Today, just a recommendation: if you’d like to learn more about the wrongheaded and often quite bewildering opinions of Men’s Rights grandpappy Warren Farrell, take a look at the excellent Farrell’s Follies series now being posted on the AgainstMensRights subreddit. The Redditor known as feminista_throwaway has been systematically going through Farrell’s Myth of Male Power and looking in detail at Farrell’s positions on such issues as “Date Fraud,” why it’s supposedly easier to be a gay man than a straight man, why patriarchy is women’s fault, and how men and women don’t really love each other. There’s a guide to the whole series here.
Why is everyone persecuting Dunbe for his religious belief in the PUA theory of sexual selection? Why must you relentlessly mock his religion, which clearly provides him with both emotional comfort and a good excuse to harangue women? I strike this blow for freedom!
(But note how I’m able to do so without implying that he would enjoy being raped.)
Let’s also consider the fact that men have never been the sole providers of goods, especially in pre-industrial times when patriarchy really started. Women have always worked really hard to provide on top of taking care of their families. Even today in the developing pre-industrial world women produce most of the food, provide firewood, water and clothing, yet they own no land and men have authority everywhere.
So what’s the reason for the patriarchy, really? I personally find it hard to imagine that a system like that would arise by mutual consent, it looks more like a contract signed between a conquered and a conqueror parties.
PS In my case the area in which men have to compete in order to attract my attention is their physical appearance. Good job, lots of money, nice car? Whatever, I just want them to be hot*. So actually, when you think about it, men are oppressing ME with their butts. When is the MRM going to address this terrible situation?
(* And also fun to be around, kind to cats/dogs/kids/their families/random service workers, politically progressive, and with a sense of humor that gels well with mine. But we know that concepts like “well matched personalities” are going to be a bit above Dunbe’s comprehension level.)
Hah. I read some of that aloud to mrmagnificent. He wanted to know if it was Freud for third graders.
So sort of scholarly, but with pictures to colour in.
Dunbe: you’re not bringing anything new to the table. We’ve heard everything you’ve said one million times before. Please up your game if you’re gonna troll here. kthxbai.
And @Dunce shows how little he thinks of women.
Because, according to Dunce, the only reason that men occupy most of the positions of power is because they try harde . Yes, folks, it’s the bootstaps of misogyny.
If only women had an incentive, if only they weren’t so lazy, they could be just as successful in business, policitcs, you name it, as men. According to Dunce, there is no prejudicial hiring, firing, promation or pay. Women just can’t be arsed.
Aw wooky, da pweshus widdle twoll commed in here wif such a cute widdle basket of stwaw-feminist feeries. And den he gotted mad when people torched da muvverfuckers and told him no, your theories are shit, try harder next time.
When do we get to see a flounce?
Further to the assault at Queen’s University mentioned by cloudiah, some of the comments cracked me up this morning. I’m not sure whether I should mention names so I’ll err on the side of caution and stick to initials.
AV (well-known hysterical MRA): Queen’s Journal is now censoring my comments.
JN: I have informed the Kingston Police that the MHRA are watching this very very carefully.
AV: AVFM activists may be attending at the police station in an attempt to gather information about this very serious allegation against MHRAs. I would like to interview this alleged victim.
JN: I just sent Tom Leykis an e-mail. Also I have sent the AvFM article to many high school PTA facebook pages waring (sic) parents no (sic) to send their children to Queen’s as it sounds like a violent warzone.
Anyone for a facebook invasion? (link to the university’s Facebook page)
Wow, the fucking nerve of AV to presume that he ought to be allowed to interview an assault victim! First they rip off the Halifax police logo and lecture them for reacting and now this.
I’m sure high school PTAs will be real grateful for the heads up. Ha. The logic fail is stunning. A feminist was beat up and they’re playing the victim. They’re just begging for their campus men’s rights group to be de-ratified.
Auntie, that’s a hoot! So these guys think they get to police the police, now? And to intimidate — er, sorry, “Interview” people who don’t even want to talk to them, for reasons compelling?
The Greatest Human Rights Movement in the History of Evar, you guys!
I am secretly a woman who applies cosmetics to half her face.
Actually, that’s very accurate. Related, I’m apparently an attention whore for being the actual subject of my avatar?
Haha, Bina. Their arrogance and sense of entitlement are astounding.
Honestly, we can’t tell unless we open the box and collapse the wave function.
I thought she was reincarnated. Obviously I haven’t watched much Inuyasha.
No, obviously it means you are the embodiment of the STAMEN OF PRIVILEGE!
Yeah, but it’s a really deep array of green geometric shapes. Give me a blue book and I can fill it with the reasons why it’s so deep.
I, myself, am a lovable cuddly humanoid reptile with no eyelids and an aggressively imperial worldview. Let me lumber slowly forward and give you a hug!
Auntie, that would be jaw-dropping if it were not MRAs you are quoting. I read a few of the comments on the first article, last night, and hadn’t the stomach to continue so kudos for wading through them.
The original article also irritated me with the professor telling feminist students not to attend as they could then be subjected to violence. Really? It is the feminist students who shouldhave their freedom of expression and right to protest curtailed because the MRAs are violent? What is wrong with this picture?
Just one thing, though. Could you not use “hysterical”, please, Auntie? Gendered slur. 🙁
Do you have any actual evidence for this, as opposed to vague gut feelings?
You hear “women are sooo picky” all the time from MRAs, who then retreat back to their forums and blogs to rate women numerically on their looks and “market value”, complain about fatties, and discuss how women over 25 with previous boyfriends are used up, undateable hags. And they don’t see the least bit of irony in this. There are thousands of PUAs like laidinnyc (aka “My Seed Is Liquid Gold”) who wouldn’t be caught dead talking to, or even acknowledging the existence of, a non-conventionally attractive woman, because they’re so afraid it would damage their fake-alpha image. Whenever a woman speaks out, the go-to zinger is always “look at her, she’s ugly/fat/old/unattractive”. (I’ve never once heard someone try to silence a male public figure by poor-shaming him.) MRA standards for women are vicious, merciless, and virtually unattainable. No matter how women look or behave, there’s always some douchebro right there to loudly comment on what she’s doing wrong. Where do you get off claiming that women are more selective and it’s only men that ever have to put themselves out there and suffer rejection, mocking, and inadequacy?
Friendzoning isn’t something that happens only to men. Women experience it too, every day. The adult response to rejection is to be disappointed, then move on, not to pen 10,000 word internet manifestos on how “All Women Are Evil And Want X” and “All Men Are Virtuous And Want Y”. Those type of generalizations are totally inaccurate and useless as a model for real-world relationships. Non-upper-income men and women over 25 somehow manage to attract mates, fall in love, and get married all the time, despite evo-psych theorizing and wishful thinking. For you to come in here comparing us to creationists is a bit rich, considering the manosphere are the ones who are constantly using junk science, false equivalencies, and made-up facts to bolster their version of reality.
How do you type with those little arms? I can barely manage to keep this cupcake balanced on my forehead 24/7.
titianblue, I’m sorry! I didn’t realize it was when applied to a man. I’ll try my best to remember that and not use it again.
My impression was that the professor herself had been threatened. She said, “I was warned not to speak as I may be sent hate mail, death threats and potential physical attacks.” If that was an actual threat and not just speculation amongst the staff, I think she’d be remiss in not issuing a warning to the students. But absolutely women shouldn’t have to curtail their activities due to an atmosphere of violence.
It’s a perfect storm brewing in southern Ontario. This comes on the heels of rape threats directed at the student president at the University of Ottawa and the suspension of their entire hockey team over an alleged gang rape by some of the players.
In the “small world” file: the son of Kingston’s chief of police was one the students caught talking on Facebook about raping the student president. His initial response was to hire a lawyer and issue cease and desist orders to the president and a feminist blog that published screenshots of the conversation. I’ll bet that was daddy’s idea and his police force is investigating the Queen’s U assault. (Naturally, daddy and mommy defended sonny boy even after he admitted it.)
@buttercup: Actually, it’s the claws that get in the way.
Oh, absolutely. “Free speech for me, rape/death threats for thee” is libertarian masculism at its finest. It also maketh my irony meter to implode.
Oh, nice! And people wonder why such a small proportion of rapes get reported to the police. Couldn’t be because the male-dominated police force has a lot of rapey little skeletons in its own closet, now could it?
@auggz, You are really annoyed because he has trespassed on your time and good will. He was not in need – he was conducting an experiment on you without your permission. He upset and scared you. He trampled over your boundaries and ignored every ethic that surrounds psychological experiments (if it was a proper experiment and not just some bigoted asshat trying to make a point).
Somebody with a public twitter account please post this under the #Whywedontreport hashtag.
I’m sorry, auggz. That guy sounds like a total jerk with no respect for your boundaries.
And honestly, if I were in your situation, I would have no remorse saying that I would be less afraid of a girl doing the same thing to me. I know that other girls can be jerks just like guys – I know that from experience – but there seem to be far more guys who are comfortable with violating people’s boundaries than girls (even though not all guys are like that).
@Falconer – I stand (or float, rather) corrected. Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed you were a T-Rex! That was theropod-centric of me.
@auggziliary – that definitely doesn’t sound legit. It sounds like an armchair experiment/street theater stunt thought up by a bunch of jerks at a cafeteria table. If it’s any comfort, most likely you disproved whatever thesis he was trying to prove (that men get unfairly creep-shamed more than women do?) without making any concessions that his experiment changed your perceptions in any way. I mean, really, what a waste of time…what did he expect, that you were going to say “Here, have half of my lunch” or “No, but if you were a girl, I’d totally give you food”?
@Auntie Alias
Wow, such entitlement from “AV” and others.
Let’s just get a gang of arseholes to hang around the station lying in wait for the victim of an assault. Hopefully, since it’s the MRM, no one will show up because doing anything is too much effort.
Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to interview random victims of various crimes because of course the police need my uninformed and inexperienced aid.
Yes, but if you used another picture you’d be a liar instead, because everything feminists – and women especially – do is wrong in some way.
You told him you felt scared because of how he was behaving towards you and his response was to ask you follow-up questions? That is not okay in any circumstance, whether he was doing a mock study for a psych class or just screwing around because he’s a douchebag. Someone tells you that you’ve frightened them, you apologize and try to make amends. Being human 101.
Auggz, I’ve had similar things happen. The faculty have to get permission, but they sometimes assign projects to students… and they can be annoying.
He could be legit, or he could be a jerk, or he could be a jerk who is in the class and is using it as a fine excuse be be obnoxious.
I’ve had a mystery stat 273 lad with a survey about video-games and course loads then a random sociology 101 lass who sat down at my tiny table while I was eating/finishing up stuff, said nothing for 15 minutes, then asked me what I felt about it.
My animal behavior class also did something like it, but slightly less awkward. We just had to walk into the cafeteria twice at different assigned times and quickly jot down the no. of people at each table, and the sex ratio of each table. No stalking up on people required.
I still felt a bit weird about it, though.