a woman is always to blame antifeminism evil sexy ladies go read this homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape culture the myth of warren farrell

Check out the “Farrell’s Follies” series of posts on Reddit

Warren Farrell: Full of terrible ideas
Warren Farrell: His ideas are as bad as that logo

Today, just a recommendation: if you’d like to learn more about the wrongheaded and often quite bewildering opinions of Men’s Rights grandpappy Warren Farrell, take a look at the excellent Farrell’s Follies series now being posted on the AgainstMensRights subreddit. The Redditor known as feminista_throwaway has been systematically going through Farrell’s Myth of Male Power and looking in detail at Farrell’s positions on such issues as “Date Fraud,” why it’s supposedly easier to be a gay man than a straight man, why patriarchy is women’s fault, and how men and women don’t really love each other. There’s a guide to the whole series here.

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Howard Bannister
10 years ago


Why? Because the universe hates you too, apparently.

10 years ago

Some short men have a hard time getting dates, and this totally supports my theory that women aren’t CEOs because they’re just too lazy!

10 years ago

I’m sure they lecture the DMV worker about how being required to renew your tabs is misandry. Then they follow that up with a rant about how feeeeemaaaales shouldn’t be allowed to drive.

10 years ago

RE: cassandrakitty

Can you imagine these people at the DMV?

I’d really rather not, thanks. And god only knows how they handle health insurance…

10 years ago

I really don’t get the short guy thing. My vessel’s 5’4, and I haven’t really noticed that influencing anyone. But then again, most of them either think I’m Twinkie McGayerson or a woman, so maybe that has something to do with it.

10 years ago

Even basic stuff like setting up internet and cable, do they just tweet angrily at Comcast about how they don’t have service yet? If their service goes down do they write an angry blog post about it rather than just calling customer service and asking for someone to come fix it?

10 years ago

It isn’t even short short man. That’s the radio/MTV version. It’s short dick man. Here’s the original for those who aren’t at work.

10 years ago

This is making me want to post trashy queercore shit, just because dunbe got under my skin with that, “aw, it’s so much easier for a guy to date a guy than a girl!” bullshit.

10 years ago

Well, if women have any preferences at all about what kind of penises they like that is of course the ultimate misandry, and should be punished by a hail of rape and death threats.

(And tweeting the Justice Department about how it should be illegal, because apparently that’s how we get things done in the MRM.)

10 years ago

You can’t tell a man’s penis size while he has clothes on though. A small penis wouldn’t make it harder to get dates. Also, some gay men have penis size preferences too so it doesn’t make the case that it’s easier for men to be gay.

10 years ago

IME gay men tend both to have much stricter preferences about penis everything, and be much more upfront about telling potential dates to GTFO if they don’t fit those preferences. If whiny dude thinks that dating women is shredding his self esteem he wouldn’t last 5 minutes in a gay club.

10 years ago

Lol you guys are so pathetic.

What a devastating argument. I am floored.

10 years ago

I really can’t in good conscience award that flounce more than 1/10. It just has nothing to recommend it at all.

10 years ago

I learned so much about the plight of men from that 20 year old song about dick preferences. Thank you for broadening my horizons.

By contrast, I haven’t seen women’s worth as people measured out on a 10-pt scale of how sexy they are since… oh yeah. Yesterday. I saw that yesterday.

10 years ago


Also, some gay men have penis size preferences too so it doesn’t make the case that it’s easier for men to be gay.

Honestly, penis size is the LEAST of your worries in the gay dating scene, if you ask me. I’m still waiting to hear why these fuckers seem to have forgotten that bashing exists.

10 years ago

But of course, they can use any organization’s logo without permission. Of course, “you’re consent is not required.” But of course they can tell the police what is and is not illegal via Twitter; all they want to do is remind the cops that of course they have the right to do whatever they damn well please. And of course they have the right to “interview” assault victims! Because of course they’re the ones who will properly determine whether a crime has been committed or not and whether the victim is a “real” victim or not. And of course we all know she’s just making it up -like all women everywhere make up stuff like this all the time, so you can’t really believe a woman’s word (and even if she didn’t, she probably deserved it – just like every woman who’s ever suffered violence at the hands of men probably deserved it). Because, of course men are smarter, better and more virtuous than women.

These are all things that they believe they have an absolute right to do. But there is, of course no entitlement here or anything.

10 years ago

@dunbe: Wow, you didn’t even try. So fucking pitiful. Well, at least you didn’t distract us for long. Now we can get back to talking about cats and how horrible that new TMNT movie is going to be, and other such important things.

10 years ago


0/10 would advise not to try again

10 years ago

Can you imagine these people at the DMV?


I can’t even imagine the shitfits they’d throw if they had to bring the amount of paperwork I did to put my married name on my license.

Alice Sanguinaria
10 years ago

augg – why did you buy 10 lbs of soap? O_o

10 years ago

A dog in nerd glasses is actually a surprisingly accurate depiction of me. Though the “I have no idea what I’m doing” science dog is often probably moreso.

10 years ago

For them to acknowledge gay bashing, they would have to stop being self-centered and realize that other people have their own experiences and struggles. That’s probably never going to happen.

10 years ago

Auggz, have you got a machete? Or maybe a mallet and chisel?

10 years ago

That’s a great price for handmade soap, I wish I could find a deal like that. I keep meaning to try making some. It’s kind of scary though.

I’ve read that you can cut it by wrapping dental floss around if it’s in a loaf shape.

10 years ago

(Or a meat cleaver, or a cheese grater?)