PUA racism red pill rhymes with roosh

Manosphere drama: Roosh Valizadeh reportedly arrested in Poland after “violent confrontation” [UPDATE: It’s a hoax]

Roosh, apparently in custody in Poland. Photo from Roosh V Forum
Roosh, either in custody in Poland or posing in a jail cell for some publicity stunt. Photo from Roosh V Forum

UPDATE: Increasingly implausible posts from Tuthmosis, the source of all the “information” about Roosh’s alleged arrest, make it pretty clear this was a hoax.

UPDATE 2: And Roosh has officially admitted it:

Tuthmosis and I conspired to prank the internet that I was in jail. The picture used is from the German DDR museum. …

I expect many of you to be annoyed, and I hope Tuth and I didn’t betray your trust with the prank, but the security and viability of the forum was never compromised and the picture was just too good not to use. Credit goes to Tuth for his “new rules” (…#pid667804 ), which—if you were in on the joke—was quite amusing. I also did not expect the story to be as believed as it was, since there are many flaws in the picture that suggest it’s not a real jail cell, but on the other hand, the prospect of me going to jail is not unexpected. If you are pissed off, I recommend you read Tuth’s bulletins to see the humor in the prank (the “bill me later” option was my favorite).

I do sincerely appreciate the thoughts of concern of my Polish imprisonment. Now of course I really will be jailed and no one will believe it because of this false jailing accusation. In case of a real “involuntary absence” from the forum, I trust Tuth to continue moderation efforts. For many years he has selflessly helped me maintain the community we have and not actually gone mad with power.

On a positive note, we managed to troll the tub of estrogen Manboobz and his readers.

Interesting that the people who fell the hardest for his hoax were his own fans. Also, I’m not sure that me posting something that essentially said “here’s something that looks a bit fishy that’s being reported by someone who may well be lying” really counts as “being trolled.”


Before I go into any details here I want to say that all of this is coming from Roosh’s forum and hasn’t been confirmed in any way. So treat it with however much skepticism you deem appropriate. For all I know this could be some bizarre publicity stunt to promote Roosh’s blog and his reprehensible Return of Kings website.

But according to Roosh’s pal “Tuthmosis,” who says he is getting his info from a friend of Roosh in Poland, Roosh has been arrested after some sort of violent “confrontation.” Here’s his description of what allegedly happened:

  • Roosh had a violent “confrontation” in Poland

  • He was apprehended by Polish authorities

  • He’s being (or already has been) charged with some sort of crime and being held in jail

In a followup comment he offered additional details about the alleged incident:

  • Confrontation was with Paul/Andre, his gypsy stalker

  • Didn’t start violent, but escalated quickly

  • Witnesses pointed to Roosh

  • There were “serious injuries”

  • Roosh is definitely being charged with something

In response to some skeptics who suggested this might all be a hoax, he wrote:

I too was hopeful this was some sort of joke–even if it meant me having egg on my face–but I just got a message from a second source. This is a guy who does back-end work for ROK and I’ve personally met, so I have no reason to doubt him.

Roosh is definitely being charged with a (serious) crime. The gypsy apparently took a nasty beating. What’s more, witnesses (who may be acquaintances of the gypsy) claim that Roosh was speaking epithets at him and may have used an object to strike him. I don’t know what the Polish laws are, but these circumstances apparently add to the severity of the crime. I got a couple of calls out to see what his legal prospects are, but the language barriers and time difference are making information hard to come by.

Naturally, Roosh’s fans being a bunch of racist assholes, the alleged ethnicity of Roosh’s alleged stalker led to some lovely generalizations about “gypsies” and this comment, from “Walter White,” who suggested that anti-“gypsy” bigotry might just get Roosh off the hook:

Scary stuff. I’ve travelled extensively in the region, and gypsies aren’t well thought of in Eastern Europe. Sounds terrible, but that’s the way it is. I guess an analogy for Americans would be like if a white dude got into a fight with a black guy in the 1940’s in the South. As wrong as it may be, the white guy would be given the benefit of the doubt. Maybe Roosh will get the benefit of that with regard to a fight with a gypsy. Then again, he’s not a Pole – so he’s not gonna get much “home team” advantage.

I guess we’ll see, huh?

That is, assuming this isn’t all a publicity stunt.

Odd that Roosh appears to have emerged apparently unscathed from such an allegedly violent confrontation. His hair isn’t even mussed up.

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10 years ago

PS: Reading Meller on the Johnny Appleseed thread now. Holy shit, what a jackass.

10 years ago

I feel for the guys who made calls in real life, especially if they did so at personal risk.


In fairness, they were calling from the Muppet backstage phone.

10 years ago

I feel for the guys who made calls in real life, especially if they did so at personal risk.

Yeah, just wait until their moms see the bill for calling to Poland.

10 years ago

“When you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.”

10 years ago

Oh, this is too sweet. The man who has been advising them to be lying, scheming, rapists just violated their trust and they are shocked and hurt. How could he? That’s hardly like their mopped topped, misogynist guru. Doesn’t he respect them and see them as respected friends? Does he not think they are worthy of alpha- manly- man- male respect?

HA! Don’t make me laugh. No, you rubes. You’re his marks, just like the women he targets. You’re there for his shits and giggles. You stroke his ego and give him money and he jerks your leash whenever he feels like it. Dance you puppets in fedoras, dance!

Yeah, we feminists are the worst… just the worst. We think women are people and that rape is bad. We’re just horrible, fat prude-sluts with the wrong hair-do’s, emotions and personal boundaries that we insist be respected. I know that get’s you Doosh fanboys down. Buuuuut, guess what none of us did today? We didn’t tell people we were in jail in order to get attention and frighten them for our personal amusement. So, somehow I think we’ll find a way to live with ourselves.

You all deserve the company you keep, Doosh fans. You earned it.

10 years ago

I just don’t quite follow. I mean, I understand cognitive dissonance, and it can be easy to have a sort of far out look things where the granular specifics end up being overlooked. So someone might think that all women are worthless, while still spending endless amounts of time and attention on women, and I can accept that as a quirk of the human condition. “I’m not a racist, but” type thinking.

But… getting angry and upset that people who specialize in manipulating others manipulated you? Like this dude:

The next time you’re writing Clickbait, secure in the knowledge of your first ammendment protection – and I say this with enough contempt for you to consider it a bannable offense – Check your fucking privilege.

, from page 3 and cloudiah’s comment.

Right? Apparently he has been in situations where getting people into or out of jail is a real thing, and he understands the concept of privilege enough to use it in a sentence, and he even uses it in what is actually the way I at least perceive it to be “correct”. So… all of the concepts that goes into that, all of the things that are tied into the idea of privilege, at least he must understand them on some level, yet, it’s this thing that gets him. Not everything else, not the negs or the lies or the std jokes, but getting conned for a moment.

It’s just mindboggling. They really don’t consider women people in any sense at all, and frankly they probably treat objects better too.

The non-apology is great though. Actually reminds me of a bit from the Game (Neil Strauss) I thought was quite insightful; in that a bunch of people all pretending to be super top dog alpha males rawr rawr have really bad communication skills and, if you spend long enough “dominating” everyone around you, you end up entirely incapable of having a conversation that isn’t a push-pull of you trying to exert status on other people. They can’t even fathom the fact that their members are upset because they care, a little bit, and they end up laughing at them instead. At least if he’d gone with the “I’m sorry you were offended” route, sorry would be in there somewhere.

As a side note, the longer I spend living in the world, the more it seems like The Game was not a fictional tale of adventure but a chilling horror story about the dangers of demagoguery.

10 years ago

When I saw the hoax warning, I thought it would be a boring post full of trolls – but this drama is hilarious!

10 years ago

One more, it’s classic:

Honestly. I wasn’t worried at all. I’ve been to jail in America and abroad and it’s not really a big deal to me. One of my closest boys is up state right now doing five years.

If anything I thought it was going to be good for roosh. Every man should experience jail.

The way some of you reacted mad me question if some of you were even men at all.

He’s a grown man for shits sake.

Gender policing + toxic masculinity = a sandwich made entirely of shit.

10 years ago




find words unable
to bridge vast gulf of contempt
real jail true man, tears

GOD that is just…. Argh.

Alice Sanguinaria
10 years ago

A short poem:

The alphas are in
Tears after beloved Roosh
Decided to lie.

They cannot see that
This is how they treat women.
Love schadenfreude.

Just Saying!
Just Saying!
10 years ago

So basically Doosh had all his male ‘fans’ reaching for the smelling salts, clutching their pearls in horror and suddenly behaving like big drama queens over what was just a childish ME ME ME, feel sorry for me, narcissistic type shitty prank. God how totally cringeworthy.

10 years ago

@kittehserf: maybe they meant “preaching morels”, which are delicious

10 years ago

takshak, reminds me of a great fish shop name I saw once – “O Tempura! O Morays!”

10 years ago

Oh lordy, I’m reading that old Johnny Appleseed thread (featuring DKM) and David makes this comment in it:

NWOslave is a milking machine tech

Brandon does IT

MRAL is a student who works as a lifeguard

… and they all live together in an apartment in Santa Monica.

The sitcom pitches just write themselves here!

These days he could add DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH!

10 years ago

Oh, I just took a look at that forum where they’re all throwing shitfits right now. The newest comment is “You’re all acting like a bunch of feminists.”


10 years ago

There are times at work where I hear reams of bullshit, I cringe, I get disheartened, demotivated and reflect that I can return to my desk, log onto RVF and resume some sense of a bullshit free zone. A place where truth and masculine good will can be found.

The fact that there are people who actually think like this is genuinely disturbing to me.

10 years ago

Wait. Roosh thinks he fooled Manboobz (he failed because skepticism was present from the start.) However, he would have only succeeded at fooling us into thinking he was extra douchey.

Good job Roosh, you totally fooled people into thinking you’re a douchebag.

10 years ago

I briefly considered tipping off a Polish journalist friend of mine who’s already mocked ‘Bang Poland’ in no uncertain terms*, but I wanted more hard evidence first.

(*I wish Facebook had a better search facility, because then I’d stand a chance of finding his discussion about Roosh and his near-total cultural and historical ignorance, conducted by him and about a dozen of his compatriots, many of them women – although they’d be unlikely to be on Roosh’s target list, what with possessing a keen intelligence and sense of humour. The result made us seem like lightweights in the gleeful mockery stakes – even my fellow Brits can’t hold a candle to a Pole when it comes to dark sarcasm.)

10 years ago

I wonder how the Roosh fanboys would react if they realized that the most common responses to “OMG check it out Roosh has been arrested!” would be “who’s Roosh?” and “who cares?”.

10 years ago

My Polish friends might recognise the title ‘Bang Poland’ if they took part in the mockery of a few months ago, but it’s very unlikely they’d have registered the author’s name well enough to recall it without prompting.

10 years ago

You should tell them what a fool Roosh has made of himself (again), Wetherby. Sounds like they’d get a good laugh out of this.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

I’m sure victims of the Stasi would just love having a replica of one of their jail cells used as a prop for a juvenile, self-serving prank. Tee hee!

All of Roosh’s Dark Triad cheerleaders claiming that jail time scores you manpoints wouldn’t have lasted five seconds in there. Those places were grim hellholes. They were designed to break you psychologically. Roosh doesn’t give a shit about history. He was probably visiting the DDR museum to get tips on gaslighting.

10 years ago

I am sure it means something else, but DDR makes me think there is Dance Dance Revolution museum in Poland. Then I wonder of they take it more seriously, what with the jail cells in there.

10 years ago

When Doosh says

Guys guys… let’s all focus the anger on me and not each other.

could he be any more obvious?

Shorter doosh: Me! Everyone look at me! It’s all about ME!

10 years ago

Haha. It’s so true. I wouldn’t know who Roosh was unless I was linked things. He really doesn’t deserve room in my long term memory. I’m sure I’ll of forgotten him soon enough. That aside, WHAT IS WITH THE FUCKING HUGE RACISM THERE? Are they racist against themselves as well? Sigh.