Put on your thinking caps today, because we are going to wade into the highly rarefied world of Red Pill Theory. Our Guest Lecturer today is a totally ALPHA DOG Red Pill Redditor by the name of GayLubeOil — don’t worry, fellas, he’s straight! — who has some important insights for us all on the nature of women.
Namely, that women are basically just overgrown children. Who give blow jobs.
Let’s let him explain, in a post that’s now Number One With A Sticky in the Red Pill Subreddit.
After reading all of that, you may have a few questions. Obviously, the most important question is: why Greek Yogurt? Well, in addition to being very popular with the ladies, it is apparently quite high in iron. Let’s let Professor LubeOil explain why that’s so crucial:
Well, with that critical issue taken care of in a totally not creepy or red-flaggy kind of way, let’s move on to some of the serious discussion Professsor LubeOil’s thesis inspired in the Red Pill Subreddit.
Ah, who am I kidding? They mainly just posted comments about how totally right he was and how women totally are a bunch of overgrown children. But saying women are children is totes not misogyny!
And, heck, even if a dude maybe is a teensy bit of a misogynist, what’s the big deal, so long as it convinces him to treat his women properly — that is, like you would treat special needs children.
Damn those feminazis and their “equality!” Why, it’s almost un-American!
I can’t even….. figure out…….. what Fitzge………. is trying to communicate…………………………… . . . .
Funny, that suggests to me people are choosing to either not get married, but maintain long term relationships, or choosing to get married at a later date, perhaps when they are more socially and economically established to start a family.
Actually, what you see as disigenuous, I would argue is an ability to think more critically and complexly about societal issues, rather than looking for 1-to-1 correlation/causation factors to boil down very complex issues into simplistic arguments about why women suck and feminism is ruining the world.
Only you think feminism pits men against women and that is your poor understanding of feminism, not our problem. Seriously your lack of grammar and spelling and the way you throw around jargon just makes it sound like you read some wiki page on Hegel and Marx and now think you’re qualified to use those terms properly. Just stop. Despite what you think, it is adding absolutely nothing to the conversation or your argument.
Is there any term that racists can’t turn to a totally irrelevant use to attack PoC?
… never mind.
All Mr Philosopher’s arguments boil down to “I don’t get to own a woman and control her life and fuck her when I want to! Waaaahhh!”
Same old, same old.
I don’t know. I tend to think I overuse them, because it’s just too much fun to imagine all the thoughts I could be having…
These trolls, though, are seriously making me doubt the glories of both the ellipsis and aposiopesis.
From now on, I think I’m going to make up a connecting thought for them, for each ellipsis. This technique turns the Fitzter’s mumblings into:
You have yet to explain how exactly marriage/divorce rates are an indicator of a society’s health.
Fitzy, I know you don’t respond to people all that much, but people like you always make me really curious:
Why do you put two dots after each sentence? Are you aware you’re doing it?
Ah…the tolerant left..
They cant all be usefull idiots..
There’s something wonderfully ironic about someone calling you an idiot, and mispelling “useful.”
Fitzy, you are a nasty and brainless ignoramus who is so wrapped up in ideology you can’t see past the end of your own nose. Run along now, you can’t hold your own here.
Well, that’s just silly then. Everybody knows the best indicator of society’s health is how much money I have in my bank account. I know it’s a good indicator because if I had more money in my bank account I’d be happier.
Spot on. That’s where troll-y was going with
He didn’t mean infertility. He mean the dreadful social injustice of a man not being allowed to impregnate a woman whether that woman wants it or not. He actually sees women being able to choose not to fuck a particular man as women forcing
un-chosenun-chossen childlessness on that man.Couldn’t the divorce rate be a sign of a healthy society where all people have equal agency in a relationship, and where everyone is well-employed and never forced to sacrifice their happiness and physical safety just so they don’t starve?
Kerriiyst on a stick.
I spent many tedious months of my life editing and correcting mrmagnificent’s thesis. As it happens, it was about Hegel and other German and lots of other philosophers leading up to the philosophical background of guess who. You win! It was Marx.
It was nearly 40 years ago, but I don’t recall anything remotely relevant to feeblefitzy’s mental meanderings. Though, to be fair, I don’t think there’s anything anywhere relevant to this mishmash.
(And for those thinking editing ain’t so bad. This was 38 years ago. No computers, mr couldn’t type, and even his doctor complained about his handwriting.)
Histroical time?
Is that the time when semiliterate men always rode in troikas?
And couldn’t high rates of children born outside of marriage indicate a healthy society where there is no social stigma connected to your birth parents’ marital status? And where there is no social stigma connected to how people abide by outdated & hetero-normative societal conventions relating to their private lives?
Re: fitzy- (which my phone tried to autocorrect to “ditzy”)
I love that he rejects the definition of a society’s health involving everyone being free and without suffering because… Well everyone could still be getting divorced all willy nilly, and that would be bad for his thesis.
Nope. Not possible. So long as there are men out there who can’t find a woman whose will they can override and force to marry them and have exactly the number of children the man wants, there is no way society can be healthy. Nothing matters so long as we are not able to force divorce rates below 30%. This means, of course, that we’ll have to establish a Bureau of Marriage Maintenance which will issue only a finite number of divorce ‘licenses’ per year which Fitzie will issue only after conducting a thororugh review to determine precisely how much social deprivation (for men) and social irresponsibility they will produce. Women’s feelings, needs or preferences will not be taken into account, the dirty wh*res, because they are solely responsible for all decadence in society every minute they are not pregnant or making sammiches.
Probably so, titanblue. But then you would have to know the meaning of the word “relationship”, wouldn’t you. Just one of many words Fizzy does not grasp.
I also think that Troll-y might be underestimating the level of illegitimate births in historical times, given the general lack of records and the tendency of people to exaggerate the “morality” of their generation.
titianblue – oh no, I wouldn’t assume PoorFitz was really talking about infertility. It was just an opportunity to poke him with another element of his stupidity and wrongness.
If he were honest, he’d say he wants an all-white society where men can divorce women at whim, but women cannot divorce men, and where women are debarred from paid work, so the options, if their families are not wealthy enough and willing to support them, are marry or starve or do sex work, which of course would be illegal anyway. Abortion would be on demand – male demand.
Why these scum don’t just say they want to live in the Handmaid’s Tale I’ll never know. It’s not like they are any good at hiding their misogyny and Mellerish yearnings; those are all too clear.
Though I want to know what Unchossen Childnessness is. What’s an Unchossen? Why’s it sound like a German word? Why are they childless? Have they disappeared because of their childlessness? (Not, one might add, a problem facing homo sapiens sapiens right now, all seven-point-whatever billion of us.)
Your phone is way too kind, Binjabreel.
Ah, the intolerant right. They all are useLESS idiots.
Go home, Fitzy, you’re drunk.
Go home Fizzy, you’re drunk.
That is the response most appropriate to trolls of this sort. I am forgetting.
He probably is at home. Who’d invite him anywhere?
And isn’t there an actual thing called Marxist Feminism? I recall running into a woman in college who espoused a version of feminism that said something like the oppression of women as the home-bound class was inherent in capitalism.
In other words, pretty sure people have indeed ploughed this new ground before, they just didn’t do it by dragging their ass on the ground like ol fitz here.