Roosh Valizadeh has made a career, such as it is, of teaching guys how to talk to women the Rooshy way. And not just how to talk to drunk women in clubs, where you’re lucky if they can even hear your clever negs over all the noise.
In his book Day Bang he sets forth his brilliant strategy for speaking to women in the daytime: start babbling to them about random crap like those slightly dotty elderly people who come up to you sometimes babbling about random crap.
No, really. You’re supposed to “open” with an “Elderly Opener” and segue seamlessly into “Elderly Chat,” taking your cues from the people who are the best at talking forever about nothing at all. “This is something old people excel at,” he writes.
They can have a one-hour chat stemming from an ice cream flavor because their life experience is so deep that they can seamlessly and casually connect it to a dozen other topics.
During the day I want you to think of yourself as a wandering, slightly confused old man who needs to gain information or knowledge. In my sock example, I played up that I was a style retard, incapable of buying a five-dollar pair of socks, when in reality I’m totally capable of making that decision.
And then – shazam! – you’re in like Flynn! Apparently women just melt for men who can’t figure out how to buy socks.
But it turns out that when there’s no possibility that the conversation will end with a bang, Roosh is far less interested in talking to women. Or at least in them talking back.
So much so that he’s not only banned women from commenting on his Return of Kings blog but, as of earlier this week, he’s also banning men who merely reply to women who happen to sneak past his anti-woman defenses and get in a comment or two before they’re banned. (He’s also banned “homos.” His term, not mine.)
Roosh’s announcement generated a good deal of discussion on RoK, mostly from supportive dudes glad that girls and talkers-to-girls are being thrown out of Roosh’s manly clubhouse.
Well, heck, that just means more women for me to talk to.
Excuse me, ladies, but I’m having trouble figuring out how these socks work. Do I put the delicious Pistachio ice cream in them before I put them on, or after?
Note: I really don’t want to give Roosh any traffc, but if you must, the link to his post is hidden somewhere in my post above. Thanks to MARK MINTER for alerting me to Roosh’s new policy.
That’s a good point. They think we’re all stupid and have hamsters in our brains so that should immediately differentiate all the women. Men should be easily differentiated by their lofty man logic and cool headed bio truthiness.
@ justabrowngirl
I love your new avatar 😀
I doubt Minter has changed one whit, but he mentioned the policy in an earlier thread and I think David is enjoying a chance to give him an ironic shout-out for contributing to Manboobz.
Minter was playing the freeze peach card, his comment was pointing out that Manboobz let trolls have their say if they muster enough maturity to converse civilly, while RofK can’t handle any outsiders breaking the bro dude circle jerk. I assume he had to comment on it because MRAs cast censorious PC feminist overlords as freeze peach’s arch-enemy, so this fails to fit their narrative.
While he’s at it, why not ban:
– Women who talk to men who talk to women
– Men who talk about women who look at other men who think about women
– Men who drive on the same road as women
– Men who have seen pictures with women in them
– Men who were once in a room where the word “female” was spoken and by mistake they inhaled the air molecules that carried the hateful, hateful sound waves and they weren’t up to date on their cooties shots and now they’re FOREVER TAINTED.
I mean, you can’t be too careful.
@FromAfar: I was just admiring justabrowngirl’s new avatar as well. I’m an old fan of Zim and all of his wacky adventures.
This will go down in the amnals of history.
I’m fairly sure a large number of these tools do believe they would be able to talk to/have sex with more women/more often if they were actually decent to them, BUT then it isn’t just about that is it? They need to make sure it harms, degrades or ‘devalues’ the woman somehow, at least in their minds if not actually, in order for it to count. If they don’t enjoy it more then they’ve lost the game! Everything in life is about winning remember!?
Why is Blur’s “Girls and Boys” stuck in my head now?
It should be someone who’s incapable of love?
Maggie, me too! Skip the ad:
Oh, GOD! The irony! I have a strained neck at the moment, and laughing hard is not recommended, so ow!
But the idea that women are hormonally driven animals while men gather round and comment on a blog that is entirely dedicated to satiating their hormonal urges through deceptive manipulation, and requires so much focus on their testosterone-masculine-laden selves that even replying to oestrogen bearers because I don’t know, it takes the focus off their boners, is ban worthy?
You know, I’ll believe I’m driven more by hormones than say, the fictional Sheldon Cooper, who refers to it as ‘coitus’ and avoids all physical contact. But if a man is participating in a blog as a ‘safe space’ solely about sticking his penis in many women as quickly as possible with as little work as possible regardless of what those women actually want, I’m going to call bullshit on him not being a hormonal animal. Because there’s certainly a lot of hormones, and not a lot of humanity involved there.
That was addressed to cassandrakitty but Shiraz also deserves it.
How come “hormones” has become shorthand for “female sex hormones”? I mean, not only are the androgens those fellas are so proud of actual hormones, but the adrenaline that drives the rage-beasts is a fucking hormone too. There are dozens of hormones keeping a human body going and the only people who aren’t hormonally-driven are dead.
These guys don’t know much about biology, maggie. A lot of them think vaginas get flappy from too much activity. A clitoris? They don’t know what that’s for and have no idea a woman can bring herself to orgasm.
Some of them think pube hair is the devil’s work — or at least, that’s what their favorite porn tells them. Jesus, I’d love to send these guys a stack of porn from the 70s. Not only were there centerfolds with small breasts, most of the models never let hot wax touch them below the waist.
They think women are driven by their hormones and instincts and things, and that is what makes it possible for a clever PUA to manipulate them into sex. Whether or not men are also driven by hormones, instincts, etc. is irrelevant.
Do I detect a note of pride here?
And the dudes had moustaches and maybe even longish hair. Win!
Reason behind why women, especially feminists, are geniuses:
1. Really? You couldn’t have picked a shorter name?
2. Not relevant to the topic at hand.
3. Y’know, I looked up Yang & Raine, and strangely enough, they don’t say anything like what you claim they say. They don’t talk at all about sex differences or women in PR. Habitual liars having higher amounts if white matter? Yes, they did talk about that. Women being no-good lying liars? Nope, not mentioned at all. Perhaps you could link the actual study.
Here are two discussions of the article:
Here’s a study they did in 2007:
katz – well, deciding what wank socks to buy is an important matter. Can’t give himself a sad boner by not co-ordinating, after all.
Heh. I did get a “Look at me, I’m a big boy and can use the potty” vibe from that line, Katz.
This week in the True Adventures of Roosh, Aged Seven: he learned to choose socks.
Next week, he learns to wash his hair all by himself!
I feel like sending Roosh a pack of gold star stickers. Today socks, tomorrow he’ll pack his own lunch!
But yesterday his mom caught him just running his toothbrush under the faucet instead of actually brushing his teeth. Tsk tsk.