Another open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments, supportive comments only!
Another open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments, supportive comments only!
No worries – I’m certainly not going to demand advice from anyone, especially not someone who is unable to give advice for any reason.
Ally, are you looking just for jobs in your field, or any sort of work? Because at this point I’d say you should cast your net very wide. I know living at your mum’s is proving less than ideal but it’s got to be better than going back to CA. If you have some sort of work to pay your rent, won’t that settle your stepfather’s money worries a bit? And you’ve got a great therapist right there; that’s another important reason to stay put if possible.
I saw the aftermath of a road crash this morning – blood on the road. A motorcyclist was killed by a car. The driver’s been arrested.
Ally, no great advice from me either; just hoping for all the best for you.
kittehs, how upsetting. I’ve only seen accidents where the people survived, and those were upsetting enough.
More sobering than upsetting, really. Be different if I’d seen the poor man.
There are still some things I need to sort out, but overall it turns out I’ll most likely go back to Santa Cruz. I can’t have a stable living situation here. Sure I’ll be stressed out beyond belief if I go back to California and I’ll most likely be prevented by family members from even trying to transition, but at least I won’t have to worry as much about the place I sleep at. Worst comes to worst, I can stay with a trans woman friend of mine in Santa Cruz who is more than happy to let me stay at her place. I trust her a lot as a friend, and she has helped me out in the past before.
In other news, I had yet another nightmare last night. Not only did it include an extremely graphic and violent rape, but it was also transmisogynistic and had no clear meaning. I seem to be getting these nightmares more often over time. ::sigh::
Ally, all the hugs you need are yours.
I don’t know any one in, or anything about that area, but I hope it all works out. I’m glad you have some people you trust, there, who can help out in a pinch.
Kittehserf, you can also have hugs if you need them. Accidents with paint and blood are just awful.
Total thanks to Zippydoo, Kittehserf, and Kootiepatra, (and others) for their advice in the other thread. I just decided maybe I ought to move over here, because I’m not so sure I want to share/hear the opinions of trolls…
Kittehs, totally took your advice, and talked to the second of the roomies, and I’m going to talk to the other one tonight, when they emerge from the homework den. I think you’re also right about my friend totally getting my clueless-ness.
I guess for me, the big fear is not noticing the ‘obvious’ signals, that people talk about, because I just don’t understand or know what they are. A second fear is inadvertently sending wrong signals (and making someone think I’m interested), because I don’t know what those wrong signals are.
My roomies doing the teasing speculating thing just made me have a little bit of a I don’t understand people and what if things are being weird and not going good places and what if I’m sending signals I don’t mean and ahhhhh!!! attack.
Bit of an out there example, which explains some of my concern:
I was on vacation, and was wandering about with a camera. An older person walks past with a small bag of groceries. They say “Hi”, we start a polite conversation, because it’s the weekend, and they apparently have nothing better to do.
It turns into a pretty cordial, slightly interesting, conversation. I like hearing other viewpoints. I’m still taking photos of trees, and fountains, and the park, in general while we chat. To me, it seemed perfectly normal and polite, just like most conversations with people on planes, or in checkout lines, or other places in my hometown.
Finally, I decide I’m done taking photos of trees, and want to make my way back to the place I was staying. I go for a “Nice to meet you, it was a nice conversation, and good luck with life” handshake, and the person tried to turn it into a hug and a kiss. I dodged, and the person hit the ear instead of their intended target.
They noticed the evasive maneuvering, and then asked if they could kiss me.
I said, “Thanks, but no thank you. I really should be going now,” backed away, waved, and then walked swiftly off in the long way back to the place I was staying, so the person wouldn’t know exactly what direction it was.
I know this person invading my personal space was not my fault. If they had tried invading it again, and pressed the issue, I was fairly confident in my ability to get away (I’m a 1st degree black-belt, it was a wide open public area, with joggers and walkers all around, and the person didn’t have anywhere to easily conceal and access a weapon).
Still, the thing that freaked me out once I was sufficiently far away from the situation to freak out and get out of my stay calm get the hell away mode, was that I totally wasn’t expecting that person’s change in behavior. I didn’t see anything that indicated this wasn’t a ‘friendly local, giving tips about pretty areas to bumbling photographer, and talking about differences in the generational worldview’.
Also, the idea that if this person was trying to flirt and thought that I was receptive enough to move in for a totally uninvited kiss is also way disturbing.
Sorry for the wall of text… but I’m trying to sort this out and typing kind of helps.
No apologies needed!
You know, I’m neurotypical (at least as far as I know) and I’d have been caught totally off-base by that person’s actions. Long conversation about general topics with stranger =/= invitation to hug, let alone kiss! That is absolutely blah horrible, and would definitely have sent me into a spin. I don’t imagine I’d have seen it coming, either. It is shocking to be treated like that, and I’m starting to wonder if they were clueless or changed behaviour deliberately, knowing they’d startle you. Gakkk.
One can be neurotypical and have no idea someone’s trying to flirt. I usually don’t, except when it’s some jackass who’s being totally bleeding obvious in his words (and is usually a good bit older than me, which is extra creepy because I look younger than I am).
My instinctive reaction to an attempted kiss from anyone except Mr K or girlfriends-I-haven’t-seen-in-years is to dodge, so I’ve had a few ear-kisses over the years.
I’m really glad to have given some useful advice! Doesn’t happen often. 😛 I hope roomies get it, because that situation sounds horribly uncomfortable.
Yesterday was really rough. All day I felt intensely self-loathing, lonely, and anxious about going back to California. By the time I returned home from a short outing with my mom, I was exhausted and I wished I had some means of catharsis. I was trying to write about my feelings (what I usually do when I’m feeling shitty and I need to vent), but I had no energy to do so.
Later on, I started helping out my step-dad. He asked me to do a bit of cleaning, and then he asked me to get some jars of water with shower water in them. I had falsely assumed that the water from the shower head was virtually the same as the water from the tub faucet, so I got it from the tub faucet instead (it turns out that the shower head has a filter).
My step-dad put the clippings of some plants into those jars of water, and then later he asked me if I got the shower water or the tub water. I told him the jars had tub water in them, and he became furious. I’ll give him the benefit of doubt and assume that he didn’t know that angry yelling is triggering for me, but his yelling was very distressing to me. I also felt guilty because he and my mom are in a tough financial situation, and I feared that my mistake would cost them. After all, he did yell “Fuck, now the plants are going to die!” He then told me to take one jar back into the house, and he said that as though I’m so incompetent I can’t even follow simple instructions (his words: “I want you to take this jar in. Can you do that!?!“).
I was already feeling shitty earlier – that event only made me feel worse. I ran up to my room almost immediately and cried into my pillow for about 10 minutes. I couldn’t believe I made such a stupid, costly mistake. I felt like I failed everyone and that everyone would suffer because of me not paying enough attention to just a few words from my step-dad. Fortunately, it later turned out that the plants were okay because they weren’t in the tub water jars for very long, and they were transferred to jars of filtered water immediately.
I still feel bad about what I did, though that’s no surprise. Oh well. At least listening to Jimi Hendrix is making me feel a little better for some reason.
Content note: dog bites
I just got back from the emergency room, where I spent six hours waiting to get stitches after a boxer at work bit me in the fucking face. It could have been a lot worse – she got my upper lip, but she didn’t bite through or tear it open, just carved out a couple of gouges. Still, I have to take really good care of it to avoid scarring (though I think a scar could be cool). And I was there so long and got so hungry and got fed so many meds on my empty stomach that when I finally did get some food, it just made me sick.
And I couldn’t even post this from the hospital, because their wifi blocks ManBoobz.
At least I have tomorrow off.
Emily, yow! That’s awful! Hopefully it won’t scar, unless it turns out to be a really cool one.
Ally, what you’re dealing with is really shitty. Your step-dad is being an abusive asshole. (And why the fuck would he have assumed you would assume that there was a difference between the shower water and the tub water. In my tub they come out of the same fucking pipe.)
Hugs for everyone, if they’re wanted.
D: That’s awful, emilygoddess! I’m really glad the damage wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, and hope you’re able to get a lot of rest tomorrow.
Ally, you made a completely understandable mistake, and your stepfather’s reaction was way out of proportion. That would have been terribly upsetting to me, too. I’m sorry.
I wouldn’t really call my step-dad abusive – just thoroughly unpleasant whenever he’s stressed out. If he knew that I found angry yelling triggering but still yelled at me, then I would call him out as an abuser. Not only did he not know that, but this is also the only time he has really done something like this. And I could tell his apology was genuine. He didn’t try to excuse himself or pretend that he was justified in yelling at me. So I forgive him.
Ally, he yelled at you for getting water from the wrong place? Jeez. Dude needs to sort out his priorities. (Who the hell gets water out of the shower head? How could you be expected to know that?)
Emily: Ow! That sounds both painful and terrifying! I’m glad it wasn’t too serious–I can imagine how badly a boxer could mess up someone’s face.
Yikes, emilygoddess! D= I hope you feel better soon.
Ouch, emilygoddess. Hope you’re all better soon. And hugs to Ally.
And an adorable bunny cheater to anyone who could use a giggle.
Cloudiah, I lol’d really loud at the gif, and again when I noticed the human’s body language.
Unrelated: has anyone heard from Argenti lately?
Just talked to zir today. Zie was really busy with a project.
Emilygoddess: ouch, speedy healing!
My aunt’s evil Siamese–aptly named Satan–once pierced my lip. THAT got my attention!
That is far too generous. Angry yelling is distressing to most people. Not the same as triggering obviously, but there is no way anyone could think that yelling angrily at someone isn’t going to have an emotional impact. I haven’t been through anything like what you have and I find angry yelling *near* me distressing. No one is as oblivious as your benefit of doubt is letting him be, unless they are wilfully oblivious.
Hey everybody. I’m not in a terrible way or anything, but I have the pre-con jitters but BAD.
Tomorrow, I’m heading out to Columbus for the Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo. I’m already pretty nervous, because I know not a single soul in the entire damn city, never mind my co-creators and con staff, and have absolutely no idea whether this’ll be a moneymaker or a wallet black hole. But it’s also going to require me to be in town for at least three days (possibly four), and do fifteen hours of solid sales.
That sort of thing is exhausting for me at the best of times, and in the past two weeks, I’ve also had a death in the family, a writeathon, and my taxes due. (Don’t even get me started on those; I’ve never made so little in my working life and been expected to pay so much. Self-employment while disabled is ASS.) So I’m already really stressed out and anxious, going into what is a really draining situation for me.
I’m sure I’ll be fine and have a good time, and if I collapse midway through, then that’s just what happens, but I’m still pretty nervous about it.
Good luck with the con, LBT.