Another open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments, supportive comments only!
Another open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments, supportive comments only!
Fuck, sorry about your job, Kitteh. Hang in there.
Hi, Kitteh. So sorry about your job…..a virtual hug from me, if you’re okay with that.
I have hugs for kitteh too . . . what a nasty surprise. 🙁
Oh, dammit, Kittehs. I’m so sorry about that. Good luck
Sorry to hear that as well, Kitteh.
I’m very sorry to hear that, please let me know if there’s anything we can do to help. I don’t really have too much in the way of contacts in Melbourne, but I can definitely ask people to keep an ear out for openings. Who knows, right
That is awful news, kittehs.
Internet hugs all round.
Another little something to cheer up anyone who needs cheering.
I am so sorry about your job, kittehs. Thinking about you and anybody else who is struggling.
I was happy to see that there is some good news in this thread too.
Hugs for all who want hugs.
Thanks for the hugs, everyone, they’re very welcome.
Shadow, if you know anyone who wants a non-driving fifty year old to come and learn a job, I’d love to know!
RE: Bina
And LBT, the meat thing may be due to a need for heme iron and B vitamins, especially B12.
Welp, I bought a bottle of B vitamins and hubby fed me pork chops for dinner, so hopefully my mend continues! (He joked that he’s well-acquainted with getting meat into my mouth.) What’s heme iron? Is it different from normal iron?
Good luck, Kittehs! Fingers crossed that everything turns out okay for you. Are you still going to be coming out to Chicago?
Yes. It’s the kind that one finds in hemoglobin form…the most easily absorbed, since it’s already in the state the body uses (well, duh…the animal it was in was using it, up until…) It’s also the form one gets in prescription iron supplements, which cost a pretty penny, much more than the OTC kind, because it’s obtained from beef blood. Since other forms are less easily absorbed, they can be constipating, too…the human gut doesn’t seem to handle them as well all around. But it can easily process anything in blood form, so meat is good for that. You don’t need a huge amount, like you would with the equivalent in iron-rich veggies, where you’d still be running an iron deficit simply because it won’t absorb into your bloodstream as fast, and most of it just gets defecated out.
Anyhow, hang in there and feel better soon. I’ve had low iron too, and it IS exhausting. Mentally and physically.
Unfortunately none of my friends are in hiring positions, and two of them work in Dandenong, not Melbourne proper. Their sister works in the city though, and they have friends that work in the city, so it’s definitely worth asking them to keep an ear out. What’s your field?
@kitteh: oh shit, really sorry to hear that. 🙁
Dandenong’s halfway between my place and the city, Shadow!
My field’s so narrow these days as to be invisible. For the last nine years I’ve been a hydrographic chart corrector – probably the only one in the state. It involves some database management, retail and commercial sales (within the marine industry – orders for ships mostly) but the bulk is correcting paper charts. Before that I’d done various customer-servicey things, but I can’t see many employers thinking it was recent enough to be relevant.
LBT – I sure hope so. The only reason not to would be if I’d got a job already (unlikely). It’s all paid for and I’d never get the money back, so there’s no other reason not to come.
Pallygirl – hey, new name! 🙂
Sorry about your losing your job kittehs. That sucks. D:
Also I hope you start feeling better LBT!
My step-dad recently told me that I can’t stay at this house for much longer. I can only stay with him and my mom for a long time if I a) do a hefty amount of landscaping work for him so he can increase the equity of his property when he decides to sell the place b) get a job at someplace like a grocery store or c) find a programming job. He prefers that I try to do landscaping work for him, work at the bagel shop downtown, and hone my programming skills all at once.
I understand that he himself is undergoing financial hardship and I can’t expect him to be able to cover my (very minimal) expenses for very long because of that. But ever since he has imposed those requirements on me, I have been feeling very worried and stressed out about my future. I used to consider this place a kind of temporary safe haven in which I could run away from stress. After all, it’s where my mom lives. I don’t want to be a “leech,” but I also wish I could rest longer. I don’t know if I can handle all of the physical labor, demanding programming tasks, and/or working at a grocery store. This house was one of the few places where I used to feel always welcomed, but things have changed. I have nothing against my step-dad for being concerned about his financial problems, but this is really hard for me to deal with in a different way.
I feel like I have no way of getting on my feet. I’m just an angsty, cynical 19-year-old trans kid who has unrealistic plans, knows nothing about the real world, and is constantly held down by family members trying to control her life. I have no idea how to even begin resolving this mess in my life. Maybe the therapist will help somewhat, but I doubt she’ll be able to do much.
And really, why would anyone even want to hire me? I’m a runaway trans teenager who has a rudimentary knowledge of programming and is quite obviously desperate for money. Even if I learned all of Java in less than a year, I would probably be their last choice at best and completely ignored at worst. Or maybe they’d say something about how “impressive” it is for me to know this or that at 19 and then just tell me that I’m not good enough since I don’t have a degree yet.
I’m sorry guys. I’m just venting right now and I feel really horrible about my life. I have almost zero hope for the future. Things just keep getting worse.
I’m sorry Ally. 🙁 ::offers hugs::
Ally, more hugs. Things will get better. You will get back on your feet. You’re smart, and principled, and kind. I feel privileged to know you. I’m going to sleep now, but feel free to email me if you want to talk/vent, okay?
@Kitteh: So sorry to hear about that, that’s rough. Bests of luck with it though! There must be something.
@Ally S:
So you would describe yourself as motivated, with a rduimentary knowledge, and unlikely to provide a subpar job effort because you literally need to hang on to this job?
Not bad principles to be able to say without lying.
Ally, I’m sorry you’re feeling so awful. But I think your stepdad is not necessarily trying to pick on you. He may be trying to help you out by pushing you towards a job and things that will get you more independence. Less so with the landscaping, obviously, but that’s something you can do to create value without having to worry about whether people will ever want to hire you or anything like that.
You’ve been through a lot and you need time to recuperate and get a sense of what direction you want to take and I don’t want to diminish that at all. But it’s also true that when you’re an adult staying with other adults, the normal state is that you’ll be paying for yourself and/or contributing in another way. So your stepdad is not being all that unreasonable. Unless he’s being a jerk about it and expecting you to do everything all at once. Then he’s being unreasonable.
Babbies for those who are down.
/me skims a bit off the top for my sick boyo. Diarrhea and a fever. Plus he got scared this morning when I had to leave him in the play pen to go get his sister up, poor tot. I think he thought he’d been abandoned. I came back and found out he’d spit up a significant amount of his bottle all over himself, although not as much as me girl-o was vomiting last week.