Oh, dear. Our old friend Roosh – the rapey, racist expat pickup guru – seems to be having some sort of existential crisis. In a new post titled “Men Are Nothing More Than Clowns To The Modern Woman,” – yes, really – he laments the sad fact that women are no longer forced to rely on men.
There is definitely not a single woman alive in the Western world who needs a man. While in the past a woman had to put forth effort to obtain a husband who would help her survive, today she is protected by a welfare state that ensures she will never go hungry or spend one night on the street.
Well, Roosh can rest easy, because, at least in the United States, his nightmare of women not going hungry or being forced to sleep on the streets is just that, a bad dream. Presumably he will be pleased to learn that lots of women (and children) go hungry. Lots of women (and children) are homeless.
Even a child she has out of wedlock from a drunken night out will not have to suffer from her mistake, and that’s in spite of the fact that many nations already provide her with free contraception to compensate for her lack of judgement in selecting worthy mates.
A tad ironic coming from a dude who constantly brags about “raw dogging” it – that is, having sex without a condom – with drunk women he’s just met.
Anything required for a woman’s survival or pleasure can be easily achieved without her having to put forth commitment, sacrifice, or labor. She can shave her head, gain 50 pounds, and disfigure herself with tattoos yet still have many suitors to—at the minimum—have sex on demand.
Such a terrible injustice, that women Roosh finds unattractive are actually able to have sex.
Her food and shelter will be provided by a state which has embarked on an extraordinary effort to compete with men for her devotion and loyalty.
So instead of looking for women who say that they “need a man,” Roosh has begun to focus on women who say that they “want a man.” Unfortunately, when he’s asked women if they want a man, “[o]nly in a few instances did a woman outright say yes, and these usually happened in Ukraine.”
Huh. Not sure that’s a real scientific poll there kiddo, as I imagine that very few women are going to answer “yes” to that question when it’s asked of them by this guy:

Anyhoo, so all this has given poor old Roosh a sad. Because women who don’t need men, who actually have options in their lives, are less interested in jumping into traditional long-term relationships than those with few options in life other than hooking themselves to a male provider.
And so, Roosh has sadly concluded, the typical young women of today
will treat you as a distraction to her more important job, girls’ nights out, and social networking validation happy time. Men have become an utterly replaceable and expendable commodity in a girl’s life. Her interest in a man is not unlike her interest in a new television show or Apple product … .
Huh. Or perhaps this is because you’re dating women at least a decade younger than you, in their early 20s, and this is how people in their early 20s often approach dating?
When I look at myself in the mirror, I don’t see a man who has improved himself over the years to be the best that his genes allow—I see a glittery skirt that a girl encounters in the mall.
You see a what now?
Is the skirt too expensive or is it on sale? Is there only one left of her size or is the rack full of them? Does she already have something similar or is it totally novel? Does her friends think it’s cute or just alright? After trying it on, does it flatter her body or make her look fat?
Dude, this metaphor really isn’t working for you.
We are like glittery pieces of fashion to women—items that she truly doesn’t need. Not only has she already collected so many of them, but she can easily obtain more within walking distance from where she lives. She can even browse online from home while in her pajamas through a nearly unlimited selection.
We are not men in the traditional sense—we are clowns.
Well, some men are.
With our tight game we have to be entertainers who create drama and excitement in a girl’s life, just long enough so that she spreads her legs and makes sexy noises, and even though she did commit such an intimate act with us, she will soon lose interest or simply get bored, and then move on to the next shiny cock that catches her eye.
Gosh, who would imagine that the women you have one-night-stands with after meeting them in a bar would treat you like a one-night-stand?
Also, if your penis is actually shiny, you might want to check with your doctor about that.
The other side of this coin is that we no longer need women. We don’t need them to maintain our home or cook good meals for us. We don’t need them in an age where having children is no longer important or valued.
That is true. Men are not incapable of cooking. I can even manage a grilled cheese sandwich once in a while. And, no, you’re not obligated to have kids. Heck, as a man you can get away with not having kids and not even have to take a lot of shit about it.
Whatever natural connection that once existed between the sexes has now been severed. Neither sex needs each other so we dedicate ourselves to corporations, entertainment, and base pleasures instead, and this is a great tragedy that most people believe is a sign of progress, a cause for celebration.
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha.
I think Roosh think’s he’s had some sort of profound insight here. All because the 22-year-old women he spends his life pursuing don’t seem interested in properly genuflecting to him as a real man.
For the next girl I meet, I’m not going to ask her if she needs a man, because I know she doesn’t. Instead I will simply ask her if she wants a man, and if the answer leans yes, I will perform like the good clown I am so that she is entertained enough to have sex with me. Either she or I will eventually get bored and the relationship will end. Then I will simply repeat my performance on a someone new, because I’m a skilled clown, and that’s exactly what women today want.
You do that, Roosh, honey. Just try to make sure she’s actually sober enough to consent to your “performance” first. I know you have a little trouble with that.
Here’s a little video for Roosh to watch the next time he’s feeling down.
It’s the creepy stare, activates the “is something about to try to kill me and eat me?” instincts.
What delusional dreamworld do MRAs live in that they think female rape victims are taken seriously instead of being blamed and shamed? It seems to me that victims of any gender are treated pretty shittily.
Last time I met my sister’s BF, who is an anti-feminist egalitarian (I know, right?), he was taken aback when I told him I identify as a womanist rather than a feminist. Granted, the invisibility of womanism is partially feminism’s fault due to it being historically a white women’s movement. But precisely because of that fact, anti-feminists prove themselves to be just as ignorant as many white feminists. I tried pointing this out last time I argued with MRAs on r/MensRights with my original account, and I’m pretty sure it got banned for that reason.
Oh, and it doesn’t fucking help that MRAs often befriend neo-Nazis and other white supremacists. White men don’t benefit from womanism, so clearly womanism deserves to be marginalized or ignored.
::dies from laughter::
Is it wrong that I find Roosh fascinating? Like train-wreck fascinating?
I find it amusing that this thing that Roosh laments to see in the mirror is something that I desperately wish I could see in the mirror. I guess I really am one of those “failed men.”
RE: cassandrakitty
what does he have against the kids?
They can’t give him money or sex, I guess. I don’t know, I don’t live with that guy in my head.
Ally, you aren’t a failure at anything. Hugs.
Aw, look. Cirque du No Lay is in town.
How can all of you be so heartless as to treat your partners with respect, compassion, and empathy? You’re callously turning your back on centuries of mutual antipathy!
I like your version better. Dancing clowns in the background make weird metered sad songs seem way more entertaining.
*hugs back*
I was just engaging in a bit of self-depreciative humor, although it’s not too far off from how I think about myself. That’s what MRAs tend to call me and other trans women: “failed men”. We are “men” who failed to perform masculinity right. Internalized misandry haunts our lives. If only I could suddenly feel better about myself by completely erasing my own identity in order to conform to a toxic masculine ideal!
Seriously, Roosh makes me feel better about myself as a human being. Because whatever problems I have, whatever failures of my character, at least I’m not HIM.
Hey, at least he’s performing a public service then, even if it is accidental.
Every time I read anything Roosh says or does, I’m always struck with shame that me and this sociopathic piss stain are actually the same species.
I’m embarrassed to share a freakin’ PLANET with the guy.
I had the same thought, reading this. He sounds…sad. You could almost feel sorry for him. Almost. Because he created his current himself by being a manipulative, callous, misogynist asshole.
And that is a terrifying picture of Roosh.
Has Roosh ever betrayed a happy passion about ANYTHING? Like, I know he does his books, but he doesn’t seem to really care much about them. He has his whole game lifestyle, but that doesn’t seem to be giving him much pleasure. Hell, he doesn’t even seem to like his own commentariat much.
Maybe there’s some secret hobby he has that he doesn’t tell anyone about, making model airplanes or some shit, but from what little I’ve seen of him… yeah, he doesn’t seem to be particularly happy. Sometimes, he seems to be in some kind of existential hell.
I have never cared to have role models; instead, I’ve always chosen anti-role models. I think Roosh is a very good anti-role model.
I think hateful are to be pitied. Nobody who is happy and comfortable with themselves need to be an asshole. Of course, that doesn’t excuse anyone from being hateful. Lots of people are unhappy and don’t choose to deal with it that way. Still, being trapped inside the mind of a bigot doesn’t sound very pleasant.
Hmm…Now, what, I wonder, does he mean by “need?” I needed a man – my husband – to help me create the family I wanted. However, I certainly do not need him to validate me, protect me, define me or own me. Perhaps Clown-Boy should re-examine the usefulness of his definitions.
I eat, breathe and do what I need to survive on my own, thenkyouveddymuch.
Whew! Well, that IS a relief! You finally learned how to scrub out your own toilet, did you? Good for you! Oh, and having children is very much valued and important – to many of us. It is just that we no longer feel we have to live on our knees for you in order to do that. Sperm banks are one nice option, although most of us still prefer the old fashioned way…just not with pieces of glittery and abusive cloth like you.
Natural connection? Listen, bucko, your idea of a natural connection involves women worshiping men, obeying men, living our lives through men and generally agreeing with you that we do not really exist in any meaningful and independent way. There is nothing natural about that because, if there were, women would not be fighting so hard to get out of the hell you would sentence us to. Get used to it, you pathetic little wanker.
He may be the only person who I’ve ever seen complain about their inability to form a codependent relationship.
He literally just said that he wants children to suffer because their mother made a mistake one time. It’s nothing we didn’t know already, but it’s a fuck of a thing to see it blatantly written out like that.
“He may be the only person who I’ve ever seen complain about their inability to form a codependent relationship.”
To quote: “Teamwork, partnership, collaboration: These are the crucial elements of a successful marriage, relationship counselors say. Matrimony means blending two lives — two spouses with individual desires, wills and preferences — into one”
No wonder why heterosexual (non-open)marriage is apparently dying in the West today.
You might want to leave and try that entrance again ‘cos coming in with a whole heap of ableism and suggesting we give Doosh clicks is not going to win you any friends here.
Eh, marriage is doing fine. The fact that people who don’t want to be married no longer have to be is not a societal disaster.
Reblogged this on dariancase and commented:
Great blog from manboobz, Roosh V, “I am a clown”.