Today, just a recommendation: if you’d like to learn more about the wrongheaded and often quite bewildering opinions of Men’s Rights grandpappy Warren Farrell, take a look at the excellent Farrell’s Follies series now being posted on the AgainstMensRights subreddit. The Redditor known as feminista_throwaway has been systematically going through Farrell’s Myth of Male Power and looking in detail at Farrell’s positions on such issues as “Date Fraud,” why it’s supposedly easier to be a gay man than a straight man, why patriarchy is women’s fault, and how men and women don’t really love each other. There’s a guide to the whole series here.
Our discussions about butts, bras, and fashion are more intelligent and nuanced than anything MRAs say.
cloudiah, for you
Nope nope nope, not reading those comments.
J.J, I thought your icon was a giraffe this whole time. Sure shows me!
LBT is an array of green geometric shapes.
Actually, my TRUE icon is so monstrous to behold, your mind can not perceive it. To protect yourself from madness, you are forced to construe my image as a randomized green splotch!
I love your new avatar! :3
One can be both, of course.
Trans_commie, Thanks!
All this gravatar talk was the kick in the pants I needed to choose a picture. Now I am a Japanese woman who kills all men that scorn me. Look out misters! Mua ha ha!
The true image of LBT
I… I’m confused. So very confused. Somewhere inbetween going to bed and working on my time machine project, I apparently turned into a bitter ugly lesbian.
Damn that slippery masculinity of mine! It just keeps falling behind the couch.
@kittehs, “Who’s a cute little lion? Are you a cute little lion?”
cloudiah, yep! 😀
Well, I guess one bonus is that I’ve just used my new found lesbian emotional hamster wheel to power up up my bitter irrational ugly herdmind to…. shit-test.. the… unlogic of Farrel’s fallacies because I… erh… uhm… something something with the words “womyn”. I’m not good at pretend-foolishness of the MRA nature.
Observe! I now know why women don’t love men and men don’t love women! THE ANSWER IS GEARS.
You see, all men are narcissist who love only themselves, perceiving the rest of the world as a ticking clockwork of intricate design, all soulless gears and automatons carrying out simple stimulus response triggers. When a man then finds a woman who hasn’t yet been claimed by some other male artificer, he sees the part of himself that he really likes, and so falls in love with himself (nicely channeled into the blank slate that is the woman with no soul or personality he is superimposing all his desires unto)
Now, the more finely and intricately wrought this female-shaped automaton is, that is, the more the gears in her head click in a simple mechanical motion not tarried by array specks of personality, thought, desire or knowledge, the more this gearhead man can fall in love with her, because he can more successful fall more in love with himself, as, with less personality in the women, it’s easier to fill out all the blank space behind her eyes with his own overcompensating ego.
Of course, a blank mechanioid dereft of personality, life, vim and will is really just a thing that you’re filling up with yourself and sometimes also your penis, so, ashamed with his constant masturbatory mental gymnastics inside this hollowed out thing he pretends is a partner, any man, all men, every man on planet Earth EVERYWHERE at all times hates himself and the person he has become, because he is really only a solipsistic clockmaker raging inside the confines of his own head or as Buttercup Q. Skull pants put it here in a much neater way.
Now seeing as women are just machines who can’t think or act or feel or have agency or make decisions, but they are still the nexus upon which the world turns and if that makes your head hurt just relax and think of bees, that means men spend a lot of time worshiping innocent women, so they worship the idols they have built of themselves inside their headcases, which means they’re worshiping themselves…
So the Myth of Male Power is a towering edifice erected in the monumental honor of Warren Farrels fundamental inability to think of other people as independently sentient, like some kind of crass tortured poet all over come with the awe of the world and his own special place in it, seeing as everyone else is a meandering sheeple, watching the world nicely tick while he stares into the mirror of other people’s eyes just to see himself.
Bloody hell, that’s depressing when you read all of it. I guess I hoped it’d at least be scholarly, in a way.
Oh well. I’m off to enjoy some… lesbianism… I guess? Or something. Probably ice cream.
Gotta say, if men don’t love women because they only love themselves, and women don’t love men because they respect them instead, then that makes women sound a whole lot better.
To get a little meta here – I think part of the difficulty Farrell, et alia, have is modeling. We all have models of the universe in our minds. That allows us to function on a day to day basis. If we can, when new information comes along that contradicts our model we change the model. If we can’t, we reject the new information and keep the model. Eventually, the amount of new information being rejected reaches a certain point. After that, we can either retreat into fabulism or reject the model. The MRAs, in general, are fabulists in this sense. They have constructed elaborate support systems for the beliefs that reality does not support.
This is essentially a religious experience for them.
What a bunch of shitheads. I was at Queen’s 25 years ago. The place was a rape-culture hellhole even then, and that was before the MRBM was even heard of. Fuck, most of the frosh-week chants we learned were cram-jammed with rapey shit. I was so angry after going through initiation…I felt violated because I’d been co-opted by THAT. It made meeting my Gael Group seem so not worth it. And I heard so many horror stories just that one week alone that I only visited each of the three campus pubs once in my entire four years there. That’s how afraid I was of getting drunk and taken advantage of.
Nice to know so little has changed in all that time. Why did I volunteer at the Women’s Centre, again?
TL; DR: I can’t believe I STILL have to protest this goddamn motherfucking shit.
Its definitely easier for men to date other men than women. Anyone man who tries both will see who extreme that difference is.
This is not any one side’s fault but simply a dynamic that emerged from various factors. Individuals can do very little to change it but all straight and to some extent bisexual people are affected by it in every aspect of their lives that somehow relates to the other sex. In particular the disparity in careers and earnings are one of the symptoms of this imbalance.
The reason for fewer women rising to the professional elite is not because they don’t have the capability but it’s also not because they’re unfairly prevented from doing so. It’s simply because they don’t have the same incentive to do so. The pressure to earn and perform in that particular way is just lower on women than it is on men. And that imbalance produces exactly the distribution in success we see: more men at the top and more men at the bottom.
If you really want to change that (assuming it’s possible), then the only way is to attack the cause which is the disparity in pressure to perform. What is not going to work is demanding men change it. They are just as powerless to do so as women. Otherwise they’d have done so long ago since the immediate benefit of equality is clearly much greater for men.
So either start attacking the route cause for the disparities or learn to live with the accusation that you want to maintain them. Ignorance is not an excuse anymore just as blaming some mythical male conspiracy for everything.
I presume this will go down as well as telling a group of creationists that the facts don’t support their worldview. Who needs facts when you have a worldview that makes you feel good about yourselves….
Just what do you believe is the cause of the extra pressure on men? And why do women lack that incentive men have?
Literally no one here believes that patriarchy is centered around male conspiracy.
I see the U.S.S. Make Shit Up has come into harbor.
Thank you for playing!
::wild applause for Fibinachi::
…I can’t believe you. All of you. You deceitful traitors. I believed in all of you, but you turned out not to actually be geometric shapes, cartoon cats, shirtless Inigo Montoya or anime ghost girl?
Padded bras and makeup are already bad enough. But THIS just goes too far!
I deny it!
I never claimed Mr K was Inigo Montoya!
Of course, if we all used photos of ourselves, it would be because we wanted attention.