are these guys 12 years old? evil fat fatties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape culture reddit that's completely wrong

Just two dudes, talkin’ ’bout rape on the Men’s Rights subreddit

I thought this little exchange was so special it deserved to be shared.

ILoveHate 18 points 21 hours ago (25|7)  Why is it that I always see the hambeasts worried about rape and not the cute girls on the volleyball team?      permalink     save     source     report     give gold     save     reply     hide child comments  [–]Bartab 21 points 17 hours ago (27|9)  Because the cute ones turn guys down all the time and nothing happens.  Fatties never turn them down, so they have this huge fantasy that if they did it would end in violence.

Thanks to AMRThrowaway for highlighting it in the first place.

EDIT: I updated the image. Now with more upvotes!

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10 years ago

I hope these two assholes end up jerking off into their socks for the rest of their lives.

Seriously, these guys don’t care about the rape of men except as a beating stick for feminism. Some of the older Boobzers here might recall my interactions with MRAs here on this point…

Good times, good times.

10 years ago
Reply to  theladyzombie

I’m not pagan now but I was briefly involved with paganism for a few years in the early 90′s. I bet if I think real hard, I can figure out who you’re talking about.

Also from that same time period, I went to a couple of Pagan Fests and I remember one of the vendors was a photographer and photo manipulator, like in the days before Photoshop. All of his photographs were the same – naked, underaged girls (as in pre-puberty) as fairies or sprites. There was one in particular I remember; the girl was sitting on a rock and you could clearly see her labia. I tried speaking with one of the organizers about it but I was told I was being priggish and that his photographs were beautiful and “innocent” and to quit spreading negative energy. The whole thing was very disturbing.

I just found out that some Pagan-friendly bookstores are taking his books and music off the shelves, saying that they want nothing to do with this kind of behavior.

I, personally, have never met the man, although it was distressing to find this in my community. I found out about it through a blog/newsletter that I receive called The Wild Hunt. I have never written anything to it, but it is a great source of news and info for the Pagan community.

And EWWW on the photos you mentioned! Fair warning to everyone: Predators exist everywhere, even in the spiritual communities.

The folk I feel badly for are the kids and his family. At least he is owning up to it.

10 years ago

In nicer news: BOOBZERS! I will be opening another writeathon TOMORROW! The topic, in keeping with the upcoming April Fool’s Day and the Boobz we so mock, is FOOLISHNESS.

My screename will link to the writeathon when it opens! Hope to see you there! 😀

10 years ago

RE: hellkell

Good times, good times.

I’m STILL amused by that one guy who was like, “Well, we ain’t like those squishy touchy-feely feminists, we aren’t going to coddle your precious fee-fees because we have much bigger problems than your stupid rape history and sexuality and — hey, where you going? Don’t you want to be a MAN?”

10 years ago
Reply to  Xen

This is me every frigging day. I hate it. I don’t want to get mad at people, but when these guys start talking shit I can’t take it.

I know, right? And it never stops. They just keep going and going and going.

It is enough to make one hope that some alien starship will just come and take us away…or them…either one would work…

10 years ago

weirwoodtreehugger, that video was heart-breaking. I deeply wish that male rape victims felt safe to open up, and I hope that video is seen by all, and that it helps enable guys to talk and heal.

10 years ago

LBT: I’ll be looking forward to it!

10 years ago


This reminds me of the time when, shortly after I had told my parents I was raped the month before, my mother made a comment about me being “too pretty.” Which puts the onus on me. Which excludes all the women who aren’t generically attractive, young, or anything that fits that category from possibly being raped, right? And yet they are. It’s not about that. These MRAs are seriously bizarre in thought process and they are not safe people to be around.

10 years ago

I saw that video too and it was very sad and uncomfortable to watch, but delivers a powerful and important message that men can be victims too. I think it needs to go viral, the only thing that I guarantee will happen is the topic going from awareness/helping male victims to using feminism as yet another scapegoat.

Oh and there was a few months back a really great set of photos of male victims holding signs of the disgusting things they were told by their rapists. Great photos in that it brought awareness. They were all very brave men.

Everytime MRAs claim rape culture doesn’t exist, or is just code for calling all men rapisrs I just want to yell that men are victims of rape culture too. Thinking a man can’t be raped IS rape culture. Thinking prisoners being raped is a proper punishment IS rape culture. So when they can recognize this but then shit all over female victims, claiming they lie, or are partially responsible, or the constant minimization and trying so very hard to find a hole in a female victim but not male victims story…I do think that they think women are subhuman who deserve it, while men get empathy.

MRAs disturb the hell out of me and I feel the same, just complete disgust with the human race.

10 years ago

MRA: Lolol hambeast fatties lololol


(yes, warpig is another one they like to use, I believe I first heard it on fartiste’s blog)

keep up the hate bros. Because of it when you are brutally rejected by a former fat girl who lost the weight I’ll be there laughing at you!

10 years ago

Does having a week-long yen for ham sammiches make one a hambeast? If so, sign me up.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Fat-shaming, slut-shaming, smart-shaming…MRAs, if you have to “shame” the ladies into dating you, perhaps you’re not all that.

10 years ago

“Warpig” makes me think of a giant boar, big enough to ride, decked out in armor and barding. That’s actually kind of a cool image. Thanks, MRAs!

10 years ago

Fat-shaming, slut-shaming, smart-shaming…MRAs, if you have to “shame” the ladies into dating you, perhaps you’re not all that.

Having seen what most of these guys look like, I second that emotion. These guys are NOT all that, at all. And they resent the hell out of us, all of us, even the “fatties”, for wanting better and feeling that we do, in fact, DESERVE better. Because we do, dammit.

10 years ago

The whole comment smacks of confirmation bias anyway. When you already define women worried about rape as being ugly by definition, you’re only going to pay attention to the ones that fit your stereotype.

10 years ago

I’m utterly unsurprised, but that does not lessen my general disgust.

Here, adorable little boy adorably cuddling adorable puppies, for anyone who needs it:

10 years ago

RE: katz

I’ll be looking forward to it!

The writeathon is now OPEN! Come and join me for fun, foolishness, and possibly more cyborg animals! You know, light, happy things that have NOTHING TO DO with assholery.

10 years ago
Reply to  kittehserf

Does having a week-long yen for ham sammiches make one a hambeast? If so, sign me up.


Oh, stop….you are KILLING me!

10 years ago

Warpig sounds like one of those extremely obscure metal subgenres that consists of two bands and maybe a third that the purists aren’t sure about.

10 years ago
Reply to  drst

Here, adorable little boy adorably cuddling adorable puppies, for anyone who needs it:

Awww….Thanks! I was feeling sad, now I am feeling all smiley and squishy… 🙂

10 years ago

auggz: I knew “warpig” had something to do with metal!

10 years ago

Warpig – back in university, one of my fellow D&D players had his character (chaotic neutral thief) get a pig. It was tricked out with custom made pig barding, and yes, he did ride it everywhere. Named it Nigel. I will never hear the term ‘warpig’ without thinking of that.

10 years ago
Reply to  catgirl

This reminds me of the time when, shortly after I had told my parents I was raped the month before, my mother made a comment about me being “too pretty.” Which puts the onus on me. Which excludes all the women who aren’t generically attractive, young, or anything that fits that category from possibly being raped, right? And yet they are. It’s not about that. These MRAs are seriously bizarre in thought process and they are not safe people to be around.

I am so sorry. It is sad to think that so many of our moms bought into the patriarchal lie so completely, to the detriment of their own children.

And you are so right. ALL women are potential targets…makes no difference what they look like.

10 years ago
Reply to  Unimaginative

It’s ALWAYS THIS. Poor, poor, tortured, misunderstood victim of his own weaknesses. How can we be so cruel to him by pointing out that his VICTIMS are the ones who need our help and compassion?

But that is part of the psychological game. They get everyone to feel sorry for their pathetic asses and then everyone looks at the victims as if WE are the criminals. This leaves them free to do it again and again and again.

10 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Warpig – back in university, one of my fellow D&D players had his character (chaotic neutral thief) get a pig. It was tricked out with custom made pig barding, and yes, he did ride it everywhere. Named it Nigel. I will never hear the term ‘warpig’ without thinking of that.

I will have to tell my grandsons (ages 10 and 13) about that. We play D&D every Sunday. The younger is a dwarf warrior and I think he would LOVE a pig like that.