I am still sick as a dog –more specifically, as a sick dog — so I thought I’d share the misery with you all by sharing this, what is possibly the most depressing ad for paper cups ever devised. Who knew that the solution to “the problem that has no name” was Dixie cups?
Mr. Show offered an updated take on this ad technique with their classic Mayostard/Mustardayonnaise ad parodies:
Hope you get well soon, David – have you seen a doctor?
did you know Kraft now has bacon mayonaisse? it’s the perfect food. Bw, dixie cups and plates are made and sold by the cock brothers, along with angel soft TP. Kraft also has a garlic and herb mayo…
“To make yourself a pantsuit” is the hidden joy here.
Ha. Easy way to spend less time and water washing dishes: let ’em accumulate.
I’ll skip the pantsuit but I have Plans for the next knitting project, if I can learn how to do lattice stitch.
Dear internet: It is time for you to stop being obsessed with bacon. Thank you.
I love the bit about the pantsuit!
kitteh, I haven’t seen a doctor. I’m 99% sure I’ve got bronchitis, b/c a friend of mine had it and b/c my symptoms match it exactly and b/c I had a flu shot so it’s not flu. My understanding is that they don’t usually give out antibiotics unless someone’s got athsma too.
The main thing that’s making things really shitty for me is that it’s exacerbating my migraine problem.
Dixie cups always were downers. Red Solo cups, now those are the party cups.
Last time I had serious bronchitis I went to the doc and he gave me antibiotics ‘cos it was definitely a chest infection. I don’t know if that was because I’m mildly asthmatic. He wasn’t my regular doctor and I don’t even know if he knew/asked I was asthmatic.
Might be worth ringing your doc to ask, especially since it’s making the migraines worse.
Plus, you need to be well in May, ‘cos I’m going to be gracing Chi-town with my presence and it would be the Greatest Coup Ever to say I’d met the Dark Lord. 😉
David: go to the doctor/urgent care. Even if you don’t get antibiotics, an inhaler and some of the high-test cough syrup will work wonders. Those tessalon pearls are good too. Bronchitis left too long is nothing to fuck around with.
They have mayo with lime here in TX. I’m intrigued, but wish they had small bottles in case I don’t like it.
RE: She=Devil
did you know Kraft now has bacon mayonaisse?
D8 That just horrifies me to the cockles of my ED soul. I think you’ve just discovered the food that I doubt I will ever, EVER be able to eat.
Seconding hellkell and kittehs, David. Especially if its been a couple days with no improvement in symptoms.
And why would anyone ruin perfectly good bacon by drowning it in a bunch of mayonnaise?
Hmmm… all my care providers have happily forked over the antibiotics when I’ve gone in with bronchitis. I get it every few years, though most of the time mine isn’t as severe.
The thing about bronchitis is that it could very well be bacterial–it isn’t like a cold where the default is viral. In fact, if you have walking pneumonia, the most common cause is a bacteria.
Cosigning, but the internet went too far in its obsession a long time ago – once people started adding bacon to deserts. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to get those bacon ice cream shakes from Denny’s.
I so wish the Internet would listen to you . . .
Bacon desserts?
I think I’m gonna be sick …
I was always more of a sausage person myself.
I should mention, though, that the last couple of times I’ve had bronchitis I was treated through my student health center, which I would not be surprised was a little more lax in prescribing antibiotics than elsewhere.
Ugh, migraines, I remember one, one magical time, I was still in ungrad, so I was on student health, and I had one of my awful migraines (mine are visual, so pretty much mean I can’t see anything but shiny, which is a joy) and I was given four pills of something…I’ve asked and asked and no one’s ever been able to figure it out, all I remember is the four pills that were blue and each in an individual blister pack and they had a silhouette outline of a head on them and that’s the one and only time I’ve had a migraine just go away. If anyone has any idea what that was, I’m still curious, because the excessive pain I’m currently experiencing from my inadequately medicated broken ankle is starting to trigger my head again.
Student health centers sometimes have the weirdest drugs. My freshmen year, I caught a stomach bug during orientation, and I went in hoping they’d give me some pepto-bismal or something. I don’t know exactly what they gave me, but the nurse told me it would make me drowsy. I was thinking, oh, I’ll go and take a little nap and be fine.
No. I took a 3 hr nap, got up for an hour, went back to bed, repeat until nightfall, and slept through the night. I missed a bunch of orientation activities, too, like the alcohol seminar.
Then I got up and went to class with no problems.
AJ – you took the Blue Pill! O_O
Were they fioricet?
If your cough is productive and your phlegm is colorful get thee to a dispensary for the professional opinion and drug.
It’s good. You can use it to make Mexican corn on the cob. You slather the cob with lime mayo, roll it in cotija cheese and sprinkle a little bit of chili powder over it. It’s very messy and probably horrificly unhealthy, but it’s delicious.
A little of topic but Hellkell, was that you commenting on the Jezebel post about that awful list of 50 things women need to know about men? Or does somebody else on the internets have the same user name?
If it’s a bacterial infection, it won’t go away without antibiotics. For something running this long, with productive phlegm, my bet is they’d probably put you on the good stuff.
On the bright side, again least it probably isn’t TB! In my area, it’s a legit concern with productive coughs.
They make it with bacon fat as the fat component of the mayo (as opposed to, say, olive oil). So it doesn’t have chunks of bacon in it, it just has a bacon flavour.