Put on your thinking caps today, because we are going to wade into the highly rarefied world of Red Pill Theory. Our Guest Lecturer today is a totally ALPHA DOG Red Pill Redditor by the name of GayLubeOil — don’t worry, fellas, he’s straight! — who has some important insights for us all on the nature of women.
Namely, that women are basically just overgrown children. Who give blow jobs.
Let’s let him explain, in a post that’s now Number One With A Sticky in the Red Pill Subreddit.
After reading all of that, you may have a few questions. Obviously, the most important question is: why Greek Yogurt? Well, in addition to being very popular with the ladies, it is apparently quite high in iron. Let’s let Professor LubeOil explain why that’s so crucial:
Well, with that critical issue taken care of in a totally not creepy or red-flaggy kind of way, let’s move on to some of the serious discussion Professsor LubeOil’s thesis inspired in the Red Pill Subreddit.
Ah, who am I kidding? They mainly just posted comments about how totally right he was and how women totally are a bunch of overgrown children. But saying women are children is totes not misogyny!
And, heck, even if a dude maybe is a teensy bit of a misogynist, what’s the big deal, so long as it convinces him to treat his women properly — that is, like you would treat special needs children.
Damn those feminazis and their “equality!” Why, it’s almost un-American!
You might be wearing rose colored glasses.. Sure divorce peaked at that time period…but it is still at historic highs.. as is illigitamacy… and the same time rate of never been married and not married is rising (kind of hard to get divorced if you dont get married) Also: cohabitation is up -further confusing the trends and making it difficult to get a accurate picture of how people areordering their lives.
“I judge a society as healthy the same way I judge a family as healthy, when the members are as free as possible from the conditions of deprivation and able to pursue those things that fill their lives with meaning and happiness.”
This is a wonderfull outline of the autonomous individual and the like…but I cant really take it seriously because the rates of everything from divorce to illigitamacy and the like could be miniscule or sky high…. and a societies “health”could still be said tobe perfectly fine under this fuzzy standard.
You would be much better off if you said something more concrete like…Divorce rates over thirty percent represent social deprivation…or illigitamacy rates over 30% represent decadence and social irresponsibility..
Its not lost on some of us that the cultural left wants to keep any and every matrix by wich one would judge the health of relations between the sexes intentionally vaugue.. That way it can never be held accountable for anything its incouraged in the past or what may develop in the future..
In short it strikesme as a rather common dodge of the post-modern variety, one were and “standard” is swallowed up in the narative of individual choice and autonomy..
augz…a quick google reveals I could be a pilates instructor, a V8 supercar racer or a visible star.
Ophelia, apart from the being in Nottingham bit, I thought the same when I read about Derbyshire – “WTF is going on in England?” Not least since Derbyshire = Mr Darcy to me.
Still got no idea who this Derbyshire turd is, though.
I have an illigitamate child and a legitimate child…both to the same man. Does that mean 50% of me is decadent and social irresponsible. I’d quite like to be 50% decadent by itself though.
Oh shit, it’s back, and it brought another wall-o-words with it. Aroint thee, troll! Begone!
“You’ve yet to explain how patriarchy – a political/social system in which men are considered superior to, and have more power relative to, women- is a dialectic.”
Such a definition is clearly a dialectic because it pits men against woman in a war for power over histroical time… rather than viewing male female relationships to to be the product of organic forces benifiting both men and woman and restraing both men and woman for the greater,their greater good and the greater good of society.
I dont really know of anything intitled “feminism” that is not a derivation of (specifically) the master/slave dialectic propounded by Hegel and cribed by Marx.
Fitzy doesn’t know what feminism is, I’m shocked.
Wow. Between this and the “cultural left” hogwash, we are dealing with industrial strength brainwashing here. Dude, get thee to a deprogrammer, stat.
I’m off to the beach soon with my family and my friend and her children. She split last year from her abusive husband, who had emotionally abused her and cheated on her for the 12 years they were married. She tried repeatedly to fix it and then ended the relationship and broke her heart in the process. She is divorcing him this year. She is now a happier person, possessed of great personal insight and self-esteem. Or the destroyer of society depending on your point of view.
Have fun with possibly the worst writer I have seen here.
Wich? Did you mean which? Vaugue? Did you mean vague? Incouraged? Did you mean encouraged? Why do use so many ellipses? Are you unaware that ellipses have three dots?
Oh, fitzy. I already provided evidence that divorce rates are not the highest they have ever been. Just because you say they are at historic highs, doesn’t make it so. You’re going to have to try harder. Use citations. Learn to spell. Learn punctuation. Then maybe you will get a seat at the grown up table.
Fitzy: that’s not what Hegel was saying and that is not what a dialectic is. You have no idea what you are talking about, do you?
AH! I see. It doesn’t matter if people are happy or fulfilled or free to achieve the goals they set for themselves! Society is only “healthy” if it meets some bullshit arbitrary metric (not matrix, you dipshit) that some basement dwelling troglodyte pulls out of his ass.
Frankly, I don’t really care if only 0.02% of people are married, I honestly have never seen any study which suggests that there is some intrinsic benefit to marriage. Most of what marriage provides is a shortcut to things that do the real heavy lifting, like economic security, stability and plentiful social interaction.
There is no way to quantitatively measure “decadence” or “social irresponsibility” as these are not quantitative values. They are moral judgements and are therefore not subject to quantification. I could see an argument for quantifying “social deprivation” but I suspect doing so would be giving you too much credit, because I don’t believe you are capable of doing so in an intellectually rigorous manner.
Here, Fitzy, try this:
Bullshit. Ancient Egypt was one of the most stable, family-oriented societies you could imagine, but they had no formal marriage laws. Marriage was a private arrangement, essentially the couple setting up house, and either of them could end it if they felt like it.
Since when does marriage prevent un-chosen childlessness (go learn to spell and punctuate, for the love of God)? Infertility is a thing, you idiot.
You’re being disingenuous at best about infidelity. What you really mean is that married women can’t be legally murdered or abandoned by their husbands if they cheat. Men have always had the freedom to commit adultery if they wanted to. It’s always been condoned in them, the blame attached to the women.
Just because divorce is easier to obtain now doesn’t mean marriages weren’t godawful disasters in previous times. What you really want is for women to be imprisoned by it, to be the property of men once more.
Would you force someone to live in a relationship when they have no desire to? I’m guessing you would, and you’d require it to be a sexual relationship, too. Institutionalised rape, in other words.
Go fuck yourself with a cactus.
Color me shocked. The list of things of which you have no knowledge would exhaust the storage capacity of the planet. Go peddle your tedious pseudo-philosophical logorrhea elsewhere, no one here is buying.
Hey troll, instead of wasting time with your woman-hating rants here, go find a remedial English class. Your spelling and punctuation are worse than a third-grader’s.
I wonder what it is about “illegitimacy” (not even trying to spell it in trollspeak) that scares this dipshit so much?
What a disgusting drunk they’d be in person. They’re contemptible in print, but at least we’re spared the belching and stench and probable pawing.
Fear that some other man’s sperm will win out over their own precious golden fluid, I’m guessing.
They really do reduce themselves to the level of male animals who’ll kill another male’s offspring, don’t they?
Kittehserf, in the US that’s often a racist dog whistle term used to imply that black people are ruining the country. I have no idea if this troll is American, but it’s certainly possible this is an explanation.
That is awesome. I’mma steal that.
Ah…the tolerant left..
They cant all be usefull idiots..
“Frankly, I don’t really care if only 0.02% of people are married, I honestly have never seen any study which suggests that there is some intrinsic benefit to marriage. Most of what marriage provides is a shortcut to things that do the real heavy lifting, like economic security, stability and plentiful social interaction.”
I thought so… At one point you came close to conceding that it was possible to judge a societies health through marriage/divorce rates and the like. After a little proding we find out “they dont care” regardless…
Everyone who thinks marriage is the origins of private property and the state please raise their hands…. We have a spot opening up at the Paris Commune for you.
Fitzie, what in the ever loving hell are you on about? Do you realize that you are completely unintelligible, or do you think that is some kind of badge of honor?
I’d rather be a “usefull” idiot than a misogynist idiot who wanders on to a site and shits on the rug.