Another open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments, supportive comments only!
Another open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments, supportive comments only!
Haven’t caught up on this thread, but as we’re all evil feminists here, I thought some Boobzers might be interested in this article,
The Public Voice of Women, by Mary Beard:
For anyone who doesn’t know, Mary Beard is Professor of Classics at the University of Cambridge.
Over the last couple of years she has become well known in the UK and quite predictably came under attack from misogynists.
After all, she dares to be a woman and – visible/educated/have greying hair/not wear make-up/not use Botox/wear pumps/over 50/appear on a politics programme/use Twitter – and on, and on.
As usual she has received rape/death/torture/bomb threats.
(Sorry, still poorly, hope that comment makes sense.)
Also, surreal brain bleach and hugs (if wanted) for anybody needing them:
Pope Hats! 🙂
So, in a mellow mood and listening to Damien Rice’s album ‘O’.
All the years I’ve had this album I never looked up ‘The Story of O’, now I have, to which I say “O”. 🙂
Just got more news last night that will either result in us being homeless or getting everything we wanted and hoped for. Time will tell and I’ll be less cryptic when I figure out which direction that sways toward.
This is exactly how privilege plays out. I am a college-educated, middle-class white woman. The whims of the economy mean I am vulnerable, but my privileges help ensure these are temporary and escapable.
@Ally – I’m so happy to hear you’ve got a counsellor lined up! This is exciting. 🙂
@hellkell – from my background, it’s not uncommon to want to visit old homesteads. We have “The Farm” that we always think fondly on, check real estate ads to see if it’s up for sale, and drive by as often as we’re able when we’re on that side of the country. No excuse for people barging in expecting to see the place, but the hope to revisit is not altogether unheard of where I’m from.
Well guys, out of desperation, my husband defaulted to the age-old cure back in my bad ED days: meat. Lots of fucking meat. He shoved some B vitamins into me and some fish, and today was the first in a while I was able to go outside. He plans to shove more flesh of the innocent down my gullet today.
I have no fucking idea WHY this seems to work when non-meat protein fails, but I guess I shan’t complain, seeing as it means mobility.
RE: Nova
If you can, I would recommend seeking a second opinion, just to have that additional perspective.
I likely will, though if I manage to cure this crash with meat, I might just reorganize my diet. Then again, I keep collapsing even so, so maybe I’ll end up at the docs anyway. *sigh* So sick of doctors and having to juggle all the things wrong with me.
RE: Seranvali
I dunno, I know a few folks with fibro, and I don’t get pain, just a sudden attack of weakness. Brainfog is probably related to the mental illness. Plus, the collapses only happen about once a month or two, and rarely last longer than a week. (Even if it entails a lot of flailing around desperately trying to hit on the thing that’ll cure it.) Also, I thought fibro was newly discovered to be a circulatory thing? I dunno, I guess I’m just a little dubious, since I’m used to thinking of fibro as hell on earth.
RE: gillyrosebee
Just got more news last night that will either result in us being homeless or getting everything we wanted and hoped for.
Eech. That sounds really rough. May you get good news and everything work out!
Oops, I meant damselindistech, not gillyrosebee. Sorry!
@LBT some of us are simply not cut out for vegetarian diets – I’m one of those people as well. Just doesn’t work for me. Soy and most other legumes don’t agree with me at all, and I can’t have gluten; and, I overall just feel crap without meat in my diet. Maybe you need it? In any case, yay for going outside!
@Ally yay for therapist! I’m thrilled for you!
@LBT just had a thought – I know you’ve had tons of bloodwork done, but how thoroughly have they checked your thyroid levels? Often they only check TSH and if that’s ok, they don’t look any further. Brain fog and weakness *could* be related, they sure were for me (and my bloodwork never flagged, until I found a place that would do a thorough test). My biggest symptoms were major depression and bone-crushing fatigue & muscle weakness.
@Tracy: TBH, I’ve had a few similar problems myself(though without the depression); not just the brain fog and off-and-on weakness, but also, I tend to feel tired a *lot* more than a person my age should…..which stinks, but I don’t think I have it as bad as you do, though, if I may be totally honest.
@Ally: Hey there, I’m happy that you found a therapist. Hope everything works out for you…..=)
RE: Tracy
@LBT some of us are simply not cut out for vegetarian diets – I’m one of those people as well.
Oh thank god I’m not the only one. I know another person who’s practically an obligate carnivore; if they don’t eat meat, and lots of it, Terrible Things Happen, but I’d never heard of it before.
I know you’ve had tons of bloodwork done, but how thoroughly have they checked your thyroid levels?
I’m not sure. I think they did check it for something, but it’s been long enough since my last sacrifice to the vampires that I’m not sure. *sigh* Much as I hate needles (yay fainting) I’ll probably end up having blood taken again at some point. I haven’t been dealing with depression, thank goodness, just cabin fever from being unable to exercise or art.
@hellkell: Yeah, I can see why that’d be so unnerving. Hopefully you’re doing alright now, though.
LBT – if it’s any comfort, I’d never manage on a vegetarian diet, either. Not, as far as I know, because it’d make me ill, but because the work involved, the lack of stuff I could eat (ie. no spicy stuff) even if it were available where I live, would make it fucking depressing if I could do it.
Young bloke I worked with a very long time ago was vegetarian, and ended up put back on meat on doctor’s orders, because he became so ill. He was thin as a lath when I knew him. I’ve no idea whether he’d mucked up and wasn’t eating the right things to get protein, or whether he was and it just wasn’t working for him, like you.
RE: Kittehs
Yeah. Like, in a way I’m kinda bummed, just because Sneak has always really wanted to be vege, and I don’t even LIKE meat that much, not like hubby, but it looks like we’ve got to eat meat or Terrible Things Happen.
Could definitely be worse, though. At least meat is easy to get. Now, gluten intolerance, THAT would be awful!
Well, that’s trashed the day.
I’ve just been made redundant. I’ve got five weeks more here.
That sucks, kittehserf, sorry to hear it.
Sorry to hear that, kitteh. :{
As for vegetarianism, I was a lacto-ovo vegetarian for 5 years in my childhood. It wasn’t too bad, although I can see why it’s not for everyone.
Oh shit, Kittehs! I’m sorry, that really bites.
It sure does. At my age and having been in a niche job for nine years, my chances of getting another job are minimal. It also means we’re going to have to look for cheaper housing.
kitteh, sorry to hear that; that’s rough.
damsel, hope your news turns out to be good.
Aw dang, Kittehs, that royally sucks. Hope you find a new place and better job soon!
And LBT, the meat thing may be due to a need for heme iron and B vitamins, especially B12. Sadly, there’s no vegetarian dietary source for those, so you might have to remain an omnivore. Health trade-offs suck sometimes, but if meat keeps you moving, eat up and don’t feel guilty.
Kittehs, so sorry about your job. That sucks!
kitteh, that sucks, I’m sorry.
What awful news, kittehs! So sorry. Hugs if they’re wanted.
Thanks, everyone.
Kitteh, I’m sorry to hear about your job. Internet hugs if you’re interested.
And to all thank you so much for your messages, they meant a lot to me.
and because it seems like so many can use some cuteness