Oh, dear. Our old friend Roosh – the rapey, racist expat pickup guru – seems to be having some sort of existential crisis. In a new post titled “Men Are Nothing More Than Clowns To The Modern Woman,” – yes, really – he laments the sad fact that women are no longer forced to rely on men.
There is definitely not a single woman alive in the Western world who needs a man. While in the past a woman had to put forth effort to obtain a husband who would help her survive, today she is protected by a welfare state that ensures she will never go hungry or spend one night on the street.
Well, Roosh can rest easy, because, at least in the United States, his nightmare of women not going hungry or being forced to sleep on the streets is just that, a bad dream. Presumably he will be pleased to learn that lots of women (and children) go hungry. Lots of women (and children) are homeless.
Even a child she has out of wedlock from a drunken night out will not have to suffer from her mistake, and that’s in spite of the fact that many nations already provide her with free contraception to compensate for her lack of judgement in selecting worthy mates.
A tad ironic coming from a dude who constantly brags about “raw dogging” it – that is, having sex without a condom – with drunk women he’s just met.
Anything required for a woman’s survival or pleasure can be easily achieved without her having to put forth commitment, sacrifice, or labor. She can shave her head, gain 50 pounds, and disfigure herself with tattoos yet still have many suitors to—at the minimum—have sex on demand.
Such a terrible injustice, that women Roosh finds unattractive are actually able to have sex.
Her food and shelter will be provided by a state which has embarked on an extraordinary effort to compete with men for her devotion and loyalty.
So instead of looking for women who say that they “need a man,” Roosh has begun to focus on women who say that they “want a man.” Unfortunately, when he’s asked women if they want a man, “[o]nly in a few instances did a woman outright say yes, and these usually happened in Ukraine.”
Huh. Not sure that’s a real scientific poll there kiddo, as I imagine that very few women are going to answer “yes” to that question when it’s asked of them by this guy:

Anyhoo, so all this has given poor old Roosh a sad. Because women who don’t need men, who actually have options in their lives, are less interested in jumping into traditional long-term relationships than those with few options in life other than hooking themselves to a male provider.
And so, Roosh has sadly concluded, the typical young women of today
will treat you as a distraction to her more important job, girls’ nights out, and social networking validation happy time. Men have become an utterly replaceable and expendable commodity in a girl’s life. Her interest in a man is not unlike her interest in a new television show or Apple product … .
Huh. Or perhaps this is because you’re dating women at least a decade younger than you, in their early 20s, and this is how people in their early 20s often approach dating?
When I look at myself in the mirror, I don’t see a man who has improved himself over the years to be the best that his genes allow—I see a glittery skirt that a girl encounters in the mall.
You see a what now?
Is the skirt too expensive or is it on sale? Is there only one left of her size or is the rack full of them? Does she already have something similar or is it totally novel? Does her friends think it’s cute or just alright? After trying it on, does it flatter her body or make her look fat?
Dude, this metaphor really isn’t working for you.
We are like glittery pieces of fashion to women—items that she truly doesn’t need. Not only has she already collected so many of them, but she can easily obtain more within walking distance from where she lives. She can even browse online from home while in her pajamas through a nearly unlimited selection.
We are not men in the traditional sense—we are clowns.
Well, some men are.
With our tight game we have to be entertainers who create drama and excitement in a girl’s life, just long enough so that she spreads her legs and makes sexy noises, and even though she did commit such an intimate act with us, she will soon lose interest or simply get bored, and then move on to the next shiny cock that catches her eye.
Gosh, who would imagine that the women you have one-night-stands with after meeting them in a bar would treat you like a one-night-stand?
Also, if your penis is actually shiny, you might want to check with your doctor about that.
The other side of this coin is that we no longer need women. We don’t need them to maintain our home or cook good meals for us. We don’t need them in an age where having children is no longer important or valued.
That is true. Men are not incapable of cooking. I can even manage a grilled cheese sandwich once in a while. And, no, you’re not obligated to have kids. Heck, as a man you can get away with not having kids and not even have to take a lot of shit about it.
Whatever natural connection that once existed between the sexes has now been severed. Neither sex needs each other so we dedicate ourselves to corporations, entertainment, and base pleasures instead, and this is a great tragedy that most people believe is a sign of progress, a cause for celebration.
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha.
I think Roosh think’s he’s had some sort of profound insight here. All because the 22-year-old women he spends his life pursuing don’t seem interested in properly genuflecting to him as a real man.
For the next girl I meet, I’m not going to ask her if she needs a man, because I know she doesn’t. Instead I will simply ask her if she wants a man, and if the answer leans yes, I will perform like the good clown I am so that she is entertained enough to have sex with me. Either she or I will eventually get bored and the relationship will end. Then I will simply repeat my performance on a someone new, because I’m a skilled clown, and that’s exactly what women today want.
You do that, Roosh, honey. Just try to make sure she’s actually sober enough to consent to your “performance” first. I know you have a little trouble with that.
Here’s a little video for Roosh to watch the next time he’s feeling down.
“When I look at myself in the mirror, I don’t see a man who has improved himself over the years to be the best that his genes allow—I see a glittery skirt that a girl encounters in the mall.”
The glittery part about Roosh is his eyes. If Roosh were a black velvet oil painting, his eyes would indeed follow you around the room. There’s meat for an extended stemwinder of a metaphor in there (“meat, meet, encounter, counter, jeans, genes, skirt, skirting, velvet, threadbare, shreds, patches, et al.”) but I’ve got a bad cold and I can’t do it justice.
Judy Collins and Muppets!
I’m at a loss. You want to fuck around with women with zero commitment, you find that many women want to fuck around with zero commitment, and then instead of dancing a jig and yelling Hallelujah, you bitch?
About being, suddenly, a shiny skirt? As IF!
That entire thing was a fucking non sequitor. WHAT IS HE COMPLAINING ABOUT? WHAT DO MEN WANT? OMFG, guys are SO emotional and complicated!
Off topic, but holy shit this is probably the most ridiculous Tumblr egalitarian poster I have ever seen. I don’t even know where to begin.
I don’t see that either, Roosh. I see a dude who really needs to be hosed down.
Ally: that poster makes no sense. It’s straight from the Department of Assfax, gobbledegook section.
The glittery part about Roosh is his eyes. If Roosh were a black velvet oil painting, his eyes would indeed follow you around the room.
Roosh as a blacklight poster … I can see it all too easily.
Ally, they make the worst posters. That one is just … I’m trying to imagine showing that to someone who isn’t already part of their circlejerk and picturing their confusion about what they should be taking away from the viewing.
I mean, first that isn’t a fair statement of the claim. Next, the graphic is entirely made up. Finally, the text contains nothing even approaching a cogent argument.
Are we sure this wasn’t made by manboobzers to make fun of their terrible communication skills? XD
I keep expecting to see one of the posters that someone here made turn up on an MRA site because someone there thought it was serious and would help the cause.
Oh god, the shiny cock thing just reminds me that my husband has said more than once that he wishes he could vajazzle his junk. Basically, he aspires to be this guy.
today she is protected by a welfare state that ensures she will never go hungry or spend one night on the street.
Why is it so horrible that a country would insure its populace’s basic well-being? Seriously. I don’t want ANYONE to ever have to go hungry or spend a night on the street.
I swear, it’s like saying, “Today you’re protected by parents that will ensure nobody ever beats you in the street! And that’s TERRIBLE!”
Even a child she has out of wedlock from a drunken night out will not have to suffer from her mistake,
WHY IS THIS BAD. Seriously, they’re CHILDREN. Why should we punish children for being born?
Don’t you mean… disco BALLS? *is shot*
RE: Robert
I almost found myself feeling sorry for the blood blister.
I don’t. I’d be more sorry for his aching head if he’d stop slamming it against a wall.
Yeah, we all get that he hates women, but what does he have against the kids? It’s not their fault if their mother is whatever he thinks a woman shouldn’t be.
THAT WOULD BE SO FUCKING AWESOME. (Maybe I should make a fake MRA tumblr.)
Reblogged this on woosterlang87.
I’m afraid not, cloudiah. It’s from one of the most obnoxious egalitarians on Tumblr: siryouarebeingmocked (SYABM).
His argument is really easy to blow out of the water: a very plausible explanation for the phenomenon he presents is that male rape victims are erased more than female victims because men are expected to be above femininity, and rape is considered to be by nature an act that men use to subjugate women. Women are also derided for being feminine due to femininity being coded as inferior, but it’s at least expected for women to be inferior. Men are not expected to be inferior and so they face more scorn and mockery when they are raped.
Then again, SYABM is the same man who thinks that being coveted as an object is exactly like being respected as an autonomous human being.
I’m getting “only male rape victims matter, because MAN” from that poster.
Is caring about all rape victims regardless of their sex not an option for some reason?
FTFY, as the kids say
Bite your tongue, Cassandra. Empathy is a zero sum game.
[Content note: rape]
And even on its own the argument makes no sense. Male rape victims who are derided for being feminine are perceived as possessing feminine/inferior traits, not because they already have feminine traits and then happen to be raped. He has it all backwards because there is only evidence that men are seen as being feminized by rape and consequently mocked and scorned. In other words, feminists claim that male victims are shamed for being feminized by rape, not that male victims who have feminine traits are shamed for being feminine.
Now you’re expecting him to understand feminist arguments. I get the feeling that he doesn’t really do nuance.
Humanity is more likely to colonize the moon than anti-feminist egalitarians are likely to understand feminists and womanists in their lifetime.
Ally, I don’t think they know womanists exists. They think all feminists are wealthy and white.
For that matter, I’m not sure they know that the moon exists.
“womanists exist.”
Sigh. Damn Roosh, invading my brain and hurting my grammar.
I have a shiny cock story! I was at a bar that was doing karaoke. Late at night as it was winding down and they weren’t taking more requests, a bachelorette party came in. They were drunk and trying to get people to give up their places to them. One of them offered up her fake gold covered fake penis in exchange for a spot. Except, under the dim lights it looked greenish. I said that penis had gangrene and declared it was a gangrenis.
Maybe it’s only funny if you were there, but I think gangrenis is actually a pretty fitting nickname for Roosh the douche.