a woman is always to blame antifeminism evil sexy ladies go read this homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape culture the myth of warren farrell

Check out the “Farrell’s Follies” series of posts on Reddit

Warren Farrell: Full of terrible ideas
Warren Farrell: His ideas are as bad as that logo

Today, just a recommendation: if you’d like to learn more about the wrongheaded and often quite bewildering opinions of Men’s Rights grandpappy Warren Farrell, take a look at the excellent Farrell’s Follies series now being posted on the AgainstMensRights subreddit. The Redditor known as feminista_throwaway has been systematically going through Farrell’s Myth of Male Power and looking in detail at Farrell’s positions on such issues as “Date Fraud,” why it’s supposedly easier to be a gay man than a straight man, why patriarchy is women’s fault, and how men and women don’t really love each other. There’s a guide to the whole series here.

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10 years ago

Or, if you’re at college, a guillotine for cutting paper?

10 years ago

Even picture wire would cut through soap.

10 years ago

So basically like Westboro Baptist, but incompetent.

10 years ago

What about the wire potters use for cutting things off the wheel?

Diana Adams – it’s not far-fetched at all to think of MRAs saying Josef Fritzl was protecting and feeding his daughter and she was boss. It’s pretty much what they said about Ariel Castro.

10 years ago

I’ll be honest, I think that in the US, solely in the realm of casual, anonymous sex, it is easier for men to be gay than straight. Understand, I’m not some straight guy using homosexuality as a tool to put down women. I’m bisexual and have had sexual experiences with both men and women. I’m speaking from my own experience.
From my experience finding an anonymous sex partner is easier if you’re looking for a man.
Of course gay men experience a lot of discrimination and prejudice everywhere in the world. So on a real level, it’s much easier being straight than gay. But if you’re in a western nation that at least tries a little bit to protect homosexuals, and you’re just talking about casual, anonymous sex, it is easier to be gay.

10 years ago

Whether or not it’s easier to pick up men than women is beside the point. It’s offensive and tone deaf to make the claim that being a gay is easier because of the very real bigotry that gay people. You’re kind of brushing that off here.

10 years ago

It also ignores the real dangers women face in seeking casual sex from men, and the fact that even when it’s safe, it’s unlikely to provide a worthwhile sexual experience (if orgasmic PiV is what’s sought).

10 years ago

Plus, what does our hypothetical gay man look like? If he’s under 25, good looking, and has a nice body then sure, plenty of casual sex on offer for him. If he looks like most MRAs, not so much.

Not to mention the fact that casual sex isn’t really what they’re looking for, and they’d probably be horrified if they fucked a woman and afterwards she was all “well that was nice, see ya”. There’d be hundreds of new rants about how callous women are and how she didn’t even offer to cook him breakfast or do his laundry before she left.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

auggz – pastry cutter? Or one of those two-handled pizza knives?

10 years ago

Heheh I’d love to see Farrell or the head honchos at AVfM trying their luck at a gay club.

10 years ago

Don’t laugh, Kittehs…bears would probably say they were woofy.

10 years ago

Kitteh – that is an horrific image. Also, in most sexual marketplace situations, gay men over fifty, under five foot six, or a MoC are invisible. I would have great difficulty readjusting to the ‘dating game’ after two decades of married life. If what you’re after is sport-fucking, your options are much better as a white, able-bodied, cis gay man under thirty.

Reminded me of something a friend said years ago, regarding being an Asian gay man in San Francisco. He said there were two kinds of white gay men – the ones who wouldn’t see you standing next to them, and the ones who would spot you two blocks away in a heavy fog.

10 years ago

You will maybe be surprised how easy it is to cut the loaves into bars. There are demos on youtube if you need to see.

House Mouse Queen
10 years ago

“This is making me want to post trashy queercore shit”


We all know it’s easier to be gay in this world. Warren Farrell said so.

10 years ago

Robert – it is quite a gross image, isn’t it? But the thought of how utterly invisible those idiots would be is really appealing. They like to pretend teh poor menz have such a hard time with nasty picky women, and that it’s sooooo much easier to be gay … well, try it, dudes, that’s all I can say. Leaving out their willful cluelessness about being gay and the bigotry one faces, I would just love to see the total FAIL of those guys in a club. They think they get mocked here

10 years ago

There are gay guys who go for “papa bear” types, but there are nowhere near as many of them as there are of the kind who reflexively chase after cute young twinks. My best friend was one of the latter type when he first came out, and he had guys of all ages after him…but the most fanatical chasers were the older (and often, married) men. He wasn’t at all thrilled with that; I remember him very firmly telling me, “If I’m gonna be gay, I’m gonna be gay with someone my own age.” And that’s just what happened…within a year or so, he was happily paired up with his now hubby, who is just one year older.

10 years ago

They really have no idea just how much the combination of male privilege and being straight is protecting them from blunt, unvarnished commentary on their physical appearance. So let them go to a gay club, or post a profile on Grindr, and get some honest feedback. They’re not going to like it.

10 years ago

Bina – I reckon even a guy who fancied papa bear types would mock these clowns. Their hideous personalities would show up, and that’s before Pauly did the googly-eyed vein-popping rage thing.

General question: if I did a quick Elam as Jack Torrance pic, what scene would people recommend? I’m tempted by the frozen-in-the-snow one, but that might be a bit over the line, considering Johnny’s dead there.

10 years ago

Kittehs: it would have to be the famous “HEEEEEEEEERRRRRRE’S JOHNNY” scene.

10 years ago

Definitely the one where he’s coming through the door. You wouldn’t even need to edit the face at all, he has the expression down already.

10 years ago

It’d practically be a case of putting Elam’s eyeballs in over Nicholson’s face. 😛

So, here it is:

Heeere’s Pauly

10 years ago


For them to acknowledge gay bashing, they would have to stop being self-centered and realize that other people have their own experiences and struggles.

*sigh* Yeah, that or they take the g0y stance that we wouldn’t get bashed if we just didn’t act like such [gay slurs] all the time.

RE: Walter

But if you’re in a western nation that at least tries a little bit to protect homosexuals, and you’re just talking about casual, anonymous sex, it is easier to be gay.

Like I said to dunbe, boy, where do you LIVE? ‘Cause I want to move where you are. Also, you’re taking the statement out of context. Warren Farrell wasn’t saying it’s easier to pick up sex as a gay man; he was saying it’s just plain flat-out EASIER to be a gay man.

RE: Bina

Don’t laugh, Kittehs…bears would probably say they were woofy.

Not THIS bear, thank you very much! (Well, I’ve lost a lot of weight, the past year. But that’ll hopefully be fixed!)

There are gay guys who go for “papa bear” types, but there are nowhere near as many of them as there are of the kind who reflexively chase after cute young twinks.

I’m into the papa bear types (blame my family; all twinks to me look like my younger brother, causing insta-buzzkill) and I STILL wouldn’t have anything to do with these fuckers. I don’t fuck creepers, yo. I like NICE men.

RE: House Mouse Queen


Your wish is my command!

10 years ago

Also, this song seems totally relevant to the current conversation.

10 years ago


I acknowledged the real problems that gay people have in society. They face far more discrimination than straight people. I understand that and have never denied it.


In all honesty, I’ve known men less attractive than these MRA guys who got a lot of sex. I’m fat, ugly, non white and have no social skills, but I was always able to find a partner. I got rejected a lot, but I was always able to find someone who fit my criteria.

You’re probably right about those guys wanting more than anonymous sex, though. I hadn’t thought about that, but you’re right. It’s not a purely sexual thing for these MRA people.