off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: March 2014 Flying Cat Edition

Is it a bird? Ooh, a bird. Where?
Is it a bird? Ooh, a bird. Where?

Another open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments, supportive comments only!

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10 years ago

Wow, Emily, that sounds like a horrible night! That is one reason I don’t think I could ever work at a vet’s office!

10 years ago

I think Mads might be a Spider-Killing Hero Cat. Mum found a dead huntsman in (or next to, I forget) her slipper the other night. Not just dead, but lying on its back, which doesn’t sound like natural causes to me – more like unnatural pawses.

Maybe I can get her a job as an exterminator. Think of the money a cute kitteh could make going around splatting spiders for humans!

Had another happy realisation yesterday: if I’ve got to be made redundant, this is a good time of year for it to happen. I’ll get more time to enjoy autumn instead of having to sit in front of a cooler at home!

10 years ago

I’m trying to encourage my cats to kill the spiders in my room, but they’re so lazy. :<

10 years ago

So’s Mads, most of the time. This is her first kill (if in fact she did it).

What sort of spiders do you get in Boulder, Ally?

10 years ago


Widow spiders, wolf spiders and brown recluses. Mostly just wolf spiders, fortunately. @_@

10 years ago

I am feeling lonely and I need a vacation.

(I feel safer posting this whine here than on my FB page).

Thank you.

10 years ago

I’ve just looked up brown recluse spiders and I see they’re also called violin spiders – I wonder if they play the world’s smallest violins? 😉

I’m glad to say we don’t seem to have wolf spiders around here, though there are plenty in the country.

10 years ago

::hugs for grumpycatisagirl::

10 years ago

I’ve just looked up brown recluse spiders and I see they’re also called violin spiders – I wonder if they play the world’s smallest violins? 😉

They are some of the most vicious spiders out there. Their bites are potentially necrotic, and if you have the stomach for it you can find out what “necrotic bite” means if you Google it. Their venom can eat away at and disfigure human skin completely.

If they played violins, though, maybe I wouldn’t be so frightened by them.

10 years ago

Just a second warning: unless you aren’t squeamish, googling “necrotic bite from brown recluse” will almost certainly ruin your evening or give you nightmares.

10 years ago

Ha, yeah, we have necrotic bite spiders here, too – white-tails. I’m way more worried about them than I am about huntsmen, whose venom isn’t so bad. I’ve seen pics of spider-bite necrosis, I know how horrible it is.

Curious, Wiki says the brown recluses are pretty, well, reclusive, ie. not aggressive, and tend to bite only if they’re pressed against you, like if they’re caught in clothing. Still, I don’t want any spider on me, whether it bites or not!

10 years ago

Thanks for the hugs!

10 years ago

I actually like spiders, but I don’t live in an area where lots of really nasty venomous ones are about.

10 years ago

:: hugs for all, with extra hugs for Ally, grumpycatisagirl, and Samantha ::

Brown recluses, widows, and other poisonous things make me very glad to live somewhere that they don’t. Well, except for the occasional one that sneaks in on shipments of potting soil, or in luggage.

To the dear Australians who post here, if even half of the internet tropes about everything being out to get you are true, you are brave, brave people.

10 years ago

To the dear Australians who post here, if even half of the internet tropes about everything being out to get you are true, you are brave, brave people.


Have you ever read Bill Bryson’s Down Under? Now there’s a man living in fear of his life when he visited. 😛

10 years ago

I am feeling lonely and I need a vacation.

(big hugs for grumpcatisagirl)

10 years ago

Thanks, all you friendly kitties!

10 years ago

Ahoy, High Priestess of Furrinati Iconography! That pic of the kitty walking cane you found the other day?

Reader, I bought it.

10 years ago

Yea! I thought it would be purrrrfect for you (and hopefully Mads will enjoy it as well).

10 years ago

She’s such a flirt with walking sticks, she probably will. Why, I’ve seen her making up to BOTH my walking sticks at once.

10 years ago

LOL. The Furrinati will do as it damn well pleases.

10 years ago


10 years ago

Mama the dog says that the cane would look better with beagles on it, but the kitties are ok- better than having a picture of a human on it. (Actually I think she would prefer a picture of food-wait, I stand corrected. Food is much better as a perfume than a picture if it has to be in non edible form! she woofs at me.)

She says to give the kitties beagle kisses and snuggles for her.

10 years ago

Kitties give Mama kitty kisses back!

They do have doggie designs for that cane …

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