I am still sick as a dog –more specifically, as a sick dog — so I thought I’d share the misery with you all by sharing this, what is possibly the most depressing ad for paper cups ever devised. Who knew that the solution to “the problem that has no name” was Dixie cups?
Mr. Show offered an updated take on this ad technique with their classic Mayostard/Mustardayonnaise ad parodies:
No, I’m sorry. We get so many trolls trying to bait us that I’ve let hostility become my default setting, and that’s not really fair. If you’re not an asshole (or if you’re our kind of asshole), you’re welcome here 😀
:scented candle: :bon bon: :SPINSTER: Crap. How are we supposed to communicate?
Glad you’re feeling better, David!
Burritos, but no pizza. And no dogs 🙁
I am now going to restrain myself from typing random words between colons to see if there’s an emoticon for it.
Good that you are feeling better, David.
I found a partial list, but it doesn’t include the burrito, so it’s obviously incomplete. More research forthcoming.
:sex and the city:
What kind of gynocracy is it if we don’t have those emoticons?
Glad you’re feeling better, David!
I think this is the complete list. myoo posted it, then I lost it, but found it again.
So there are five secret smilies, of which we’ve found two (the martini and the burrito). The other three are at the link, but I don’t wanna spoil it for the people who prefer to find them the old-fashioned way.
Well >:( is how I feel about having no cat smiley!
Ninja’d x2. No gold :star: for me 🙁
@Kittehs, you’d think there’d be a cat smiley, this being the internet and all. Here, have an ASCII kitty: =^..^=
|_| Oh yeah. Now my night is complete |_|
Meh. Those other secret ones don’t do it for me.
I did leave a “please pretty please can we have cat smileys” message at that link, though.
::pat pat pat:: hello ASCII kitty!
What is that thing inna glass anyway?
Whiskey, I’m hoping.
Ah, right. I thought it was Abby Normal’s brain.
Oh, Young Frankenstein — that is totally my kind of humor.
What hump?
Could be worse.
Could be raining.
Put The Candle Back!
Say it! Say it! He vas my BOYFRIEND!
My best friend is one. And he’s fabulous.
PS: Not seeing any of the “hidden” emoticons here. 🙁
Ally, your kitties are adorable, though!
Are you using internet explorer? That’s what I’m using and I can’t see any emoticons either.
Beagles snore. Loudly.
:bear: :bear: :bear:
Okay I love the new emoticons and I promise to work to rein in my exuberance.
I hope you’re feeling better soon, David.
I saw this on AgainstMensRights today https://twitter.com/im_adam_barrett/status/448102812480966656/photo/1
Not impressed… particularly since they are using logos from real domestic violence shelters without permission. Bryony House has contacted the police about the situation. Gotta love Elam’s response to Bryony House saying that they did not consent to the use of their logo “Your consent is not required for these posters.”
MRA’s not caring about consent? I’m shocked!
@magnesium, I just came here to post about that. There’s a r/AMR thread about it too:
Paul Elam and the frothing rage-spitters over at AVfM run “campaigns” like petulant 12-year-olds made ’cause their parents grounded them. In what world is it ethically defensible to use another organization’s logo on your poster without their permission. Not to mention that they misuse statistics to make it look like women abuse children more than men do, when the reality is that it’s more or less even once you control for the fact that women still spend way more time with children.
I hope this gets the same kind of coverage the Occidental false-rape-accuse-a-thon did.