Today, some cutting edge POLITICAL SCIENCE from the fellows over at Roosh Valizadeh’s Return of Kings blog. Specifically, one fellow named Samson Lamont who offers up some warnings about a dire threat to western civilization that most people have probably forgotten about: COMMUNISM.
Yes, it seems that the wily Communists are still trying to take over the United States. Only this time they’re not threatening us with missiles and stealing our atomic secrets and recruiting our young people into Maoist sects. (Well, a few of them are doing the latter.) Nope, they’re trying to sneak it past us in the form of FEMINISM. Let’s let Mr. Lamont explain:
It is a mistake to look at dealing with the effects of feminism as just putting up with spoiled, entitled bitches and learning how to deal with their endless shit tests so you can get in their pants. It is not some phase or fad that will eventually fade away. You must recognize feminism for what it truly is: one of the arms of Communism, with its goals being to break up the nuclear family, effectively weaken the country from within, and to eradicate any form of masculinity or aggression, thereby reducing the number of people who can engage in dissent.
But golly, you may say, I know a bunch of feminists, and I’m pretty sure none of them are – what did you call them? – Communists. But that’s where you’re wrong!
Now some of the younger readers might not be too familiar with the term Communism. That’s because you know it as Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism, or Social Democracy. Same shit, different bull. I don’t use any of these synonyms because, just as we should engage in fat-shaming and slut-shaming, we should engage in Commie-shaming.
One of the Left’s favorite tricks is rebranding. Communism is still a bad word here in America, especially with the Baby Boomers that grew up during McCarthyism and the Red Scare in the 50’s and 60’s. So the Left refers to them only as “socialists” or “progressives” now, to disguise their true intentions.
Ah! Just like some guys refer to themselves as “pickup artists” rather than “date rapists.”
Anyhoo, so all this Communo-Feminism has pretty much destroyed everything good about the good old U.S. Of A.
[I]n a span of less than 50 years, creeping Communism has eroded all the hard work and sacrifice of our ancestors. … Our populace is lazy, spoiled, arrogant, and fat, while we build nothing of value here anymore.
We all know what happened to our women. Thanks to feminism, the nuclear family is gone and homosexual perversion is not only deemed normal, but is now openly promoted, accepted, and forced on us. Honor and integrity are now quaint remnants of a bygone era, existing only in small pockets of civilization. Workers are basically drones or expendable cannon fodder, known more by their number designations than by their names. If you are a man, the validity of your rights is determined by man-hating feminists and homosexuals and you are now guilty until proven innocent. Long story short, we are inexorably headed towards … hell … .
The only solution? Stop talking about equality and accept that attractive rich people are simply better than you.
This may be hard to swallow for some, but there is no such thing as equality. Life isn’t fair. Deal with it. Strong/weak, beautiful/ugly, tall/short, smart/dumb, rich/poor—some people are just simply better than others. …
Equality must be earned, and cannot be given.
Wait, what? I think I’m going to stick with the Communo-Feminists and the Homosexual perverts, thank you very much.
NOTE: I don’t like giving Return of Kings traffic, but I feel obligated to link to my sources, so I’ve hidden the link somewhere in the text above, if you feel the need to investigate further.
Wait, I thought we were the left big toe of Communism, not one of the arms.
This guy really does live in 1955 if he thinks that the Red Menace is alive and well in 2014.
IWhy do I think he wanted to include “male/female” and “white/black” in his list.
So what did Mr Lamont do to earn his equality, precisely?
titianblue: He was just born with his. These dudes really don’t realize they are playing on the easiest setting.
Aggression can promote dissent from authority, but that requires courage. It’s more often used in support of authority. Just look at how aggressive they get when their authority of (unearned) Privilege – which has otherwise left them “lazy, spoiled, arrogant, and fat” – is taken away!
It can be very revealing to give someone power, and see how they react. It can be even more revealing to take (unearned) power away, and see who they really are.
What a pity. He starts out all right:
…which is true. Feminism does not turn us into “spoiled, entitled bitches”; the goal is female emancipation. Which, I guess, doesn’t sit well with these guys. And what’s this about “endless shit tests so you can get in their pants”? Dude, if that’s all you want, and you’re trying to employ trickery and psychological abuse to get some, you don’t deserve any. So yeah, BIG mistake.
But then the whole thing just degenerates into yet another capitalist-pigoon argument. Boring, boring, BORING, boring, boring.
BTW, I have actual communist friends. They’re very cool guys, NOTHING like Roosh the Douche and his sad crew of wannabe kings. They actually treat women with dignity and respect. Talking to them is a real joy. Which is why, surprise surprise, they have good relationships with their girlfriends and wives. Much better than any of these would-be lords and masters will ever get, even if they go to their graves spouting canned neg-lines.
Lol whatever you say, McCarthy.
Oh my. Sorry everyone, this man has us found out! Our evil communist plot to destroy masculinity is foiled! Oh, we wicked commies will get you next time, and your little dog too! XD
“just as we should engage in… slut-shaming”
Now I know logic isn’t their strong suit (despite all their claims otherwise), but if their goal is to “get in their pants”, wouldn’t slut-shaming be self-defeating?
Also…le sigh…one would think that in the last 60-odd years, all these free-minded, free-market capitalists would at least come up with ONE original idea between all those madly sparking brain cells. They haven’t. All they do is what this guy complains of about “Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism, or Social Democracy” doing…or, in his oh-so-original eloquence, “Same shit, different bull.” They seriously think that we can’t smell their repackaged bullshit for what it is? Pickup “artistry” was old even when I was a kid, junior. Like so much else under capitalism, it’s a scam. Whatever you paid for your slick, zippy package of it, it was too much.
Huh, that’s odd. Samson Lamont qouted the wrong part of Child Harold’s Pilgrimage.
He went for
“There is the moral of all human tales;
‘Tis but the same rehearsal of the past,
First freedom and then Glory – when that fails,
Wealth, vice, corruption – barbarism at last.
And History, with all her volumes vast,
Hath but one page…”
But obviously he was supposed to have gone for:
” Whilome in Albion’s isle there dwelt a youth,
Who ne in virtue’s ways did take delight;
But spent his days in riot most uncouth,
And vexed with mirth the drowsy ear of Night.
Ah, me! in sooth he was a shameless wight,
Sore given to revel and ungodly glee;
Few earthly things found favour in his sight
Save concubines and carnal companie,
And flaunting wassailers of high and low degree.”
I mean, if you’re going to quote Lord Byron’s poetry and you’re trying to make a point on a PuA site…
Tabby Lavalamp – ah, but it’s not enough to just get into our pants. They have to make sure it’s distressing for us, whether by outright rape or by abuse, slut-shaming, whatever, after the act. Women enjoying sex is one of the many things that outrages them.
“Equality must be earned, and cannot be given.”
What the actual fuck? We are not equal, therefore you must work harder to still not be equal? So much fucking headdesk in that one tiny sentence.
Hello all!
Ok, I figured it out. MRA logic means that being born privileged means you earned your privilege and anyone wanting equality is stealing your earned birthright.
That’s so fucking depressing.
McCarthy would be proud.
Hahaha. Oh dear. Liberalism and socialism are not the same things AT ALL.
Though Lamont behind all the misogyny and homophobia, Lamont does have a vague point (in a “stopped clock is right twice a day” kind of way). As I’ve become progressively more feminist, I’ve also become progressively more socialist, because I’ve come to realise that patriarchy and capitalism are deeply intertwined.
Laurie Penny sums up my views on this pretty accurately:
In conclusion, I would vote for the Communo-Feminist Homosexual Perverts Party any day!
Hi Shaun! You feeling better today?
D’you reckon they’re connected with the Deviated Preverts of Dr Strangelove fame?
Bat Guano would be an apt name for all these MRA/PUA types, come to think of it.
Can I just interject a question here?
What is it with the political and social right and their weapons-grade projection?
Leave it to the dregs of the male gender to not only assume they are superior in every way to women but that they get to decide the standards of equality, who is entitled to it, and who gets to “bestow” it. This guy refers to women in this country as “our women”, yet he (they) can’t pass a shit test to get in anyone’s pants. Deluded much? The irony of the whole thing is that at first I thought when he was talking about some people are just better than others, he was talking to his readership about how other men are better than they are! Silly me to think he would actually have a minute of clarity.
Dude, the hands of time will never be turned back and there is not one thing you can do about it, so YOU deal with it.
I can see them passing a test if it was “Have you shit your pants today or at least left skid marks?”
That’s if passing = yes, of course.
Other than that, what this twerp calls a shit test is what other people would call being a decent human being 101, so no, they’d never pass. They wouldn’t even qualify for remedial classes.
I just thought it was funny that he thinks that we are just property and calls women “our women”, but claims to fail the “shit” test to get a woman. Don’t get these guys at ALL.
Given that there’s an entire branch of “Marxist feminism” that red-baiters can take a pop at, is there any need to make shit up like this?
I’ve had it up to HERE with people who use inequality to justify inequality like it’s some sort of fantastic insight. Life isn’t fair, no shit, but that’s no argument for why it SHOULD be unfair, or why should we strive to make it as unfair as possible.
Tealily – the idea that women can, should and sometimes actually DO have agency regarding who ‘gets into their pants’* is, in his view, an example of how the Nachrul Order of Things has been corrupted by Communo-Feminism. I remember a male housemate back in college bemoaning a female housemate’s inexplicable refusal of his interest by saying, “you just can’t HAVE her!” Well, no, dude, SHE has her. She’s under no obligation to you or your naughty bits. But I was an arrogant young queer boy, and had no sympathy.
*One of my least favorite euphemisms for it. Heck, ‘bumping uglies’ at least implies some degree of collaboration.