
Down the Drain

I hate doing dishes too.
I hate doing dishes too.

I am still sick as a dog –more specifically, as a sick dog — so I thought I’d share the misery with you all by sharing this, what is possibly the most depressing ad for paper cups ever devised. Who knew that the solution to “the problem that has no name” was Dixie cups?

Mr. Show offered an updated take on this ad technique with their classic Mayostard/Mustardayonnaise ad parodies:

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10 years ago

Bacon donuts. Bacon cupcakes. Bacon truffles.

Look, I like a bit of cured pork myself, but these things? These are things that should not exist.

10 years ago

Well, maple bacon things are nice (within reason). But too much of the bacon stuff feels like they were just trying to prove that it could be done.

10 years ago

Bacon donuts are a disgrace. That is all.

10 years ago

That “young” face of the lady in the ad is seriously creeping me out here…

And yeah, doing dishes the traditional way is the absolute worst thing.

10 years ago

Yeah, I get the appeal of a sweet-salty combo, but I draw the line at chocolate-covered bacon. Actually, I draw the line before that, that’s beyond the pale for me.

10 years ago

@trans_commie: Bacon maple bars are amazing, you clearly don’t have any idea what you are talking about. 😀

10 years ago

I’ve never really understood why people like covering pork in sweet sauces so much in general, so the bacon dessert thing was just confusing to me. Also I don’t want crunchy things on my donuts.

10 years ago

To lighten up the topic, here’s a sweet and savory Moroccan pie that I highly recommend people try (if they don’t mind eating meat).
(Note that I have only tried it with shredded chicken in it because I cannot stomach the thought of eating squab pie.)

10 years ago

I suppose I made a mistake in criticizing bacon desserts and then posting a link to a Wiki article on a Moroccan dish that many people probably find revolting for some reason.

10 years ago

Nah, not a mistake. Tastes vary, and a lot of the time, the idea of a recipe is totally different from the final dish, and you can never tell until you actually try something. For example, I love the idea of rappie pie, but it’s just not very good.

You can’t control how people receive your suggestions, and we’re not a vegan-only community, so really. Not to worry.

10 years ago

I’ve had that! It was a bit sweet for me, but the pastry is great.

10 years ago

trans_commie: Actually, I’d like to try that. I have nothing against meat + bread combos.

10 years ago

That pie looks delish, IMO.

10 years ago

I’ve had it a few times at this San Francisco restaurant around Polk St. called “Cafe Zitoun” (cassandrakitty may know of that place) and I’ve also tried my step-mom’s homemade recipe. It’s very difficult to make, but no other dish has been able to convince me that chicken in sweet-and-savory dishes isn’t necessarily a bad idea.

10 years ago

I’m way more weirded out by the avocado pudding thing you were talking about your sister making. So much savory Moroccan food is sweet anyway.

10 years ago

Pastilla is wonderful. That is all.

10 years ago

Feel better David! I’m sick too though not nearly as bad. But it does mean any semblance I had of productivity is shot. I have spent the last two days down a dark hole of Wikipedia and tumblr, and am considering getting a tumblr account. In the first few weeks of uni, that is really not good.

10 years ago

If you folks like b’stilla (I prefer saying it the Maghrebi way), I highly recommend meloui, which are basically Moroccan pancakes. They are often served with a syrup made of butter and honey or just plain, and either way they’re absolutely wonderful.

10 years ago

Somebody thinks there should be more bacon:

It’s quite a convincing and cute argument.

10 years ago

Heh. I think Katie would approve of that dog, as long as it wasn’t her bacon being et.

10 years ago

Aw, David… 🙁
Migraines are terrible. The frowny-face emoticon doesn’t begin to do justice to how terrible they are. That on top of bronchitis, lasting as long as it has… that seriously sucks. I’m so sorry.

10 years ago

Hope you feel better soon, David.

And, by God, do I love Mr. Show. It has actual, genuine satire – before everyone started using that word erroneously…

10 years ago

Gah! Messed up on the coding there.

10 years ago

Yeah, IMO, bronchitis is a “go see the doctor if only to make sure” sort of illness. But then, I’m in a socialist UHC hellhole 😉

Hope you get better soon, David. Unless those constant repetitions in every new thread begin to annoy you 😉

As for bacon, so agreed: Totally overrated on the internet, and it should definitely not go with dessert stuff. It’s not even the salty part, IMO, but the meaty/hearty part… IMO you shouldn’t mix sweet and hearty, no! Though, mixing mayonnaise to bacon is okay. Mostly because mayonnaise does go with everything. A way better condiment for fries than ketchup, too.