Another open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments, supportive comments only!
Another open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments, supportive comments only!
I mean, I can do things like programming while high, but usually it doesn’t work out too well.
Saying “I need an appointment for therapy for depression etc” while having a fit of the green giggles wouldn’t be a good idea, methinks … 😛
OK, so this random man just showed up at our house saying he bought the place in 1981, and put the front door in, could he come look around? HELLO, HELL NO, DUDE. He was also saying that he knew this was intrusive, but he was picking his wife up at the airport, etc.
What the fuck? I am so freaked out right now. Maybe he’s legit, but I don’t feel like rolling those dice today.
And I get that it’s cold outside, but I couldn’t stop looking at his black leather gloves. I have seen too many horror movies.
Ugh, I’ve had similar experiences, hellkell, and I think it’s entirely reasonable to be freaked out by such a thing. Sorry to hear that. :{
Ewwww, no way, dude! Fucking creepy thing to do even if he’s legit.
Also how old was he, to have bought the house over thirty years ago?
This why my general policy is to not answer the door at all unless I’m expecting someone.
Kitteh’s, he seemed late 50s/early 60s, so it’s possible. If it’s true, he paid very little for this place, the neighborhood was miles away from “happening” in 1981.
One time when I was living with my mom, there was a potluck at the house, and one of the attendees forgot to take their own dishes back with them. So the next morning, while only my brother and I were in the house, the guy LITERALLY OPENED AN UNLOCKED BACKYARD DOOR and walked inside to grab his dishes. I didn’t care about the fact that he was sincere – he was creepy to the max and completely violated our space. So even if the guy is legit, it’s entirely reasonable to be like “fuck off.”
I’m just glad we live in a dead-end street – no reason for anyone to be driving past. We’ve a sign up telling sales/religious/charity pests to clear off, and the only people who come to the door are neighbours or delivery people.
Er, yeah, it’s reasonable not to let someone in your house. I mean, if I collapsed in the snow, I might get desperate enough to get to a house and be like, “PLEASE HELP ME” but that’s a whole different ballgame.
So even if he was legit, he went right ahead knowing he was being intrusive. That’s even worse cluelessness/entitlement than if he hadn’t thought about it at all.
Plus, who the hell wants to see their house thirty years later? I know it makes me ache every time I’ve passed the one house I think of as a home, here. I hate seeing what’s been done to it.
Now that I’m actually awake and aware of what’s going on…
@Bluecat: I’m so sorry to her about your diagnosis, but it sounds like your prognosis is good. In about two weeks, it’ll be the two year anniversary of my own cancer diagnosis and I’ve been cancer free for year and a half now. If there’s anything you need, whether it be someone to vent to, moral support or just a friendly person who’s been there to talk to, please feel free to get in touch.
@LBT: I had a situation many years ago when doctors had me thinking that I had something mentally going on that explained the excruciating pain that I was in. I’d injured my shoulder twice and, rather than do a second MRI after the second injury, I was labeled a drug seeker and essentially vilified by the doctors I was dealing with. I went to a second doctor who actually cared enough to do the work and we actually found out what the problem was. While your doctors may not be as uncaring as mine were, sometimes it can take a fresh set of eyes to figure things out. If you can, I would recommend seeking a second opinion, just to have that additional perspective.
Also, as far as blood work goes, there’s a normal range that most people fit into. That may or may not include you. For example, a normal body temperature is 98.6. My personal normal is 97.4 and getting up to 98.6 means that I have a low grade fever. Even if your vitamin levels show that you’re in a normal range, your individual body chemistry may require more or less of something. Just something to keep in mind.
@damselindetech: Glad to hear that things are on the upswing. It’s always nice to see people conquer their problems and get back on track. Gives us all hope 🙂
@Ally: I’m so sorry you’ve been going through so much crap with your father. I sincerely hope that you’re able to find a way to either limit the contact you have with him or to cut him off completely, until he gets hit by a clue by 4 and understands that his behavior is the complete opposite of the love that he claims to have for you. I’m not holding out much hope for this, so I hope that you’re able to find a way to live your life in peace and with little interference.
@ Saintnick: I’m so sorry to hear about your kitty. It seems like the ones that we don’t have for very long are the ones to touch our hearts the most. The mess makers also express their sincere condolences and send you kitty snuggles and ferret nuzzles.
I know I forgot something that I wanted to say (typing this sporadically throughout the day) and I apologize if I left anyone out. Time to go back to work. It’s not a particularly hard job, but I’m constantly moving and my back really sucks at the end of it.
Straining the yogurt increases the protein ratio, as the prime loss in the whey is water.
Bina, is your back pain the sort that might respond to wearing a support? (Apologies if you’ve heard all this far too often before!)
Nova, sorry, not Bina!
I can totally relate. I’m on a med that doesn’t allow me to take pain meds and I’m in the same situation: broken bones. nothing but advil and tylenol. it SUCKS.
What about naprosen? It’s a strong anti-inflammatory, or Toradol? That’s what they gave me at the hospital.
@LBT: nothing wrong w/ saying you eat meat. Some ppl just need the high protein.
Congrats Ally!
((())) to every1
The way you describe this sounds like Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. They’re actually the same illness but the amount of pain to exhaustion varies and it was while bfore the doctors figured out that it was the same illness. I’ve had it most of my life. Much of the time I’m pretty normal, but, like you I have times when I’m weak and/or the pain is bad. It seems to be an immune system problem related to Lupus (that runs in my family, too *eyeroll*). Sometimes it can be managed with diet, sometimes with exercise (from a physiologist, not a gym because overdoing it is dangerous and the physiologists know when you’ve had enough, which tends to be looooong before you pick it up yourself). I found that one of the best ways of dealing with it is through being creative- but I know you’ve already figured that out!
Please, if you need to talk about it or there’s some other way I can help, please let me know. I know these things are hard to deal with and usually the ways that people deal with them are very interesting and unusual.
@kittehserf: I work in a well fitted corset and it provides some back support, but it doesn’t really help much. It’s mostly RA (we think) in my hips and pelvis, along with sciatica. My job involves being on my feet, constantly moving for 6-8 hours, with an occasional 5 minute smoke break and it’s not something I’ve done for a very long time. I’ll be fine in a few days, after my body gets used to it a bit more.
It’s worth it because I really like my job and my coworkers. I wasn’t sure about it yesterday, but, now that it’s clear that I’m going to stick around, my coworkers rock and it’s a ton of fun.
If you haven’t had your interview already, ask them point-blank what kind of hours you’d be expected to work, and then ask them to put that in writing.
I recently learned that Texas is not only a right-to-work state (read: we can fire you whenever we want), but also that they have no laws preventing the demanding of overtime. A buddy of mine has been working 55-hour weeks for months now, at a site an hour away from his home. He’s making nice money (nearly double his normal wages), but he’s completely burnt out, and has no idea when they’re going to end the long hours.
Wow. Lots of news in this thread. Hugs to everyone who needs/wants them. Congrats to those with good news!
I’m only just now catching up with this thread. I’m still enduring what I’m hoping is the tail end of my migraine streak and that’s cut way down on my internet/reading time for the last not-quite-week. (I have meds, but they cause rebounds and aren’t completely effective; I’m working with my doctor to work out something to control them better.)
Nova – ow, RA. 🙁 I’m glad you’ve got a good support corset. They can make a big difference.
I found a very good arthritis cream recently, Goanna brand (don’t know if it’s available in the US). It’s good for muscle pain, too – I used it on my knee for the torn cartilage and muscles – and it works very quickly. Unlike most rubs of that sort, it isn’t hot and it doesn’t make you smell like a locker room, which is a major plus!
This is some info on the active ingredient in Goanna: Triethanolamine Salicylate
Pecunium — have you tried it? Does it do shit for you? Cuz if you both like it, I’m sold.