a voice for men GirlWritesWhat johntheother paul elam TyphonBlue

I created Paul Elam, and now I need your help to rein him in


The jig is up. I and my collaborators have kept it secret for a long time now, but for reasons I will explain in a moment, I feel I need to come clean about this now, before it is too late:

I created Paul Elam.

That is: “Paul Elam” is a character created and developed by me and my friend Paul Henderson, an amazing improvisatory actor who has taken on the task of playing “Elam” in YouTube Videos, radio shows, and on a few occasions in the real world as well.

I first came up with the character of “Paul Elam” — “Elam” is just “male” spelled backwards — some seven years ago after reading Warren Farrell’s Myth of Male Power and wondering what an updated version of Farrell would look like today as a YouTube ranter. I brought the idea to my friend Paul Henderson, a feminist comedian who was already doing an “angry white man” character in his comedy act.

After a bit of workshopping, we created “Paul Elam” and his “Happy Misogynist” YouTube channel. I wrote the scripts, and Henderson read them out. As time went on and as Henderson got more into his new alter ego, he began adding bits of dialogue of his own. Sometimes when he got too deep into his character of “Paul Elam” he started to scare me a little.

After some success on YouTube and at Men’s News Daily, we decided to set up A Voice for Men. Shortly afterwards I set up Man Boobz, mainly as a way to promote AVFM and generate traffic for “Elam’s” site.

Since then, things have just snowballed. Henderson put me in touch with an amazing group of Canadian improv comedians called the Pouteenagers and the characters of Girl Writes What, John The Other, Typhon Blue, and DannyBoy were born.

Not all of those at AVFM are in on the gag. Dean Esmay for example, is completely sincere, as are most of the recent additions to the AVFM roster.

Up until about a month ago, the whole “Paul Elam”/A Voice for Men project seemed to be going swimmingly, generating buzz — and even a good deal of cash, much of which we have been donating to an assortment of feminist charities.

We kept piling absurdity on absurdity — like adding “human” to “men’s rights activist” to become “men’s human rights activist” — but no one ever guessed that it was all an elaborate prank! We were prepared to let the whole thing run for at least another year, getting sillier and sillier, before fessing up in a joint press conference with me and “Elam.”

But something terrible seems to have happened to my old friend Paul Henderson. After 7 years of playing “Paul Elam,” he seems to have become lost in the character he and I have created. Paul Henderson, in other words, has become Paul Elam.

He used to joke with April Fulieu, our makeup wiz, about how horrified he was each time he looked in the mirror and saw “Elam” staring back at him. But after we shot the last video with him he refused to let April take the makeup off, and when she went to tell me about this he fled out the back door of the studio.

We haven’t heard from him since. At least not as Paul Henderson.

I’m not sure what to do. He’s changed all the passwords on the AVFM server, so I can’t shut it down from my end, and I haven’t been able to contact any of the Pouteenagers either. I worry they too may have gone over to the dark side as well.

I can only hope that by posting this I can give him the wake-up call he needs – or at least arouse enough suspicion that the “sincere” AVFMers will confront him and possibly jar him back to reality.

He’ll deny it all, of course.

But at some point his fake beard will fall off.

That’s what I’m counting on, really.

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10 years ago

Don’t be ridiculous, the gynocracy would never let a male kitten rule over humanity. It’ll have to be Big Sister demanding treats and offerings of string from the nations of the world.

True! If I ever did my own version of that poster, I’d make it Big Kitty.

10 years ago

There’s a part 1:

Dogs are adorable.

10 years ago

Laudanum sounds like an MRA trying to troll by pretending to be an offended feminist. I am especially skeptical of such things today of all the days of the year.

10 years ago

Nah, too literate to be an MRA. Plus, no weird ellipses.

10 years ago

Best April fool’s day joke I’ve heard bi years? Well done, David!

10 years ago

Futrellian is such a nice sounding word. It needs a proper definition. A hundred years from now when someone wants to describe a comedy style that involves sarcastically mocking the willfully ignorant with their own quotes, they’ll say “His act was positively futrellian.”

DreamingRainne (@DreamingRainne)

Laudanum does raise a point in that jokes, even when funny, are not above criticism. But, I agree with the others that that particular criticism was unfounded. (And I appreciate David’s respectful response.)

I wonder what April Fools stuff the MRAs are doing? Are those kinds of people even able to make any lighthearted jokes, rather than venomous? Even after Paul Elam has been unmasked and put on the run to Canada? 😛

10 years ago

Well apparently one of them said he was going to kill himself, because that’s super funny, right?

10 years ago

How does Elam think he doesn’t look like a ‘wise-pedo’ in his avatar? Has anyone ever looked at it and told him he should change it? Well it wouldn’t be Dean Esmay for one thing. Cause it’s the same there.

10 years ago

I still think he looks like Evil Colonel Sanders.

10 years ago

MRAs, the Officer Farva of comedy since John Denver won the Country Music Award for best album.

10 years ago

Has anyone else noticed how all their pranks involve trying to make fools of anyone who cares about their well-being?

10 years ago

katz – yes, and on the other hand, can you imagine Forney’s reaction if someone had said “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out?” in response to his “joke”?

10 years ago

Self-loathing, what’s that?

10 years ago

Laudanum, do you read this blog regularly or have you just followed a link from somewhere else?

This is how David approaches MRA issues. He mocks and makes them the butt of jokes. He trawls the manosphere finding things that are ridiculous, then comes back here and publicly ridicules them for our amusement. I find it an excellent strategy for both keeping us informed without having to wade through all of that shit ourselves and giving us a means of dealing with it. In my experience very little diffuses hatred the way laughter does.

“Worse than a rape joke”? How is ridiculing rapists and rape apologists the equivalent of telling rape jokes? Sorry, just not getting the equivalency here. Perhaps you’d be good enough to explain.

Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago

But Elam isn’t only a monster; he’s a fool, and deserves to be called out for that as well

And that’s the real Achille’s heel of someone like Elam. Like a lot of bigots, he’s a narcissist who really wants to be taken seriously. To be a name. To feel special and important. He wants people to Respect his Authoriteh.

Pointing and laughing–not the random kind, the smart kind that really sees its target–exposes the fragile Emperor in all his nudity.

10 years ago

This, this is best post I’ve read anywhere online today. Kudos David.

10 years ago

@ opium4themasses

You win the internet for today for the Super Troopers reference ;D

We need an MRA parody with this reference. STAT.

DreamingRainne (@DreamingRainne)

Or, perhaps a way to rephrase my previous post: Could you see AVFM doing an April Fools story along the lines of “I created David Futrelle, and now I need your help to rein him in”? Done with the same joking / poking-fun type of humor, rather than using it as an excuse to attack him (and women)?

10 years ago

Now, to wait and see how many MRAs actually start believing this, conspiracy-theory prone as they are…

I’m waiting to see how many of them think David actually wants us to believe this.

To jokingly throw about that he’s a fake personality with all the bile and hatred spewing from his mouth, is akin to a rape joke.

In what way?

Were I a woman writing this blog, it would be more difficult to deal with a lot of the misogynistic shit I wade through to write this blog because it would be so much more personal;

Which is why I’m happy to let you handle it, and take the edges off by making it funny for us. Someone needs to keep an eye on these guys, and taking the hit so the targeted group doesn’t have to is part of what allies are supposed to do.

House Mouse Queen
10 years ago

Why do these fuckwits have to invade my country. Canada is such a nice place.

10 years ago

If only, guys. If only this were true, I could relax knowing that humanity isn’t lost.

House Mouse Queen
10 years ago

I am going to second, thirdsy what David has said about the humour being necessary to us. My writing style is a bit more serious than David’s and that’s why I appreciate reading his material. It’s like a cleansing experience for me because it does get difficult reading misogyny day in and day out.

This isn’t like a rape joke. David is not pulling his privielge card. He’s a known feminist ally.

I hope you reconsider your stance.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

I loved the Pouteenagers. I bet if the AVFMers read this, they’ll be most outraged over donating the proceeds to feminist causes. That’s a real kick in the Timbits! (Those are Tim Horton’s small, round doughnuts for those not familiar with the franchise.)

I’m so grateful for what you do here, David. You’ve created a great repository of the manosphere goings-on that I search often for arguments to counter the BS claims of MRAs. The debunking of their CDC claims about female-on-male rape is worth its weight in gold; I link to it often.

Your sense of humour is a great antidote for the horrible things they do and say. It can’t be easy wading through some of the crap they write and the personal attacks must sting sometimes so thank you very much.