Put on your thinking caps today, because we are going to wade into the highly rarefied world of Red Pill Theory. Our Guest Lecturer today is a totally ALPHA DOG Red Pill Redditor by the name of GayLubeOil — don’t worry, fellas, he’s straight! — who has some important insights for us all on the nature of women.
Namely, that women are basically just overgrown children. Who give blow jobs.
Let’s let him explain, in a post that’s now Number One With A Sticky in the Red Pill Subreddit.
After reading all of that, you may have a few questions. Obviously, the most important question is: why Greek Yogurt? Well, in addition to being very popular with the ladies, it is apparently quite high in iron. Let’s let Professor LubeOil explain why that’s so crucial:
Well, with that critical issue taken care of in a totally not creepy or red-flaggy kind of way, let’s move on to some of the serious discussion Professsor LubeOil’s thesis inspired in the Red Pill Subreddit.
Ah, who am I kidding? They mainly just posted comments about how totally right he was and how women totally are a bunch of overgrown children. But saying women are children is totes not misogyny!
And, heck, even if a dude maybe is a teensy bit of a misogynist, what’s the big deal, so long as it convinces him to treat his women properly — that is, like you would treat special needs children.
Damn those feminazis and their “equality!” Why, it’s almost un-American!
RE: hellkell
I know, right? I mean, the past couple years was basically one long ‘get through the day’ period. But my ‘bump’s involved friends, 90s computer games, B movies, art, and lots and lots of Internet. And astonishingly, at worst, they made me feel like I’d wasted my time! No hurting of anyone!
Fat free yoghurt of *any* type is an abomination! Yoghurt is supposed to be made of fat, ffs. It’s like saying “fat-free lard”. Sure, it’s fat free, but what in the hell did they put in it to make it look like it isn’t?
RE: Binjabreel
Yup, that’s basically my husband’s reaction. He uses yogurt for creamy sauces and stuff, and the texture gets all weird without the fat, and he’s like, “THEN HOW DID THEY MAKE IT?”
I never dare ask, for fear of the answer.
@karalora, I was at the Arboretum last weekend. Say hi to the peacocks for me! On the subject of the drought, while we were there, they were moving a bunch of fish from one pond where the water level had gotten dangerously low (and the egrets were having a feeding frenzy) over to another with a slightly higher water level.
Here’s hoping this rain will help with that, at least.
Binjabreel — congrats!
“Sex acquired without consent, via violence or drugging, if the sex wasn’t acquired via violence it is not rape, trying to water this term down cheapens the term rape and insults real victims.”
So (cis) men who wake up to being mounted aren’t rape victims? Good to know.
Rain sounds lovely against the window panes in the morning, especially when you know you’re not going to have to go out in it.
On other news, I made buttermilk waffles and had them with my twelve year old son today. Nice start to the day.
Some kind soul has saved all of the videos from Sarah Haskins’ late, great “Target Women” series. I can’t think about yogurt without thinking about her video:
I don’t see that working out, if only for purely demographic reasons.
But isn’t there a danger of mudslides in that part of the world?
There’s a word for people who tear others down to make themselves feel better: bullies.
It’s also just really goddamn immature. If you can’t feel good about yourself without someone else being the bad guy, you might want to consider therapy. It really helped me with my self-esteem issues.
Yeeeeeahhhhh, I gotta say I find it really obnoxious when full-fat proselytes go off on how reduced/nonfat food is not real food. It’s OK to prefer one kind of food without having to delegitimize everything else.
Reminds me of when obnoxious carnivores start going off about vegetarian and vegan food.
My woman brain is confused. The successful mating strategy of the human male as outlined in the red pill involves men taking power over my life while completely avoiding my own assessment regarding my state of sleep, stress, hunger, and desire, as if I was a child who needed to have my actions trained and controlled like a dog.
But this isn’t that patriarchy because… biotruths?
I think what people are missing about the phenomina of PUA’s and their misogony is the obvious reactionary flavor and just how reasonable it is given 40 years of feminist success. There is something called the “rational actor” thesis… Now human being dont always act rationally…but it is rational to expect that they will act irrationally in a given enviroment…(i.e. – their human beings) By no historical standard can we call modern male/famale relationships healthy or stable…the rate of family breakdown, illigitamacy, divorce, years outside marriage, never been married, un-chossen childlessness, infidelity are way outside any historical norm across cultures… Peoplein modern society spend larger percentages of their lives outside relationships than has ever been the case. Naturally a large segment of the male population will react to this … In its reaction it wont be pro-woman anymore than one can declare feminism to have been pro-man… When trapped in a social dialectic based on power…people tend to be…well dialectical. It strikes me as silly and vain to advance a dialectic of power between men and woman,(the patriarchy) and expect the reactionary movment to be fair and rational in their response..
I wonder what it would be like to talk to an MRA while high
Maybe if all the MRAs in the world had a joint or two they would stop being terrible people
I can only dream
They’d be going like:
MRA: Feminists are enabling false accusers via the law and society. They are slowly feeding the industrial gynocratic matriarchial harpy machine that turns men into women and boys into girls. Soon our planet will be drowned in misandry.
Me: What did you say?
MRA: What?
Me: Nevermind can you just repeat what you said?
MRA: I forgot.
Me: Me too.
are way outside any historical norm across culture [citation sorely needed]
Peoplein modern society spend larger percentages of their lives outside relationships than has ever been the case [again citations!!]
Also that was a whole lot of pseudo-intellectual drivel you just wrote. If I am interpreting that correctly it boils down to, feminism is anti-male, therefore the reaction is unsurprisingly anti-female. You have given no reason as to why you think feminism is anti-male other than it has historically focused on women’s issues because they were so very much ignored in the past.
Furthermore, what do divorce rates have to do with feminism unless you think feminism is the cause of this? You are starting from the premise that many of those things are inherently bad. People are being able to redefine what marriage and happiness are today which I think is actually far more preferable. I for one, do not want to go back to a time when you are expected to marry as soon as you are able and fuck it if you are unhappy you don’t get divorced. How is that preferable to people deciding they rushed in and are actually really unhappy deciding to refresh their lives and start over?
Given that the difference between “fat free” (ca. 0.2% milk fat) and “whole” (ca. 3.5% milk fat) is pretty durn small, I’ve always thought that anyone claiming that it’s more than a matter of personal preference has a drum they are insistent on banging, and if you let them talk for more than 25 seconds, you’ll be able to figure it out. Whole milk has a texture that is off-putting to me (and I am literally nauseated by the prospect of cream in my tea or coffee), while skim seems like milk flavored water. Good thing for me that the dairy folks are happy to provide gallons and gallons of the universe’s most perfect liquid dairy product (ie 2% milk) in every single store and coffee shop and restaurant in the nation!
Can we instead talk about the travesty of it being nearly impossible these days to find yogurt that is just yogurt, without granola, nuts, jam, fruit puree, etc. or “vanilla bean flavor” (because actual vanilla is so difficult to come by?!?) in it? I’m taking another step in weaning myself off of overly processed foods and moving from prepared salad dressings to those I make myself, and I had to go to three stores to find unflavored greek yogurt. Okay, granted, I was being a bit picky, I wanted live culture and regional (New England is full of dairies, ffs!), full or 2% yogurt and I didn’t want to go to Whole Foods. But still. If you can stock plenty of honey pomegranate fat free, you can find a place on the shelf for a few containers of just plain, unsweetened fermented milk!!!
I don’t know about other countries, but in the US divorce rates spiked in the 1970s because states started changing their laws to allow no fault divorce. From a feminist perspective, that is a good thing because it means people can leave an abusive marriage without permission from the abuser. However, state lawmakers who changed these laws were mostly men so I’m not sure where the blame feminism comes in.
It’s also a myth that divorce rates are extremely high and keep rising. They peaked in the late 70s and early 80s because of the new no fault divorce laws. Since then they have gone down. Perhaps because people aren’t pressured into getting married young as often anymore. Unlike the good old days. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0005044.html
Another fun fact, despite the fact that the manosphere loves to pretend that Russian/Eastern European marriage is better because the women know their place, Russia has the highest divorce rate in the world with several Eastern European nations in the top ten.
Not to mention poor spelling, atrocious grammar and fuzzy-headed thinking.
Because people choosing to be unmarried or divorced rather than living in an abusive or failed marriage is bringing about the FALL OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION!!!
And yes, feminism has made it possible for more women to take control of their own lives and determine for themselves what will make those lives meaningful and happy (while radically expanding the range of possibilities for a lot more men as well) and the men who don’t like having women be able to tell them no are, shall we say, intensely anti-feminist as a result.
The MRM is the movement that remains insistent on the either/or view of personal relationships (either men or women have “power”, men with power is good, women with power is OMG HORRIBLE, and anyone outside the “traditional” binary view simply doesn’t exist). It is feminism which has opened up more ways of being in the world, including a wide range of options beyond that false and restrictive binary, so of course people who have their entire beings invested in maintaining the binary will go on the attack.
Hey, auggz, I don’t want to be an idiot next time I go out to eat street food. Do you know if you are supposed to peel the wrappers from famales before you eat them or not?
I think the randomly placed ellipses are the most hilarious component of his rant. What is it with trolls and their rampant ellipsis abuse?
No, it’s not a reasonable reaction. You are a troll and possible all-around garbage person.
gillyrosebee, you peel the corn husks off of the tamales. They are not meant to be eaten! I love tamales…
adding to yoghurt conversation…it’s easy to make your own once you have a good starter. I made yoghurt for the kids when they were weaning because I was wary of all the processed ones and the organic baby ones were prohibitively expensive. Also, cooking with fat reduced yoghurt, regardless of anything else, doesn’t look good IMO. The sauce separates and goes grainy. There’s nothing particularly wrong with, it’s visually unappealing.
Mr BigMomma needs frequent snacks or he spaces out, becomes confused and cranky. We have been together for over 20 years and STILL I have to remind him to eat an apple or a muesli bar to keep his blood sugar levels up. It’s vaguely irritating but I can live with it as he is generally awesome in all other areas.
ah, the ever popular threat of violence because woman get to choose to have sex with whom they want, to not be in shitty relationships, etc etc wtc
wtc = etc not some other thing. Sorry for triple posting
Im afraid that we have not ploughed any real new ground here…If historically high levels of divorce, illigitamacy, un-chossen childlessness, and the rest dont represent a breakdown in relationships between men and women then it would seem impossible to prove in any fasion (citations or no) that relationships are better/worse than what they should be. The idea that historically high levels of divorce are simply and only people leaving “abusive” relationships and not callous, frivilous or self serving behavior is likewise nieve. What you have done is simply eliminated any real matrix by which people can judge the health of a society.I dont consider this to be an honest response- rather it seems simply an attempt to problematasize the narrative. If feminism is not strong enough and self confident enough to admit that it has caused serious dislocations in relationships and (at the very least) contributed to family breakdown, then its clearly not a liberal and humane intellectual movment but simply a great refusal to contribute to a healthy or stable social order.
Yep, Bostonian, I know about tamales, but I’m not familiar with Fitzge67’s famales!
Thanks for that note, BigMomma! My homemade ranch dressing tastes delicious but has a disconcerting grainy texture, given that all I was able to find was low-fat yogurt. If it separates, I’ll just consider it a failed experiment and eat the rest of the yogurt as is, and make more dressing when I can find whole milk yogurt.
All other things being equal, though, I have to say that I am delighted with my homemade ranch dressing! I’ve been at it for a few months and now, barring the occasional restaurant meal, I’ve cut industrial products out almost completely out of my diet, but ranch dressing was the one I had the hardest time coming up with a substitute for. Now I have a successful ranch dressing substitute, and it has the side benefit (beyond the lack of msg or xanthan gum) of having as many calories in a cup as two tablespoons of the premade dressing, which is awesome, because I tend to go a bit overboard on the salad dressing!