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Pickup guru Roosh V: “I’m a clown.”

Just like Pagliacci did, I try to keep my sadness hid
Just like Pagliacci did, I try to keep my sadness hid


Oh, dear. Our old friend Roosh – the rapey, racist expat pickup guru – seems to be having some sort of existential crisis. In a new post titled “Men Are Nothing More Than Clowns To The Modern Woman,” – yes, really – he laments the sad fact that women are no longer forced to rely on men.

There is definitely not a single woman alive in the Western world who needs a man. While in the past a woman had to put forth effort to obtain a husband who would help her survive, today she is protected by a welfare state that ensures she will never go hungry or spend one night on the street.


Well, Roosh can rest easy, because, at least in the United States, his nightmare of women not going hungry or being forced to sleep on the streets is just that, a bad dream. Presumably he will be pleased to learn that lots of women (and children) go hungry. Lots of women (and children) are homeless.

Even a child she has out of wedlock from a drunken night out will not have to suffer from her mistake, and that’s in spite of the fact that many nations already provide her with free contraception to compensate for her lack of judgement in selecting worthy mates.

A tad ironic coming from a dude who constantly brags about “raw dogging” it – that is, having sex without a condom – with drunk women he’s just met.

Anything required for a woman’s survival or pleasure can be easily achieved without her having to put forth commitment, sacrifice, or labor. She can shave her head, gain 50 pounds, and disfigure herself with tattoos yet still have many suitors to—at the minimum—have sex on demand.

Such a terrible injustice, that women Roosh finds unattractive are actually able to have sex.

Her food and shelter will be provided by a state which has embarked on an extraordinary effort to compete with men for her devotion and loyalty.

Again, in the US, not really.

So instead of looking for women who say that they “need a man,” Roosh has begun to focus on women who say that they “want a man.” Unfortunately, when he’s asked women if they want a man, “[o]nly in a few instances did a woman outright say yes, and these usually happened in Ukraine.”

Huh. Not sure that’s a real scientific poll there kiddo, as I imagine that very few women are going to answer “yes” to that question when it’s asked of them by this guy:

Do you want a man? Do you?
Do you want a man? Do you?

Anyhoo, so all this has given poor old Roosh a sad. Because women who don’t need men, who actually have options in their lives, are less interested in jumping into traditional long-term relationships than those with few options in life other than hooking themselves to a male provider.

And so, Roosh has sadly concluded, the typical young women of today

will treat you as a distraction to her more important job, girls’ nights out, and social networking validation happy time. Men have become an utterly replaceable and expendable commodity in a girl’s life. Her interest in a man is not unlike her interest in a new television show or Apple product … .

Huh. Or perhaps this is because you’re dating women at least a decade younger than you, in their early 20s, and this is how people in their early 20s often approach dating?

When I look at myself in the mirror, I don’t see a man who has improved himself over the years to be the best that his genes allow—I see a glittery skirt that a girl encounters in the mall.

You see a what now?

Is the skirt too expensive or is it on sale? Is there only one left of her size or is the rack full of them? Does she already have something similar or is it totally novel? Does her friends think it’s cute or just alright? After trying it on, does it flatter her body or make her look fat?

Dude, this metaphor really isn’t working for you.

We are like glittery pieces of fashion to women—items that she truly doesn’t need. Not only has she already collected so many of them, but she can easily obtain more within walking distance from where she lives. She can even browse online from home while in her pajamas through a nearly unlimited selection.


We are not men in the traditional sense—we are clowns.

Well, some men are.

With our tight game we have to be entertainers who create drama and excitement in a girl’s life, just long enough so that she spreads her legs and makes sexy noises, and even though she did commit such an intimate act with us, she will soon lose interest or simply get bored, and then move on to the next shiny cock that catches her eye.

Gosh, who would imagine that the women you have one-night-stands with after meeting them in a bar would treat you like a one-night-stand?

Also, if your penis is actually shiny, you might want to check with your doctor about that.

The other side of this coin is that we no longer need women. We don’t need them to maintain our home or cook good meals for us. We don’t need them in an age where having children is no longer important or valued.

That is true. Men are not incapable of cooking. I can even manage a grilled cheese sandwich once in a while. And, no, you’re not obligated to have kids. Heck, as a man you can get away with not having kids and not even have to take a lot of shit about it.

Whatever natural connection that once existed between the sexes has now been severed. Neither sex needs each other so we dedicate ourselves to corporations, entertainment, and base pleasures instead, and this is a great tragedy that most people believe is a sign of progress, a cause for celebration.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha.

I think Roosh think’s he’s had some sort of profound insight here. All because the 22-year-old women he spends his life pursuing don’t seem interested in properly genuflecting to him as a real man.

For the next girl I meet, I’m not going to ask her if she needs a man, because I know she doesn’t. Instead I will simply ask her if she wants a man, and if the answer leans yes, I will perform like the good clown I am so that she is entertained enough to have sex with me. Either she or I will eventually get bored and the relationship will end. Then I will simply repeat my performance on a someone new, because I’m a skilled clown, and that’s exactly what women today want.

You do that, Roosh, honey. Just try to make sure she’s actually sober enough to consent to your “performance” first. I know you have a little trouble with that.

Here’s a little video for Roosh to watch the next time he’s feeling down.

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10 years ago

Reblogged this on iheariseeilearn.

10 years ago

Great work Manbbobz

10 years ago

*Manboobz* 🙂

10 years ago

i hear shiny cocks are easier to come by these days. look in the tall grass. i hear there s even an item to increase your chances.

sorry for typing like archie, my phone is being ornery.

10 years ago

Men have become an utterly replaceable and expendable commodity in a girl’s life.

No, Roosh, not “men”…just YOU. A Hello Kitty vibrator makes a better conversationalist than you do. And that’s got your boxers all in a bunch, has it? DIDDUMS!

10 years ago

Also, does anyone hear the voice of John Wayne Gacy when they’re reading Roosh? Because I sure as hell do… >shudder<

10 years ago

Young women aren’t forced to fuck me for shelter. Alas, alack.

10 years ago

This could explain Roosh’s complete grooming fail. He can’t see himself in a mirror; he sees a glittery skirt. Not even a glittery vampire … a glittery skirt.

That photo of Roosh reminds me of this, but with negative levels of cute.

Roosh claiming to be a clown seems apt, given that clowns come across as creepy to so many people. Even the Guild of Fools and Joculators and College of Clowns of Ankh-Morpork would kick him to the kerb for being a repellent loser.

10 years ago

It’s going to take me a few minutes to process this mess and think of something witty to say. For now, I leave you all with this

10 years ago

…okay, first off, I now can’t get the image of a man with a glittering, mirror-plated penis out of my head. DISCO PENIS.

And I refuse to believe that this guy can convince enough women to go out with him to keeping being a clown. Look at that guy, even college sophomore me would have taken one look at him and gone ‘Oh, crap, that guy is going to eat my liver.’

And it’s really frickin’ obvious that this guy has never actually met anyone who has to subsist on government funds. But only middle and upper class white women count to this guy, I’m guessing.

Or maybe he’s just never actually spoken to a woman who was sober enough to stand up on her own. Could be that.

And why would it be a good thing that women have to sleep with you for survival? It’s basically prostitution. She’s not having sex with you because you’re hot, or interesting, or even just so manly she couldn’t resist. It’s so she can avoid sleeping in a cardboard box. How is that validating in any way? ‘Ooh, look, she slept with me! I’m more appealing than sleeping on a heating grate!’ So is going to a Medicaid/welfare office, but that’s not an enjoyable experience either.

10 years ago

And this

10 years ago

…okay, first off, I now can’t get the image of a man with a glittering, mirror-plated penis out of my head. DISCO PENIS.

… does it revolve?

10 years ago

Always a treat to listen to a hypocritical a-hole whine about a woman’s “mistakes” and “lack of judgement” like we get pregnant all by our little selves. Maybe if there weren’t so many creeps ditching woman they get pregnant, there wouldn’t be a need.

WTF is wrong with these men that they are so anxious for women to have no choice but to be with them?? Does it really feel good to know someone is with you only because they have to be? What kind of bottom-feeder thinks that is a good time? I can’t imagine how shitty I would feel about myself knowing my husband was only with me because he had no other options in life.

Also, what the hell is with the Charles Manson-look these weirdos like to project?

10 years ago

tealily – hypocritical is right, because the guys doing this complaining are the definition of a “bad choice of partner”.

I suspect their validation comes from making women unhappy. They don’t care if we aren’t choosing to be with them because we like them or fancy them. They’re getting to impose themselves on us and cause us distress. That’s what gives them their jollies.

10 years ago

Roosh and clowns give me the creeps, so maybe he’s right about being a clown.

Poor greasy baby can’t get the young women anymore. He’s 90% closer to being That Guy at the bar.

10 years ago

I know Roosh is perpetually unemployed, but he must still be familiar with the concept of people going to work at jobs to support themselves, no? Like he knows that’s what most women have to do. We don’t get to live off of some magical lady-welfare the way he does, selling ebooks to desperate misogynists. Does he understand what a job even is?

10 years ago

What a sad goddamned life. How pathetic do you have to be to have the idea that someone might actually want you for your company and the happiness you bring into their life be so utterly incomprehensible? Has this guy ever had an actual relationship? Shit, has he ever even had sex (I typed “had sad”, lol) with the same woman more than once?

Now suddenly all I can think of is Captain Hammer: “This is so nice/ I just might sleep with the same girl twice/ They say it’s better the second time,/ They say you get to do the weird stuff.”

10 years ago

Roosh, methinks you are about 41 years behind the times…

Have a better whine about clowns.

10 years ago

As completely messed up as it sounds, I believe you Kitteh. It would also explain the bizarre, wide-eyed glare we’ve been seeing lately. I guess they think scaring women into submission will work.

Good luck with that, boys.

10 years ago

Is Roosh trying to convince women not to sleep with him?

Having kids out of wedlock is a mistake, which means sex with him is a mistake. Not to mention how he complains about how bored they get after sex.

To bastardize, punintended, a line from the college student doing porn on the side, he points with one hand and unzips his fly with the other.

Herman Fethez
10 years ago

This IMHO is your best post ever. It totally sums up the predicament that the MRA types find themselves in. Now they have to face the reality that the MRA position must be to either adjust to the way the world works now or to admit that there indeed was a patriarchy and that they are in fact advocating a return to it.

Of course the patriarchy still exists, but things are moving, and will continue to move in the right direction.

Stripped Nuts
10 years ago

Great post. I didn’t think it possible that someone could be so lacking in self awareness. Roosh is complaining that women treat men like he treats women?

10 years ago

I got nothin’.

10 years ago

Nothing’s still more than Roosh has. He’s into the minuses. :/

10 years ago

It would also explain the bizarre, wide-eyed glare we’ve been seeing lately. I guess they think scaring women into submission will work.

OMG, that’s it! That creepy googly-eye we’ve been seeing on Paulie AND Roosh alike…it’s the Rasputin hypno-eye! Only neither one of them has Rasputin’s enormous endowment…or his apparent talent for using it on the ladies of Russian royalty.

Poor widdle fings.

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