antifeminism evil women female beep boop I'm totally being sarcastic lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men reddit shit that never happened straw feminists

Today’s completely true totally not-made-up story of Feminazi misandering from the Men’s Rights subreddit

Totally real high school teacher
Totally real high school teacher

Ok, folks, brace yourself, because this story of anti-male oppression is tough to read. Not because it’s badly written and completely implausible — no, no, not that — but because it reveals the evil workings of the feminazi oppressors at their most vicious: when they are targeting high school juniors for no other reason than because they are walking down the hallway too close to FEMALES involved in the annual Eating of the Fetuses Women’s Mentor Day, during which the school’s FEMALES are given inspiring talks and free lunch and gift certificates for, I dunno, let’s just assume they’re for some of those “Boys are Stupid, Throw Rocks at Them” t-shirts.

Anyway, so it’s Women’s Mentor Day, and young Zorfsic is going about his business:

I was walking to my 4th hour class that just so happen to stray near the Women’s Mentor Meeting. Thinking to myself “That time of the mont… I mean year, again!”. When all of a sudden a woman who does not work at the school grabs me by the arm and throws me onto the stairs as if she wanted me to sit. “What are you doing here! This is for females only! That mean girls, if you aren’t smart enough to catch on!”. My friend and my girlfriend came to me and as he planned it for year my buddy yells “Back off! This young man has nothing to do with you Feminist Nazi camp! He was just walk to his class!”. She grabbed him and took him to the office. My girlfriend was trying to help me up but another woman told her to stop and said “Let him do it. He doesn’t deserve your help.” and at that moment the schools security came to take me to the office. After explaining what happened me and my friend got suspended for trying to “stop a school planned event” that we tried to stay away from.

I cannot believe how completely true this story is. I don’t think I’ve ever read anything more true than this. It’s true SO HARD I had to put the especially true parts in bold. Apparently a good number of Men’s Rights Redditors agreed, as the post got more than a dozen upvotes, and poor misandried Zorfsic got mostly supportive comments from the crowd.

Granted, one dude — who was quick to point out that he totally thought the story was true — did suggest that Zorfsic might possibly consider trying to improve his writing ability, given that his post was “written with some level of theatrics and could easily be posted on an anti-MRM website to discredit what MRA s work for.” But, you know, every true prophet has his naysayers.

Note: I found this story through a post in the AntiMensRights subreddit. Amazingly, some of the people there doubt its veracity. Or at least they’re pretending that they do.

Note 2: In case any MRAs come by and get mad, yes, I Googled it, there actually is such a thing as Women’s Mentor Day, which is an annual event at one Arizona High School, and, yes, girls do get free lunches and gift bags. It’s the rest of the story that seems a tad made-the-fuck-up.

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10 years ago

Kittehserf :

You remember The Evil’s Crown? Honest? I loved that program. It was sososo clever! I wondered why more people didn’t know about it. I wonder if it’s out there in the ether somewhere…

10 years ago

TIL Siamese cats can be referred to as “Meezers”. I love this and am incorporating the term into my vocabulary immediately.

10 years ago

I love rats! Yes, yes. They are such characters. I especially love when they’re happy they chatter and their eyes bulge, its so funny! They also like being tickled 😀

I built mine a huge play area using a plastic kiddie pool and plastic sheathed chicken wire fencing. Hung all kinds of ropes and hammocks and toys and watched them have a ball. It was better than letting them out to roam in the house since I’ve always had cats too. I actually have some pictures of them together though, so they got along, but never left them out unsupervised.

Do a search for rat rescue in your area. That’s best. I got my first two from a wildlife rescue center I used to work at (you’d be surprised the number of domestic animals people turned in there, we had lots of reptiles). The second two I stole from my college rat research lab because I couldn’t stand the thought of them ending up getting mangled and discarded. Shh, don’t tell anyone. 😉

10 years ago

@Bina, I’m so envious of your big-paw. Best cat we ever had was a polydactyl.

Oh, she’s great! Smart and sweet, and very playful. Looks like a Maine Coon (has the eartufts, and the face), although I have no idea where she came from; she just wandered by here last August, no more than three months old, skinny and crying. But she was friendly from the start, and knew how to use a litterbox, so I suspect abandonment. She’s grown into a nice sized almost-adult now, soft and fluffy with a huge tail, and loves to share my cot in the study at siesta time. She’s not as chatty as a ‘mese, but she meows back a fair bit. And she seems to know exactly what I’m saying, too.

10 years ago

Squuueeeeeeeee! So cute.

10 years ago this is one of mine

10 years ago
Reply to  kittehserf

Did Elmo have any suspicious tabby markings showing in his fur? I love the way the tabby will out. I knew a gorgeous chap called Duke who was about 99% Russian Blue – and the 1% was given away by faint tabby markings on his tail. 🙂

Why yes, yes he did. He had very faint stripey markings on his legs. You could only see them when the light hit him jusr so. Also, his face was a bit rounder and softer then the sharper features of the pure bred Siamese.

When he was a kitten he was so soft and cuddly. That and his friendliness were what led me to name him Elmo, after the Sesame Street character.

10 years ago

He used to love riding around the house draped around my shoulders like a stole.

My MIL’s Russian blue does this. Apparently it’s a breed trait – there are legends about the Cossacks going into battle with their cats on their shoulders.

He’s also very chatty, but I’ve always assumed that was the Siamese in their genetic line.

If you hanker after a meezer or a ragdoll, it is astonishing how many pure breeds turn up at rescues.

There are also breed-specific rescue groups (not as many as with dogs, but they do exist).

If you live in the US: many shelters now list their adoptable pets on Petfinder, which you can search by breed.

10 years ago

Do you have serve Siamese cats, AbominableSnowPickle? I don’t but I’m reading The Cat Who series at the moment. Koko’s just discovered the joy of flushing the loo at night.

Moose County must get a lot of new folks moving in, is all I gots to say.

Pickaxe goes on my list of Places To Avoid Living In, right under Midsomer, and Qwilleran is actually ahead of Jessica Fletcher on my list of People To Avoid Becoming Casual Acquaintances Of.

Hoo boy, that Nazi standing behind her – that actor’s been in everything from Smiley’s People to Hamish MacBeth, with a stop-off as Richard I in The Devil’s Crown along the way.

Wow, according to IMDB he’s been in everything British except, like, Doctor Who. And if there’s Nazis in whatever he’s in, he’ll like as not be playing one.

… This makes me realize that Doctor Who never really did Nazis until just a couple years ago. World War I, yes, World War II, no, except I think there’s also an audio drama set in a POW camp for airmen.

Re: Rescue cats — we think our older cat came from a pet store because she’s mighty standoffish and she won’t drink from a bowl, she wants to drink from the bathtub faucet. But we got her when her first owners realized they were allergic to her and were giving her away.

10 years ago

All the cats I’ve had over my lifetime have been rescue/shelter cats. Chai (short for Yachai, means ‘sweetheart’ in Thai) the purebred is the only non-shelter kitty we’ve ever had. I mostly don’t care about the genetics as long as they look Siamese^.^ Chai is very chatty, but the brothers aren’t so much. They were feral as tiny babies, so I wonder if they never were talked to much. Q (the snowshoe) doesn’t really even meow, he chirps and it’s soo cute. Bodhi (his brother and not a snowshoe) is pretty quiet, but will ask for food. Where I live, it’s pretty amazing how many Meezer types show up in shelters. I’ve worked with the Rocky Mountain branch of Siamese Rescue (have fostered and given 3 or 4 into their care, strays that have turned up at the house), and they’re a pretty awesome organization. They care for all Meezer types and colors, sometimes non-Meezes as well. As I write this, Bodhi is spying on me from the stairs. He’s pretty introverted, but loves watching the world go by.

I’m gonna soapbox a little and say, keep your kitties indoors! Take the time to make their environs fun and stimulating, but keep them inside. All my kitties are indoors only now, and healthy and happy^.^

10 years ago

I have been thinking about getting a pair of Egyptian Mau cats…It has been a couple of years since my Elmo died and I am beginning to feel ready for a couple of new kitties.

I wonder what a Siamese-Mau cross would be like?

Definitely would want two cats, as they are good company for each other.

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

I have had such good luck with rescue cats; some of the most affectionate, most demonstrative cats I’ve ever met.

My cats literally come meet me at the door when I get home from work, and just hang out with me constantly. Sitting in my lap or at my feet or by my shoulder, whatever. Playing, snuggling, nibbling. They just seem to be in a constant competition with each other for my affection.

It’s enough to make a man feel loved, I tell you what.

10 years ago

I love the furry buggers, but one of our cats absconded with my wedding ring this morning, and I am not happy at all. So far there’s no sign of it.

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

Bad kitty!

10 years ago

I love the furry buggers, but one of our cats absconded with my wedding ring this morning, and I am not happy at all. So far there’s no sign of it.

D: Oh no. Little adorable jerks.

10 years ago

I feel the need to share a rat picture. Here’s Mattimeo rooting around in some blankets.

…You named your rat Mattimeo.

You are now my favorite person.

Apparently it’s a breed trait – there are legends about the Cossacks going into battle with their cats on their shoulders.

I demand a picture.

I have been thinking about getting a pair of Egyptian Mau cats…It has been a couple of years since my Elmo died and I am beginning to feel ready for a couple of new kitties.

Ooh, not a lot of Maus at rescues, and a pair is probably right out.

If you live in the US: many shelters now list their adoptable pets on Petfinder, which you can search by breed.

There’s a new adoptable pet search engine, Allpaws, that’s really good. Everyone should check it out.

If anyone is looking for rodentia in the LA area, the Bunny Bunch is a great rescue and despite its name, it has a large number of chins, piggies, and pocket pets.

10 years ago

… The Allpaws website has a button under each candidate that reads, “Make Meme.” That is wonderful and kind of scary all at once.

Also, what the hell is going on in Bedford, Massachussetts? TW for hate.

10 years ago

Falconer – read the Bedford story. Urgh. Don’t know why, but anti-Semitism disgusts me to a considerable degree. I hope this episode has a positive outcome.

10 years ago

RE: Skye

LBT, yes the salary level absolutely makes those jobs less appealing.

Yeah. Like, admittedly, the comics dude I visited wasn’t rolling in gold and gems, but people expect artists to be weird. I imagine that had they known I was a guy, and had I requested to be a kindergarten teacher or nursing assistant, they would’ve tried to dissuade me.

RE: Leum

Out of curiosity, does anyone have experience with pet rats?

While not having any myself, I have friends with pet rats, and we’ve cared for our former roommates’ pet rats. They were very clever, very sweet, and very playful. You have to keep the cage clean and play with them on a daily basis, to keep them stimulated and entertained, and it’s usually best to own two boys together, so they have someone to play with. It’s also best to neuter them, or they’ll fight as they age. (Though our roommates’ rats weren’t neutered, and they got along fine.) Not the pet for me, but definitely charming little bastards!

10 years ago


In order to get the full effect she needs to be a sexy Nazi, preferably this one.

Because lets face it, a lot of this stuff reads like bad BSDM porn written by a male sub in denial.

Good point.

10 years ago

nth’ing the suggestion at getting your pets from a shelter. Over the years I’ve my dogs with the exception of the first one, hamsters, mice & even hermit crabs. Obviously it depends on the area of the country you live in but it’s worth a look.

As far as this story the more I read it the funnier I find it. *patting him on the head* yes my dear I’m it went down exactly as you say. Have some warm milk

10 years ago

Seranvali – yup, I remember it! FirstI saw Zoe Wanamaker and Charles Kay, and second I saw John Duttine. I really liked Kay’s Louis VII (partly ‘cos his makeup reminded me a bit of Charles I).

Hey, I just looked up the cast list and Patrick Troughton played William Marshal – now that I’d completely forgotten!

I can’t find any dvds of the series, but it is on youtube.

Oh my, so is By the Sword Divided … couldn’t watch that again.

10 years ago

Over the years I’ve my dogs with the exception of the first one, hamsters, mice & even hermit crabs.

People give hermit crabs to shelters? I mean, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised but… I actually really am surprised.

10 years ago
Reply to  Falconer

Also, what the hell is going on in Bedford, Massachussetts? TW for hate.

I went, I read, I felt ill. My husband is both Jewish and from Boston, so he was not happy to read this either.

It seems to me that there are a lot of hate groups oozing out from under rocks everywhere. There must be a LOT of fear going around…