Another open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments, supportive comments only!
Another open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments, supportive comments only!
Ally, you do whatever you need to do to be and to feel safe.
Speaking of kitties, look what’s back in stock:
I would buy those leggings in a hot minute if they were cotton. The polyester ones feel like pantyhose to me, and NOPE.
I can get away with polyester in cooler weather, but yeah, I have to wear cotton (or at least a cotton mix) in summer. As it is I’ll probably have to wear something under these, because odds are the seams will scratch abominably.
Ah, I love The Cat Who. . . books! They started a trend of fun mystery cat series. That was a very good trend to start.
OMFG, I read all those books. I collected them when I was a teenager.
Ugh, my fucking job…
Guy who trained me: You should do $thing!
Me: *does $thing*
Me training someone else a few months later: you should do $thing!
Supervisor: No, you’re not allowed to do that
Me: Oh, sorry! *stops doing $thing*
Manager, a few weeks later: I heard you were doing $thing. I know you stopped doing it as soon as you were told, but here’s an official warning anyway.
Am I being childish, or is this kind of unfair?
Katz, I was about to say that looked like the kind of sci-fi/paranormal thriller I’d enjoy, and then I realized it wasn’t (being sold as) fiction. I think I’d still enjoy skimming it for the lulz, though. Did your in-laws send it for a laugh, or to warn you?
Not childish and definitely unfair, emilygoddess. Gotta love management’s selective memories.
I’m really enjoying The Cat Who books. I’m on the third so far. Only trouble is they’re so short, it only takes me a day or two to finish them.
Still, at least they’re only taking up space in my e-reader, not on the shelf!
I also bought a bio of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, but I’m going to be DISCIPLINED! and save that for reading on the plane.
They’re short, but on the other hand there’s 30 of them . . .
To warn me.
That work thing does sound totally unfair.
That “stuff started in 2012 and going to happen in 2016” sounds like a bit of “hey we got the dates wrong” doomsday backpedalling. Harold Camping, anyone?
::cloudiah puts on union steward hat, and cape, and leotard, and monocle::
@emilygoddess, That is officially unfair. It is management’s responsibility to make sure you were trained properly, and in any case, a warning would only be warranted if you didn’t stop immediately once corrected. Exceptions could be made if (a) the error were super-serious (like life-threatening) and (b) a reasonable person could have foreseen it was in fact a “wrong thing to do.” (Like if you were officially trained that it was okay to embezzle a certain amount of money, an employer could say you should have known that wasn’t okay.)
Damn, if I’d known union stewards got to dress like that, I’d have put my hand up for the job.
It’s been posted in the news in various places that Fred Phelps, Sr. is dying and has also been thrown out of the Westboro Baptist Church:
Can’t help, auggz, sorry. They didn’t even have throw-away lenses the last time I tried ’em. đ
Nova – Raw Story has the piece about Phelps, too, and someone in the comments there was saying they couldn’t fathom why he went down that hater’s path. According to them he used to be a brilliant lawyer and wasn’t the rabid homophobe he’s known as now.
@Auggziliary: Don’t know, don’t care, in regard to the excommunication. The only thing that I could find was that he wanted church members to be kinder to each other and that was not well received. Apparently, they’re just as bad to each other as they are to the population in general and are happy to keep it that way. So sad, as most members of the WBC are his relatives.
I’m very thankful that, when he’s dead, there will be one less hateful asshole in the world. I genuinely feel for his excommunicated relatives as, while he’s a complete assbag, he was still their father/ grandfather/ uncle/ relative. Must be hard to deal with the mixed feelings.
But, I hope that LGBT groups are able to do something positive with the news. Holding fundraisers, awareness drives and things like that would be a wonderful way to mark his passing.
He’s being excommunicated?
He wanted them to be nicer to each other?
Wow, all the irony there. Real case of “as ye sow.” (I always go to write that as sew … now that’d be a good mixed metaphor.)
I came across a thing once before I’d ever heard of WBC that talked about how Fred came about founding the church, and it read like a “how to abuse your spouse and children and bully every person you come into contact with” manual. It was revolting, and everything I’ve ever seen or heard about the WBC since then has led me to believe that account was probably more accurate than not.
Someone else on RS wondered if the family’s finally turned on Phelps as an abuser who’s lost his power over them. Sounds very plausible after reading that, Unimaginative.
Yeah, I’ve seen a bit of that since 2012 came and went: “oh, well, the BIG THING only started in 2012, so we haven’t seen the effects yet. But it’s totally happening”. Some of the more realistic (or profit-driven) ones even started saying that before the date came and went, just in case.
One of his sons has suggested that his dad might be a literal rage addict. Other former church members say the entire point was to goad people into either hitting him or restricting his freeze peaches, so he could sue their pants off with his brilliant lawyer skills.
I had heard about Phelps’s poor health, not his excommunication, and my reaction to both is generally to avoid it as much as possible. Why on earth would I WANT to expend any of my precious brain energy on such a hasteful, twisted wretch of a man?
“Restricting his freeze peaches” made me think of a really chilly codpiece.
Maybe that’s why the dudebros get so worked up about it …