off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: March 2014 Flying Cat Edition

Is it a bird? Ooh, a bird. Where?
Is it a bird? Ooh, a bird. Where?

Another open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments, supportive comments only!

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10 years ago

@contrapangloss, @sparky, @kitteh

Thanks guys. :> I’m feeling better today.

(BTW, contrapangloss, I don’t mean to be too nitpicky, but a lot of trans people don’t like the term “transgendered” for various reasons. I’m sure you didn’t mean any harm by it, but it’s important to know. “trans” or “transgender” is perfectly fine, though.)

10 years ago

If that is what you call nitpicking, then by all means carry on picking nits!

I hadn’t thought about it, and it’s good to know. I’d rather get corrected on things like that sooner, rather than later.

Thanks! 🙂

Also, I’m glad you feel a bit better today!

10 years ago

Oh my.

My in-laws just mailed us this book.

I…have no words.

10 years ago

Just read something on Daily Kos and thought I would pass it on, via the link.

Just remember, kiddies, it was the evil feminists and oft-considered evil environmentalists who started sending out the warnings, oh, forty plus years ago.

10 years ago

My in-laws just mailed us this book.

Oh, dear, katz. What are you going to do?

If you read it, please let us know what you…well…learn!

10 years ago



Excuse me for a minute, I’m just going to go grab my copy of Illuminatus! and flip to a random page…

… 250.

Okay, sure.

Never mind who I have been reading” Joe said directly. “The thought in my head is that I never saw Atlantis any more than I ever saw Marilyn Monroe…. You dwell in a world of trapdoors, sliding panels and Hindu ropetricks. Do I suspect you? Since I met you, I suspect everybody

Seems my old Conspiracy Dolphin game still works.

Good luck with that. Try not to undercover any kind of permanent truth that’ll drastically alter your vision of the world. I hear melting walls are so difficult to replaster.


The modern world has been turning inexorably towards utter collapse for nigh on three hundred years. It’s kind of a thing. People talk about the “Collapse” of civilizations, and forget that, okay, civilizations collapsed – but people live just fine, and will, in endless ways, continue to do so just as well as they have for a very, very long time.

10 years ago
Reply to  Fibinachi

And to katz…

The modern world has been turning inexorably towards utter collapse for nigh on three hundred years. It’s kind of a thing. People talk about the “Collapse” of civilizations, and forget that, okay, civilizations collapsed – but people live just fine, and will, in endless ways, continue to do so just as well as they have for a very, very long time.

Yes, katz, but I am concerned because of the climate change. Seems, though, that we periodically go through collapses – mini ice ages, giant ice ages and stuff like that. Apparently, according to the artcle, collapses can be seen as far back as ancient Sumeria, Babylon etc.

If this is a naturally recurring cycle, I wonder what we can do to alter it?

Thinking, but my brain hurts…

10 years ago

I’m really glad I met my therapist today – she is definitely the right choice. Today has been sucking a lot, though. I’m here in Boulder and I keep having these very dark, threatening memories of my sister’s ex-boyfriend. He has almost ruined this city for me just because I keep thinking about how he might be just around the corner – even though I understand that’s unlikely. I hate how such a lovely city had to be ruined by that man’s toxic, abusive behavior. Every time I think about him I get so angry.

10 years ago

Oh, looky!

I got my kitty avatar. The pic is of my beloved Elmo, who passed away at the age of 15 of cancer. He was, and will always be, my best bud.

10 years ago

I love the kitty, Samantha!

10 years ago
Reply to  trans_commie

I’m really glad I met my therapist today – she is definitely the right choice. Today has been sucking a lot, though. I’m here in Boulder and I keep having these very dark, threatening memories of my sister’s ex-boyfriend. He has almost ruined this city for me just because I keep thinking about how he might be just around the corner – even though I understand that’s unlikely. I hate how such a lovely city had to be ruined by that man’s toxic, abusive behavior. Every time I think about him I get so angry.

Oh, trans_commie, I am so sorry that you have to go through that. But I am very glad that you have found a therapist who can help you find your freedom and joy again.

I wish you peace and exuberant happiness.

10 years ago

I love the kitty, Samantha!

Thanks, trans. I loved him as well. Silly cat tried to save me from a raccoon that had gotten into the house through the cat dooronce. Could have gotten himself killed. Sweetheart of a fellow, really.

I miss him everyday.

10 years ago

Speaking of therapists, we finally have one for our new home, thank god. Stuff been going on up here that makes it a big relief. Huzzah for health insurance!

Sometimes, I hate that my emotions run like six months to a year behind the rest of my life. The fun of being a dissociative. *waves little flag* On the plus side, it means I’m finally starting to adjust to the idea that I’m safe and secure now?

10 years ago


I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my cat too. He was just as old as me when he died: 19 years old. He was a lovely, very large tabby cat who has a purr I still remember.

(Also, I don’t mean to sound too nitpicky, but I ask that you avoid referring to me as “trans.” As the name suggests, I am transgender, and I really don’t liked to be referred to as “trans” because a lot of transphobic people have referred to me as “a trans.” I’m sure you didn’t mean any harm, but I thought I’d let you know. If you would like to call me by a shorter name, you can call me “Ally”, which is the nickname that many folks here use for me.)

10 years ago

Ally, your therapist sounds great – so happy for you. And here’s hoping you make some delightful memories in Boulder to exorcise your sister’s hateful ex-boyfriend.

@samantha, some cats stand out. So sorry you lost your dear cat.

10 years ago

Samantha, Elmo’s picture is so beautiful!

My kitty once hissed away a man who was peering into my bedroom window at 2 am. Our kitties are heroes.

10 years ago

I wish I could calm down. I can’t help but feel that he’s looking for me. Last time I met him he was very angry at me for being “ungrateful” for not going to the shooting range with him to learn some “life lessons.” If I weren’t in this library I would be crying right now. I’ve always found those memories of him to be very upsetting and frightening, but it has never been this bad.

10 years ago

Ally, you’ve been through a lot. Is it possible that you’re feeling anxious about something else, say, all the changes going on in your life, and sister’s ex is just a convenient object to project that anxiety on to?

I only suggest it because I’ve been having a rash of that the past few days. (Which is part of why I was gone for a bit.) Like, I’m feeling terrified that something has gone wrong, even though nothing is wrong; it’s just my brain reacting to the unaccustomed security and safety, trying to maintain the crisis state that I’ve grown so used to.

10 years ago


That makes sense, but I don’t think it’s the only source of my anxiety. I also remember tagging along (unwillingly) with him all around the city. So when I go to certain parts of this city, I am instantly reminded of him and feel unsafe. I’ll have to tell my therapist about this next time I see her.

10 years ago
Reply to  trans_commie

you can call me “Ally”, which is the nickname that many folks here use for me.

My apologies. And I would love to call you Ally. I had a sweet friend with that name.

Nineteen years? That is a long run for a kitty. How wonderful that he was your friend for so long. May his path lead him through fresh fields of catnip.

10 years ago
Reply to  titianblue

@samantha, some cats stand out. So sorry you lost your dear cat.

Thank you, titianblue. The loss still hurts, but I have in the memory of 15 years with him. We also lived with his mother, so I was there for his birth.

I still remember the pure white ball of fluff that I held in my hands, with his eyes not yet open.

10 years ago

Samantha, Elmo’s picture is so beautiful!

My kitty once hissed away a man who was peering into my bedroom window at 2 am. Our kitties are heroes.

Yes, they are! People often think that cats do not feel protective toward their people…that only dogs have that intelligence and emotional connection. Not True!!!

10 years ago


Thank you for understanding. BTW, Ally is a nickname for Aaliyah (pronounced as “aleeya”), which is my female first name. In case you’re wondering where it’s from.

And yeah, he sure lived a long time. He at least had a peaceful, natural death. He also became much healthier and happier than ever before. So I don’t feel too sad, although I still tear up every now and then when I think of that fuzzy, green-eyed face of his.

10 years ago

Samantha, Elmo is beautiful! It’s so painful losing them, even when they reach a good age. Our Hadji passed over at the same age as Elmo, and from cancer, too. There are more of my kitties across the veil than on the earthly side, these days.

It’s nice timing to see a Siamese kitty; I’m reading The Cat Who … series at the moment, the feline stars of which are Koko and Yum Yum.

10 years ago

Oh, I don’t think you’ve ever been dismissive towards me, auggz, so there’s no need to worry. =) And yeah, I’m trying to remind myself that I’m safe and he isn’t anywhere near me.
It definitely is easier said than done, but I’m going home soon and hopefully I’ll feel better by the time I’m back at the house.

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