a woman is always to blame alpha males bad boys beta males citation needed consent is hard creepy evil sexy ladies gender policing mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever nice guys patronizing as heck PUA rape culture rapey reactionary bullshit red pill

Don’t Ask: A Middle-Aged Man’s Creepy Roadmap to a Woman’s “Secret Garden.”

Escalation to the sex location
Escalation to the sex location

Sometimes I scour the internet for hours in search of material for this blog. Other times it just plops right in my lap. Today, it plopped, in the form of a new visitor to this blog by the name of J.S., a 52-year-old married farmer (he said) who brought with him some very old-fashioned ideas about love and romance and how men can best access the โ€œsecret gardensโ€ of the pretty ladies of the world.

No, really, he did,proclaming himself an infallable guide to

the โ€˜secret languageโ€™( sub and non-verbal communication), the dating game, or how very attractive women go about choosing which men they let into their secret garden and which ones they donโ€™t.

The primary lesson he tried to impart: that the โ€œsecret gardenโ€ is a little bit like Fight Club: The first rule of Secret Garden is that dudes can never ask to enter Secret Garden.

As he put it:

You never ask a feminine woman โ€˜what she wantsโ€™.

If you ask what she wants, you will kill the attraction immediately.

Her desire is to be led by a masculine man.

This is what bad boys do. They donโ€™t really give a shyt about her. Itโ€™s all about them and the conquest. Women respond to this because sex is virtually all they think about and nice guys are always supplicating towards her hoping sheโ€™ll give them the go ahead to seduce and have sex with her. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Youโ€™d might as well let your child drive your car on your next vacation.

Oh, he later amended this a tiny bit. You can ask a woman if she wants to have sex if, like, youโ€™re already married to her or something. But you can never ask to enter her Secret Garden unless youโ€™ve already entered her Secret Garden.

The fact is, you donโ€™t ask women to have sex unless youโ€™ve known them for a good while, or are in a relationship. And you never ask them to โ€˜have sexโ€™ before youโ€™ve actually had sex with them the first time. Or the only thing youโ€™ll be getting is a cold shoulder.

So if you canโ€™t actually use human language to find out if you can enter her Secret Garden, how can you enter for the first timeย  it without, you know, being โ€œfalselyโ€ accused of rape or something?

As they say in real estate, itโ€™s all about escalation to the sex location, location, location.

Ok, thatโ€™s not exactly what they say in real estate. But hereโ€™s J.S., explaining the proper way to open her garden gates:

[W]hen interacting with a woman there should be only one thing on your mindโ€ฆ Is it cocky, funny? Is it humor. Is it talking about the weather? Nope. Itโ€™s about escalation to the sex location. If you donโ€™t do this, you will be disrespected as a man, and find yourself lonely.

I’m sorry, I’m still stuck on “escalation to the sex location.”

escalation to the sex location

escalation to the sex location

escalation to the sex location

escalation to the sex location

Once you get her to the sex location, though, itโ€™s important to remember not to ask her anything about her Secret Garden, or really anything at all. By agreeing to go to your sex location — probably just your apartment — she basically is agreeing to you groping all over her trying to get into her Secret Garden.

I mean, this is all covered in your basic Being A Human manual, but in case you missed it Iโ€™m just repeating it.

Anyway, once youโ€™re both there, you need to keep escalating so that sex will โ€œjust happenโ€ without anyone checking in with anyone else verbally or anything, because actually getting some sort of verbal go-ahead for anything sexual is totally against nature.

This is why women are so fond of the expression, it just happened.

Again, nope it doesnโ€™t โ€˜just happenโ€™. It happens early in relationships because she allows him to be alone with her, allows herself to become aroused, then doesnโ€™t resist.

Then the relationship starts.

Let me just repeat the bit I put in bold there:

she allows him to be alone with her, allows herself to become aroused, then doesnโ€™t resist.

That may be the creepiest, rapiest description of sex (and/or the start of a relationship) that I think I may have ever read.

Remember, dudes, according to J.S.’s Rules of Secret Garden you are supposed to keep escalating (in the sex location), but you are never, ever, ever to ask her if anything you are doing is ok with her.

But ladies, if you want things to stop, you need to answer the question he hasnโ€™t actually asked with a clear verbal โ€œnoโ€ or โ€œstopโ€ or, you know, you could fight him.

Because it is so important that men never ask a woman for consent that itโ€™s better for women to be put in the position where they have to literally fight off their dates to make clear they don’t want to have sex, rather than simply have a very brief conversation that would make the issue of consent completely clear.

The evil genius of this โ€œdonโ€™t ask, because if you ask sheโ€™ll say no because you askedโ€ formulation — which is common amongst MRAs, PUAs, and assorted other rape apologists — is that it puts the responsibility for date rape not on (male) rapists but on their (female) victims by making the issue of consent entirely her responsibility and giving him an excuse to pretend he didnโ€™t know she wasnโ€™t consenting.

I didnโ€™t know she wasnโ€™t into it, the rapist can say, because itโ€™s not like I could just ask.

But of course you could have. You should have. The responsibility for obtaining sexual consent belongs to whoever is โ€œescalatingโ€ the sex. If there is any any doubt about anything at any point, ask. Using actual words.

Yes, potential partners are likely to be turned off by neediness. But the idea that getting consent is the same as supplicating is ridiculous. And the idea that it is inherently unerotic will come as a surprise to anyone whoโ€™s ever engaged in cybering or phone sex or dirty talk in bed.

Are there really women out there who are so turned off, so offended, by the idea of a man asking for consent that they would reject a man they were interested in just because he asked, possibly in a charmingly filthy way, for a โ€œyesโ€ before he put his hand up her skirt?

They must exist. Louis CK has a famous bit about a baffling and unconsummated encounter he had many years ago with a woman who had what you might call an extreme โ€œdonโ€™t ask firstโ€ fetish. I can only hope she eventually managed to find her way to a local BDSM group so she could explore her submissive fantasies in a safe, sane, and consensual way, as they say.

Itโ€™s bizarre to have to point this out, but, dudes: If a woman is into you, and into sex, sheโ€™s going to want to have sex with you even if you ask her first. Indeed, if her attraction to you is so fragile, and her sexuality so dependent on fantasies of being โ€œtakenโ€ that merely asking her to have sex is enough to kill the attraction, well, youโ€™ve probably dodged a bullet, to be perfectly honest.

Making consent clear is good for both partners. Not only does it, you know, prevent rape, but it makes for better sex. The partner who โ€œescalatedโ€ the sex knows that what theyโ€™re doing is ok with their partner, who, in turn, knows that theyโ€™re with someone who respects their boundaries.

When you talk about sex — before, during, and after — you can find out all sorts of things about what your partner likes and doesnโ€™t. You can share your own personal kinks. This actually enables you to do a lot more sexually than people who donโ€™t talk, even if the man in that relationship is the most alpha alpha whoโ€™s ever alphaed, because you donโ€™t have to guess.

We have language for a reason. Use it. In bed.

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11 years ago

We have opinions, so clearly weโ€™re all unfeminine and past our โ€œsexual primeโ€.

Good gravy. If that’s true, then I was past my “sexual prime” before I was even sexually mature!

11 years ago

Having fun and laughing together is pretty damn sexy in my book.

Amen to that. I’ve laughed before, during and after sex. I can recommend it.

Also recommend using one’s words…and refraining from corny metaphors for ladybits unless you’re specifically going for comic effect.

11 years ago

seranvali. I damn near stood up and cheered at the television when I saw that on the news tonight. Good on him.

11 years ago

I said this before but it bears repeating: asking for consent turns THEM off, not women.

11 years ago

So I was scanning the necrothread (damn, it was long, even before being necro’ed) and I caught one of Mikey/J.S.’s posts boasting that ‘thousands’ of men had joined the MRM.

Given that that’s drawn from the global English-speaking internet population, that’s kinda like boasting about having five whole square inches of property. In a swamp.

11 years ago

@ freemage “Given that thatโ€™s drawn from the global English-speaking internet population, thatโ€™s kinda like boasting about having five whole square inches of property. In a swamp.”

11 years ago

I am constantly impressed by the ability for these guys to make sex sound so unappealing.

Oh, and if anyone’s interested in some flowers for their secret garden, I have some suggestions:

Hydnora africana

I would recommend Nepenthes attenboroughii if you want a secret garden that can eat rats.

And of course, Amorphophallus titanum. (Yes, that is Latin for “giant misshapen penis.”)

11 years ago

Nepenthes attenboroughii is also good if you want your dangly bits named after David Attenborough.

Assuming you haven’t named them that already, of course.

11 years ago

I’m more a fan of Francis Hodgson Burnett’s “Secret Garden” than Nancy Friday’s “Secret Garden”. This guy’s “Secret Garden”? I think it’s the Monsanto version.

11 years ago

Seranvali – that’s the BEST thing I’ve read in ages! Everything he said is so true, and this is the worst and most frightening government. I loathe Abbott even more than Howard, and that’s saying something. I love every word of that speech, especially the thought that this government’s just going to be a greasy smear soon.

Speaking of David Attenborough, did anyone see his Natural History Museum Alive program? Marvellous animation and whimsical as well as informative – I loved it.

11 years ago

Off topic link:

Duke student is a porn actress and got outed by a fellow student. She gives an interview in defense of sex work(ers). There are some ignorant comments but I love how much support she is being giving.

My biggest issue is her libertarianism, but she’s 19 and can outgrow that.

11 years ago

Okay, I haven’t read the whole thread yet, but by the jokes I’m assuming you guys have never heard of this then:

You’re all very, very welcome.

11 years ago


Ah, that story. The article on xojane is also worth a read if you have a few minutes to spare.

It’s a wonderful example of a cultural oddity though – a guy watches porn, finds someone he thinks he knows, finds out it is someone he knows, asks her if she does porn, is told that she does, guy then shares news with campus bros, who are all surprised and take various vows to out her completely and or sleep with her (there’s no difference between a porn actress and a hooker, apparently) and the end result is…

… the actress getting mocked.

Wait, what? Go back a step. What about the guy who was watching all that porn? It must have been enjoyable porn then, if he was watching it! When’d we slip into “You’re a bad person, actress to whom I have pleasured myself several times!” instead of oh, I don’t know, “Hey, I liked you in that Rough Things Done Roughly, what’s our sociology homework for tomorrow?”

I mean, I’m no great socializer or even all that nice, but if I met someone I had entertained several detailed fantasies about my response would be “rherh.. Erh. So youh… Ah… haveaniceday“, not “You’re a slutty slut slut slutty slut, also, I’m going to go watch your videos again”.

Hell, what about the people conflating two kinds of sex industry job? Shouldn’t they be mocked for their inadequate grasp of business? At least a few of those college students must be doing business majors! Their stakeholder analysis and or market segment research must be terrible if they make such an elementary mistake!

But no. No. Instead, you get people on internet comment sites raging at someone who is doing a job to get out of college without debt… because the job she is doing is somehow the wrong kind. Or it exposes her to too many penises. Or… something.

Hey, I’m no fan of pornography as such (I’ll take problematic uses of sex for two hundred) but at least the arguments you can leverage against it tends not to be “So this person choose to do this on her own time rather than take out a loan, and is apparently working under pretty decent conditions, and that’s terrible!

11 years ago

Hypocritical false moralism. The same people who consume sex work and porn condemn the women who take part in it. I’m very familiar with it, my culture is fucking drowning on this bullshit.

11 years ago

Fininachi and Vaiyt,

I know a woman who lost her job because it was discovered that she had been in a porno flick back in the pre-internet days. She was found out by, you guessed it, guys watching porn who then outed her and called on her to lose her job for being so immoral. 0.o It’s bullshit. She was a veteran. She had gone from being homeless to getting an education and fulfilling her dreams of becoming a teacher. I don’t know what became of her. She had to leave town once she was outed. Fucking hypocrisy.

I like to watch Supernatural. One of the characters is depicted as being a fan of porno and skin mags. I was so relieved when they showed him meeting one of his favorite performers and instead of being a hypocrite, he compliments her on her talent and tells her he has great respect for her work. The whole thing is played for a laugh, but that’s the way it should be. Fans of erotica should be fans of the people who make the erotica too.

11 years ago

Jeez! That hate in that comment section coming from men is repulsive. The idea that she’s pretty, smart, ambitious and having a banging sex life and professional life just infuriates them. I wonder how many of them are simply jealous?

11 years ago


I wonder how many of them are simply jealous?

I believe the answer to that is “all of them.”
I couldn’t take that comment section for too long. Just the sheer seething ragey hate of it, yeesh!

11 years ago

RE: Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Oh, LBT, you only think your night-blooming flowers need darkness and privacy. Farmer John here says what they really want is Agent Orange and Roundup, and heโ€™s the expert.

HSSSSSS! *gets down on all fours, crab-walks up wall, across ceiling, and out of room, never to be seen again*

RE: Kittehs

Itโ€™s bougainvillea, man

No, I’m a man, see, that automatically means my spelling is superior! Only WOMEN have bouganvillea!

are there drop-bears?

๐Ÿ™ Too expensive, and they shipped terrible.

11 years ago

Kittehs: Chicago trip ideas for you in the Open Thread.

11 years ago

are there drop-bears?
๐Ÿ™ Too expensive, and they shipped terrible.

Despite the name, they don’t like being dropped by postal workers.

11 years ago

Hypocritical false moralism. The same people who consume sex work and porn condemn the women who take part in it. Iโ€™m very familiar with it, my culture is fucking drowning on this bullshit.

It’s doubly hypocritical if they actually want sex workers to be earning an “honest living” rather than doing sex work. “You shouldn’t be doing porn, but we’ll fire you from legitimate work for having done it.”


11 years ago

RE: leftwingfox

I’ve never understood the bullshit around “honest living” and “real job.” It’s like, if you’re getting paid to do it, that’s making a living. That’s a job. As long as you aren’t hurting anyone (and porn stars don’t seem to be in that category) I fail to see why it’s anyone’s business.

Also, the only reason you’d KNOW if someone was doing porn was if they told you, in which case, wow, how douchey, or if you WATCHED it. Markets exist for their consumers, so don’t pretend you’re squeaky clean, bro.

11 years ago

are there drop-bears? ๐Ÿ™ Too expensive, and they shipped terrible.

Despite the name, they donโ€™t like being dropped by postal workers.

Just read this aloud at work and my colleague said “A subtle but important distinction!”


freemage – yay, thank you!

11 years ago

Speaking as a dude who draws cartoons for a living, I agree with you, and I’m sorry if I came across as reinforcing that.

I’m just pissed at the conservative double-standard. “Work, not welfare. Get a Job, but that job! Get a loan! Can’t pay it back? Why did you get a loan then?”

11 years ago

RE: leftwingfox

No, no, it’s okay, I got that you weren’t fond of that trope. I just find it amusing how self-righteous people can get about some jobs. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t, really.