off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: March 2014 Flying Cat Edition

Is it a bird? Ooh, a bird. Where?
Is it a bird? Ooh, a bird. Where?

Another open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments, supportive comments only!

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11 years ago

In the vein of side-notes of cool stuff,I have a baby orchid. One of the Phal x Milt has decided to bud out on an old raceme. Odds it’s a clone of the parent, but it’s possible for such buds to revert to one of the parents.

When it’s got some solid pseudobulbs I’ll plant it.

11 years ago

The traffic is LA heinous, the rents/cost of living is skyrocketing, and letโ€™s talk about heat. Do you like the feeling that youโ€™re residing in Satanโ€™s taint? If so, COME ON DOWN. If you want to pay hundreds of dollars a month in the summer to keep your ass from broiling alive, book that Yโ€™all Haul.

You will need car because public transpo ainโ€™t shit, and thereโ€™s hardly sidewalks outside downtown. Make sure you get the best car insurance you can, then pray the mofo who hitsโ€“it will happenโ€“has it the first place.

That is a perfect description of the area and exactly why I left. I’m actually closer to Portland now, though I’m still in California – prefer it in every way imaginable. It’s not perfect (public transport is only slightly less awful) but the air’s cleaner, the food’s better, and so are the people.

I’m glad February is over now, myself. Not for the usual reasons (like Valentine’s Day making me feel lonelier than usual) but something more heart-breaking: one of the two cats I adopted some months back died. She wasn’t a very healthy (even had her tested and…nothing came up, it was weird) and I did my best to take care of her. Part of me knew she wasn’t going to live long, but she was a real sweetheart and made for good company. Curling up next to me when playing games or holding her while I was watching something at my computer, she was also really friendly with my neighbors. I didn’t have her as long as I have my previous pets – but I already miss her a lot. Even though she made messes on the carpet constantly and kept scratching up my legs to try jumping on me. The night before, she was just acting under the weather – which wasn’t unusual – and found her stiff the next morning right next to my door.

Her sister, who is the complete opposite in terms of health, is also lonely without a playmate around and is spending more time outside. I’m thinking of adopting another cat – but I’m not sure if she’ll like that (though she’s friendly with my neighbor’s polydactyl orange tabby – I call him “Mr. Hemingway”). She’s at least more receptive as far as cuddling goes, which she hasn’t been in the past.

11 years ago

Sorry about your kitty, saintnick.

I’m leaving more hugs in the barrel for anyone who needs one.

Michael S. Olsen.
Michael S. Olsen.
11 years ago

I love you Nick, and you know if there’s anything you need,just ask, you know where to find me. I will grab a hug from Cloudiah’s bottomless barrel for myself, just because staying semisober is harder than expected.

11 years ago


I think you should know that while I was watching that SPCA video, my kitty Sekhmet (a rescue) came up and started power-cuddling me.

11 years ago

saintnick, I’m so sorry your kitty died. Adding to the hugs, and I’d say yes, get another as companion for her sister.

Ally – seconding LBT: the dirtbag’s saying “I’m always going to do this, I’m going to pursue you all even if I manage to give myself an unlikely extra forty years to do it in, so you’d better all obey me in every thought and action if you want to minimise the beatings and mind games … even though that obedience won’t make a jot of difference.”

It’s just another of his threats. Fuck him. Stick to talking to the family who do care about you, Ally. The ones who don’t have demonstrated themselves unfit to be your relatives. They’re just acting as barriers between you and the chance to be who you are and have family-by-choice, aka friends.

11 years ago

Sorry about your kitty, Saintnick. That’s really hard. Thanks for what you did for her in the time she had.

11 years ago

From below: Itโ€™s just that I canโ€™t even FIND Greek yogurt these days thatโ€™s not low-fat or no-fat.

you will need 1 large strainer & some coffee filters. put strainer over a bowl, put coffee filter in strainer. fill with regular yoghurt. put coffee filter on top. drain a few hours for “greek-style”, or longer for a thicker, almost “cream cheese spread”. great on bagels

11 years ago

I am in my own personal hell because I slipped in the ice and broke my ankle right before New Year’s and I am, for unknown reasons, enormously resistant to pain killers. I haven’t had a pain-free waking moment since, they’ve switched me from oxycodone to hydrocodone, and nothing, nada, zero, zip, zilch, I am in constant pain. If this damn thing doesn’t heal soon I will do something drastic.

11 years ago


theyโ€™ve switched me from oxycodone to hydrocodone, and nothing, nada, zero, zip, zilch, I am in constant pain.

Have you been able to consult a specialist anaesthetist? Anaesthetists who consult with patients directly for pain management are much less common than those who deal primarily with surgeons and ICU facilities but they are around and they can be very good. If it’s that bad there should be procedures available to block (some of) the nerves as well as or instead of other drugs/procedures to numb and/or paralyse the area. It might mean a long period of immobility but you need something. I know feet and ankles are notoriously bad for this sort of thing but sports medicine specialists and pain management clinics have some experience in this area.

You might get a benefit of the kind some people talk about with grief. It never goes away, but the serious episodes of deep distress get further and further apart as time goes on. So you might not be able to get a steady reduction of such feelings and problems, but you could find the gaps between episodes get longer as you accumulate more time in a better environment.

But it will take months rather than weeks for you to notice such a change. So you can have some sliver of hope even while the problems are overwhelming you.

Big barrels o’ hugs – noncontact as needed – for both of you.

11 years ago

@ David: Glad to be here. It was rough, butโ€ฆ what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I learned a lot from the situation and did make some positive changes, although I can think of a million better ways for it to have happened. But, it’s over and I’m glad for it.

@ Argenti: Great to see you! My internet usage and phone calls were so closely watched that I couldn’t do anything without getting a bunch of crap about it. I’d get a bunch of crap if I did absolutely nothing, soโ€ฆ we’re all just happy to be safe and ok right now. The fuzz balls are normally pretty ok with it, although it’s a huge adjustment.

I need some sleep. Badly. I got up at 7 am and was hired at a nightclub at 4 pm. My first shift was last night, 6 pm to 2:30. No breaks. Not that I’m complaining. I’m THRILLED to have a job!

11 years ago

I broke my front tooth again. So now it’s dental work to get it replaced. Until then, I have a smile straight out of a cartoon.

But on the other hand, I have a job and I’m studying stuff and have a second, part time job so I can work with that and afford it.

They updated the danish conversion scale for International Baccalaureate graduates to be more in keeping with the rest of the world, and my grade point average jumped up a truly hilarious amount (not that gpa’s matter as such for anyhting but an admissions standpoint, but this really is the kind of jump that is almost stupid, and just further makes me laugh at the idea of a standardized testing metrics)

So I’ve been thinking about applying / studying medicine and moving into psycotherapy further down the line. Or anything. Anything. I can pick damn near any subject at uni and not worry about getting in and I have no clue what to actually pick, or if I should at all, because why not just get a job and… argh.

The update didn’t fix my odd math grade, so I’m taking an exam sometime in June.

I am no longer sick with the flu, thus finishing my Annual VIral Update! After going blind in one eye, losing 7 kgs of body weight and no longer having a fever that meant I could boil eggs on my forehead, I’m now healthy-ish. If it all keeps as it normally does, I won’t have to worry about getting sick for another 10 months. Hurrah!

On the other hand I lost fucking 7 kgs of body weight christ I have no physical material and the slightest breeze can make me kind of gently hove and float in the air, like some wind tossed thing.

After a pause of four years I wrote a short story the other day.
It is difficult to put into words just how nice it feels to do something like that again.

Good fortune to anyone who needs it ๐Ÿ™‚

11 years ago

@LBT: Sorry to hear you’re hurting. That sucks. I made a small donation on your website – to be used for something nice for you! As a thank you for when your comic made me feel better on a crappy day.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I’m not awake yet, so everyone I’m not directly replying to please make use of the fish tank next to the barrel of hugs, if you have rings or other clean shiny things puff will be happy to play with you!

Nova — blarg, monitored communication is ass, but you’re out now, and the furry ones are settling in, and you got a job! Good luck getting back on your feet!

LBT — I know I do it, and pecunium’s said service members do too — when you DON’T have to deal with the stress anymore is when the lack of it hits you as a weird thing. I’m not sure I can really explain it pre-coffee, but being able to collapse and not have the world end may be behind your current collapse, as illogical as that sounds.

11 years ago

AJ, I am so sorry about what happened! I’ve no suggestions, only hugs. ๐Ÿ™

11 years ago

So, interesting new development.

Looks like RooshV got into a physical altercation in Poland and will be charged with assault:

That is a thread kept up by his friends on his personal forum.

Looks like being a douche and a misogynist catches up with you…

11 years ago

RE: takshak

fill with regular yoghurt. put coffee filter on top. drain a few hours for โ€œgreek-styleโ€

Does that make it more protein-y? Not gonna lie, main reason I eat Greek yogurt is it has more protein than the normal kind.

RE: mildlymagnificent

You might get a benefit of the kind some people talk about with grief.

Here’s hoping. Once my health insurance is entirely online, I’m also planning to hit up a neurologist. Like, if it’s indeed psychosomatic, I will happily take my lumps, but if there’s something else behind it, I want to know.

RE: Nova

Iโ€™m THRILLED to have a job!

Congratulations! That’s always a great feeling isn’t it, even if the job is hard.

RE: girlscientist

I made a small donation on your website โ€“ to be used for something nice for you! As a thank you for when your comic made me feel better on a crappy day.

Aw, thank you! I was wondering where that money came from! Thanks to you and a couple other little donations, this means I can post another story! Do any interest you? (This is directed to both you and all other folks on Manboobz who like my work.) Even without an LJ, you can just tell me your votes and I’ll put ’em in myself.

RE: Argenti

being able to collapse and not have the world end may be behind your current collapse, as illogical as that sounds.

It wouldn’t surprise me, though the timing seems a little off for that kind of thing. At this point, though, just about anything sounds plausible. Now, if only the damn thing would go away! I live on the third floor and stairs are AWFUL to navigate on crutches.

11 years ago

Welp, hubby is now trying to solve my problems with meat. (And wipe that look off your face, perverts.) In the past, devouring flesh of the innocent would sometimes beat a collapse, and now it’s lasted long enough that apparently he’s turning to the old trick.

I really am not cut out to be a vegetarian. ๐Ÿ™

11 years ago

My husband just got over a dose of twiga (that which is going around). He’s out at brunch with friends – yay! First time leaving the house for fun in a week. Also, I’m back drawing. There’s a technique called Zentangle, which is like mindful doodling. I had massive resistance, because art/creativity brings up issues like nobody’s business for me, but my sheer bloody minded stubbornness carried the day. Curiously, almost everyone who does it or teaches it is a woman. I have no idea why; you hold the pen in your hand, which is not gender related.

11 years ago

Good to hear your husband’s well again, Robert, and that the drawing’s firing. ๐Ÿ™‚

Ally S
11 years ago

I finally found a therapist! ^_^ She specializes in anxiety/depressive disorders and trans/queer issues for young folks. And she has a sliding scale and practices in downtown Boulder. I’m so glad.

11 years ago

Yay! Got an appointment yet?

11 years ago

Good news, Ally! Sounds like a winning combination.

Ally S
11 years ago

Unfortunately it’s rather difficult to schedule appointments while under the influence but I’ll try to do so tonight when I’m sober!

11 years ago

LOL yes, doing the warblearglebargle while making an appointment might not be the best idea!