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Return of Kings: “You must recognize feminism for what it truly is: one of the arms of Communism.”


Today, some cutting edge POLITICAL SCIENCE from the fellows over at Roosh Valizadeh’s Return of Kings blog. Specifically, one fellow named Samson Lamont who offers up some warnings about a dire threat to western civilization that most people have probably forgotten about: COMMUNISM.

Yes, it seems that the wily Communists are still trying to take over the United States. Only this time they’re not threatening us with missiles and stealing our atomic secrets and recruiting our young people into Maoist sects. (Well, a few of them are doing the latter.) Nope, they’re trying to sneak it past us in the form of FEMINISM. Let’s let Mr. Lamont explain:

It is a mistake to look at dealing with the effects of feminism as just putting up with spoiled, entitled bitches and learning how to deal with their endless shit tests so you can get in their pants.  It is not some phase or fad that will eventually fade away.  You must recognize feminism for what it truly is: one of the arms of Communism, with its goals being to break up the nuclear family, effectively weaken the country from within, and to eradicate any form of masculinity or aggression, thereby reducing the number of people who can engage in dissent.

But golly, you may say, I know a bunch of feminists, and I’m pretty sure none of them are – what did you call them? – Communists. But that’s where you’re wrong!

Now some of the younger readers might not be too familiar with the term Communism.  That’s because you know it as Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism, or Social Democracy.  Same shit, different bull.   I don’t use any of these synonyms because, just as we should engage in fat-shaming and slut-shaming, we should engage in Commie-shaming.

One of the Left’s favorite tricks is rebranding.  Communism is still a bad word here in America, especially with the Baby Boomers that grew up during McCarthyism and the Red Scare in the 50’s and 60’s.  So the Left refers to them only as “socialists” or “progressives” now, to disguise their true intentions.

Ah! Just like some guys refer to themselves as “pickup artists” rather than “date rapists.”

Anyhoo, so all this Communo-Feminism has pretty much destroyed everything good about the good old U.S. Of A.

[I]n a span of less than 50 years, creeping Communism has eroded all the hard work and sacrifice of our ancestors.  … Our populace is lazy, spoiled, arrogant, and fat, while we build nothing of value here anymore.

We all know what happened to our women.  Thanks to feminism, the nuclear family is gone and homosexual perversion is not only deemed normal, but is now openly promoted, accepted, and forced on us.  Honor and integrity are now quaint remnants of a bygone era, existing only in small pockets of civilization.  Workers are basically drones or expendable cannon fodder, known more by their number designations than by their names.  If you are a man, the validity of your rights is determined by man-hating feminists and homosexuals and you are now guilty until proven innocent.  Long story short, we are inexorably headed towards … hell … .

The only solution? Stop talking about equality and accept that attractive rich people are simply better than you.

This may be hard to swallow for some, but there is no such thing as equality.  Life isn’t fair.  Deal with it.  Strong/weak, beautiful/ugly, tall/short, smart/dumb, rich/poor—some people are just simply better than others. …

Equality must be earned, and cannot be given.

Wait, what? I think I’m going to stick with the Communo-Feminists and the Homosexual perverts, thank you very much.

NOTE: I don’t like giving Return of Kings traffic, but I feel obligated to link to my sources, so I’ve hidden the link somewhere in the text above, if you feel the need to investigate further.

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10 years ago

They learned everything they know about politics and feminism from the movies. WOLVERINES!!

10 years ago

And from Rush Limbaugh. How could I forget Rush on a Roosh.

10 years ago

Equality must be earned, and cannot be given.

“Some animals are more equal than others! Four legs good, two legs bad!” Etc….

(Promptly followed a few pages later by pigs walking on two legs to be more equal to humans. Which may rather handily explain where these pigoons really get their ideas from.)

10 years ago

You must recognize feminism for what it truly is: one of the arms of Communism, with its goals being to break up the nuclear family, effectively weaken the country from within, and to eradicate any form of masculinity or aggression, thereby reducing the number of people who can engage in dissent.

Break up the nuclear family? As in, dismantle the system that marginalizes non-nuclear families and abolish the role the nuclear family plays in the maintenance of capitalism, heterosexism, and patriarchy? Sure, I’m down.

I love how MRAs and their kind whine about the “destruction of the nuclear family”, given that the nuclear family is really just a manifestation of patriarchy. It’s almost like they want to keep their privilege.

10 years ago

These guys will never be equal to pigs. Or slime mold.

10 years ago

When I first saw that Napoleon gif, I laughed so hard that the guy in the next office (I call him 4662052337) came over to see what had set me off. So I showed him, and he laughed so hard someone in another office (don’t know her name, but I think it starts with a 6) came over, and basically it started a chain reaction of laughter.

And then we were fed into cannons again. Man, I hate being cannon fodder known only by my number.

steampunked (@steampunked)

You can’t be a worker AND a drone in the bee metaphor. Workers are female and drones are male. Workers do nothing but work, and drones do nothing but mate. Actually, in this situation, they’d probably _want_ to be a drone. Right up until the workers executed them before winter, of course…

*More Pedant*

“Some people are just simply better than others. Equality must be earned, and cannot be given.”

But how can you earn ‘equality’ if some people are simply better through circumstance of birth? *furtivelook*

10 years ago

Seeing this sort of ignorance of political/economic definitions and distinctions used to be torture to me, but then I encountered someone who used the phrase “communist ruling class” in complete seriousness. Now nothing of this sort, no matter how absurd, can faze me. I suppose I should be grateful to the bozo who “overdosed” me, but he’s an awful person.

10 years ago

You can’t be an actual communist and NOT be a feminist, BUT
You CAN be an actual feminist and NOT be a communist.

Sure, you won’t be a very effective feminist, because feminism is a reaction to exploitation, and the only way to end that won’t be through capitalism or neo-liberalism, but hey. Y’all give it your best shot. The rest of us will still be around when you get through, because communism and all of its bajillion majority of human history prequels ain’t going anywhere.


10 years ago

Sure, you won’t be a very effective feminist, because feminism is a reaction to exploitation, and the only way to end that won’t be through capitalism or neo-liberalism, but hey. Y’all give it your best shot. The rest of us will still be around when you get through, because communism and all of its bajillion majority of human history prequels ain’t going anywhere.

I’m a commie as well, but I think the abolition of patriarchy is possible within capitalism. Regardless of whether patriarchy began as a tool of capitalism, it now exists as a distinct system of oppression whose existence isn’t inherently tied to that of capitalism.

10 years ago

Oh lawd this is hilarious. Good old Communist Bogeyman, so nice to see you. I especially like this bizarre concept of earning equality. I make fun of these types of assholes misquoting Orwell all the time, but that is basically just a rewording of “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” That quote deliberately misses the point of the concept of equality. This guy genuinely does not understand the concept.

10 years ago

The ridiculousness in the affirmation that equality is something to be earned becomes clear once you try to fill in the blanks. Who’s going to grant such equality in relation to whom? How can you even HAVE equality when there’s people who are granted the ability to decide whether the others get it or not?

10 years ago

How can you even HAVE equality when there’s people who are granted the ability to decide whether the others get it or not?

It’s like how mods on a forum can make other people mods. You know, you start out with just one person who has equality, and then he gives someone else equality, and then the people with equality get to vote on who has equality next. And eventually you get a big enough group that nobody can ever agree on whether or not the new person should get equality and the whole thing collapses in a big pile of drama.

10 years ago

Sadly, my cats haven’t given me equality yet.

10 years ago

My cats are more equal than me. I know that sounds nonsensical, but /r/mensrights assures me that people fighting for equality for women are somehow fighting for supremacy. And this is how I have determined that while my cats and I are equal, they are more equal than I AM.

10 years ago

Somewhat off topic but I just saw this week’s Oglaf and it really seems to describe the thought process of these guys. Just imagine the customer actually believes what he says.

So 30 years of Reagan’s legacy, flat wage growth, concentration of wealth, anti-union, right-to-get-fired bullshit in the US and this chucklefuck wants to blame Communism?!

Just looking at the reception of the Tea Party compared to Occupy Wall Street tells you which side the powers that fleece supported. I didn’t see the Tea Party getting arrested or maced in any significant numbers.

Sorry kinda US-csntric on this response.

Still, they read Orwell and sided with the Communists. At least based on their quotes.

10 years ago

At work, I’m known only as 3005621882. People I’m friendly with just call me 1882, but it can get a little confusing ‘cos there’s a guy in Receiving whose work-name is 5881371882, so sometimes people call me “1882 in operations” and then he’s “1882 in the mailroom.” And then we all have a laugh about how we have the same nickname.

Good times… At least until our overseers load us up into the cannons and shoot us at the approaching enemy forces.

cloudiah, you always make me laugh but this one nearly ended me.

10 years ago

opium4themasses, that Oglaf customer is totally an MRA. 😀

Humans shall never be equal to cats. It simply isn’t possible, because SCIENCE.

10 years ago

True! I should have said all the Furrinati, but I am of course brainwashed by kitties.

Those rules are the best. The progression in the third made me lol, and reading the second, I could just see Mr K sitting on the couch, trying to eat something while being looked at with BIG SAD PUPPY DOG EYES.

10 years ago

Has anyone here had “homosexual perversion” forced on them, as is allegedly happening all the time these days? I have plenty of gay friends, and I’ve never so much as been hit on once.

And my nuclear family was doing just fine last time I checked (this morning, when the kids were dropped off at school).

10 years ago

I’m so ashamed! There’s no way for me to live that isn’t in shame!

I mean, if I let guys into my pants, then I’m s-shamed. If I don’t let them into my pants, then I’m entitled-b-shamed. If I go with liberal policies, I’m commie-shamed. And since it is physically impossible for me, with my bone structure and height, to ever be a size 0 and weigh under 130lbs without dying, I should be fat-shamed.

My life is nothing but shame!

Best survival strategy ever! Perpetually shame, stress out, and berate ‘the females’! It totally works for animals, and will definitely ensure a strong nuclear family structure! And as we all know, animals show absolutely no signs of homosexuality! Or communism!

10 years ago

But but… I am a communist (and an anarchist for that matter) and a feminist, David. 😐

Melissia (@MelissiaKuromoi)

Because intelligence is something OTHER people need to have, not the MRM.

Jessay (@jessay)
10 years ago

Why yes, of course, it’s COMMUNISM that has caused all those things, it couldn’t be CAPITALISM that created circumstances where we’re eating chemically altered food we can’t tolerate and not producing anything in this country (unless it’s being manufactured by prisoners). COMMUNISM is what created food deserts, made it so expensive to eat healthy foods and so cheap to eat empty calories, and made a gigantic industry of unsustainable dieting methods that leave us worse off than when we started. Blame COMMUNISM for the way this capitalist society functions. Makes total sense!

I just can’t.