Today, some cutting edge POLITICAL SCIENCE from the fellows over at Roosh Valizadeh’s Return of Kings blog. Specifically, one fellow named Samson Lamont who offers up some warnings about a dire threat to western civilization that most people have probably forgotten about: COMMUNISM.
Yes, it seems that the wily Communists are still trying to take over the United States. Only this time they’re not threatening us with missiles and stealing our atomic secrets and recruiting our young people into Maoist sects. (Well, a few of them are doing the latter.) Nope, they’re trying to sneak it past us in the form of FEMINISM. Let’s let Mr. Lamont explain:
It is a mistake to look at dealing with the effects of feminism as just putting up with spoiled, entitled bitches and learning how to deal with their endless shit tests so you can get in their pants. It is not some phase or fad that will eventually fade away. You must recognize feminism for what it truly is: one of the arms of Communism, with its goals being to break up the nuclear family, effectively weaken the country from within, and to eradicate any form of masculinity or aggression, thereby reducing the number of people who can engage in dissent.
But golly, you may say, I know a bunch of feminists, and I’m pretty sure none of them are – what did you call them? – Communists. But that’s where you’re wrong!
Now some of the younger readers might not be too familiar with the term Communism. That’s because you know it as Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism, or Social Democracy. Same shit, different bull. I don’t use any of these synonyms because, just as we should engage in fat-shaming and slut-shaming, we should engage in Commie-shaming.
One of the Left’s favorite tricks is rebranding. Communism is still a bad word here in America, especially with the Baby Boomers that grew up during McCarthyism and the Red Scare in the 50’s and 60’s. So the Left refers to them only as “socialists” or “progressives” now, to disguise their true intentions.
Ah! Just like some guys refer to themselves as “pickup artists” rather than “date rapists.”
Anyhoo, so all this Communo-Feminism has pretty much destroyed everything good about the good old U.S. Of A.
[I]n a span of less than 50 years, creeping Communism has eroded all the hard work and sacrifice of our ancestors. … Our populace is lazy, spoiled, arrogant, and fat, while we build nothing of value here anymore.
We all know what happened to our women. Thanks to feminism, the nuclear family is gone and homosexual perversion is not only deemed normal, but is now openly promoted, accepted, and forced on us. Honor and integrity are now quaint remnants of a bygone era, existing only in small pockets of civilization. Workers are basically drones or expendable cannon fodder, known more by their number designations than by their names. If you are a man, the validity of your rights is determined by man-hating feminists and homosexuals and you are now guilty until proven innocent. Long story short, we are inexorably headed towards … hell … .
The only solution? Stop talking about equality and accept that attractive rich people are simply better than you.
This may be hard to swallow for some, but there is no such thing as equality. Life isn’t fair. Deal with it. Strong/weak, beautiful/ugly, tall/short, smart/dumb, rich/poor—some people are just simply better than others. …
Equality must be earned, and cannot be given.
Wait, what? I think I’m going to stick with the Communo-Feminists and the Homosexual perverts, thank you very much.
NOTE: I don’t like giving Return of Kings traffic, but I feel obligated to link to my sources, so I’ve hidden the link somewhere in the text above, if you feel the need to investigate further.
“Getting into someone’s pants” always makes me think “You wouldn’t fit.” Hell, I have enough trouble finding pants that fit me, why would they fit anyone else? 😛
Never much liked “bumping uglies”; I don’t think of bits as being ugly. Well, depending who they’re attached to, of course. Makes all the difference for me.
This is the first time I’ve been actually called inferior based on my height.
I guess that makes Alexander the Great and Napoleon and a good few other famous dudes inferior too, if short is inferior to tall.
…This is a thing he think happens in real life?
Does he live in Fritz Lang’s Metropolis?
What I don’t understand is where do the feminazis fit in all is?
Perhaps they should unite. He makes it sound almost like they have nothing to lose but their shackles.
Also, if our young people want to try Maoist sex, I say we should let them. It’s only a phase.
“This may be hard to swallow for some, but there is no such thing as equality. Life isn’t fair. Deal with it. Strong/weak, beautiful/ugly, tall/short, smart/dumb, rich/poor—some people are just simply better than others. …”
If he truly believed this he would just accept his fate as a dumb weak and ugly douchenozzle headed for “hell”. I mean, life ain’t fair dude!
Oh, where to even begin?
We agree on one thing! Sorry bros. Feminism is not a fad and it isn’t fading away. It’s pretty pathetic that the thought that human rights could ever be a fad would ever cross anyone’s mind.
Stop trying to make fetch happen. It’s not going to happen! Red scares are not a thing anymore and the cold war is over. Also, it’s telling that this guy takes it as a given that people should be fat shaming and slut shaming. Even most people who actually engage in fat and/or slut shaming have the sense to deny that’s what they are doing.
Is he talking about outsourcing? That wasn’t the idea of the far left. That’s the “free market” at work. Companies decided it would be more profitable to do their manufacturing in countries with few protections for workers. That’s all the right and corporate centrists.
At work, I’m known only as 3005621882. People I’m friendly with just call me 1882, but it can get a little confusing ‘cos there’s a guy in Receiving whose work-name is 5881371882, so sometimes people call me “1882 in operations” and then he’s “1882 in the mailroom.” And then we all have a laugh about how we have the same nickname.
Good times… At least until our overseers load us up into the cannons and shoot us at the approaching enemy forces.
Dexter/sinister? Blue-eyed/brown-eyed? Left thumb on top/right thumb on top?
I just have no idea what this guy would qualify as a trait that makes you superior.
@Angela Jones-Parker
The feminazis hate the femicommunists, but they hate superior dudes like Samson Lamont more, and so we must all put aside our differences as we work toward the Overthrow of All that is Good. Later, when the Gynocracy is firmly in place, we will deal with the feminazis, comrade.
Word to the wise–watch out for I-330. Can’t trust a woman like that, for sure.
That kind of Little-Endian wishy-washyness will not be tolerated.
They have a non-aggression pact.
Are we behind the Kitteh Curtain?
Speaking of Napoleon… I really don’t see how anyone could consider him inferior after seeing that.
Actually I am a communist, and a feminist. The red scare is alive and well, which the idiot MRAs know, because if they live in the western world they are swimming in it every single day. What the MRAs don’t know is this:
You can’t be an actual communist and NOT be a feminist, BUT
You CAN be an actual feminist and NOT be a communist.
Sure, you won’t be a very effective feminist, because feminism is a reaction to exploitation, and the only way to end that won’t be through capitalism or neo-liberalism, but hey. Y’all give it your best shot. The rest of us will still be around when you get through, because communism and all of its bajillion majority of human history prequels ain’t going anywhere.
I’m not a communist yet, but reading these political idiots makes me want to be one…in the worst way. As it is, I’m a democratic socialist, so I guess by their dim lights, that makes me one!
I don’t…I don’t even…what the hell? What the actual hell? It’s like this guy lives in some sort twisted time warp that combines 1955 and the Cold War. I love these crazy theories. It just ruins their credibility. See, this is why people who are actually interested in men’s rights stay as far away from you guys as possible.
My favorite is that ‘equality must be earned’. Um. No. You don’t earn the right to be treated equally. I mean, it doesn’t make any sense. What would be the criteria? Why would you even attempt this? Life isn’t fair, so let’s make it more unfair on arbitrary grounds? Logic where? (And no, sweetheart, being born a white heterosexual assbutt doesn’t mean you deserve to be treated better than anyone else. You’re acting like a little kid who is whining about having to share.)
And I’m assuming ‘nuclear family’ is one stay at home mom, one dad, and two kids with a fence? ‘Cause the meaning of family has expanded, and that’s a good thing!
And um, if we ladies are so inferior and weak etc, how are we and the homosexuals suddenly determining and running everything secret. What in the hey hey? Consistency? Maybe? No? Anyone? Bueller?
But… feminism existed before communism, didn’t it? (Women’s rights movements in the west beginning in the late 1700s, communism not created until mid-1800s?) Shouldn’t that be the other way around, then?
“Our women”? Jesus Christ….
Um, is this guy a time traveler from the 1940’s or something?
Weird, for a man who goes on and on about Communism – he certainly takes issue with the dehumanizing aspect of capitalistic enterprise. Unless, like, he means that literally (which he probably does)…
Ah yes, that old elitist chestnut!
I’m pretty sure their privilege wasn’t “earned” either – but apparently that doesn’t matter as long as they keep the undesirables out. No matter how much they work or willingly assimilate, they will be seen as inferiors to their “self-evident” superiors. If they reach one arbitrarily established goal post, it’ll be moved again with an excuse attached as to why it is “not enough.”
Bother, I have italicized my entire comment after a certain point. How did I do that? I did This.
cloudiah, that is the best. gif. ever.
Just think, if Hannibal had giant penguins (whores or otherwise) in his army instead of elephants, history would have been very different.
WorkersHumans are basically drones or expendablecannonkitty fodder, known more by their number designations than by their names.FTFY. We are indeed behind the Kitteh Curtain.
“Human #3 report to feeding station duties immediately.”
Communism, Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism, and Social Democracies are all very different, actually. Also, Communism, Socialism, communism, and socialism are also different from one another!
It’s crazy, like uppercase letters actually matter some times!
Sorry, econ-nerdism holding over as a remnant of high-school and a few college econ classes taken for total kicks and giggles. 🙂
Oh, and facism is completely different, so I find it odd that they still like using the ‘troll name’ for feminism that conflates feminists with a facist regime as well.
You can’t have it 64 different ways! Seriously!
*fascism and fascist. I apparently cannot spell after that lab…