off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: March 2014 Flying Cat Edition

Is it a bird? Ooh, a bird. Where?
Is it a bird? Ooh, a bird. Where?

Another open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments, supportive comments only!

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11 years ago

Another hit and run update from someone who mostly lurks: Not only are we not homeless, I’ve got contract work lined up, my partner is on EI so at least we have 1 stable source of income for the time being, we’ve moved to a place where we’re paying less than half of what we were at the previous rental, and we’re getting our debts under control.

2014 is looking up. Hopefully others can say the same.

11 years ago

I think I remember that one, auggziliary. I’ll see if my Googefu comes up with anything.

11 years ago

Good to hear damselindetech, I hope it’s a good year.

I’m going to try to quit drinking. Not alcohol. Diet soda. As soon as my current case is finished. I know it sounds ridiculous, but that shit is so addictive. I drink 2-3 cans every day and get massive headaches if I go without. It isn’t the caffeine because coffee doesn’t get rid of the withdrawal headache. It’s some other chemical.
I quit smoking successfully 5 years ago but have never been able to kick the soda habit. Wish me luck!

On the upside, my crankiness will give me the necessary aggression to combat trolls that wonder into our lair.

11 years ago

Wander, not wonder.

11 years ago

weirwoodtreehugger, good luck with the desodafication process. It could still be lack of caffeine for the headaches, though. Housemate dumped his diet soda habit in favor of iced tea made at home to get his caffeine fix and was miserable for a while (his was a 2 liter per day habit) and one thing he found from research is that coffee and tea don’t have anywhere near as much caffeine as soda, especially the colas.

damselindetech, congrats and best wishes for continued good stuff!

11 years ago

Thanks very much, y’all.

weirwoodtreehugger – my wife had the exact same sort of addiction. The amount of diet Coke she’d go through in a day was frankly super gross. She doesn’t like any other types of pop, however, other than club soda (legit, straight-up club soda). One of the things she would do is to cut her diet Coke with club soda, but nowadays we just buy club soda instead and diet Coke is just a once-in-a-while treat. Your mileage may vary.

11 years ago

Preemptive brain bleach:

The fact that they did this in a continuous shot is pretty impressive IMO. That must have taken a lot of planning and practicing.

11 years ago

Well, hello. I have been reading for a while, but only posted a little.

I’m feeling quite chirpy, as the bone scan and CT scan results are in as of Friday and I don’t have any secondary tumours.

Now it’s just the chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and an oestrogen blocker for the rest of my life to look forward to.

I’ll be shaving my head soon – my hair is currently waist length – and am shopping for surprising wigs for when I don’t feel I can rock the Walter White/Heisenberg look.

11 years ago

Good luck, bluecat. Might I recommend some Jem & The Holograms-esque wigs?

11 years ago

Good luck, bluecat! What are you going to do with your hair? Sounds like you might have a long enough length that you could have a wig made of it!

I had a bright kelly green wig and a bubble gum pink one, and I can recommend at least one bright color for those days when you really need the lift.

11 years ago

Jem and the Holograms is a new one on me, Damsel – will google it in a mo. I’ve now got 2 synthetic wigs, one black and one shocking pink, both of a cut suitable for the kind of gal likely to do the shimmy and say “boo boo buh doo!” at any moment.

Gillyrose – that’s the plan. I actually own a Victorian-style hairpiece already that I made from my own hair combings a few years ago (it was astonishing how quickly I got enough!) I wear it when I do historic costume storytelling.

I was thinking of plaiting my cut off hair and sewing the plaits into a hairband that I could tuck inside hats or use in a medieval hairstyle – I’ve been booked to tell stories at a medieval fair in September and have been wondering what to wear!

11 years ago

Things are still shit for me, unfortunately. But I now actually have some money, so that is good.

But in good news… Really excited for the release of TitanFall this month. Played in the beta, and it was really great. And Oingo Boingo always cheer me up. 😀

11 years ago

Sorry to hear about things, Breakfast Man but glad the financial situation is better. As my old mum used to say, money doesn’t make you happy but at least you can be miserable in comfort. Hope the rest improves soon.

11 years ago

Sounds awesome, bluecat! I love the idea of having falls made of my own hair!

11 years ago

Oh my, yes diet soda is hard to quit! Orange Diet Rite and Diet Mt. Dew have their hooks in me. I have a friend who is quitting Sundrop because she’s trying to quit smoking and she knows that her ritual is Sundrop in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Best wishes. You can do it. 🙂

11 years ago

Kick that diet soda habit! Free yourself from sucralose!

11 years ago

Enh, I’ve been collapsed for the past six days now, and it suuuuucks. (Collapses are what we call it when suddenly I get hit with weakness, frailty, and have to use crutches or just not leave the apartment for a while.) I’ve been having them off and on for the past four years, and the doctors can never find anything wrong with me; last time I tried, the doctor broke it to me as gently as possible that she thought they were psychosomatic.

Sometimes, I truly hate being mentally ill. It means that I can’t just trust myself to be sick anymore, it’s always a double-guess over whether my brain is upset about something.

So, basically I’ve been trying to just wait it out, but it’s frustrating because the burnout is in art AND decision-making, meaning that most of my usual ways of coping are out of commission. I can’t do art, I can’t do tedious business tasks, I can’t exercise, I can’t even freakin’ CLEAN. There’s also the nagging fear that I DO have something physically wrong with me — starve-variant eating disorders can really fuck up your body, and so it’s not impossible I’ve done myself some kind of neurological damage or something that’s eluding notice.

I don’t know. It’s just really upsetting, especially since I’m having to get a new health team here in Ohio, and so don’t have a doctor or a shrink yet. And I hate having to try and figure out what the deal is when I feel like I’m missing half the information, and because it sounds like such an excuse.

11 years ago

Does anyone here live around the Austin area, or has family/friends there? The reason I ask is that I’m going to Austin Monday for an interview on Tuesday. I’m kind of apprehensive about the possibility of picking up and moving, plus it’s Texas, a very red state with a lot of idiocy coming out of it. I’ve heard Austin is a little more liberal. I don’t know a soul down there so I have no one to ask.

11 years ago

LBT, forgive me for being intrusive, but have you ever been tested for vitamins B and D deficiencies? The reason I ask is because B and D deficiencies can really knock you for a loop, with symptoms like: fatigue, body aches, depression, anxiety, hair loss, and weight problems (loss or gain).

Last year I started having all those symptoms but no one could figure it why since most of the usual lab tests came back within range. Then one of the doctors I used to know at a hospital I used to work at opened up practice and I went to see her. After hearing me talk about what was going on, she said it sounded like I had B and D deficiencies. Sure enough, my levels had bottomed out. I went on vitamin therapies and feel much better now.

11 years ago

Wishing better luck to all of you who could use a break from the bad stuff.

11 years ago

@theladyzombie, hellkell knows Austin! Hopefully she’ll be around.

I’ve been there twice. My impression is that it’s one of the better places to live in Texas … but it’s still Texas, a very conservative state. The first time I was there I had this hilarious Iranian taxi driver who had moved there from LA because rents were cheaper. He started out being very diplomatic about the city, but by the end of the ride he admitted that moving to Austin was “the worst fucking mistake I ever made.” In his case, a lot of what he hated was the anti-Arab sentiment that he faced constantly — even though he wasn’t an Arab, he was perceived as one and got a lot of shit for it.

11 years ago

theladyzombie: DON’T DO IT!!!! We’re moving back to Seattle in July. It’s a terrible place to be anything but white, Mr. HK is Filipino, but lord knows he gets asked what kind of Mexican he is, and there’s not a whole lot of other Asian people here. Austin is allegedly liberal, but I have heard some egregious racist shit, it’s still Texas.

The traffic is LA heinous, the rents/cost of living is skyrocketing, and let’s talk about heat. Do you like the feeling that you’re residing in Satan’s taint? If so, COME ON DOWN. If you want to pay hundreds of dollars a month in the summer to keep your ass from broiling alive, book that Y’all Haul.

You will need car because public transpo ain’t shit, and there’s hardly sidewalks outside downtown. Make sure you get the best car insurance you can, then pray the mofo who hits–it will happen–has it the first place.

Kiss whatever food you love that’s not Mexican or BBQ goodbye, because unless you drive to Houston for dinner, you ain’t gettin’ a decent version of it.

The job better pay really fucking well is what I’m saying, and chances are it won’t really, because companies moving to TX is yet another way they can lowball you with the bogus COL stats.

11 years ago

Hellkell – I’m reminded of a quote attributed to Sam Houston – “If I owned Hell and all of Texas, I would live in Hell and rent out Texas.”

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