So the founder of the Men’s Rights subreddit, a fellow who now goes by the name of notnotnotfred, has done his fellow Men’s Rightsers a little favor and collected together a handy assortment of “antifeminist graphics” to assist them in their antifeministing activities on the internets. I thought I would share some of them with you all, just so you know what you’re up against.
Oh, who am I kidding? We here at Man Boobz love love love MRA graphics. There are few things in this world so hilariously awful. Take a look at these hot messes.
First, a fellow who proudly announces his plans to beat women:
It took me a little while to realize that he probably wasn’t suggesting that he was going to physically assault women, just that he considered himself superior to them, and could beat them in competition.
Then there’s this poorly thought out little poster:
Problem is, even if we accept the rather strained rape-is-like-getting-hit-by-a-car metaphor, this graphic doesn’t even make sense on its own terms. Because we DO tell cars — or at least their drivers — not to hit kids.
Before you’re allowed to drive a car, as you may recall, you have to take Driver’s Ed and pass a driving test; the importance of not hitting people with your car is rather central to both. Also, in the very picture used for the graphic, THERE’S A GUY HOLDING A SIGN TELLING CARS TO STOP SO THEY WON’T HIT THE KIDS. That’s actually HIS ENTIRE JOB.
A lot of the MRA graphics aren’t so much “graphics” as they are “bunches of words arranged in conventional paragraphs with no graphical elements at all.” Like this rant, which is highly unlikely to convince anyone of anything other than that MRAs are a bunch of angry dudes who like to yell a lot and if they can’t yell at you in person they’ll do it in .png form.
Other “graphics” in notnotnotfred’s collection are nothing more than blurry screenshots of Facebook conversations in which Mr. Fred apparently thinks the man in the conversation “won.”
No, not the “logic!” How can we ever win against “logic” like that?
It’s a sad state of affairs for the MRAs when the parodies of MRA graphics are almost always better designed than the originals. Here’s one from our own Cloudiah:
Also, thanks to Cloudiah for pointing out notnotnotfred’s little collection in the first place.
The projection is just too much.
On one hand, MRA’s assert that feminism revolves around violent revenge fantasies based on a misreading of history. (it doesn’t)
On the other hand, MRA’s constantly fantasize about beating women and have a warped view of history.
I would think it’s a safe bet that everything that MRA’s accuse feminists of is something they’re actually doing themselves.
(see especially reproductive rights, where the notion is that men are denied reproductive rights even if currently there is a massive wave of abortion access rollbacks in red states, attacks on Planned Parenthood etc.)
Once I was driving along and a bunch of kids did run out into the road in front of me without looking where they were going. Funny how I braked instead of just mowing them down even though they’d not been careful. Imagine if I, a woman, had just kept going and hit 2-3 kids and run them over…I’d be in prison forever and they’d be using me as a ‘women drivers are dangerous!’ posterchild even though the kiddies shouldn’t be playing in the road (although I’m sure their mothers would be blamed too). Fortunately, there is a huge and unrelenting emphasis on not hitting people while driving…even if they run out in front of you, you DO have to brake. Do these guys drive!?
aka the Society for Hitting Impudent Traversers Helping the Elderly Across the Pavement.
Dang, acronym fail. I was trying for something starting with “D” on that last word.
Buttercup Q. Skullpants:
S.H.I.T.H.E.A.P. works quite well, too.
There’s no better way to demonstrate the movement’s inclusiveness than shitting on people with PTSD.
Trans Commie,
While insulting those with mental illness. It’s a two-fer.
Unfortunately, sometimes we do blame those who get hit by cars:http://streetsblog.net/2013/06/14/raquel-nelson-finally-cleared-of-homicide-charges-pleads-to-jaywalking/. Of course, race, sex and class had *nothing* to do with this, I’m sure. /sigh
Every 15 seconds. Poor guys, having us victimize them by making them beat us up with such frequency. Must be tough, having big fists and upper body strength.
Remember, girls – according to the bible, they have the right. Rule of thumb and all. In case you have not been reading the good book lately, the rule is that your guy can’t beat you with a stick larger around then his thumb. True. It is written.
It’s a misandric conspiracy. We only let men beat us so we can use the bruises to make courts pity and favor us more. It’s just a ploy to get innocent men thrown in jail!
That is correct. We also championed the idea that men who were, by nature, more inclined to stay home and take care of house and kids should be able to do so freely. Job sharing was proposed as a way to allow both parents to spend good time with kids as well. And equal pay for equal work would have made it possible for them.
We were NEVER their enemies. We have always wanted full equality for both sexes. Shared parenting? That also came out of early feminism, with the realization that it was bad for everyone to put the kids in the middle. My husband of 41 years and I were having problems back when we were about 30 and we did separate. We sat down and talked about the kids – we had three at the time – and realized that they loved both of us, we both loved them and the only right thing was to share flexible custody, making sure that the kids could be with whomever they needed to be at any time.
Sheesh. We tried, we really did. But the mra’s want it all, without sharing. And then they want to beat and rape us with impunity on top of it all. It makes me so angry that I am damned near incoherent.
“Bash a violent bitch month?” Is this for real? Did he really say that?
Is it not illegal to incite violence? It is to incite riots, and to yell “fire” in a theater.
Why is this monster not in jail?? Or, at least being sued for everything he is worth!!!!
I am shaking. I have a personal history with beating and rape and am having a very difficult time, at this point, with thinking of these beasts as human.
I ran this idea, years ago, by my partner and he said that he though there were two primary reasons why they want that right: 1) it might be a boy, and for a woman to kill a boy is unacceptable and 2) if women have total control over their own bodies, including abortion, we will choose to have fewer kids, which translates as not enough cannon fodder for their little wars.
I think he was right. And I think that there are other reasons as well.
AKA C.R.A.P? I like it…has just the right odor…the one of sanctity…about it.
…I assume you are joking here and don’t think that’s actually in the Bible?
<blockquote“Unlike ideological feminism, human rights for men and boys does not mean that the other side of the coin is to be ignored, forgotten, or vilified in some warped sense of reparations or retribution. ”
Sadly, they do. And it makes sense to them, which speaks volumes.
I have begun to write a scifi story about the world becoming just what these guys want, and am including a bit from an article that was first published in a British medical journal and re-published in a MS. magazine from, I believe, 1973 or 1974. In it, a doctor from England actually proposed a nightmare that soon might become a possible reality, what with reproductive technologies developing.
Ahhh…Now I understand. Yes, yes…and here I thought we were only conspiring to make a safer and more equitable world.
Silly me.
You mean…I didn’t have to get injured when I unwittingly stepped in front of that car? I could have stopped at any time so that careless driver’s insurance wouldn’t have to pay for knocking me out of my boots, throwing me thirty feet, and breaking my pelvis in two places and four tiny shards? I could have just faked it all and had the same effect?
Migawd. I feel so foolish now…
No, it is not, although it has often been quoted as such. The rule of thumb actually refers back to English common law, where a man could chastise his wife, but only with a rod no bigger around than his thumb. However, I have heard men, especially of the clergy, reference that AS coming from the bible and, therefore, having some kind of authority.
I did look it up as a result of your question, just to be sure, and found plenty of other unsavory things in the bible. For instance:
Exodus 21:7-8 “And in case a man should sell his daughter as a slave girl, she will not go out in the way that the slave men go out. If she is displeasing in the eyes of her master so that he doesn’t designate her as a concubine but causes her to be redeemed, he will not be entitled to sell her to a foreign people in his treacherously dealing with her.
Deuteronomy 25:11-12 “And in case men struggle together (in a fight) with one another, and the wife of the one has come near to deliver her husband out of the striking one (to save her husband), and she has thrust out her hand and grabbed hold of his private (the other man’s groin), she must then get both her hands cut off, and the eyes of the men must feel no sorrow.”
Leviticus 21:9 “And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire.”
Genesis 19:8 “Behold, I have two daughters who have not known any man. Let me bring them out to you, and do to them as you please. Only do nothing to these men, for they have come under the shelter of my roof.”
There are other unpleasantries but I think I will just leave it at that.
If you’re looking for misogyny in the Bible, try Judges 19-21. Trigger warnings for misogyny, rape, violence against women, murder, mutilation of corpses, and genocide.
Do folks really have to point out again that Christianity is not a monolithic religion and in fact has a variety of interpretations, many of which aren’t conservative? V_V
You are way too old to be playing “Look what I found written in the Bible!”
Is it off limits to point out misogyny in religious books? If so, I will respect that. I have no desire to insult anyone’s personal beliefs.
And it is not just in the bible. There is misogyny enough to go around in most religious works, especially monotheistic, that I have read. I do believe that religion plays a very profound role in shaping the ways that many see the world, both for good and ill.
And I am not too old to be looking at books that people consider holy and finding whatever is there, including what I feel are truly enlightened things. The bit about the lilies of the field comes to mind.
There are no monolithic religions, philosophies or cultures. That does not mean that they cannot be critiqued.
You just listed a bunch of contextless, commentaryless quotes. That’s not a commentary, that’s a treasure hunt.
Did she have to annotate each quote? She was pointing out the misogyny, there’s the context. So no, not really much of a treasure hunt.