a woman is always to blame antifeminism evil sexy ladies go read this homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape culture the myth of warren farrell

Check out the “Farrell’s Follies” series of posts on Reddit

Warren Farrell: Full of terrible ideas
Warren Farrell: His ideas are as bad as that logo

Today, just a recommendation: if you’d like to learn more about the wrongheaded and often quite bewildering opinions of Men’s Rights grandpappy Warren Farrell, take a look at the excellent Farrell’s Follies series now being posted on the AgainstMensRights subreddit. The Redditor known as feminista_throwaway has been systematically going through Farrell’s Myth of Male Power and looking in detail at Farrell’s positions on such issues as “Date Fraud,” why it’s supposedly easier to be a gay man than a straight man, why patriarchy is women’s fault, and how men and women don’t really love each other. There’s a guide to the whole series here.

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10 years ago

I really do think they’d freak out if someone had sex with them and was just done after that. They’re so tied up in weird ideas about gender roles that it would just break their brains to have a woman not want anything from them other than a quick fuck.

10 years ago

Kittehserf, that image is going to show up in all my nightmares. Well done.

10 years ago


I’m not concerned with gender roles, but I wouldn’t want to have sex with a woman outside of the context of a relationship. Which seems odd when you consider that I don’t even know the names of most of the men I’ve been with.

I just feel like women are for relationships and men are for sex. I don’t know if that’s sexist or not, but it’s how I approach my sexual interactions with both genders.

10 years ago

RE: Walter

Yeah, it’s not just a sex thing with them. It’s mixed in with a lot of messed up ideas about gender, gender roles, and… I don’t even KNOW all what their deal is, just that it involves lots of hating women.

RE: cassandrakitty

Seeing how they seem to feel about sex workers, yup.

10 years ago

If women just got up, grinned, and left right after sex it might imply that they were happy about what had happened, and then how would the dude know that he had won?

Seriously, nobody should fuck these guys. Not even if they were the hottest men on earth. Their attitudes towards sexuality are just too toxic.

10 years ago

Kittehserf, that image is going to show up in all my nightmares. Well done.

We are here to serve. 😉

10 years ago

For a moment I thought somebody might actually want to discuss these issues

Why on earth would you think that? This is a mockery site, son.

But, my prediction that the response would just be religious bigotry, came true after all. What a surprise.

First of all, what does this even mean? And second, don’t play the victim when your first comment was dismissive, aggressive and yes, fucking sexist. No one here is going to feel bad for continuing with the tone YOU set.

excuses your failures, protects you from responsibility and makes you feel good, pure and innocent [fucking gross rape metaphor, followed by tired MRA “all women fantasize about rape” bullshit]

FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU, you disgusting, creepy, shameful excuse for a human being. Do you have even the slightest idea what empathy is? Is there even a shred of humanity in you?

And you complain about how you’ve been treated in this conversation.

10 years ago

You’re probably right about those guys wanting more than anonymous sex, though. I hadn’t thought about that, but you’re right. It’s not a purely sexual thing for these MRA people.

Outside of the PUA arm of the manosphere, those people do admit this. That they don’t just want sex but emotional companionship etc etc… but if you listen a bit more closely you’ll see that just means they also want an emotional, not just a sexual doormat. As for the PUAs, they see sex as scoring points… winning against the women, essentially (based on the idea that women are the sexual gatekeepers, and they have just torn down the gate). How could they claim victory then if the woman enjoyed it, too?

10 years ago

but if you listen a bit more closely you’ll see that just means they also want an emotional, not just a sexual doormat.

Nailed it.

How could they claim victory then if the woman enjoyed it, too?

One of our old trolls, NWOslave, wrote here once that sex is a contest: whoever comes first wins, and he’d never lost.

Which made me think, in snarkier moments, that I’ve never heard a bloke boast abour premature ejaculation before; but more seriously, that he was at the very least a lousy sex partner and more likely intent on the woman not getting any satisfaction.

(This is the same guy who referred to eleven-year-old girls in capri pants as being dressed like sluts, which says about all one needs to know.)

10 years ago

You’re probably right about those guys wanting more than anonymous sex, though. I hadn’t thought about that, but you’re right. It’s not a purely sexual thing for these MRA people.

Outside of the PUA arm of the manosphere, those people do admit this. That they don’t just want sex but emotional companionship etc etc… but if you listen a bit more closely you’ll see that just means they also want an emotional, not just a sexual doormat.

This is what MRAs are talking about when they say they think women should be ‘kind’ (or, converesely, when they complain that women are ‘selfish’), right? I feel like that word crops up quite a lot in their, uh, discourse. I can’t really think of any other interpretation.

Unless, I suppose, what they mean is that everybody should be kind and they just forgot to mention men for whatever reason (e.g., hard day at the mammoth rendering plant). Doesn’t seem likely, though.

Drumroll to see if those nested blockquotes took…

10 years ago

(e.g., hard day at the mammoth rendering plant)

Love it. 🙂

10 years ago

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again;

The worst element of the MRAs is that they’re evangelical about being a jerk. Most jerks are passive about their asshole-ism, sometimes even deliberately subtle/deceptive about it.
But the MRAs just can’t help but dig through the bottom of any barrel they precieve themselves in.

10 years ago

I wouldn’t want to have sex with a woman outside of the context of a relationship. Which seems odd when you consider that I don’t even know the names of most of the men I’ve been with.

I just feel like women are for relationships and men are for sex. I don’t know if that’s sexist or not, but it’s how I approach my sexual interactions with both genders.

@walter, if we’re just talking your sexual/romantic preferences, that’s fine. And as long as you recognise how your preferences have been influenced by society.

The big problem is when this is generalised to everyone. So when women are told that they should never have sex outside of a relationship (cue the slut shaming) and men are told that they should always be up for sex (and so , for example, male rape victims not be taken seriously because men must always want sex, right).

10 years ago

Bina – I reckon even a guy who fancied papa bear types would mock these clowns. Their hideous personalities would show up, and that’s before Pauly did the googly-eyed vein-popping rage thing.

Oh, totally. One of my bearish friends has been alerted to Elam thanks to the AVFM-policing-the-Kingston-police thing, and he thinks Elam’s a shit. Wouldn’t even contemplate being attracted to him, even if he and Farrell started trolling the gay bars tomorrow.

And please, DO ‘shop Paulie into frozen-Jack-in-the-snow. He needs to cool his shit, and I could use the laugh.

10 years ago

One of our old trolls, NWOslave, wrote here once that sex is a contest: whoever comes first wins, and he’d never lost.

Which made me think, in snarkier moments, that I’ve never heard a bloke boast abour premature ejaculation before; but more seriously, that he was at the very least a lousy sex partner and more likely intent on the woman not getting any satisfaction.

I think you’re being quite generous with him there. Everybody knows that dirty socks don’t put up much of a struggle!

(This is the same guy who referred to eleven-year-old girls in capri pants as being dressed like sluts, which says about all one needs to know.)

Um, yeah. Always easier than realizing that one has just had sexual thoughts about a CHILD, and that one really ought to seek help for that.

(Also, capri pants are “slutty”? Good lord, they cover everything but the ankle. I wear mine out in the garden. Under a baggy t-shirt. If this guy thinks that’s slutty, I’d say he is most definitely a pervert.)

10 years ago

Also, capri pants are “slutty”?

burqas so hot hmmmmmm

10 years ago

You exposed your ankles in public? :O

*clutches pearls*

10 years ago

I read recently that Robin Williams had been considered for the Jack Torrance role. Now THAT would have been a scary movie.

10 years ago

Robert – oy, yes, that would have been scary! I haven’t read the book (just might, it sounds better than the film) but I agree with King’s early comments that Nicholson was the wrong choice for the part. Nicholson is just off the creep-o-meter for me; they needed someone who could convey Ordinary.

And please, DO ‘shop Paulie into frozen-Jack-in-the-snow. He needs to cool his shit, and I could use the laugh.

If I can! I finally had to install Windows 8 (hiss boo, I loved XP) and my beloved PhotoStudio 5.5 isn’t compatible with it. :cries:

10 years ago

You exposed your ankles in public? :O

*clutches pearls*

Yup…in rubber boots.

And no bra under the baggy t-shirt, either. Boob sweat, etc.

10 years ago

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