PUA racism red pill rhymes with roosh

Manosphere drama: Roosh Valizadeh reportedly arrested in Poland after “violent confrontation” [UPDATE: It’s a hoax]

Roosh, apparently in custody in Poland. Photo from Roosh V Forum
Roosh, either in custody in Poland or posing in a jail cell for some publicity stunt. Photo from Roosh V Forum

UPDATE: Increasingly implausible posts from Tuthmosis, the source of all the “information” about Roosh’s alleged arrest, make it pretty clear this was a hoax.

UPDATE 2: And Roosh has officially admitted it:

Tuthmosis and I conspired to prank the internet that I was in jail. The picture used is from the German DDR museum. …

I expect many of you to be annoyed, and I hope Tuth and I didn’t betray your trust with the prank, but the security and viability of the forum was never compromised and the picture was just too good not to use. Credit goes to Tuth for his “new rules” (…#pid667804 ), which—if you were in on the joke—was quite amusing. I also did not expect the story to be as believed as it was, since there are many flaws in the picture that suggest it’s not a real jail cell, but on the other hand, the prospect of me going to jail is not unexpected. If you are pissed off, I recommend you read Tuth’s bulletins to see the humor in the prank (the “bill me later” option was my favorite).

I do sincerely appreciate the thoughts of concern of my Polish imprisonment. Now of course I really will be jailed and no one will believe it because of this false jailing accusation. In case of a real “involuntary absence” from the forum, I trust Tuth to continue moderation efforts. For many years he has selflessly helped me maintain the community we have and not actually gone mad with power.

On a positive note, we managed to troll the tub of estrogen Manboobz and his readers.

Interesting that the people who fell the hardest for his hoax were his own fans. Also, I’m not sure that me posting something that essentially said “here’s something that looks a bit fishy that’s being reported by someone who may well be lying” really counts as “being trolled.”


Before I go into any details here I want to say that all of this is coming from Roosh’s forum and hasn’t been confirmed in any way. So treat it with however much skepticism you deem appropriate. For all I know this could be some bizarre publicity stunt to promote Roosh’s blog and his reprehensible Return of Kings website.

But according to Roosh’s pal “Tuthmosis,” who says he is getting his info from a friend of Roosh in Poland, Roosh has been arrested after some sort of violent “confrontation.” Here’s his description of what allegedly happened:

  • Roosh had a violent “confrontation” in Poland

  • He was apprehended by Polish authorities

  • He’s being (or already has been) charged with some sort of crime and being held in jail

In a followup comment he offered additional details about the alleged incident:

  • Confrontation was with Paul/Andre, his gypsy stalker

  • Didn’t start violent, but escalated quickly

  • Witnesses pointed to Roosh

  • There were “serious injuries”

  • Roosh is definitely being charged with something

In response to some skeptics who suggested this might all be a hoax, he wrote:

I too was hopeful this was some sort of joke–even if it meant me having egg on my face–but I just got a message from a second source. This is a guy who does back-end work for ROK and I’ve personally met, so I have no reason to doubt him.

Roosh is definitely being charged with a (serious) crime. The gypsy apparently took a nasty beating. What’s more, witnesses (who may be acquaintances of the gypsy) claim that Roosh was speaking epithets at him and may have used an object to strike him. I don’t know what the Polish laws are, but these circumstances apparently add to the severity of the crime. I got a couple of calls out to see what his legal prospects are, but the language barriers and time difference are making information hard to come by.

Naturally, Roosh’s fans being a bunch of racist assholes, the alleged ethnicity of Roosh’s alleged stalker led to some lovely generalizations about “gypsies” and this comment, from “Walter White,” who suggested that anti-“gypsy” bigotry might just get Roosh off the hook:

Scary stuff. I’ve travelled extensively in the region, and gypsies aren’t well thought of in Eastern Europe. Sounds terrible, but that’s the way it is. I guess an analogy for Americans would be like if a white dude got into a fight with a black guy in the 1940’s in the South. As wrong as it may be, the white guy would be given the benefit of the doubt. Maybe Roosh will get the benefit of that with regard to a fight with a gypsy. Then again, he’s not a Pole – so he’s not gonna get much “home team” advantage.

I guess we’ll see, huh?

That is, assuming this isn’t all a publicity stunt.

Odd that Roosh appears to have emerged apparently unscathed from such an allegedly violent confrontation. His hair isn’t even mussed up.

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11 years ago

I’ve got no idea if arrest records are publicly available in Poland, but it shouldn’t be all that hard to confirm the story.

I’ve been Googling, but no luck so far. There certainly doesn’t seem to be any Polish media coverage as yet.

11 years ago

Whatever, anonylulz. That was weak. Go back to smelling your farts.

A warning payment plan? Use the wrong emoticon and get fined? AHAHAHAHAHAHA, this should (but won’t) clue the RoK followers into what Titouse thinks of them.

11 years ago

hellkell, that’s just how I was imagining it. And every time I think about it, I weep with joy.

11 years ago

Wetherby, I’m sure we have a manboobz bunker somewhere. I remember everybody chipping in their services.

11 years ago

Does Manboobz have an EMERGENCY PLAN?

Yes, this!

11 years ago

Probs just Roosh being, y’know, victimised by empowered groups like Romani people.

11 years ago

A warning payment plan? Use the wrong emoticon and get fined? AHAHAHAHAHAHA, this should (but won’t) clue the RoK followers into what Titouse thinks of them.

And this is just part of the first batch!

Always amusing to see misogynists become baffled when their fellow misogynists use their own PUA/douchbag tactics on themselves.

11 years ago

lulz… better start praying this doesn’t happen too often, flabtrelle. if you lose too many of your meal tickets, you may actually be forced to get a real job.

don’t bite the hand that feeds you, bitch.

What is this person trying to say? Does he think that David is going to go on a violent rampage? What would that have to do with the readers or donors to this site? Or does he think this will inspire manboobzers to go on violent rampages against innocent manosperians and being in jail would be unable to donate? Confused.

11 years ago

Trolly seems to think Manboobz is David’s job, and that he’s entirely dependent on the Douche for posts. Both of which add weight to the thesis “troll is an idiot”.

I wouldn’t wish biting Roosh’s hands on anything except a white-tailed spider. Its bacteria and venom might just overcome Roosh’s.

11 years ago

4. Fees for Warnings.

You have to be kidding, is there another website that has Paypal Swear Jar to enforce prescribed behavior?

11 years ago

Here’s a heartwarming kitty story if anyone needs it.

11 years ago

Lol, those fees. What the hell kind of “warning” can they give you that someone would actually pay for? Do they tell you that you’re washing your hair too often?

Although, this does open up a whole new potential value structure for the future, David. I can see it now: you could set up an account so that trolls have to pay for every thread necro they want to perform, and every time they want to be let off moderation. You could institute a fee to charge for every use of tw*t, wh*re, or c*nt, or any of a number of potential slurs. Regulars could vote on fines to be levied on the really tedious trolls.

It’s a potential goldmine! MRAs and PUAs never run out of awfulness, if you just institute the appropriate fee for each instance, you could make a mint!

11 years ago

RE: anony

don’t bite the hand that feeds you, bitch.

You realize that Dave doesn’t use this as his primary source of income, right? And that he specifically MOCKS these guys, so biting hands kinda comes with it? Even though they don’t feed him?

I swear, it’s like you’re not even trying. Really, trolls have gone downhill… at least throw in a, “You’re just lording over a man’s misfortune!” or “ILLUMINATI” or something.

RE: fmudd

So here’s the money-making kicker; they’ll now start charging people after a “warning” and for using certain pictures.

Yuuuup, I’m smelling a money squeeze here. What a shock! Seriously, unauthorized smilies? Obligatory paywall? What bozo came up with this one?

RE: Kittehs

Would even Roosh’s witless followers bother to cough up for that sort of shit?

I guess we’re going to find out, now aren’t we? Here’s hoping these chuckleheads realize they’re being swindled and leave Roosh to his fate.

11 years ago


You have suggested women are human beings

Your comment implied there is something wrong with rape

Talking as if Romani are people is not permitted

Criticising the Lord High Roosh’s personal hygiene is not permitted

11 years ago

LBT, posted yoghurt recipes in red pill thread for you.

11 years ago

Thanks BigMomma! I saw, and might have to give it a shot.

11 years ago

The emoticon fee is just too much. Please tell me that the forbidden emoticons are really common things that you would never expect.

But if they really wanted to get rich they’d put a fine on the two-dot ellipsis.

11 years ago

Warning: you have used the Blog Admin smiley, pay up or be exterminated.

11 years ago

If they fined SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) fails, they’d be millionaires.

11 years ago

Manopshere drama??Isn’t that an oxymoron? Those guys are nothing but drama.

11 years ago

My favorite rule is that you will be banned if you questioned the veracity of Roosh’s story. It’s also enjoyable to me that Paul/Andre has doxxed rotk members. The manosphere does that to feminists all the time after all.

11 years ago

Even though these guys are incredibly gullible, and I am pretty cynical, I must confess I will be SURPRISED if this bullshit manages to fly with the ROK’s base. Instituting paywalls is a risky gambit at the best of times, and just because you have a lot of fans doesn’t mean they’re PAYING ones.

11 years ago

Charging trolls to get out of mod here would be great. They should have to pay to leave their droppings. Call it carpet maintenance.

11 years ago

I know I’m criticizing the deck chairs on the Titanic, but if you actually had a reason to limit use of one smiley, you’d program the forum to simply not display that smiley, like a swearing filter, and then you could let people pay in order to make it display for them. Like those silly icons by your name on DA.

This is so obviously “stack on hidden fees in the hopes that people will accidentally run afoul of them and then just pay up because it’s the easiest thing to do.”