I am still sick as a dog –more specifically, as a sick dog — so I thought I’d share the misery with you all by sharing this, what is possibly the most depressing ad for paper cups ever devised. Who knew that the solution to “the problem that has no name” was Dixie cups?
Mr. Show offered an updated take on this ad technique with their classic Mayostard/Mustardayonnaise ad parodies:
Lots of these guys really are extra awful to Asian women. 🙁
I read this as “I usually end up peeing into the dark abyss.”
Hopefully one first calls into the dark abyss to make sure no one is standing there.
Darn good thing I wasn’t drinking anything when I read that!
It’s a messed-up version of that scene from Garden State where they shout into the abyss.
Statistically, Tumblr -is- more diverse and gives more visibility to social justice issues than other internet communities. The thing is, being better than awful doesn’t mean good – and it makes people with entrenched privilege feel like they’re being swamped.
Auggz, are you referring to the fact that the text gets progressively larger? Because that’s extremely weird. Is it only on mobile, maybe? Sometimes perfectly decent-looking websites end up total disasters on mobile.
I missed the Jez troll. What’s his nym? Because I can think of one who fits that description, and he used to try to mansplain our sexual preferences to us back when I commented there, which was ages ago.
Libertarians have a very narrow definition of “forced” that excludes anything that’s not physical violence imposed by a State… and unions, for some reason (gee, I wonder).
If your pay is shitty, you’re always “free” to move your labor elsewhere, presumably sustaining yourself on air and good feelings while you’re out looking for a new job.
Well, since it’s a troll abyss we’re talking about, I wouldn’t bother.
Are any of these Jezebel trolls ones we’ve had here?
@auggz its like we are learning these embroidery troubleshooting tips from someone who is getting increasingly urgent and INCREASINGLY LOUD.
Did that guy not realize that Japan is a fully industrialized and developed country? I’m a little confused about why a woman would need to be rescued. There are some issues with sexism there, but what country doesn’t have issues with sexism?
For those who want to read the thread we’re talking about, here’s a link to the post.
David if you’re reading this, that ridonkulous list might make a good subject for a post when you’re feeling better.
Actually Jez seems to attract a higher than average percentage of “this is what you REALLY like, ladies” trolls than most other blogs with mostly female readership. I guess because it’s linked to Deadspin and Kotaku it just represents too perfect a splaining target for splainers to ignore.
Ooh, wait, is this the guy who claims to have a Japanese wife who has told him, among other things, that hosts/hostesses are held in the highest possible social standing in Japan and that therefore hostessing is a profession all women aspire to, which is a thing that the shit-ass lesbians on Jez should learn from?
Forgot to add. The troll’s name is the Adlerian. Click show all replies to see all the threads.
In that case it’s a different guy. Because obviously we needed more than one.
Last night I was just reading advice for the long-term unemployed that they should find unpaid work in their field to keep from having gaps in their resume.
Why would employers ever hire anyone for money if there was a large pool of people who were being forced to do professional work for free?
That is horrible advice, and probably illegal or a giant insurance liability for an employer to agree to unless it’s a volunteer position or an internship (and those are usually specifically indicated as such).
I know that here a lot of job sites won’t let employers post unpaid gigs unless they’re actual internships that offer college credit, because if it’s not an internship and they’re not getting college credit out of it, you should be paying your staff.
(I’ve actually reported one particular company to one of the job boards multiple times for breaking this rule via creatively worded job postings.)
If anyone asks about the gap in my resume I’m just going to put down “caring for orphaned kittens.”
Maybe the state labor board would like to know about those creative postings. Especially in CA.
Katz: your volunteer work for the rescue is a great thing to put on your resume.
I’m a goddamn chemist.
Yeah, preaching freedom to starve is bad enough… but sometimes it’s even worse with libertarians. Because you’re right: Many of them only define force and violence in terms of the state/government. When corporations apply force of the same type, even violence, then they usually find a way to justify that as not actually being force/oppression.