are these guys 12 years old? evil fat fatties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape culture reddit that's completely wrong

Just two dudes, talkin’ ’bout rape on the Men’s Rights subreddit

I thought this little exchange was so special it deserved to be shared.

ILoveHate 18 points 21 hours ago (25|7)  Why is it that I always see the hambeasts worried about rape and not the cute girls on the volleyball team?      permalink     save     source     report     give gold     save     reply     hide child comments  [–]Bartab 21 points 17 hours ago (27|9)  Because the cute ones turn guys down all the time and nothing happens.  Fatties never turn them down, so they have this huge fantasy that if they did it would end in violence.

Thanks to AMRThrowaway for highlighting it in the first place.

EDIT: I updated the image. Now with more upvotes!

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10 years ago

*Barf* I’m trying to think of something to say in response, and failing. Just, *barf*.

10 years ago

Nope. Rape never happens. Those 1 in 6 women are just fatties that are fantasizing about being irresistible to men! Thanks for letting me know that bros. It really eases my mind.

Ivy Shoots
10 years ago

“The cute girls on the volleyball team” is so bizarrely over-specific. Who worries about being sexually assaulted while playing volleyball?

Hyena Girl
10 years ago

I think the over-specific definition that commenter had points to something going on in his head.

10 years ago

This is what I was flailing for earlier:

Maybe those fatties are so sure they could be raped because they have been already.

And while I was searching for that, I found this piece of grossness:


Ivy Shoots
10 years ago

Hyena Girl, yeah, the whole thing seems to be in-head-only. I did find this

[A]t a Saint Mary’s University women’s volleyball game, male members of two SMU sports teams (that shall remain nameless) unleashed a barrage of sexist and degrading comments at the female members of the opposing team to the point where the game had to be halted, the SMU volleyball coach came over to ask the offenders to stop such conduct, and campus police finally had to escort some of the offenders out of the game…The women who were part of both volleyball teams were visibly disturbed — I could only imagine what they were thinking.

ILoveHate would imagine they were thinking, “We’re not worried about rape because we’re cute.” Like girls do. In his head.

10 years ago

Ain’t that classy?

Fucking assholes.

10 years ago

Johnathan Taylor elsewhere in the thread:

Believe it or not, we don’t need a peer reviewed study to tell us that the sky is blue and the grass is green. Nor do we need a peer reviewed study in this matter when the accusers themselves confess to their crimes and when there is substantial evidence to support the fact that they lied.

LOL yeah down with peer review!

They are literally arguing against something that can help them determine if their evidence is based on reliable research. Have fun destroying your own movement, MRAs!

10 years ago



10 years ago

Just want to point out that these two comments are now up to 12 and 17 upvotes, respectively. BTW, Bartab in the past said, “Not saying ‘no’ does mean yes.” So he’s not exactly a trusted reporter on the issue of consent.

10 years ago

Wow. Where does one start?

Rape is a violent act, designed to terrorize and deeply damage those who are raped, for the pleasure and entertainment of the rapist. I have been raped four times in my life, once even pulled off my horse, for the ha-ha’s of some very ugly men. I was told by the police, the one time I reported it, that *I* must have done something to egg the guys on, even though, for that one, I was only sitting on a friends porch, playing my guitar. In a blue work shirt and jeans. Oh, and that does not include all the times when, as a little girl, I was groped and men exposed themselves to me. Those, according to family and police, were also my fault.

I never went through the horror of reporting it again.

Sorry. I just HATE these guys. With every fiber of my being. Fantasize about rape, my ass.

10 years ago


What a fitting username for an MRA!

10 years ago

Don’t you also love how they continuously downplay and minimize rape of women, yet rape of men is absolutely horrid?

To decent human beings, rape is a horrid thing to happen to all genders. To MRAs, everything horrid that happens to women is either no big deal or their own fault. And they wonder why their little campus groups get protested.

10 years ago

I realize that this is somewhat off topic, but I just got some disturbing news. Apparently, a male leader in the Pagan movement (I am, by the way, Pagan) who is also a musician in said movement, has just been arrested for trafficking in kiddie porn. Seems he has also been abusing children at Pagan gatherings for the last 30 years.

And no one listened to the kids. After all, he was a nice guy…a solid Pagan guy.

To his credit, he has confessed to the charges of kiddie porn.

Gah! Is nowhere safe? And I really feel for his family.

10 years ago

@Samantha, That’s terrible, those poor kids.

About 10 years ago, I found out that someone in the labor movement that I had worked with and respected had been physically and sexually abusing his adult partner and sexually abusing his two children with his former partner. It really shakes you up to find those abusive a-holes so close to home.

The worst part is that when he got out of prison he was completely re-embraced in his little corner of the labor movement, while his former partner was harassed out of her job by those same people. They thought she should have kept quiet about it, rather than tearing down a “good union man.” O_o

10 years ago


10 years ago
Reply to  cloudiah

The worst part is that when he got out of prison he was completely re-embraced in his little corner of the labor movement, while his former partner was harassed out of her job by those same people. They thought she should have kept quiet about it, rather than tearing down a “good union man.” O_o

But that is the way it often happens – the abuser, usually male, gets welcomed back into the fold and the abused, both female and male, gets shunned and kicked out.

As far as the Pagan Elder/musician goes, the adults who did not listen seem to want us all to be compassionate to the poor guy and work for his healing. What about the kids?????

Sometimes I think that this species is just too stupid to live. Sigh. That is just me being frustrated and angry.

Oh, and thanks for the kind sympathy. I really do appreciate it, and hope that all the kids and now grown up kids get some help and satisfaction.

10 years ago

Maybe those fatties are so sure they could be raped because they have been already.

Oh, unimaginative, thank you for that. I am, myself, a large woman and I remember thinking as a little girl that if only I was fat and ugly the men would leave me alone. It is a horrible thing to look at your own beautiful body and face with hate and fear. ALL kids are lovely and no one should be made to feel that their own bodies are the betrayers that make men do terrible things to them.

While I never got over my fear of being in public where men could see and hurt me (I developed, as an adult, agoriphobia), I did at least learn to recognize real love and friendship. Hence, my 42 year marriage and 4 wonderful kids.

And that Princeton mom? What a nightmare! Ploppers!!! So…who taught her to hate women?
Her book “Marry Smart” should be boycotted by every woman in the world. Ms. Patton deserves my FMRA FemBot Tool of Stupid Men of the Year Award. Feh! Meh! Phooey, in the words of the immortal Nero Wolfe.

10 years ago
Reply to  Quackers

blockquote>Don’t you also love how they continuously downplay and minimize rape of women, yet rape of men is absolutely horrid?

Silly person. Do you not understand that the mra types and men in general are the only real people? The rest of us, women and the men who are actually human beings of heart and mind, are merely paper cut-outs who need to learn our places and take it when they choose to dish it out. So of COURSE rape is only real when it happens to them! And, doncha know, it is the women who do the raping. How is THAT for logic?

Bleah! Retch!

10 years ago

So, these guys seriously think that pretty girls don’t worry about rape? How do they know that? Do they have an inside pipeline to the girls’ minds? Because if anything, pretty girls have MORE cause to fear it…they get “compliments” from crude random strangers on the street all the time. And I can say from personal experience that those are far more frightening than flattering.

But I guess it’s easy to come to stupid conclusions as to what pretty girls are thinking when you’ll never get the time of day from them, and therefore won’t be asking for their decidedly un-ornamental opinions, eh?

10 years ago

Maybe those fatties are so sure they could be raped because they have been already.

I’ve read several anecdotal accounts of women who have either gained a lot of weight as a kind of “armor” against unwanted attentions, or been anorexic out of fear of their own developing hips and breasts (which spell S-E-X to onlookers!), so there is a lot of validity to this “maybe”.

Of course, the idea that weight problems and eating disorders are often rooted in early sexual abuse is another one that hasn’t occurred to these (pocket) rocket scientists.

10 years ago

At least a handful of times a year I read about a man breaking into a home and robbing and raping a woman 70+ years old; many even as old as in their 90s. How exactly would the pea-brain MRAs explain those cases?

10 years ago

At least a handful of times a year I read about a man breaking into a home and robbing and raping a woman 70+ years old; many even as old as in their 90s. How exactly would the pea-brain MRAs explain those cases?

Or babies. In diapers. Seriously, WTF???

10 years ago

Someone just posted a link to this under the comments from the OP; maybe we’ll get some fun trolls. XD

10 years ago

On that note Cloudiah, I saw this video on Jezebel. It’s about the way rape culture effects male rape/abuse victims. To any MRAs who might have wandered over, this is the right way to talk about male victims. Note the lack of misogyny! Even though it uses dark ironic humor to make the point, it’s tough to watch and might be triggering for abuse survivors.

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