a voice for men a woman is always to blame boner rage butts creepy cuteness evil sexy ladies I am making a joke imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression kitties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA sexualization warren farrell whores

Warren Farrell is an Ass, Man

Yep, that's a butt on the cover. He put a butt on the cover. Men are oppressed by women's butts.
Yep, that’s a butt on the cover. He put a butt on the cover. Men are oppressed by women’s butts.

You may remember the embarrassing spectacle a couple of months back when Warren Farrell asked the readers of A Voice for Men to help him pick out a cover picture for a new ebook version of The Myth of Male Power, the 21-year-old crackpot bestseller that more or less provided the, er, intellectual foundation for today’s Men’s Rights movement.

It wasn’t just embarrassing because AVFM is a noxious hate site that regularly calls women c*nts and whores and helps to organize informal campaigns of harassment directed at individual women. It was also embarrassing because all three of the pictures were sexualized images focusing on specific female body parts. You can guess which three, and you’d be right: tits, ass, and vagina (the latter tastefully covered in a merkin made of moss).

Well, Farrell ended up rejecting all of these images in favor of … a different picture of a woman’s butt. Yep, the screenshot above features the actual cover of the recently released ebook version of The Myth of Male Power. (You can see it in its full sized-glory over on Amazon.)

The implicit message of the cover couldn’t be clearer: men may seem to run the world, but women can control and exploit them through the power of their sexuality. Male power is undercut by … butt power.

Am I reading too much into a cover image? Farrell doesn’t really believe this nonsense, does he?

Well, in the introduction to the ebook, Farrell writes:


In case you’re wondering, “genetic celebrity” is Farrell’s term of art for any attractive woman.

But golly, you say, the fact that a dude feels “powerless” because he can’t have sex with every woman with a nice butt that happens to wander across his field of vision doesn’t actually mean that men are powerless or that male power is a myth. Well, Farrell has an answer to this as well. And by “answer” I mean, well, whatever this is:

Got that? I’m not sure there’s anything there to get; it’s nothing more than hand-waving to distract attention from the nonsensical nature of his previous statements. In case any Men’s Rights activist ever brings Warren Farrell up as an example of a respectable, “academic” MRA, you may wish to point out that almost nothing Farrell writes ever actually makes any fucking sense.

In the book itself, Farrell repeatedly suggested that male power can be undone almost completely by the sexual power of women. In one oft-quoted passage, he wrote about the effect that a “secretary’s miniskirt power, cleavage power and flirtation power” allegedly has on their male bosses. (Myth of Male Power, p. 21)

While that statement has earned a certain notoriety for its sheer ridiculousness, Farrell went further elsewhere in the book, essentially arguing that men are as addicted to female “beauty” as drug addicts are to the drug of their choice — and as helpless.

“Sexually, of course, the sexes aren’t equal,” Farrell wrote. “[M]any men feel ‘under the influence the moment they see a beautiful woman.” (p. 320, emphasis in original.)

This sort of temporary “intoxication,” Farrell argued, leads men into shackling themselves to these temporarily sexy tyrants for the rest of their lives — thus agreeing to support them (he suggested implicitly) even after they get old and ugly. (p. 85.)


In Farrell’s original book, this “argument,” such as it is, was merely one of many that he thought undercut the alleged “myth of male power.” Now, with the butt on the cover, he’s put it front and center. Or, more precisely, rear and center.

Warren Farrell, you’re an ass, man.

Oh, awkward segue here, I just wanted to show off the cover to the new edition of my classic book, The Myth of Human Power.


It will soon be available for one million dollars in cash in unmarked bills, upon delivery of which I will sit down and write it for you. It will probably be pretty short and not very convincing.

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10 years ago

Usually I can vaguely figure out what a troll was going for, but with “suffers curly,” I’m totally lost.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

@budmin: “Well then maybe we as men should do something about the social conditioning we go through that makes us such prime targets for manipulation. #MGTOW”

May I remind you that WF said, “…men’s feelings of powerlessness when our eyes behold a genetic celebrity”? No manipulation is required. How exactly can men go their own way when vaginas render them helpless?

10 years ago

When I rage-blog the English language suffers curly.

Anyone with photoshop skills want to make this sentence curly? It needs to be curly.

How about this?

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Perfect, kitteh! Very creative. 🙂

10 years ago

Thank ‘ee! saves the day. 🙂

10 years ago

Thanks, Kitteh! Just the thing I needed, and oh so wonderfully done.

Taking a screen-shot, then off to bed I go!

10 years ago

Glad you like it, contrapangloss!


10 years ago


You seem to have made your mind about what Warren Farrell thinks. Why don’t you try reading his past writings or asking him? I think the result of such conversation is going to be enlightnening.

10 years ago

vaiyt – and doesn’t it say a lot that budget troll knows what Farrell’s saying and thinking, even to the extent of knowing when he writes disgusting things in a money grab (not because he believes them, oh no). That women who’ve been on the receiving end of misogyny, and men who aren’t misogynists, have very different interpretations is just hand-waved away.

10 years ago

Al Melvin is proof of white male privilege. Seriously watch this video of him being interviewed by Anderson Cooper and explain to me how this moron got to be a senator any other way.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

When trolls defend WF, the English language suffers moe, larry, and shemp as well.

10 years ago

Why do misogynist “arguments” on women having the real power always translate for me as: “Well, you can always sell* your body**”? Maybe my bullshit detector is acting up.

* To us poor oppressed men. How dare you.
** But only if you are young, conventionally attractive, etc. etc. etc.

10 years ago

Ok. Mister Troll. I’m a woman who is in her 20s & conventionally attractive WHO JUST HAPPENS TO make men pay money to spend time with me.
Here’s a few pro-tips from my life, given I’m everything you’re talking about:
1. Men objectify women no matter what. Fun thing here: they try to say my time is worth less than I deem it worth. How is a man telling me that I’m not worth what I say I am worth, in no way showing that ultimately he *still* has the power and upper hand? (no matter what I do or say or that I’m essentially a commodity in your eyes not a person)
2. I’m at risk of violence. My being naked & sexual doesn’t protect me. At all. Luckily I’m picky & careful. But it doesn’t mean my boundaries aren’t tested daily.
3. I can still say NO. I know you won’t like to hear this, but even a woman who IS A HOOKER can still say NO. I don’t owe anyone, anything. But guess what! I’m abused (verbally/text) by MEN as I dare say no.
Can you see what’s wrong here. I can. Thank you troll & goodbye. MRAs make me sick.
However, this tumblr post made me laugh & summarised MRAs nicely.

10 years ago

Wow, so glad I went to bed. Boring troll is boring.
Hookergal, *so* want one of those shirts

10 years ago

@hookergal I’m sorry but I don’t approve of prostitution (evidently neither do you). Prostitution robs everyone of their humanity and the violence, hatred & exploitation doesn’t surprise me one bit.

What exactly would you want me to say. If you’re in this business of your own free will, what can I do to change your mind? Men who have sex with prostitutes are throwing their value away to someone who hates them. They’ll keep doing it until they start to hate themselves. Get out of the it if you can.

10 years ago

Nobody cares what you do or not approve of, buddy.

10 years ago

“throwing their value away”
FYI, no one’s value is determined by their sexuality, whom they have sex with, how much sex they have or even if they have sex

10 years ago

Troll says women have “sexual capital” as a defining feature.

Troll then states he is against prostitution because it robs everyone of their humanity.

Everybody laughs at the troll.

Troll still doesn’t get why.

*curtain falls*

10 years ago

@Skye I think that’s your opinion.

@Sparky all I could do is voice my concerns. If I think she’s headed down the wrong path I say so. If she chooses not to listen, it’s okay but I’m not gonna keep quiet.

10 years ago

Anyone with photoshop skills want to make this sentence curly? It needs to be curly.

How about this?

Excellent job! I like that sort of black-hole effect as the words curl down, like it’s a metaphor of the troll’s abysmal nonsense.

10 years ago

Oh troll. You’re so naive. I won’t bother to try & reason with you as I’m know you can’t reason. The numerous times you’ve contradicted yourself proves this.
I like however, that you think you know myself (and other sex workers) and my clients. I’m sure you’ve paid for sex. Haha. The ones who complain the most usually have!!

10 years ago

I wanted to try writing something witty… but then I saw Luzbelitx answer and decided it’s better than anything I could come up with. :]

10 years ago

If I think she’s headed down the wrong path I say so.

Here’s a tip for you: decent people don’t judge other people’s chocices as wrong or right. It’s just their choices and your opinion is absolutely irrelevant.

Especially if they share their experiences as a way to prove your “arguments” as the bullshit they are, and all you can answer is “well, you took the WRONG path”

10 years ago

Man troll “what can *I* a man, do to change your, a silly little female sec workers, mind”

And yet he wonders why we don’t think highly of MRAs.

10 years ago

budmin: Why the hell do you think that it’s your place to judge hookergal?

Seriously, who do you think you are?

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