So Twitter is a bit depressing today. One of the trending hashtags at the moment is #LiesToldByFemales and, yes, it’s the misogynistic cesspool that you might expect, a vast assortment of not-very-original stereotypes about women — sorry, females — and their allegedly lying ways. The female-bashing tweeters — some of them female themselves — aren’t even terribly original in their complaints, and most of the tweets seem to be reworkings on a few very basic themes.
We have the good-old fashioned trope of the female-as-narcissist, forever obsessed with how she looks — and given to lying about how much work she puts into her appearance.
#LiesToldByFemales ill be ready in 5 mins -_-
— Ken Speaks (@SpeaksKen) March 5, 2014
Then, of course, there are the cheating “females.”
And the evil, evil females who tell people they’re “fine” when they’re really not so fine at all:
But most of the Tweets — or at least the most virulent ones — seem to be devoted to not-so-good old-fashioned slut-shaming. A favorite target: the slut pretending not to be s slut:
I'm a virgin. #LiesToldByFemales
— Chopstixx (@AsianKenDoll) March 5, 2014
The strangest variation on this theme is the following:
#LiesToldByFemales I don't suck dick
— mahmood (@MahmoodHawa) March 5, 2014
This particular meme is, for some strange reason, quite popular; versions of it have been Tweeted dozens of times by dozens of different people since the hashtag started up yesterday.
It’s a strangely revealing complaint. There are only two scenarios in which I can imagine a man getting angry about this statement from a “female.” Either he’s angry at a woman who didn’t give him a blowjob (even though she’s allegedly given blowjobs to other men), 0r he’s angry at a woman who did give him a blowjob (even though she said she didn’t do that). Really?
In the first instance, he’s essentially announcing to the world that he’s an asshole who’s jealous that women are having sex with men other than him; in the second he’s basically showing himself to be an ungrateful asshole who never deserves to get a blowjob ever again. Either way, dude, you’re not the one who looks good here.
The one heartening sign in all this: a few intrepid souls have ventured into the swamp to subvert this noxious old meme.
"I love human mating practices, and also I am definitely not three big lizards in a trench coat" #LiesToldByFemales
— Meals (@Eatingmeals) March 5, 2014
#LiesToldByFemales "touch the humming sphere. go on. do not wear gloves. think of your worst fear while doing so. its perfectly safe"
— on bluesky at explod.es (@egg_dog) March 5, 2014
We read your last tweet and your father and I are so proud of you, son. #LiesToldByFemales
— i am carbs (@I_am_carbs) March 5, 2014
Give it a shot yourself — I have. At least if you can stand being in some pretty repulsive company.
NOTE TO LARGE CORPORATIONS: I wouldn’t recommend jumping into this particular hashtag if I were you. Might not look so good alongside some of the other Tweets. I’m looking at you, JC Penney.
#LiesToldByFemales I don't need another pair of shoes. http://t.co/TDppxkECQU
— JCPenney (@jcpenney) March 5, 2014
Ooh, that’s original.
Aw, but I actually DO care about the differences between a trilby and a fedora! (Mainly, I don’t care for the style of the former, but like the latter.)
#LiesToldByDavid I am not a ferret in a hat!
When I saw that painting I immediately recognised Goya even though I hardly ever view his paintings and didn’t know this one- the ‘”Caprichos” series is what I prefer. I love that he had such a distinct style.
On topic: I’m not a native speaker. ‘”Females” sounds to me as something you’d say about an animal, as in ”the females gather for hunting”. But how do these people generally talk about men? As in ”males”? Or ”men”? Is ”(fe)males” normal in English/American language?
Yeah, I came in to ask what the deal is with calling us females. It sounds so weird.
@LBT: I recently tried on a fedora- looked good! I still don’t really get the symbolism behind that hat. It’s somehow… masculine?
But if so, why would ”masculine” mean ”hateful bigot”, or ”horrible person”. I guess it’s quite ironic as these dudes bring bad connotations to ”masculinity”?
LBT, seconded, seconded!
But you’re not a female, so if you say you care about the trilby/fedora distinction, of course you’re telling the truth.
Ooh, can we do another Shit About David thread?
#LiesToldByDavid I am not all the commenters on my blog!
“We totally aren’t misogynists and we think rape is horrible and should never be trivialized.” #LiesToldByMRAs
RE: Lady Ballsnip
@LBT: I recently tried on a fedora- looked good! I still don’t really get the symbolism behind that hat. It’s somehow… masculine?
I’m not entirely sure myself, but it seems that the trilby has become associated with a specific type of pain in the ass. They tend to be young, hip white guys who are well-educated, middle-class, and smugly superior about their beliefs of choice. Kind of a geek guy in his most irritating, condescending iteration.
Did I get that right, Boobzers?
I dont hate women. #LiesToldByMRAs
I have high self-esteem and am a rational and happy person#LiesToldByMisogynistsInGeneral
I’ve been able to develop deep relationships full of mutual respect and dignity in my life#LiesToldByMGTOW
Kind of fun?
Lady Ballsnip – you nailed it; misogynists (and those who’ve internalised misogyny without realising it) will say men/boys, and females. Referring to us like we’re not human is very much the thinking.
I don’t really know where the whole association of fedoras with douchebag misogynists came from either. It bugs me hugely because my husband rocks a fedora (and doesn’t wear trilbies) and I think they’re a gorgeous style of hat anyway (see: Foyle’s War).
Kyle Kallgren is all over this.
RE: Kittehs
I could never rock a hat like that myself, but Falcon has pretty much worn a fedora since the day we met him, twelve years ago. I’ve even seen him SLEEP in it. So I’m going to associate that stupid hat with him until the day I die, likely, and so it just feels weird to see younger folks wearing it.
The trilby just doesn’t work for me. I keep wanting the brim to be bigger and flatter.
Love the Boudicca one. 😀
Oh hey, Kyle. Good chap.
I’m a nice guy. #LiesToldByMRAs/PUAs/DalrockFans/MisogynistsEverywhere
The only part about this that shocks me is the JC Penney one. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?
Jesus Christ. What’s it like going through life so miserable about what everyone else says? LOL And “Manboobz”? You should change your slogan to “Relationship. I have none.”
RE: bodycrimes
It’s ironic! Irony totally means that you can say whatever you want, and the humor comes from people KNOWING you’re saying a basackward thing and YOU knowing you’re saying a basackward thing, and that means you’re actually quite clever to say it! Or something.
LBT – yeah, I like the bigger brim on the fedora, too. I like broad brimmed hats in general – the beaver hats with sweeping plumes from Louis’s earthly times are a swoonfest as far as I’m concerned. One of my favourite pics of him is a 19th century illustration and I just go all thing looking at it. Hat! Armour! Long hair!
I rarely use twitter but I will gladly dive in for this 😀
My contributions.
“All the 20 year old girls lust for me”
“I’m totally Going My Own Way from now on.”
“I’m an ex-Marine.”
“I’m not a sockpuppet. Who’s this Michael/Pell guy?”
“Eight inches. No, really.”
“I don’t buy drinks, hot 20 year olds buy ME drinks.”
“My girlfriend is an ex-model. I’d introduce you, but she’s home in right now.”
“I live DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH in Los Angeles.”
So classy and unexpected ¬¬
How about,
“honey that was the best sex I’ve ever had!”
“it’s not small at all.”
“I like bald men.”
“You’re not fat!”
“You sure can cook”
“It doesn’t smell like dead squirrel in here.”
RE: luzbelitx
Stay classy, Rucka Rucka Ali. Stay classy.
I have all the hot sex I want #liestoldbytrolls
You’re all fat man-haters #moreliestoldbyMRAtrolls
We live 11km from each other #liestoldbysockpuppets