Another open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments, supportive comments only!
Another open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments, supportive comments only!
Ally and LBT, that’s wonderful news!
I’m glad you both are feeling better, and that things are finally looking up.
I’d write more, but so much coursework to do, by tomorrow. EEEEP!
neuroticbeagle is correct.
There’s also this.

Yay, LBT and Ally!
RE: trans_commie
=D Let’s throw an imaginary party. With kittens, cupcakes, and a strict no MRA policy.
I am totally down for an imaginary party. This is worthy of celebration.
RE: Fibinachi
Talk about your art changing lives for the better
I know, right? And this is why I do what I do, what I’ve always wanted to do, and I’m still boggled that I seem to have achieved it!
Gah, what a weekend. First, had to buy Windows 8 since they’re withdrawing support for XP next week. First impressions: it sucks even more than Windows 7. Second impression: I hate the way all the ads have to be blocked and blocked and blocked again on Firefox, and constant delete-this-malware/adware programs run when I’m trying to download the programs I need. Third impression: what’s with fucking screens that have no menus, nothing to tell you how to get rid of the pdf or whatever it is you’re reading? Fourth impression: I had to pay $150 for this shit???
Then, had to take Mads to the vet. Yes, she does have flu, though not affecting her lungs, thank goodness. She also has $180 worth of anti-inflammatories, decongestants and antibiotics to take for the next fortnight.
Oh, and to top it off, the fucking software for my camera doesn’t work. I can’t download pictures onto the computer.
Ugh. One of THOSE weekends. Would kitten butts help?
Well, they certainly helped ME. :):)
Kitten butts! It looks like the little gray one is actually standing in the food bowl. XD
This was kind of surreal after the kitteh butts. It took me a while to figure out you meant head or tail of a molecule. At least, I assume that’s what you meant.
Now I’m picturing somebody with long hair in a bubble bath, but the bubbles are all kitties. It’s adorable. And weird.
Kitty butts are always helpful!
Uh. So guys. I just found out my cousin died. He was only two years older than me, young, healthy… kind of a big shock.
The thing is… my aunt and my brother have both asked me to come to the funeral. Which my parents will also be at.
(Note to newer Boobzers: my parents and I aren’t on speaking terms, haven’t been for years. Also, none of that side of the family EXCEPT our parents have seen us since we transitioned.)
I’m not going to make a decision about it now, and the writeathon is not canceled, but it’s definitely going to be slowed down, and I’m still just kind of stunned. Our cousin never did anything cruel to us, he seemed to be a generally decent guy, and I still can’t quite grasp that he’s gone. We weren’t hugely close, but…
Yeah, I’m just still kind of stunned is all. I just found out maybe an hour ago.
LBT, I’m so sorry.
Whatever you decide to do, I’ll hope for the best. Not that there really is a best when it comes to unexpected deaths (or any deaths, really)…
LBT, so sorry. 🙁
LBT: That’s awful. I’m so sorry.
LBT: Oh no! Well, keep whatever schedule will work for you–don’t let the writeathon be an additional source of stress.
Yeah. Like, it’ll be okay, death isn’t really a shocker to this system, and we weren’t hugely close with this guy. Just kinda… a surprise, because had you asked me to list the top ten family members likely to kick it, he wouldn’t have been on it. Poor guy.
April was already going to be pretty hectic, with a con, a writeathon, and a possible expo. It’s looking pretty firmly like we aren’t going to go to the funeral, though. Just too much possibility for explosion, and REALLY not wanting to be around our parents. We can pay our respects from a distance.
I am sorry for your loss. Take the time you need and go or not, according to your own desire.
Yes, you absolutely can. I guarantee you that you won’t hurt his feelings if you don’t go to his funeral.
If you find yourself needing some kind of closure (yes, this is weird, but it helps), you can crash somebody else’s funeral.
We didn’t have a funeral when a beloved uncle died. I’m not really religious, but I felt kind of adrift and uneasy about it until I attended the funeral for a co-worker’s son a few months later. It kind of felt like a big commercial to join the church, and was strange and Catholic (which I’m not), but it provided the closure for my uncle’s death that I didn’t really know I was looking for.
Unexpected death really sucks.
RE: Unimaginative
I guarantee you that you won’t hurt his feelings if you don’t go to his funeral.
Oh god, I’m sure you didn’t intend this to be funny, but it totally is.
Going to someone else’s funeral actually doesn’t sound like a half-bad idea. Or just going to one of the local cemeteries and paying our respects to the dead there. Sneak (my younger sibling) has been getting into mysticism lately and was thinking of lighting a candle for him or having a little ceremony. Perhaps I’ll join zer.
Well, goodnight all. This Oregon granny is watching Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein and I might even top it off with Young Frankenstein.
I really like this place. Sweet dreams!
That sucks. My condolences.
LBT: I’m sorry.
:: hugs LBT ::