I am still sick as a dog –more specifically, as a sick dog — so I thought I’d share the misery with you all by sharing this, what is possibly the most depressing ad for paper cups ever devised. Who knew that the solution to “the problem that has no name” was Dixie cups?
Mr. Show offered an updated take on this ad technique with their classic Mayostard/Mustardayonnaise ad parodies:
Yeah! Looks like they’re bobbing their little heads.
Stoned, headbanging emoticons. It had to happen eventually.
O_o o_O O_o o_O O_o o_O O_o o_O O_o o_O O_o o_O O_o o_O O_o o_O O_o o_O O_o
I can’t tell you how happy I am that worked.
My pleasures are simple ones.
Hey, you guys, typhoidblue has really been on a roll lately. In addition to comparing fucking everything to slavery, she’s also arguing that all societies are matriarchal.
Also, there’s this supposed debate sub on Reddit for feminists and MRAs to hash things out, but there are very few feminists who will participate. They decided collectively that rape jokes and arguments in favor of marital rape are a-okay, but that calling MRAs “misters” is a slur and will get your comment deleted, putting you on the train to ban-ville.
I can’t imagine why they don’t get more feminists to participate.
Oh also, free men in classical Rome could only be farmers or soldiers. That’s also something I learned from typhonblue recently. Slaves were freer than free men, because they could hold down a greater variety of jobs.
Here endeth your history lesson of the day.
I’m still wishing there was a :kitty: icon.
They have ’em on Ravelry, why can’t we have ’em here???
Has anyone here ever heard cats snoring? Because that’s what my cats are doing right now and it’s the sweetest thing ever. They’re also curled up towards each other so their foreheads are touching.
Yep, my cat snores all the time. She’s really loud too, I can hear her from the other room.
“… she’s (typhoidblue) also arguing that all societies are matriarchal.”
Errr, in the insect world, sure, it happens a lot. It doesn’t even happen in film that much — with some exceptions. Like that shitty Nic Cage version of “The Wicker Man,” in which the bizarro island community seemed to be modled after bees.
Let’s see, Wonder Woman’s Paradise Island…yep, matriarchal. And all those old timey black and white Amazon Women on the Moon flicks. It never failed in those movies. Male astronauts would land on the all-women planet — where no man has existed for thousands of years — and pow! All the amazon chicks would immediately want to tear the male astronauts’ clothes off and ravish them. Please. Didn’t those screenwriters from the 40s and 50s ever hear of lesbians?
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Rats! I wanted to make a frame of emoticons. Oh, well, they’re still fun.
My current kitties don’t snore, but dearly departed Twinkie was a terrible snorer. And drooler. Such a drooler.
Here are the kitties right now: http://i.imgur.com/ac6cQfi.jpg
Sorry, no kitties, but there’s a bear. :: points up ::
Testing, just in case there are secret cat emoticons:
My cat purrs and snores simultaneously sometimes. It is good for drowning out things, like perhaps typhoidblue.
So basically what we need is a giant cat who’s as bored with her as most people are.
Yes. A giant bored cat is definitely the solution.
Maybe if we’re extra persuasive we can get it to puke on her shoes too.
Cool, there’s a burrito emoticon!
Emilygoddess: because that’s what he threw around immediately after being challenged on one of his “reasonable” responses. I should have quoted.