a woman is always to blame are these guys 12 years old? boner rage creepy douchebaggery evil sexy ladies evil women female beep boop gender policing men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny sluts twitter

#LiesToldByFemales is the misogynistic cesspool you might expect. Plus giant lizards, and JC Penney

Lying female
Lying female

So Twitter is a bit depressing today. One of the trending hashtags at the moment is #LiesToldByFemales and, yes, it’s the misogynistic cesspool that you might expect, a vast assortment of not-very-original stereotypes about women — sorry, females — and their allegedly lying ways. The female-bashing tweeters — some of them female themselves — aren’t even terribly original in their complaints, and most of the tweets seem to be reworkings on a few very basic themes.

We have the good-old fashioned trope of the female-as-narcissist, forever obsessed with how she looks — and given to lying about how much work she puts into her appearance.

Then, of course, there are the cheating “females.”

And the evil, evil females who tell people they’re “fine” when they’re really not so fine at all:

But most of the Tweets — or at least the most virulent ones — seem to be devoted to not-so-good old-fashioned slut-shaming. A favorite target: the slut pretending not to be s slut:

The strangest variation on this theme is the following:

This particular meme is, for some strange reason, quite popular; versions of it have been Tweeted dozens of times by dozens of different people since the hashtag started up yesterday.

It’s a strangely revealing complaint. There are only two scenarios in which I can imagine a man getting angry about this statement from a “female.” Either he’s angry at a woman who didn’t give him a blowjob (even though she’s allegedly given blowjobs to other men), 0r he’s angry at a woman who did give him a blowjob (even though she said she didn’t do that). Really?

In the first instance, he’s essentially announcing to the world that he’s an asshole who’s jealous that women are having sex with men other than him; in the second he’s basically showing himself to be an ungrateful asshole who never deserves to get a blowjob ever again. Either way, dude, you’re not the one who looks good here.

The one heartening sign in all this: a few intrepid souls have ventured into the swamp to subvert this noxious old meme.

Give it a shot yourself — I have. At least if you can stand being in some pretty repulsive company.

NOTE TO LARGE CORPORATIONS: I wouldn’t recommend jumping into this particular hashtag if I were you. Might not look so good alongside some of the other Tweets. I’m looking at you, JC Penney.

Ooh, that’s original.

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10 years ago

@HowardBannister: When I got my copy of Game Informer that had The Remake on the cover, I made a noise the likes of which have not been heard since The Beatles stopped touring.

10 years ago

“I have read the comments policy before posting”

“I have a very important reason for commenting in a months-old thread”

“I understand statistics”

“I do not resent women for not having sex with me”


10 years ago

“We’re a human rights movement.”


House Mouse Queen
10 years ago


‘Our conference of 15 MRA’s is the most important moment of the Men’s Human Rights Movement’s History.’

‘A Voice For Men is rapidly growing in size and strength’.

‘I do a lot of advocacy work’.

‘I’m opening the first Men’s Shelter.’


10 years ago

Ah nuts, low quality trolls. Oh well.

I think it’s funny how the twits betray the posters’ sexual insecurity so well.Good job, boys! Also, what’s with Stephie? She wants a head pat for making fun of makeup users?

2-D Man
2-D Man
10 years ago

I can assure you I won’t rust. #liestoldbyferrousmetals

10 years ago

“I understand how moderation works” #liesToldByHahaha

10 years ago

Oh that’s funny. I’ve been playing an ironman run of XCOM: Enemy Within over the last couple days, so all those comments just came in while I was playing. 🙂

And yes… the new Chrysalid Mission in St. John’s Newfoundland… gurgle, foam, collapse.

2-D Man
2-D Man
10 years ago

Nah, you won’t need a gasket. #liestoldbyflanges

Inexpensive and effective. #liestoldbyferrules

Holds tight, even without lockwashers. #liestoldbyfasteners

10 years ago

“We work 80 hours a week to keep this website running.”

“We need your money to keep this website running. All your money.”


10 years ago


“I’ll respect you in the morning.”
“There’s no pay wage gap.”
“Women are bad at STEM fields because of BIOTRUTHS.”
“If a woman’s raped and gets pregnant, her body will shut the pregnancy down.”
“There are no women gamers.”
“Women use birth control because they’re sluts.”
“Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.”

10 years ago

“I’ll write the order legibly.”

“No, I wasn’t picking at my dressing.”

“The ambulance will be here at 3 pm to transfer the discharged patient back to the nursing home.”

“The doctor will answer your page within half an hour.”

“I wasn’t messing with my IV pump.”

“All the patients in your assignment are stable. You should have an easy shift.”


Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

JC Penney really needs a new social media director. First there was the flap over the Michael Graves teapot that looked like Hitler, then there were the fake drunk tweets during the Super Bowl that were later revealed to be sent by a staffer wearing mittens, and now they’re jumping on the Female Lies bandwagon. Heckuva job, clownie (whoever you are).

There is the small consolation that they worked with Ellen Degeneres last year and pissed off the right-wing Christians. They just seem to be clueless and colossally tone-deaf about what kind of image they want to present.

10 years ago

“There will be cake” #LiesToldByFemales

Seriously, this tag should just be flooded with GLaDOS quotes. It would be amazing.

10 years ago

I know.. HOW to use an ellipsis CORRECTLY….
#NoYouDont #AllCapsGoneWild

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Men invented ALL THE THINGS!!!

There is a vast military-abortion complex.

Government was created for the sole purpose of artificially sustaining unmarried women.

Rape only exists if there are bushes and strangers involved.

Eastern European/Asian women are naturally submissive and compliant.

A woman’s peak attractiveness/fertility is between the ages of 16 and 21.

Every time a girl has sex, she lowers her Market Value for her future owner husband.


10 years ago

Alice, I hate the way you think. I’ll never steal your hashtag, ever. #LiesToldByMe

I never do homework in class the day it’s due. #LiesToldByCollegeSudents

I really like the flow of this paper. Their methods section totally made complete sense. #LiesToldByScienceMajors

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Crap. Is there a strikethrough monster too?

10 years ago

“I’m not afraid of women”


10 years ago

“I’m coming out exactly on my due date.”

“I’m not kicking your bladder.”

“That pickle craving isn’t my fault.”


10 years ago

I wouldn’t mind taking an 8 AM class.

I’ve only had ice cream for dinner once this week.

I wasn’t the one who set of the fire alarm trying to microwave popcorn.

I’m happy with my room draw number.

I’m taking Human Sexuality because I’m a biology major, not because the textbook has pictures of penises in it.


10 years ago

“It wasn’t me that ate your shoe, it was the cat”


10 years ago

“It wasn’t me that threw up on your shoe, that was the dog”


Ally S
10 years ago

“I think you’re just upset at me because I’m contradicting your dogmatic feminist ideology.” #LiesToldByMRAs

Haha, cute. Your fat ass won’t even let the post through! At least some of your commenters keep it classy with the liestoldbyfelines and don’t completely contradict what you claim you’re against in the first place. LOL And they’re actually funny, too! You should try it!

“This is one of the most thoughtful and interesting comments I have ever seen on Man Boobz.”

10 years ago

There are more clever ones, but I enjoy the simplicity of this one. Kudos to sexy horse apocolyps!

#LiesToldByFemales I promise im not going to murder you and turn your body into art

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