artistry hypergamy I am making a joke straw feminists

Women’s Libbers, In Love

Those libbers are up to something.
Those libbers are up to something.

Well, I’m still sick, and at the moment my cough is more productive than I am, so instead of a full post let’s take another trip down memory lane with this important document from the early years of second wave feminism. In this 1972 pamphlet, the radical feminist collective known as the “Marvel Comics Group” spelled out their five-point program for feminist revolution.

As you can see, it consisted of:

  1. Smooching
  2. Accessorizing your protest ensemble with a kicky scarf
  3. Late-night typing
  4. Making young men jealous by dating older pilots, or policemen, or mailmen. (I’m not completely sure what job that guy’s got.)
  5. Making young women jealous by dating Carl Sagan

See the awesome blog Sequential Crush for more on this comic-book guide to the romantic side of Women’s Lib.

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10 years ago

That’s amazing.

I don’t like using the phrase “Awesome” too often, but that is just awesome. I am feeling very, very intense emotions of dread bordering on terror, fear and wonder.

Especially the: “The whole country is staged” bit (female so and so is cute).

The thought process there is “It’s a giant propaganda illusion, a stageplay mimicry of a nation, and that means I can hit on cute traffic wardens“.

Yes. Yes, that’s the first thought you should be having when contemplating an illusion on a national scale – to participate in the ongoing dehumanization of millions.

10 years ago

Mass murder in prison camps, people so desperate they eat grass during famines … and these PoS think it’s all a big game so they can rape more women.

It’s not just their loathesome attitude toward half the world’s population: it’s their TOTAL. FUCKING. IGNORANCE about one of the most dreadful countries in the world that adds to my disgust for them.

10 years ago

It’s not ignorance exactly. They know things are horrible there. They just don’t care, if things being horrible might provide them with a convenient pool of victims.

Luckily promoting sex tourism does not seem to be on the agenda for that particular regime, and given how oblivious to people’s reactions to their behavior most MRAs are, they probably will end up in jail if they go there.

(BTW, Kittehs, it’s gotten even worse than you realize. The South Korean media reported multiple incidents of people who were so desperate that they’d resorted to cannibalism last year.)

10 years ago

Cannibalism – holy shit. I guess that’s in the “shocking but not surprising” category.

One of our best judges in the day, Michael Kirby, led the commission of enquiry by the UN into North Korea’s human rights abuses last year. He will be (if he hasn’t already) advising the UN to formally refer the situation to the International Criminal Court.

I wonder how these oh-so-superior PUAs would survive even a day in those prison camps.

10 years ago

There’s a guy who escaped to China who keeps going back to NK to document what’s going on, I’ll see if I can find you links tomorrow. The worst part is seeing the kids who’re on their own because their parents have either been killed or shipped off to labor camps just wandering around looking for food.

10 years ago

because men are terrible

Please tell me you’re joking and forgot to put a lol or a ;-).

10 years ago

Pussy paradise?

Isn’t that the place where endless toy mouses and tall scratching post houses and endless cardboard boxes, pieces of tissue paper, and a giant tank of fish reside, with an automatic dispenser of tuna and cheese activated by meow? Where thousands of computers are left running to provide nap spots, and youtube videos run an endless cycle of parakeets singing, where sunbeams appear on command and catnip is served by disembodied human hands?

Though, seriously, I don’t want to know what goes through their head. Even if the regime changes, North Korean women aren’t going to be falling all over the white, entitled, foreign Western dicks. In their equation of racism with their stereotypes of Asian men and women, they forget that Asian men and women are capable of being racist and forming their own stereotypes, particularly in an isolated country that’s been anti-Western in its leanings for generations.

It’s like the pathetic gaming alpha-bros in search of a unicorn. They’re the antithesis of what a so-called unicorn would want. It’s hilarious though, these men assume they’re totally top of the totem pole because of wishful thinking, spending minimal time in the gym, and belonging to certain blogs. I should totally be the mostest alpha-est based on that criteria, because I can use the internet, have exercised regularly, and really wish I had a pet unicorn or dragon. Logic!

10 years ago

And here is where we juxtapose: I don’t suppose THIS is what’s meant by western women being “monsters” and “not feminine enough”? Because it sure as hell plays into a lot of the creepiness of these older guys preying on women young enough to be their daughters.

And let’s not forget how normative the theme of men-dominating-very-young-women is in porn, either. I’m sure that’s no coincidence, given that the “heartland red states” are the US’s biggest consumers thereof.

Somehow, I’m not sure if this is what that creepy pastor meant by “men leading women”.

10 years ago

The South Korean media reported multiple incidents of people who were so desperate that they’d resorted to cannibalism last year.

That is so horrific.

10 years ago

Purity balls creep me out so much. There’s nothing wrong with waiting until marriage to have sex if that’s what you want, of course. They just go about it in such a yucky way. It’s really the father making the decision before the girl even reaches sexual maturity. In purity culture, girl’s bodies are owned by their fathers until they get married and then their bodies belong to their husbands. Shudder.

I’ve read somewhere that girls who take virginity pledges are more likely to get an STI than girls who haven’t. Not surprisingly, a number of girls can’t a promise made in their tween years but they haven’t been educated about disease and pregnancy prevention.

I’ve also read a few articles about how common sexual abuse is purity culture. These girls are taught that their bodies don’t belong to them and they must always defer to male authority figures. It leaves them really vulnerable to abuse. Like this:
TW: Sexual abuse

10 years ago

RE: Cassandrakitty

Also, LBT, I can beat your fanbrat whine! There was one who I used to know who got very upset at some LJ posts commemorating the Rape of Nanking, because it was happening on the birthday of a certain dead Japanese rock star, and it was very disrespectful to him to talk about anything to do with Japan that was negative on that day.

Damn, son. That there be some serious entitlement. Eesh.

RE: Alex

tl;dr, she completely romanticized and pedestalized the Japanese and their culture (by “culture”, I mean what she got from anime), while she herself was white and Canadian.

Oh yeah. I know the type; I was a Japanese minor in college and studied it all through high school. The number of folks who seemed to have confused Japan for Heaven were frightening. Even as a child, I distrusted anything that stated anywhere was unquestionably better than somewhere else.

Lady Ballsnip
Lady Ballsnip
10 years ago

Just to make this page a little bit more awesome:

10 years ago

Hey, so we’re getting near the end of March, and I just want to remind everyone that the Feminist Borg theme for March is History, and if anyone has something to say about women and history, it’s not too late to contribute. Don’t have to be a professional writer or anything, don’t have to have contributed before. Just grab Argenti and zie’ll get you all set.

10 years ago

I’ve also read a few articles about how common sexual abuse is purity culture. These girls are taught that their bodies don’t belong to them and they must always defer to male authority figures. It leaves them really vulnerable to abuse.

I’m not a bit surprised. If you’re not taught that your body belongs to you, and you’re not taught how to protect it against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, and you’re taught that men are your leaders, of course, that is bound to happen. The guys in that documentary snippet may not realize it, but as much as they love and want to “protect” their daughters, they’re actually doing them the most tremendous disservice in terms of real health and safety.

10 years ago

And you just know it’ll be the girls’ own fault when they are abused, according to this lot.

House Mouse Queen
10 years ago

Purity balls scare the living hell out of me. I can’t imagine my father taking me to one. It would just be creepy as fuck. I mean, my Dad didn’t make a big deal about my proms either. He didn’t get all teary eyed like it was some huge milestone. It was just another night out.

10 years ago

It’s the keys in the red boxes that really creep me out. Here, dad, have a key to my symbolic vagina that I’m giving to you as part of a pseudo-wedding. Could they get any more heavy-handed with the incest symbolism?

10 years ago

Not to mention the girls carrying that cross in. Hello, nothing like re-enacting part of a particularly horrible form of execution in a blatantly incestuous context. Fucked up, they haz it.

10 years ago

The fact that they carry the cross in mostly reads as “marriage for a woman in a fundamentalist context is a long, painful, horrifying ordeal that only ends when you die” to me, honestly.

10 years ago

Ain’t that the truth!

10 years ago

It reminds of that one philosopher guy saying “the last Christian died on the cross”. Or the bit in the Lonesome Road DLC where the villain rants about the NRC and the Legion cling to a past that they don’t understand.

Most modern day fundies appropriate the symbols and words of Jesus for their own purposes, but understand nothing of their contexts or intended meanings. Perhaps wilfully so?

10 years ago

No shit. How do you even come up with a ceremony that includes marrying your dad, a virginity key in a vagina box, ballet, and multiple giant fucking crosses? It’s like they’re playing MadLibs with religious symbols.

10 years ago

Not even necessarily a fundie thing, either. Anglican churches round my way seem to import a good amount of evangelical American stuff, and a high school friend of my sister’s (she’s my twin, so we’re talking someone of 19 or 20 marrying someone younger again) was married recently in an Anglican church in a ceremony my parents thought seemed more like a transferal of slave ownership than a union of lovers. Granted, my diocese is known for being a little reactionary, but this sort of thing does go on – once you’re married to your dad for as short a while as possible, marry the first boy to ask you and if you’re ever divorced it means you’re an awful person!

RE: OP, I’m not entirely sure what the artist was going for with the redhead in the lower right’s hair.

10 years ago

Also having the kids dance around the cross is a bit maypole-ish, and I’m pretty sure the parents wouldn’t be happy if someone explained that symbolism to them.

10 years ago

Oops, got my username wrong there.