Put on your thinking caps today, because we are going to wade into the highly rarefied world of Red Pill Theory. Our Guest Lecturer today is a totally ALPHA DOG Red Pill Redditor by the name of GayLubeOil — don’t worry, fellas, he’s straight! — who has some important insights for us all on the nature of women.
Namely, that women are basically just overgrown children. Who give blow jobs.
Let’s let him explain, in a post that’s now Number One With A Sticky in the Red Pill Subreddit.
After reading all of that, you may have a few questions. Obviously, the most important question is: why Greek Yogurt? Well, in addition to being very popular with the ladies, it is apparently quite high in iron. Let’s let Professor LubeOil explain why that’s so crucial:
Well, with that critical issue taken care of in a totally not creepy or red-flaggy kind of way, let’s move on to some of the serious discussion Professsor LubeOil’s thesis inspired in the Red Pill Subreddit.
Ah, who am I kidding? They mainly just posted comments about how totally right he was and how women totally are a bunch of overgrown children. But saying women are children is totes not misogyny!
And, heck, even if a dude maybe is a teensy bit of a misogynist, what’s the big deal, so long as it convinces him to treat his women properly — that is, like you would treat special needs children.
Damn those feminazis and their “equality!” Why, it’s almost un-American!
Reminder: Derbyshire has expressed envy of Humbert (I believe that was the character’s name) from the book Lolita – because that guy was SO AWESOME, the way he raped a child! (Because knowing what the actual message of the book was, namely “pedophiles suck”, is MISANDRY!)
Fuck Derbyshire, really. He’s a magnet for contempt and disgust. The fact that he still draws a paycheck from ANYWHERE is a symbol of just how bullshit our society is.
In which way is that different from regular conservatism?
And in the end, it can be summed up in one word: “Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!”
Don’t worry. I’m not using OpenOffice anymore.
This mindset has always baffled me when I ran into it. I had a friend who spent most of our time together insulting all men and talking about how we two should be lesbians together, and I found it repellant on multiple levels. Then, as soon as she was around a guy, in this case a mutual ex-boyfriend, she was all over him and basically ignored me for the rest of the night. I quietly dropped our acquaintance, since nothing about any of this made me want to be friends with her, or to feel like she was really my friend.
So, you called him Thor, right?
Congrats, Binjabreel.
I hear California is facing a horrible drought this year, hope the storm helps at least a little.
The attitude of the red piller seems to be “women are inferior because they are lead by their emotions. whereas I am completely logic based, Spock th a neck beard. Now, witness as I start a lengthy completely logical rant about how all women’s are sluts who won’t sleep with me.”
Because anger isn’t an emotion. Apparently.
Okay, I was scanning the last few comments whilst trying to wake up and saw that Derbyshire had taken the red pill.
Now, I’m in Nottingham, the next county to Derbyshire and I used to live there. I nearly choked on my cereal and thought ‘Bloody Nora, the whole sodding county? They’re getting better at recruiting!’
I was picturing Neo in a flat cap, surrounded by whippets, saying:
“ay up mi duck, get thisens over to yon red pill, don’t follow the sheeple!”
But then I am trying to build a memory palace right now, so that might explain the weird imagery.
Also, if the whole county of Derbyshire went over to anything I’m pretty sure it would involve binge drinking and pies.
Nope. Just nope. Don’t know who you’ve been hanging out with, but none of my female friends or male friends talk like this. And no, I’m not showing compassion to someone like “GayLubeOil” who thinks I’m a child with no sense of responsibility or agency.
All women are mentally handicapped children who can be plied with walks and Greek Yogurt? Please provide support to your thesis…. Wait you can’t? Well then carry on spouting off hate speech in your momma’s basement, loser.
Also to Fitzge67; I agree that relationships can be tricky business and there is something to be said for asserting oneself, but denying agency to another person is really wrong. Categorically dismissing an entire gender as unfit to make decisions or govern their lives is really wrong. Telling me I’m inferior to you because we have different chromosomes is assinine and holding this belief won’t help you with the ladies. Most women I’ve met are pretty repulsed by this “alpha male” bullshit.
Just shouting out to my fellow drenched Angelenos! We’ve sorely needed this and I love rain anyway, so it’s hard to complain about having to slog across flooded streets on the way to work yesterday.
Today I’m going to the L.A. County Arboretum with a friend. We’d talked about visiting in the rain sometime.
Being a manipulative, sexist asshole isn’t human nature. We’ve all probably said a disparaging generalized statement about men or women after a handful of bad dates or relationships. Usually that’s a moment of frustration and it passes quickly.
Red pillers are people that have built their whole worldview around the inferiority of women and the objectification of us. They (you?) don’t even see us as human beings. We’re just holes to be penetrated and arm candy. There’s no excuse for that.
If you want to respect yourself you need to be big enough to respect others. Maybe then you won’t have to tear down entire demographic groups to gain a false sense of superiority. Bigotry is not strength or confidence. Bigots are pathetic assholes.
tldr; No. We don’t have to be forgiving.
You guys should be more forgiving of human nature…both men and women talk like this alot…
Then they shouldn’t (and I’d like to see some support for this).
“The Modern Blender” isn’t so recent as all that. The most recent change is that in my lifetime the idea of “going steady” became something one did almost from the get go; rather than dating several people and seeing which one was most compatible.
But the idea that infantilising the other sex is, “just something people do,” instead of being something assholes do is wrong.
Are homosocial behaviors normal? Yes. Do people have strong bonds with people they’ve known for years? Yes. Do people talk badly about other sex when they’ve been burned in a relationship? Yes.
That’s not what this is. This isn’t a person, bitter from a recent breakup venting. This is people saying there is a fundamental inability of one sex to handle being an adult.
If you need to so thoroughly denigrate women to get, “the bump you need to make it through another day,” then you are morally, and intellectually deficient. It’s one thing, when upset, to say, “Men/Women suck” and quite another to make a fetish of the idea that women are subhuman in their ability to think and reason.
>snort< Yeah, THAT'll work. Look, Pervyshire…if you really want women in the movement (and it's plain that you don't, you think they're all inferior), then the solution is simple: KILL THE MOVEMENT. Because you'll never get women that way.
Poppycock. If some guy has to beat me down in order to date me, he doesn’t deserve ANY woman. Fuck “forgiveness”. And fuck “competition”, too.
I greatly dislike this framing of human relationships as a battle ground. Romance and dating as all about one side (men) vs the other side (women). It seems…very wrong.
Just saw this recent gem in that TNR article.
I’m starting to be a little more glad that that article is up; it’s gathering the kind of horribleness that Matchar glossed over in her ‘reporting’ and making it plain for all to see.
And some folks are asking the worst of the posters if they are “false flags” to make them look bad.
But that’s kinda sad. If someone’s idea of “strong and confident” is “I’m this cool, but because everyone else is worse”, that’s kind of depressing.
Have you tried thinking “I like meeting new people, and other people are interesting to talk to” instead?
Actually, we named him after Dionisis. Still a god, just a different domain. He’s as drunk as Thor, just more fun at parties.
And, holy shit, ’92, I think that was the year we got like feet of water in the Bay Area, all the rivers jumped their banks, and the newly-built Highway 87 got turned into a canal with like 15′ of water in it. A storm like that would be so welcome- the reservoirs are so low you can see the ruins of the towns they destroyed to build them. I heard that at the Hoover dam they’re having to put serious thought into how much longer they can possibly continue generating power.
But, but… Don’t you guys know? Angry is an emotion, but mangry totally isn’t because dude has his dudely, logical reasons behind it. It’s totally not because women are people with agency and he’s mad about it because he can’t make them do what he wants. It’s totally not equivalent to a spoiled child getting mad because he can’t make all the other kids play games according his rules… Which are all pretty much along the lines of he gets all the monopoly money, his chess pieces can move wherever he wants, and he gets the ball all time and none of the other kids have any say in it.
Also I am jealous of everyone’s thunderstorms… It’s -38 where I am right now… Whoooo northern Canada!
RE: 2020
no obstetrical we can not overcome.
Best autocorrect ever.
RE: cassandrakitty
Far better to offer her fat-free, franken-sweetened ladyfood.
It is my husband’s staunch belief that fat-free yogurt is an abomination unto humanity. He is constantly frustrated by how difficult it is to get full-fat Greek yogurt, because he uses it to cook.
RE: [email protected]
It takes a strong and confident frame for people to go out and compete for romance…. so you pump up your own side (male) while demeaning the other side (female) and end up getting the bump you need to make it through another day.
If you have to demean the gender you want to date to gain the courage to pursue them, there is something terribly wrong. I want to date my EQUAL, not some inferior. Also, I’m gay. Am I supposed to demean my own gender to gain the courage? And my husband’s bi, is he supposed to demean ALL genders to buff up his courage? Seriously, this doesn’t make any sense at all.
RE: hellkell
I don’t call it winter in TX, I call it “not hot.”
There are two seasons in Texas. Damn-it’s-hot and yay-it’s-not. Accept no substitutes.
Wait, are we “treating women like women” or “treating women like children?”
Also, who the fuck do these guys think they are? I hope they hear that a lot. That’s pretty much my response to such mind boggling arrogance and condescension.
If this is the bump you need to get through your day, you might want to sit down and have a deep think about your shitty life choices.