I hope you feel better soon David. I am 100% behind the resting plan. I have a video of a cute budgie I have been saving, so will try post it later.
@Trans_commie Also, slowly drinking tea while having bronchitis makes perfect sense to me. I had it (bronchitis) in grade 2, and while I don’t remember much, I remember I was really tired and didn’t like the experience. Yelling at you makes no sense at all (as you would just get more stressed) …
My hair turned out great! It’s not that much of a difference in color, but it makes me look brighter since it’s a warmer color and I have really pale skin.
It’s not that much of a difference in color
difference in color
I, on the other hand, are having some problems with my watercolors. DIFFUSE, DAMN YOU, DIFFUSE.
But no. Not it’s just… won’t. And things were going so well.
Congratulations on the hair, if it’s a warmer color, is that because you opted to get bright orange hair? I find that’s a very compelling choice.
David, I used to get bronchitis every winter since I was a kid, and twice it did develop into pneumonia.
Be aware if you feel pain in your back, above the waist on either side, it might be a warning sign. The first time, I told the doctor about the pain, and he blew it off as being muscle ache from coughing so much, but an x-ray showed it was pneumonia. The pain was from fluid in the lungs. The treatment is the same for bronchitis, antibiotics, but you need to take them for longer, like a month.
Please be careful and see a doctor!
10 years ago
Sorry you feel yucky, David. I had bronchitis the week I started college. I didn’t mind getting to miss all the silly freshman meet-and-greet stuff, but the chorus audition was uncomfortable.
Probably the horrible assumption that they GET a lunch and not have to make one for the manly mans in the office. The menz had to make their own sammiches.
My favorite is: “We checked our privilege and found that we didn’t have enough”.
10 years ago
Testing more …
10 years ago
Take care of yourself man. I dealt with a mild attack a couple of months ago and it took me out for a few days so I’m really hoping you don’t have bronchitis.
His video explaining the march is fucking AMAZING!! I really hope someone did a “Lightning March” (which has the distinctly unique advantage of being a “non-violent flash mob”. I can’t stop laughing at the fact that this dude thought that he had to clarify that when he says flash mob, he’s not advocating for anything violent)
I heard about that from inurashii! It just makes me want to sigh. Boys, boys, nobody says you can’t take pride in being a white guy. Just know that in my country, that’s kinda like taking pride in being able to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide. Like, good for you! That sure must’ve been a challenge!
ZOMG, Mat Johnson was involved in the mock signs post! @_@ *professional adoration*
(Mat Johnson is a comics creator who wrote Incognegro, which is awesome and all of you who like comics should totally read it. It takes place in the Harlem Renaissance, where a white-passing reporter infiltrates the KKK and then spills their dirty secrets. I LOVE IT.)
10 years ago
@auggziliary & ivy shoots
constellarmaid: That sounds awesome!
Also testing: O.o
o.O trying it the other way
You have to use an underscore ( _ ) for the mouth bit. Either eye placement works:
O_o o_O
LBT: Really? “Incognegro” is a wonderful work. It’s sitting on the shelf next to my hardcover “Blacksad” anthology.
I’ve actually run into a number of authors lately. Martin Wagner of the “Hepcats” comic series blogs and comments occasionally over at FTB, and Mercedes Lackey comments regularly at Pandagon. (I have to admit though, I haven’t read her books. I was an Anne McCaffery fan, my brother was a Mercedes Lackey fan, and we were foolishly territorial about that.)
Whoops, misread. I thought you meant the mock the MRA graphics we did earlier. Figured it out. 🙂
Those tweets are priceless.
10 years ago
Okay, this is weird. Radio’s had two versions of Bolero played today. First sounded like it was played on a tin whistle and the second like it was by a jazz quartet in a hurry to go home.
I think someone must have given them a How Not To list.
David, hope you are better soon. Do not hesitate to get thee to a doctor if it has gone on your chest – you do NOT want to develop pneumonia.
Get better! Get better! Get betteeerr!
I hope you feel better soon David. I am 100% behind the resting plan. I have a video of a cute budgie I have been saving, so will try post it later.
@Trans_commie Also, slowly drinking tea while having bronchitis makes perfect sense to me. I had it (bronchitis) in grade 2, and while I don’t remember much, I remember I was really tired and didn’t like the experience. Yelling at you makes no sense at all (as you would just get more stressed) …
I, on the other hand, are having some problems with my watercolors. DIFFUSE, DAMN YOU, DIFFUSE.
But no. Not it’s just… won’t. And things were going so well.
Congratulations on the hair, if it’s a warmer color, is that because you opted to get bright orange hair? I find that’s a very compelling choice.
David, I used to get bronchitis every winter since I was a kid, and twice it did develop into pneumonia.
Be aware if you feel pain in your back, above the waist on either side, it might be a warning sign. The first time, I told the doctor about the pain, and he blew it off as being muscle ache from coughing so much, but an x-ray showed it was pneumonia. The pain was from fluid in the lungs. The treatment is the same for bronchitis, antibiotics, but you need to take them for longer, like a month.
Please be careful and see a doctor!
Sorry you feel yucky, David. I had bronchitis the week I started college. I didn’t mind getting to miss all the silly freshman meet-and-greet stuff, but the chorus audition was uncomfortable.
Maybe Doctor Cat will make you feel better?
Here’s a list from misogynists in 1945 about why women in the workplace are horrible. It sounds a lot like the things MRAs say nowadays.
Oh dear, bronchitis… 🙁 I hope you feel better soon, David!
Also @auggziliary, congrats on your hair. 😀 I finished bleaching and dying pink yesterday and I’m over the moon about it.
“Their assumptions with regard to lunch” ? What were women’s terrible assumptions about lunch in 1945?
That they wouldn’t be making it for all the men they worked with?
Woah, hey, did the smileys change?
Probably the horrible assumption that they GET a lunch and not have to make one for the manly mans in the office. The menz had to make their own sammiches.
OT but apparently there was a “White Man’s March”. It was as well attended as an MRA rally. It was mocked on twitter #whitemanmarchprotestsigns. Here are some of the best:http://www.rageagainsttheminivan.com/2014/03/best-mock-signs-from-white-mans-march.html
My favorite is: “We checked our privilege and found that we didn’t have enough”.
Testing more …
Take care of yourself man. I dealt with a mild attack a couple of months ago and it took me out for a few days so I’m really hoping you don’t have bronchitis.
His video explaining the march is fucking AMAZING!! I really hope someone did a “Lightning March” (which has the distinctly unique advantage of being a “non-violent flash mob”. I can’t stop laughing at the fact that this dude thought that he had to clarify that when he says flash mob, he’s not advocating for anything violent)
OMG!!! OMG!!!! The bankers have shown up!!!!
o.O trying it the other way
9. Their messy tidiness.
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Yup, it was written by MRAs, alright.
RE: neuroticbeagle
I heard about that from inurashii! It just makes me want to sigh. Boys, boys, nobody says you can’t take pride in being a white guy. Just know that in my country, that’s kinda like taking pride in being able to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide. Like, good for you! That sure must’ve been a challenge!
ZOMG, Mat Johnson was involved in the mock signs post! @_@ *professional adoration*
(Mat Johnson is a comics creator who wrote Incognegro, which is awesome and all of you who like comics should totally read it. It takes place in the Harlem Renaissance, where a white-passing reporter infiltrates the KKK and then spills their dirty secrets. I LOVE IT.)
@auggziliary & ivy shoots
You have to use an underscore ( _ ) for the mouth bit. Either eye placement works:
O_o o_O
Here’s a list for those interested:
LBT: Really? “Incognegro” is a wonderful work. It’s sitting on the shelf next to my hardcover “Blacksad” anthology.
I’ve actually run into a number of authors lately. Martin Wagner of the “Hepcats” comic series blogs and comments occasionally over at FTB, and Mercedes Lackey comments regularly at Pandagon. (I have to admit though, I haven’t read her books. I was an Anne McCaffery fan, my brother was a Mercedes Lackey fan, and we were foolishly territorial about that.)
Whoops, misread. I thought you meant the mock the MRA graphics we did earlier. Figured it out. 🙂
Those tweets are priceless.
Okay, this is weird. Radio’s had two versions of Bolero played today. First sounded like it was played on a tin whistle and the second like it was by a jazz quartet in a hurry to go home.
I think someone must have given them a How Not To list.