Oh, dear. Our old friend Roosh – the rapey, racist expat pickup guru – seems to be having some sort of existential crisis. In a new post titled “Men Are Nothing More Than Clowns To The Modern Woman,” – yes, really – he laments the sad fact that women are no longer forced to rely on men.
There is definitely not a single woman alive in the Western world who needs a man. While in the past a woman had to put forth effort to obtain a husband who would help her survive, today she is protected by a welfare state that ensures she will never go hungry or spend one night on the street.
Well, Roosh can rest easy, because, at least in the United States, his nightmare of women not going hungry or being forced to sleep on the streets is just that, a bad dream. Presumably he will be pleased to learn that lots of women (and children) go hungry. Lots of women (and children) are homeless.
Even a child she has out of wedlock from a drunken night out will not have to suffer from her mistake, and that’s in spite of the fact that many nations already provide her with free contraception to compensate for her lack of judgement in selecting worthy mates.
A tad ironic coming from a dude who constantly brags about “raw dogging” it – that is, having sex without a condom – with drunk women he’s just met.
Anything required for a woman’s survival or pleasure can be easily achieved without her having to put forth commitment, sacrifice, or labor. She can shave her head, gain 50 pounds, and disfigure herself with tattoos yet still have many suitors to—at the minimum—have sex on demand.
Such a terrible injustice, that women Roosh finds unattractive are actually able to have sex.
Her food and shelter will be provided by a state which has embarked on an extraordinary effort to compete with men for her devotion and loyalty.
So instead of looking for women who say that they “need a man,” Roosh has begun to focus on women who say that they “want a man.” Unfortunately, when he’s asked women if they want a man, “[o]nly in a few instances did a woman outright say yes, and these usually happened in Ukraine.”
Huh. Not sure that’s a real scientific poll there kiddo, as I imagine that very few women are going to answer “yes” to that question when it’s asked of them by this guy:

Anyhoo, so all this has given poor old Roosh a sad. Because women who don’t need men, who actually have options in their lives, are less interested in jumping into traditional long-term relationships than those with few options in life other than hooking themselves to a male provider.
And so, Roosh has sadly concluded, the typical young women of today
will treat you as a distraction to her more important job, girls’ nights out, and social networking validation happy time. Men have become an utterly replaceable and expendable commodity in a girl’s life. Her interest in a man is not unlike her interest in a new television show or Apple product … .
Huh. Or perhaps this is because you’re dating women at least a decade younger than you, in their early 20s, and this is how people in their early 20s often approach dating?
When I look at myself in the mirror, I don’t see a man who has improved himself over the years to be the best that his genes allow—I see a glittery skirt that a girl encounters in the mall.
You see a what now?
Is the skirt too expensive or is it on sale? Is there only one left of her size or is the rack full of them? Does she already have something similar or is it totally novel? Does her friends think it’s cute or just alright? After trying it on, does it flatter her body or make her look fat?
Dude, this metaphor really isn’t working for you.
We are like glittery pieces of fashion to women—items that she truly doesn’t need. Not only has she already collected so many of them, but she can easily obtain more within walking distance from where she lives. She can even browse online from home while in her pajamas through a nearly unlimited selection.
We are not men in the traditional sense—we are clowns.
Well, some men are.
With our tight game we have to be entertainers who create drama and excitement in a girl’s life, just long enough so that she spreads her legs and makes sexy noises, and even though she did commit such an intimate act with us, she will soon lose interest or simply get bored, and then move on to the next shiny cock that catches her eye.
Gosh, who would imagine that the women you have one-night-stands with after meeting them in a bar would treat you like a one-night-stand?
Also, if your penis is actually shiny, you might want to check with your doctor about that.
The other side of this coin is that we no longer need women. We don’t need them to maintain our home or cook good meals for us. We don’t need them in an age where having children is no longer important or valued.
That is true. Men are not incapable of cooking. I can even manage a grilled cheese sandwich once in a while. And, no, you’re not obligated to have kids. Heck, as a man you can get away with not having kids and not even have to take a lot of shit about it.
Whatever natural connection that once existed between the sexes has now been severed. Neither sex needs each other so we dedicate ourselves to corporations, entertainment, and base pleasures instead, and this is a great tragedy that most people believe is a sign of progress, a cause for celebration.
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha.
I think Roosh think’s he’s had some sort of profound insight here. All because the 22-year-old women he spends his life pursuing don’t seem interested in properly genuflecting to him as a real man.
For the next girl I meet, I’m not going to ask her if she needs a man, because I know she doesn’t. Instead I will simply ask her if she wants a man, and if the answer leans yes, I will perform like the good clown I am so that she is entertained enough to have sex with me. Either she or I will eventually get bored and the relationship will end. Then I will simply repeat my performance on a someone new, because I’m a skilled clown, and that’s exactly what women today want.
You do that, Roosh, honey. Just try to make sure she’s actually sober enough to consent to your “performance” first. I know you have a little trouble with that.
Here’s a little video for Roosh to watch the next time he’s feeling down.
Yeah, homosexual marriage. But by and large, they don’t breed. Nightmare future scenario:
Demographic timebomb due to marriage strike by heterosexuals (ex. Japan) and social breakdown due to the dysfunction of the rise of single-parent families (ex. inner-city ghettos).
Oh well, the West survived its first Dark Ages anyway…
Oh, you’re one of those people.
I’ve read before that Roosh openly admitted to raping someone but never found his qoute until today surfing your blog. So like you I wonder how is it that the guys over at RoK or any blog that links to it have not addressed this? Their M.O. is that men, MRAs or Manospherians to be exact, are the moral high-grounders and feminists in particular but women in general are the degenerates, so why no calling Roosh out on his own admission to rape, if they are such pillars of civilization?
I’ve also heard that Mark Minter’s ex-wife has been posting here and I’d like to here what she has to say about that officially minted idiot.
If people want to marry, that’s up to them and I wish them well. But regardless, non-marital relationships aren’t less legitimate or unable to serve the same function as marital relationships. I don’t get why people act like marriage is the cornerstone of all societies.
This quote;
“While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she legally couldn’t give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated. I won’t rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do.”
The SPLC is already onto him but I wonder if he deleted this from his blog? If only that woman, wherever in the world she is, could read this, connect the dots and get Interpol after him. And she’s probably not the only one. Previously I had thought he was skeezy but now I’ve got proof from his own mouth that he’s a rapist, and not even an “alleged” one, since he openly admits it.
Oh sorry. I thought I actually had to provide a link to a comment I was quoting or someone would ask for a citation anyway. .
Roosh is probably my “favorite” misogynist/PUA blogger because he is so over the top and awful. I find this blog entry… interesting. Completely hypocritical. Revealing. (Angry because women have *choices*?) And the self-pity schtick… hilarious.
I don’t take this guy completely seriously because I have to think that *some* of it is hyperbole (right? RIGHT?) but at the same time I know he means a lot of what he says, because no one could make this kind of stuff up completely.
If he’s truly sad about how his situation, then that can only be a good thing. I don’t anticipate any meaningful change, but still, it’s something. A small morsel of something.
RandomPoster, you still aren’t random. I fixed it for you!
New RandomPoster poster, with some real stochastic elements!
Random Brain Cell is one of those twits who thinks people have to marry in order to have a committed relationship, or to have children, I see.
Someone should tell him (yeah I’m assuming this nincompoop is a duder – emphasis on dud) that a piece of paper isn’t actually a prerequisite for either.
contrapangloss – I had to look up stochastic, ‘cos I read that in Yoda’s voice. 😀
I’m not even getting into how much “marriage strike” isn’t an accurate description of what’s going on with the falling birthrate in Japan.
HTMLGBTGTOW, that quote is from his “Bang Iceland” book. I don’t think he’s ever put up many exceprts from his books on his blog, so I doubt it was ever up there.
Reblogged this on Discombobulate.
With RoK, it isn’t enough to feel superior to women. This latest lament, while focusing on women, seems to be about needing to feel superior to men. If women don’t act like the property of men, and instead go around all independent, then sleeping with a woman is just sleeping with a woman, instead of taking property from another man such as her father or husband. He doesn’t want another woman to be co-dependent on him, he wants the choice to use her or to leave her to be up to him, and he wants her to be outcast after he’s done with her. That isn’t a clown, that’s just being a disgusting predatory omega.
… Well it is random to maintain that marriage is a requirement for childrearing and then maintain in the same breath that childreading itself leads to social decay.
Funny how he reveals himself here as somebody who can’t see himself except through women’s eyes (his idea of them, anyway).
“Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size.”
–Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own
And women refuse to serve that function any more. Oh, the humanity. Poor, poor Rooshy.
Thanks, but nobody here ordered the word salad with racism and misogyny on the side.
When people like you say “single parent families”, what you really mean is “uppity women”. The fathers who helped to create those kids and then abandoned responsibility for them are always suspiciously missing from the Societal Breakdown pie chart of blame. So are other, more important factors, like poverty, access to good schools and living wages, affordable childcare, unequal incarceration rates, etc. Those things don’t fit in with the convenient narrative that unattached women are scary and have to be stigmatized/shamed/threatened back into submissive dependency and ownership so we can return to some imaginary golden era. Sure, the 1950s were a great time to be a straight white male…but they sucked for just about everybody else.
You’re confusing your personal need to be worshipped with what’s good for society. Society includes other people besides you.
Glittery skirt in the mall? Nah. Roosh is more like a strange, dusty object you’d find at a flea market – a corset, or a leech jar. You’d look at it, briefly pity the people that used it, and move on.
besides the vapid angst, I think what Roosh is saying is actually quite revealing. He’s worried women will treat him like he treats them, as objectified dolls which which can treat as he wants.
It is funny that he continues to see himself as an enticing object. Objects that are enticing don’t have to work to capture people’s attention, they just do so naturally. Anyone who has to put as much effort into getting people to pay attention to him as Roosh isn’t exactly glittery.
Fertility rate correlates inversely with per capita GDP. Even Iran’s fertility is falling–I don’t think it’s due to homosexuals and uppity feminists.
Demographic contraction could be managed and is not necessarily a bad thing (it would certainly be a benefit for sustainability), but this would require some fundamental reevaluations of the way we care for people as a society.
Regardless, the US doesn’t need to worry about it because we have a steady stream of young, productive, fertile immigrants. If current trends continue, we’ll eventually pass China in population.
Not gunna happen. Try this talk for starters. http://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_religions_and_babies
“Sure, the 1950s were a great time to be a straight white male…but they sucked for just about everybody else.”
I respectfully disagree. The Cold War was fresh and the Soviet Union was killing folks all over, remember? Mad Men notes that they could smoke and drink at work, but that’s because they’re under severe stress and not just from the constant threat of being nuked.
Also, no internet.
Perhaps I’m just being foolish, but this str8 white guy prefers the modern day to the cruel insanity of nineteen fifty whatever. Nostalgia is a silly thing.
Yeah, progressive, social policies lead to population decline. That’s why in Europe, the Scandinavian countries, this cesspit of evil feminism… has the highest fertility rates of the continent.
RandomPeter does have a point when he talks about a “marriage strike” in Japan. Or a “childbearing strike”. But it’s worth pointing out what that “strike” of sorts is against. Japan is one of the most socially conservative industrialized nations. When Japanese politicians talk about family friendly politics programs or programs to encourage families to get more children, they invariably have the “classical family” at mind, with the mother staying home. Hardly any politician in Japan offers alternative suggestions to that. As I understand, in Japan, once a woman marries, it is just expected she ends her career. Given all that, wouldn’t you enter a “strike”, too?
There won’t ever be a return to the “good old days”. They’re done for for good. Women rightly refuse to stand back behind men anymore. And given that, it’s actually socially reactionary politics which drive fertility rates down. In Europe, it are those countries who have the best daycare infrastructure and best mother protection laws which also have the highest fertility rates. In industrialized countries, it’s progressive politics leading to higher fertility rates!
But the conservatives, of course, don’t care about such pragmatism. They want to push their ideology, their warped vision of society, through no matter the cost. That’s the reality! As always, it’s the conservatives and reactionaries who are the ideologically stuck up side.
I’m late, but damn that was funny.
Octo: Do you have a cite for that? I was under the impression that the Scandinavian countries had slightly negative growth rates.
And yes, I see that as a good thing. Planet cannot withstand unlimited population growth, and maintaining a stable, if slightly smaller global population is a good thing, especially when it happens without coercive government policies.
The trick is to design an economy which doesn’t rely on unlimited growth to improve the lives of citizens.