alpha males antifeminism beta males evil sexy ladies evil women heartiste I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny precious bodily fluids PUA racism reactionary bullshit

Caulking in Her C*ck Vault: A New and Improved Chateau Heartiste Crib Sheet of Game

Don't let anyone see you checking your notes!
Don’t let anyone see you checking your notes!

So our dear friend Heartiste, the white-supremacist woman-botherer, has assembled a little “Chateau Heartiste Crib Sheet of Game,” a compilation of some of his best pickup advice, boiled down to a few handy tips and clever one-liners that wannabe alpha males can use on the ladies during conversation in order to get their ginas tingling. (Sorry, that’s the way these guys talk.)

Looking at Heartiste’s list of “lines” I was struck by how generic and, well, frankly unoriginal most of them were, from standard issue negs like “nice shoes. Those are really popular now” and “is she always like this?” to old-school PUA cliches like “I don’t buy girls drinks but you can buy me one” and  “what else do you have going for you besides your looks?” both of which come straight from peacocking PUA pioneer Mystery, the guy with the fuzzy hat and the long-ago-cancelled VH1 show.

Indeed, a lot of Heartiste’s “lines” are as old and stale as he is:

Don’t get clingy

Miss me already?

Hey, hands off the merchandise

If i didn’t know any better i’d say you were trying to pick me up

So I thought I’d do Heartiste a little favor and write up some new lines for him and his fans that are both more original and a bit more honest. Next time you’re in “da club,” Heartiste, why don’t you try some of these out? Some of these I made up myself; some are taken, or adapted, from things you yourself wrote.

Hi, I spend most of my life on the internet trying to figure out how to manipulate drunk women half my age into bed.

People on the internet know me as Heartiste. No, not Fartiste. With an H. No, it’s not a joke. I thought it up myself.

I like to call black people “darkies.” No, not to their face. Anonymously, on the internet.

I’m an alluringly savvy man self-assuredly parrying the clit-hardened jousts of intrigued women.

Too much outbreeding decreases charitable kin-feeling and incentivizes a decadent ennui that severs the citizen’s sense of obligation to his nation and co-ethnics.

A gentlemanly selectiveness honed by years of experience and psychological nimbleness has proved adequate at filtering out women likely to lay like dead fish in my roiling sea of sperm.

If anyone can usurp the lawyercunt in cuntishness, it’s the Twittercunt.

The walls are closing in on the lords of lies and their feels army of emotabots.

Whether our ruling class knows it or they bumble along like drug addicts seeking the next pleasurable injection of power at any cost, their sex-swapping project will turn the West into matricentric, female forager Africa.

Every time we had sex over the following weeks, it ended with her tucking her knees under her chin naked on the bed to quietly cry into the wrapped bubble of her body.

The only bond that matters in a woman’s heart is the one you caulk in her cock vault.

The ruling elites despise whites, despise the concept of whiteness, and despise especially the idea that the territory and nation and culture from which they parasitically suck the lifeblood was created and sustained primarily by white men.

The id of the Like Me Generation is a furry suit wrapping a toddler.

Women should avoid trying to be funny altogether and stick to maximizing the return on their authentically valuable assets. That would be your tits, ass, face and pussy, in case you were wondering.

That last bit was pure Heartiste. (As were the previous ten.) Like the women of the world, I can’t hope to attain such pinnacles of wit.

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10 years ago

Gods, what contemptible pieces of shit those guys are. At least if they really use those lines and aren’t just fantasising, they’d out themselves as rapey filth immediately.

10 years ago

And if you search it for “men’s rights”, you’ll find both MRA threads, as well as a thread called “If you are a member of the Men’s Rights Movement you are spineless and undisciplined”.

I can’t be the only one obsessed with terrible forums.

10 years ago

David, those lines of yours were horribly funny. I was a bit down this morning and you made me laugh and I appreciate that very much!

10 years ago

what else do you have going for you besides your looks?

The ability to know when someone is tedious. Turns away.

10 years ago

Oooh! I didn’t know “sex-swapping” would turn us into a matricentric culture. Why do trans activists not advertise this fact more widely? Count me *on board*.

Cinzia La Strega
10 years ago

Funny stuff, I appreciate the laugh. Not sure whether to thank Heartiste or David.

10 years ago

“Sex swapping” makes me think it’s about swap cards.

“I’ll change you two cis het males for one intersex. I need to complete my set!”

10 years ago

“If I get three that match, I get four extra armies at the beginning of next turn!”

10 years ago

I had a cock vault once but the SPCA pointed out it was cruel and I should get a henhouse like everyone else.

10 years ago

I had a cock vault once but the SPCA pointed out it was cruel and I should get a henhouse like everyone else.

That made me literally laugh out loud.

10 years ago

I had a cock vault once but the SPCA pointed out it was cruel and I should get a henhouse like everyone else.

That made me literally laugh out loud.

I did a sort of wheezing noise ‘cos I couldn’t get the breath to laugh aloud.

10 years ago

Pan is an expert in getting women to pick him up. He should be doing lecture circuits.

“Now, the trick is you need to run out the apartment door every time she opens it. Then she’ll have to go and get you, and viola! Pick-up time.”

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
10 years ago

Holy crap, I actually had a weasely little boy say to me once “I don’t buy girls drinks, but I’ll let you buy me one”! I had no idea that was a thing!

Apparently Los Angeles was like ground zero for the PUA scene, then, because seriously, it was fucking weird how many of these same things were being bandied around by guys in bars. “Miss me already?” Just EW.

(This was about ten years ago, btw. And no, no drinks were had, and I did not miss anyone.)

When I went to New York on business a few years ago I was there for two weeks, and the first evening I went into a restaurant with a bar attached, and while I was waiting for the hostess to seat me I heard a guy from the bar say “Hey, you!” And I looked, and it was a guy, and I said “Yeah?” And he said “Let me buy you a drink”, and I was like, “Oh, okay, sure”, and he did, and talked to me without being a jerk, and hey, fellas reading this, that’s how you pick up a girl! It’s shockingly uncomplicated! You can even start with something as awkward as “Hey You” (because looking back that was pretty funny), and if you’re not a jerk, it will still work! Weird, enit? And this is why MRAs strike out so consistently they have a shit ton of time to sit on the internet whining about striking out with “feminists” and passing along advice about how to get the opposite of laid.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

“Does this rag smell like chloroform?”

“On a scale of 1-10 how old are you?”

“Hey baby, do I stand a chance with you or should I just call you a frigid bitch now and move on to your fat friend?”

“Are you drunk enough to be taken advantage of?”

“Wanna go 50/50 on a rape charge?”

“Let’s go back to my place and do all the things I’ll be telling everyone on the internet we did anyway.”

“You remind me of my pinky toe. You’re small, cute, and I’ll be banging you on the coffee table later. Followed by 20 minutes of crying.”

“WHERE DO YOU COME FROM?” ( angrily)

10 years ago

Pan is an expert in getting women to pick him up. He should be doing lecture circuits.

“Now, the trick is you need to run out the apartment door every time she opens it. Then she’ll have to go and get you, and viola! Pick-up time.”


10 years ago

“You remind me of my pinky toe. You’re small, cute, and I’ll be banging you on the coffee table later. Followed by 20 minutes of crying.”


10 years ago

“I like to use the word cunt to indicate that women are being the worst kind of people in the world. Now why won’t you let me access yours?”

10 years ago

So, um, I was browsing Heartiste’s twitter, and found this. HUGE TRIGGER WARNING FOR ANIMAL ABUSE.

@praguestepchild Tell me about it. A man worth his brass wouldn't hide from an aggressive housecat. He'd grab a bat and tee up on its skull.— heartiste (@heartiste) March 11, 2014

I heard about this 911 call, and actually the cat was set off by being kicked.

10 years ago

I had a cock vault once but the SPCA pointed out it was cruel and I should get a henhouse like everyone else.

Please, call it a poultry palace. And they’re not chickenhawks, they’re avian pickup artistes!

10 years ago

I guess I really should examine my mammalian privilege.

10 years ago

Is Heaven missing an angel? Because I say terrible things about women for a living. Wait, that didn’t come out right.

10 years ago

Someone was looking for a linear algebra one earlier.

“I think you’re a vector in my space’s basis” is the only one that sort of springs to mind…

Although, I’m sure we could come up with something having to do with sheer transformations.

10 years ago

I was thinking “Let’s find you me sine theta.” Or would that just be if you were making a baby?

10 years ago

Don’t get clingy

Sure, dude. Just hand me the can of Static Guard, and I’ll give you the slip.

10 years ago

“Let me show you my boobies.”

“Hey, are you luteinizing hormone? Because I think you just made me ovulate/ triggered a testosterone surge (whatever is appropriate for your gonads).”