Today, just a recommendation: if you’d like to learn more about the wrongheaded and often quite bewildering opinions of Men’s Rights grandpappy Warren Farrell, take a look at the excellent Farrell’s Follies series now being posted on the AgainstMensRights subreddit. The Redditor known as feminista_throwaway has been systematically going through Farrell’s Myth of Male Power and looking in detail at Farrell’s positions on such issues as “Date Fraud,” why it’s supposedly easier to be a gay man than a straight man, why patriarchy is women’s fault, and how men and women don’t really love each other. There’s a guide to the whole series here.
Geez, if you’re going to present the old and tired bootstraps argument, try not to copy racist rhetoric, it just makes you look like a douchebag.
That logo with international upside down so you have trouble reading it is hilarious. Why is everything MRA’s create almost comically amateurish?
Now I’m two toddlers in a box.
Sorry to repeat it, but this is just stunning. Especially now that another article has published her name. Attila (it’s fine to use his name, he used it to comment) is admitting that he personally wants to harass and intimidate a woman who merely reported to the police that she was assaulted. She hasn’t even accused MRAs of doing it!
Just when you think they can’t sink any lower, they bring out the backhoe and keep digging.
Penis privilege. Because a dongle between the legs = Instant Genius, don’tcha know? So they can’t be arsed to use the larger of their two heads, which in any case is already occupied…in plugging up their arses.
Box of babies!
Toddlers and cats share many similarities.
I just came here to say I’m a big evil grin in the dark.
Oh barf, Paul Elam’s throwing his two cents into the assault on the Queen’s University student. And of course, according to Elam she probably made the whole thing up and just wants attention:
Also, apparently, David’s name is an adjective:
Of course, MRAs never ever ever threaten violence. They just wanna hang around the police on the off chance they’ll see the victim so they can “interview” her.
And I’m so pissed about all this bullshit I forgot the link:
Ooh! Babies in a box! So much better than MRAs! Awwww! They look like their having so much fun with that box!
…and you’ve actually spoken to, y’know, bi men, and asked them how that went?
Because these hypotheticals are actually real people, not just a mental exercise for you. And they actually have real-world experience in these things you talk about.
And… and mostly, you look like you’re full of shit, I tell you what.
Evo Psycho, like our troll employs here, is such a pile of bullshit. I mean, it may well be that there are statistical (!) behavioural differences between men and women that came about due to evolutionary factors. But not a single *concrete statement* the evo psycho crowd makes can actually be proven! It’s all speculation. Like “You know, this would make sense in evolutionary competition” or “Maybe this behaviour gave people an evolutionary advantage”… but even if those considerations are logical, that doesn’t mean they’re true. Just because an evolutionary benefit is conceivable, doesn’t mean it actually exists!
And that of course is the benign interpretation of Evo Psycho. In reality, many of those speculations don’t even make sense, and in the end the whole thing is just used as an ideological talking point. But even when it isn’t, the point remains none of their statements can actually be proven!
By definition, a conspiracy involves a conscious, deliberate effort. There is no male conspiracy to consciously, deliberately keep men up and women down. But there are social and economical structures and cultural norms, all things we were socialized with and have to a large degree internalized. Learn the difference between conspiracy and culture!
Any good, rigorous Ev-Psych theory has to start with the question ‘is this a behavior observed in humans around the globe in cultures that are wildly different, or is there evidence that this a mutable behavior?’
Because any time anybody can point to a single example of a culture that differs, that doesn’t do things the way you’ve said is innate, then your just-so reason why it’s that way turns out to be fairly obvious garbage.
See also: gender roles, and how they aren’t actually the same in every culture on earth. See also: pink, not always a girl color. See also: just about every-fucking-thing that Psychology Today ever said on the subject, basically.
I suspect that the ‘women are pickier than men!’ impression is due to the (bullshit) conditioning of men to be the pursuers and women to be the passive pursued party.
Since under this model, men are never/rarely approached by people who are undesirable to them (or approached at all), they only speak with and pay attention to the women who they do find attractive.
Women, on the other hand, are expected to wait for people to approach them and therefore their filtering mechanism is active rather than passive, because they have to reject people as they come, instead of simply not approaching them in the first place.
Therefore people come under the impression that, since men never/rarely have to actually say “no”, and women do, women are pickier.
Of course this isn’t the only factor in this equation, since women have to worry about a higher level of assault from potential partners among other things. But I think that if we didn’t have all these damn gender expectations, the amount of ‘pickiness’ on each side would be significantly more equal.
Wow, dunbe. That creepy, completely uncalled-for rape metaphor really added to your whole super-intellectual thesis of heavily-supported scientific super-science. I can see you are an individual who is determined to be taken very seriously.
…But seriously, dunbe’s utter grossness aside, if I had a nickel for every “Men have it SOOOO much harder than women! Really, we do! So stop trying to change things!” theory authored by Some Dude on the Internet…
And ditto Buttercup Q. Skullpants about the “Women are averagely more selective” bullcrap. I’m so sick of hearing that from the same people who think I have no worth as a human being unless I’m young, complacent, and look like a supermodel.
Yes, this “alleged victim” at Queen’s is totes making it up.
These, on the other hand, were legit as fuck.
“Futrellian fiction”? Bwahahahaha! This from a guy who believes in the Farrellian fiction of the so-called “boy crisis”, which is nothing more than the brain-poopings of a bunch of middle-aged men jumping up and down claiming they wuz discriminated against every time a teacher told them to sit down, shut up and learn something. Jesus H. Christ, what a bucket of beer-vomit.
Lol you guys are so pathetic.
Here’s a little favorite of mine:
Bye 😉
OMG, he says… “Bye”
(new trailer for Michael Bay’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is released)
Wow, what a half-assed flounce. But then again, it did come from a lazy mansplainer, so…
Aw, I was hoping for a meltdown. He’ll be back.
Oh dunbe, you’re the one arguing half-baked evo-psych just-so stories without any evidence to back it up. You’rethe one throwing around thinly-veiled rape analogies.
In short, looks like you’re the pathetic one.
By the way:
“Attacking the route.” The route. Beating up on roads? Not very effective. Not very effective at all.
RE: Kittehs
The true image of LBT
YOU FOOL! DON’T UNCOVER MY SECRET IDENTITY! I want the rest of the commentariat to stay amusing, and they won’t be if their brains melt out their ears due to the power of my visage!
RE: dunbe
Its definitely easier for men to date other men than women.
Are you a queer man, sir? If so, I want to know where you live, so I can fucking move there. Oh look, you’re gone. HUZZAH!
RE: House Mouse Queen
Hey dunbe, take Farrell’s advice and go gay.
Hell no! We don’t want him!
RE: Falconer
Honestly, we can’t tell unless we open the box and collapse the wave function.
No way! I know what that means! When we open the box, we have a 50% chance my husband will be dead! And I mean dead-dead, not his current simultaneous state of being!
Yeah, but it’s a really deep array of green geometric shapes. Give me a blue book and I can fill it with the reasons why it’s so deep.
Don’t look too deep, or YOU WILL NEVER ESCAPE.
Now I’m two toddlers in a box.
RE: Howard Bannister
…and you’ve actually spoken to, y’know, bi men, and asked them how that went?
I’m sure my husband would be just THRILLED to answer questions. You know, being raised in Missi-fuckin’-ssippi and all. It was just HEAVEN for queers there, let me tell ya.
That video didn’t work for me, but if it’s what I think it is, it’s a cover of Short Dick Man, a song popular for five minutes c. 1993. How does that prove anything?
Look, I can post videos about body part preferences too!
So Judgy Bitch thinks you can get the police to not prosecute you by tweeting them wiki links, and now this Attilla guy thinks that the cops are going to let him interview assault victims just because he demands it? I figured that their comical incompetence was limited to poster-and-slogan-making, but now I’m starting to wonder how they manage to tie their own shoelaces and interact with people in authority enough to get ID. Can you imagine these people at the DMV?