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Today’s completely true totally not-made-up story of Feminazi misandering from the Men’s Rights subreddit

Totally real high school teacher
Totally real high school teacher

Ok, folks, brace yourself, because this story of anti-male oppression is tough to read. Not because it’s badly written and completely implausible — no, no, not that — but because it reveals the evil workings of the feminazi oppressors at their most vicious: when they are targeting high school juniors for no other reason than because they are walking down the hallway too close to FEMALES involved in the annual Eating of the Fetuses Women’s Mentor Day, during which the school’s FEMALES are given inspiring talks and free lunch and gift certificates for, I dunno, let’s just assume they’re for some of those “Boys are Stupid, Throw Rocks at Them” t-shirts.

Anyway, so it’s Women’s Mentor Day, and young Zorfsic is going about his business:

I was walking to my 4th hour class that just so happen to stray near the Women’s Mentor Meeting. Thinking to myself “That time of the mont… I mean year, again!”. When all of a sudden a woman who does not work at the school grabs me by the arm and throws me onto the stairs as if she wanted me to sit. “What are you doing here! This is for females only! That mean girls, if you aren’t smart enough to catch on!”. My friend and my girlfriend came to me and as he planned it for year my buddy yells “Back off! This young man has nothing to do with you Feminist Nazi camp! He was just walk to his class!”. She grabbed him and took him to the office. My girlfriend was trying to help me up but another woman told her to stop and said “Let him do it. He doesn’t deserve your help.” and at that moment the schools security came to take me to the office. After explaining what happened me and my friend got suspended for trying to “stop a school planned event” that we tried to stay away from.

I cannot believe how completely true this story is. I don’t think I’ve ever read anything more true than this. It’s true SO HARD I had to put the especially true parts in bold. Apparently a good number of Men’s Rights Redditors agreed, as the post got more than a dozen upvotes, and poor misandried Zorfsic got mostly supportive comments from the crowd.

Granted, one dude — who was quick to point out that he totally thought the story was true — did suggest that Zorfsic might possibly consider trying to improve his writing ability, given that his post was “written with some level of theatrics and could easily be posted on an anti-MRM website to discredit what MRA s work for.” But, you know, every true prophet has his naysayers.

Note: I found this story through a post in the AntiMensRights subreddit. Amazingly, some of the people there doubt its veracity. Or at least they’re pretending that they do.

Note 2: In case any MRAs come by and get mad, yes, I Googled it, there actually is such a thing as Women’s Mentor Day, which is an annual event at one Arizona High School, and, yes, girls do get free lunches and gift bags. It’s the rest of the story that seems a tad made-the-fuck-up.

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10 years ago

Do you have serve Siamese cats, AbominableSnowPickle? I don’t but I’m reading The Cat Who series at the moment. Koko’s just discovered the joy of flushing the loo at night.

10 years ago

Sigh…I would so love a ‘mese, but the only cats I’ve had so far are the ones who’ve come to me. I’ve never owned a purebred or pedigree anything, only moggies. But I’m still hopeful! The oracle has not spoken yet…

10 years ago

I’ve never thought seriously about buying purebreds; they cost so much (those that are even bred here), though I do sigh over them. Right now I’ve a yen to have a third kitty, though that would probably be too stressful for Fribs and certainly wouldn’t do my soon-to-be-horribly-depleted income any good.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Siamese cats are amazing. My mom adopted an applehead from a shelter who was very vocal and affectionate. He used to love riding around the house draped around my shoulders like a stole. You could have long conversations with him, and never get the last word.

Re: the OP…

Somewhere, on the Hall Monitor’s Rights subreddit, a hall monitor is wearily recounting the tale of the mouthy punk she had to send to the principal’s office because he was hanging around outside the Women’s Mentor Day classroom with his friend making snide comments. Only her story features believable dialogue and plausible characters, because it actually happened.

10 years ago

Yeah, I bet Mr. Mouthypunk would probably consider himself a genius for having used the word “feminazi”. Like three whole generations of pigmen hadn’t thought of it first…

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
10 years ago

That was the most convincing thing I have ever read. I’m going to print that out and stick it in my dogeared copy of “Atlas Shrugged”. That’ll show you, Ayn Rand! THIS is how to write a convincing tale of persecution!

10 years ago

@ theladyzombie

In order to get the full effect she needs to be a sexy Nazi, preferably this one.

Because lets face it, a lot of this stuff reads like bad BSDM porn written by a male sub in denial.

10 years ago

Hoo boy, that Nazi standing behind her – that actor’s been in everything from Smiley’s People to Hamish MacBeth, with a stop-off as Richard I in The Devil’s Crown along the way.

10 years ago

@ buttercupqscullpants

In one of the first neighborhoods I lived in in London there was this crusty old punk guy who walked around with a tiny Meezer perched on his shoulder like a parrot sometimes. It was the cutest thing.

10 years ago

Kittehserf, I serve THREE! Only one is a purebred though. The boys are Siamese mixes (one of the brothers is a snowshoe Siamese, so he’s got white feeties, chest, and tummy) that we got from a shelter in another town. My dad grew up with Meezers and so did I, they’re my favorite kitties and I just adore them. They’re so smart (and in the case of the snowshoe, Q, scary smart) and silly, I just love being their slave. My second favorite kind of kitties are black cats. I looove black cats, too. Right now all three are sacked out in their beds and the back of a recliner, snoozing away.

Buttercup, I love having conversations with Chai (who is the queen of the house and the only purebred I’ve ever had). She’s so chatty, it’s a lot of fun to speak with her. I wish she didn’t absolutely hate being picked up, I’d love to carry her around and cuddle her. My dad had a Siamese cat when he was a kid who would leap up and balance on the tops of doors, then she’d jump down on the people who would pass by. Apparently, she was quite the character^.^

10 years ago

I’ve always wanted a ragdoll cat, but will only ever adopt one if it’s a rescue.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Cassandrakitty – that parrot meezer sounds adorable. The thought of it is making little cartoon hearts radiate out of my head.

AbomimableSnowPickle – Love the name Chai for a Siamese. They are very vocal and expressive. Does yours ever make strange noises? Mine used to yowl abruptly and gallop out of the room, then let out a guttural moan. I always chalked it up to poltergeists.

I think Percy might have been part ragdoll, because he was exceedingly floppy. If I lay down on the couch, he would drape himself on top of me like one of those lead torso protectors they use at the dentist when you’re getting X-rays. It would instantly put me to sleep.

Because you need at least a year to come up with, “This young man has nothing to do with you Feminist Nazi camp”

He probably did need twelve months of advance planning. MRAs can’t have any human interaction that doesn’t involve flowcharts and a script.

I wonder if his friend had to rehearse his line. “THIS young man….no, wait. This YOUNG man….this young MAN…What’s my motivation here?”

10 years ago

Obligatorily popping in to tell everyone to get their fur-babies from a shelter or rescue.

10 years ago

Out of curiosity, does anyone have experience with pet rats? I’m not planning on getting new pets anytime soon (going into student housing this fall; no pets allowed 🙁 ), but now that I’ve gone vegan I can’t ethically justify cat ownership for when I am free to own pets, and from what I’ve heard rats make really good pets. But idk anyone who has pet rats to talk to, so…

10 years ago

Thank you for realizing that feeding a cat vegan food isn’t an option. Every time I hear about people trying to do that it makes me so angry.

10 years ago

I’ve never had a rat for a pet, but did work with them for psych classes in college. They are actually much nicer and more intelligent than they get credit for. Domesticated rats are friendly once they get used to you. They’ll hang out on your shoulder. You just can’t stick your finger in their face because they will think it’s food and take a bite. They like to play and they’re curious.
Rats make fine pets I think.

House Mouse Queen
10 years ago

No rats but friendly with wild house mice and have a friend who has a Dumbo rat that sits on her shoulder as she’s out in town. They’re clean and friendly if you treat them well when younger. Mice and rats have to build up a LOT of trust with their owners and you need to anticipate what they want when they’re young to do that. Lots of treats and happy stuff. the way to a rodent’s heart is through her tummy. They are incredibly intelligent.

10 years ago

Doesn’t TheNatFantastic have rats? I know we’ve had a couple of manboobzers who’ve had ratties and loved ’em heaps.

10 years ago

Rats are nice. One of my college friends had a couple. Once one of them fell asleep in her hoodie pocket and decided to eat it at the same time.

10 years ago

A little OT, but I LOVE Samantha’s userpic.

Samantha, is the Meezer yours? I have three! All seal points, though one is a snowshoe.

Sorry, to bother, I just had to gab about Siamese cats. I’ll go back to lurking^.^

Well, my Elmo was actually a mixed breed. His mom, Ellie, was Manx,Abyssinian and Tabby. She had the really short tail of the Manx. His father was a beautiful, tall seal point Siamese who lived behind us. Elmo had the short tail of the Manx, but he was the only one in his litter who came out with the Siamese markings.

I loved him immensely…still do. He was smart, playful and had the stuff-strutting attitude of the Siamese. He was also amazingly goofy, loyal and protective of me.

It makes me smile to have others appreciate his beauty. 🙂

10 years ago

Did Elmo have any suspicious tabby markings showing in his fur? I love the way the tabby will out. I knew a gorgeous chap called Duke who was about 99% Russian Blue – and the 1% was given away by faint tabby markings on his tail. 🙂

10 years ago

I agree this story reads bogus.

10 years ago


I have two pet rats. If you’re interested in them you have to get them from a good source though, like a rat breeder, because supposedly many rats that you find in pet stores are feeder rats (for snakes) that come from broken homes. If a rat is cared for in a nurturing environment by its mother with frequent human contact it will grow up to be a better pet.

Never buy a pet from a pet store because you feel sorry for it out of a desire to rescue it, as this rewards the pet store business model.

Keeping them in groups of at least two is also a minimum requirement for ownership, as rats that live by themselves can become depressed and stressed out. It’s best to keep them in groups of at least three, I do think. They need to be same sex groups too, for obvious reasons.

I have female rats, and they’re more active, while male rats are supposedly lazier and cuddlier. I think if you hear about people that have rats constantly sitting on their shoulder they’re often male rats.

I think rats are fairly intelligent. Mine are remarkable in accessing all sorts of places in my room. They like climbing a lot, which can get them into trouble. They also do recognize humans and can differentiate between them, which might not be the case so much with hamsters. But they’re no dogs obviously.

Rats are demanding though. You have to clean their cage once a week, provide them with new toys, create a balanced diet that does not consist purely out of lab blocks, and give them a lot of time out of their cage. And it’s very preferable to give them a very large cage, as rats become happier with more space.

Some downsides are their short life span, they typically only live between two and three years. And they can be very destructive, destroying cables and couches. And not all rats are equally affectionate.

10 years ago

Seconding @katz with the get your fur-babies from rescues & shelters.

If you hanker after a meezer or a ragdoll, it is astonishing how many pure breeds turn up at rescues. The lady who founded the one I have gone to for most of my kitties has a soft spot for persians and her house is full of ones that came in to be re-homed and that she has personally adopted. And I’ve lost count of the meezers I’ve seen at Cat Protection League.

Witchy kitty has ragdoll tendancies. You have to be careful or he falls off the sofa during cuddles.

@Bina, I’m so envious of your big-paw. Best cat we ever had was a polydactyl.

10 years ago

I had a pet rat once. I got him from a pet shop when he was little. At the time I was told only to feed him blocks.or he’d get wet tail. That’s not true. Don’t do that! They do have a short life span, but with good breeding and nutrition, you can stretch that out. They are sweet and playful, but the boys tinkle on everything, all the time. So if you see a guy with a rat on his shoulder, there is pee on his shoulder. Rat whiz is potent smelling stuff. You will have to keep your rat’s area clean. You’ll need to watch them carefully when they are out and playing. Mine liked to dig in potted pants. He got in the box springs on my bed once and wouldn’t come out. They’re cheeky little so & so’s.