So Twitter is a bit depressing today. One of the trending hashtags at the moment is #LiesToldByFemales and, yes, it’s the misogynistic cesspool that you might expect, a vast assortment of not-very-original stereotypes about women — sorry, females — and their allegedly lying ways. The female-bashing tweeters — some of them female themselves — aren’t even terribly original in their complaints, and most of the tweets seem to be reworkings on a few very basic themes.
We have the good-old fashioned trope of the female-as-narcissist, forever obsessed with how she looks — and given to lying about how much work she puts into her appearance.
#LiesToldByFemales ill be ready in 5 mins -_-
— Ken Speaks (@SpeaksKen) March 5, 2014
Then, of course, there are the cheating “females.”
And the evil, evil females who tell people they’re “fine” when they’re really not so fine at all:
But most of the Tweets — or at least the most virulent ones — seem to be devoted to not-so-good old-fashioned slut-shaming. A favorite target: the slut pretending not to be s slut:
I'm a virgin. #LiesToldByFemales
— Chopstixx (@AsianKenDoll) March 5, 2014
The strangest variation on this theme is the following:
#LiesToldByFemales I don't suck dick
— mahmood (@MahmoodHawa) March 5, 2014
This particular meme is, for some strange reason, quite popular; versions of it have been Tweeted dozens of times by dozens of different people since the hashtag started up yesterday.
It’s a strangely revealing complaint. There are only two scenarios in which I can imagine a man getting angry about this statement from a “female.” Either he’s angry at a woman who didn’t give him a blowjob (even though she’s allegedly given blowjobs to other men), 0r he’s angry at a woman who did give him a blowjob (even though she said she didn’t do that). Really?
In the first instance, he’s essentially announcing to the world that he’s an asshole who’s jealous that women are having sex with men other than him; in the second he’s basically showing himself to be an ungrateful asshole who never deserves to get a blowjob ever again. Either way, dude, you’re not the one who looks good here.
The one heartening sign in all this: a few intrepid souls have ventured into the swamp to subvert this noxious old meme.
"I love human mating practices, and also I am definitely not three big lizards in a trench coat" #LiesToldByFemales
— Meals (@Eatingmeals) March 5, 2014
#LiesToldByFemales "touch the humming sphere. go on. do not wear gloves. think of your worst fear while doing so. its perfectly safe"
— on bluesky at explod.es (@egg_dog) March 5, 2014
We read your last tweet and your father and I are so proud of you, son. #LiesToldByFemales
— i am carbs (@I_am_carbs) March 5, 2014
Give it a shot yourself — I have. At least if you can stand being in some pretty repulsive company.
NOTE TO LARGE CORPORATIONS: I wouldn’t recommend jumping into this particular hashtag if I were you. Might not look so good alongside some of the other Tweets. I’m looking at you, JC Penney.
#LiesToldByFemales I don't need another pair of shoes. http://t.co/TDppxkECQU
— JCPenney (@jcpenney) March 5, 2014
Ooh, that’s original.
Sorry, this is OT; but I saw this on r/AMR and its so full of fail. This person explains how the MRM is too “egalitarian” (link goes to Men’s Rights reddit).
[TW: ableism; sexism]
Further on, someone suggests that women voting is part of the liberal world domination plan, and that sentient voting robots are the next step. This same person also claims there are no homeless women because sex workers. No, really. I can’t tell if that person is a troll or not, though. I really hope that person is a troll.
“I did not make that little poo in the corner. It was the cats.”
“I did not steal your cell phone by the charger cord, run like hell and break the screen by smacking it into the table leg.”
“I’m playing with you because I love you, not to run interference so my comrade can climb over the walls of the playpen.”
“I didn’t dig all of my food out of the bowl and spray it everywhere. There was a little tiny earthquake while you were in the shower.”
“Oh, what? I got right in front of the computer because I totally thought you can see through me.”
“That’s not my hair all over your clothes. It was the ferrets.”
“I thought you were making that wonderful bowl of chili for me, not for you!”
“I didn’t bat all of that stuff off the counter. There was a tiny earthquake while you were in the shower.”
Hey sparky, are you an AMRista too? The aptly named Demonspawn is not a troll; or at least he is totally consistent across many subs and generally gets a positive response.
For laughs, you (meaning all of you, seriously, it’s hilarious) check out his “field report” on TheRedPill, as reported here:
As a small taste, he describes himself thusly:
“My presentation is 75% rugged, 25% rakish”
Sorry for the spider thing. Here’s a sweet duck story:
cloudiah: I started reading r/AMR through the Manboobz sidebar link. I don’t pot on reddit; it’s way too entertaining just reading. The Men’s Right reddit is sort of like a car wreck. Horrifying but hard to look away from.
No, this morituri-te-salutant is the one I’m hoping is a troll. The account’s only a month old, but the posts have been consistently awful. Here’s the voting sentient robots (links to Men’s Rights subreddit):
And no such thing as homeless women:
That “there are no homeless women” claim is just always so bizarre to me. Because, you know, I’ve seen homeless women. Quite a lot.
I just got this one in:
Damned if you do/damned if you don’t, anyone?
Oh yea, morituri is a total troll, but kind of entertaining in a tin foil hat kind of way.
::Breathes sigh of relief:: Sometimes it’s hard to tell with these Men’s Rightsters.
From Demonspawn’s “field report:”
Stained cargo pants and an “Official Bikini Inspector” t-shirt is neither rugged nor rakish.
“I don’t hate women”
I won’t chase anything while you’re walking me.
I’ll definitely eat that expensive treat I stole off the shelf at PetSmart and made you buy for me
I won’t roll in anything horrible and then get on your bed
Since when did gaming become rugged?
Did Dominion add a “Build a real house from scratch, NOW” card when I wasn’t looking? Or did Halo add a part where it pauses until you upload proof of running a physical agility trial in the last version?
Totally confused, here.
“I know what rugged and rakish are and I am not just using them totally out of context because I hear them used to describe people I’m told are Alphas” #LiesToldByMRAs
There used to be a topless donut shop not far from where I live, but it burned down a few years ago.
I keep hoping they’ll replace it with a bottomless donut shop.
That field report is amazing, cloudiah. Thank you.
“I have an extra coat, in case the weather gets chilly. this drives women wild with desire”
“The coat has blood on it. I refuse to explain why. this drives women wild with desire”
“Other people saying nice things about me asserts my dominance of their social circle!”
Manipulating other people by playing to the strength of their preconceptions is what makes me a social circle master! Also, I nearly got to touch a boob. This drives women wild with desire!.
(Side note: I gave a series of elf princesses a full back massage after a particularly stressful scenario, just touching people is not some grand secret. When you call things “kino” and “advanced kino” what happens is you make “Touch someone” into a esoteric, mind bending secret that’ll turn those pliable womanly clay figures into tiny things that’ll melt under the pressure of your manly finger tips, it is and will only ever be a way to boast about your magnificent ability to touch people and try to randomly assert dominance of your social circle by implying your amazing capacity to recognize a basic pressure point! ARGH! Silly!)
If the people you are talking to follow you outside when you have a smoke, that demonstrates your complete control over their puny minds and indicates they are but followers to your grand leadership
“I’ll watch one more episode and then do the reading.”
“I can quit caffeine whenever I want.”
“I’m not procrastinating.”
“It’s fine, I’ll do the dishes tomorrow.”
Well, yes and no. In the classic game, unless you spot one from the Skyranger, the first sign you’ll get Chryssalids in a mission is if you see Snakemen, because the game pairs aliens up like that on some missions.
Classic Chryssalid zombies do spawn after a certain number of turns if they’re left alone, but usually all shooting the zombie does is release the Chryssalid so you better have significant firepower on hand. Like, plain old rifle bullets won’t do it.
I haven’t gotten to the Alien Base in the 2012 game yet. I got busy parenting and anyway there’s soldiers to train up as Psis first.
Who was it playing Enemy Within? How is it? I mentioned it to Beloved and she said if it didn’t involve aliens from the Hollow Earth she’d be disappointed.
‘Course, her main jam right now is Minecraft on the PS3. She’s building a village in the sky because she found a village right next to a crevasse that keeps spawning zombies.
I am a bit disappointed that Firaxis was all, Let’s maybe not have this thing be such a blatant ripoff, I mean homage, to Alien this time around.
But all glowy and lit up does seem to prefigure the kaiju of Pacific Rim.
Enemy Within is good. It adds a lot of tiny bits that are a nice touch (you can research hi explosive rifle ammo, then equip your soldiers with that, so instead of being a straight rifles – laser – plasma progression, it can become riflles – better ammo – laser – plasma, other random items like splinter grenades or cloaking bombs or such )
The choice between mechanization or gene modding is a nice touch, and some of the options are enjoyable. The new alien types, of which there are, I think, 2 (maybe 3?) add a little bit of a change to the battlefield condition.
Essentially, it’s just More Of The Same, but it’s More Of The Same in a good way. It doesn’t actually change anything, however, so if you found the original enemy unknown kind of bland and boring, it won’t suddenly make it worth while (Speaking from personal opinion)
That “field report”…it just keeps going on and on and he’s analyzing every littlle bathroom break. Dude, editing is your friend.
Re: child support.
in some places the whole child custody thing IS sexist. But the mra types don’t tend to provide good solutions, just misogyny.
no homeless women?
well, shit, at least 50% of my work is a figment of my imagination. I read the thread and he has to be lying because everything he says is fail. I’ve worked since 1996 in homelessness, sometimes just with women, sometimes in DV shelters in particular. My experience is so far removed from what he describes, I feel like I’m peering through a telescope trying to find a distant galaxy,
The one where they never run out of donuts!
What would that dipshit do if a woman dumped him the minute she found out he smoked? I’d never date a smoker. Or, for that matter, some idiot who goes around with allegedly blood-stained, or just generally stained, clothing. Funny, these guys despise homeless people so much, yet this jackass is trying to look like someone who can’t access a washing machine … or worse, can’t be bothered to. Sorry duder, being too lazy or indifferent to bother about cleanliness isn’t a turn-on (Roosh “Pool o’ Grease” V. take note).
I’ve worked with blood and guts in my museum days. It ain’t sexy.
Christ, that field report takes a sudden turn for the incredibly dark once you assume that it actually happened as told in all three parts (A stretch, I know).
Suddenly it’s not: “I sleep with people, and here’s how”
“I’m an abusive, coercive asshole who stalked someone for weeks and finally broke down all of their defenses, then slept with them”
Reading that report is like… reading the chronicles of an emotionless robot trying to mimic human interactions. Bring extra coat. Give bullshit answer. Female human reacts well. Assert leadership. Touch pressure points. Change end point target.