukraine and Crimea are Russian? Piffle! Lancey-boy needs to have a little word with the Scythians about that. They have first dibs.

10 years ago

Exactly, titianblue. Isn’t it also funny how they get to choose what topics are interesting? The poor woman was probably bored and fed up with his arrogance.

10 years ago

Cersei needs a drink after listening to that bullshit

(i am so freakin’ excited for game of thrones)

10 years ago

Yeah, cloudiah, when we’re using the Crimean Rus as a thing that validates the Russian claim as opposed to just current geopolitical (and domestic) realities, you might as well say that the Vikings have first claim to the Crimea.

And why aren’t I living in the Kingdom of Ystrad Clud? Misandry, that’s why!

10 years ago

Sorry, I assumed this was on Roosh’s thing, not RoK.

Return of Kings is Roosh’s blog.

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